Food & Travel Summer 2021

Page 188

Food for thought A Gastronomic Journey from Your Home to


Ioannis Parikos, world-renowned chef at KRAMA restaurant of the 5-star Semeli Hotel in Mykonos town, is now opening his Greek doors into your kitchen. Those who visit Greece want to know what the country is all about; and a great way to do that is through cuisine. Chef Ioannis Parikos, one of the most talented and respected Greek culinarians, aims to present unique Greсian dishes with which you can fall in love.

Greek Veal Pastichio 4 Servings

INGREDIENTS FOR THE VEAL 2½ lbs of veal tail meat ½ cup red wine 1½ cup onions, finely chopped 1 cup celery, finely chopped 1 cup carrots, finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 bay leaf thyme, fresh 2 cups beef broth FOR THE BÉCHAMEL SAUCE ½ cup butter ½ cup all-purpose flour 2 cups whole milk Salt & pepper ½ teaspoon truffle oil Nutmeg, a pinch FOR THE PASTA 1 lb calamarata pasta (add the pasta to a pot full of salted water & boil for 8 minutes)

INSTRUCTIONS TO ASSEMBLE: chives, mushroom slices, truffle, parmesan cheese flakes. METHOD: Place a pot over high heat. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sauté for 2-3 minutes on both sides until it is golden brown. Add all the vegetables, thyme & bay leaf and sauté for 3 more minutes. Add the wine, the broth and cook until the veal is soft. Once it is


Summer 2021

cooked, remove from the pot with tongs into a serving dish and use a strainer to strain the broth. Shred the veal and add it in your pot, add the strained broth and cook until your gravy thickens, Add salt & pepper to taste. Heat the butter in a pot over medium heat. As soon as it melts (do not let it burn), add the flour. Beat with a hand whisk and sauté the flour for

a few minutes. Add the milk, in small batches, whisking continuously so that no lumps form in the mixture. When ready, remove from heat and add salt, pepper & nutmeg. TO SERVE: Add a portion of pasta in each plate, add the cooked veal, béchamel sauce and decorate with chopped chives, truffle and parmesan flakes.

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