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Skalleague Shekhar Divadkar was installed as the new President of Skal Club Of Goa, for the term 2022 - 24, at a glittering ceremony held during the AGM on Sunday, the 28th of August 2022 at Alila Diwa - Goa, Majorda - Goa, which was well attended by members, invited dignitaries and the press. Honorable Minister for Transport, Industries, Panchayat Raj & Protocol, Shri Mauvin Godinho was the Chief Guest for the event, while Director of Tourism and CEO of the new formed Goa Tourism Board, Shri Nikhil Desai was the Guest of Honour. Curtorim MLA & GIDC Chairman, Alexio Reginaldo Lorenco & Benaulim MLA, Captain Venzy Viegas also graced the occasion. Director of Transport Shri Rajan Satardekar attended the event too. Sk. Shekhar Divadkar a member of SKAL since 2007 held various key posts during his 15 years with SKAL, he was earlier Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President with Skal Goa, National Secretary for Skal International India and presently is Secretary for Skal International Asia, he is also member of the Skal International P r e s i d e n t ' s C o m m i t t e e f o r Statutes and By-laws. While continuing the tempo which was set by the past President Sk. Ernest Dias, Sk. Shekhar and his Skal Goa Board Members have a vision of creating a niche for the club in the areas of Conservation Of Environment, CSR, Social Causes concerning our Industry – Hospitality & Travel, to archive the history of Skal Goa to follow statutory requirements and above all giving Skal Goa a voice in India, in Asia and the World. This would bring about a better visibility for SKAL GOA on the Local, National and International platform.