Issue 81 | Beverage Innovation

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BEVERAGE innovation

foodbev com A world of food and drink


Double digit growth in Russia Gary Sobel, Head of Beverages, Wimm-Bill-Dann B reaking news

PepsiCo purchases 66% of Wimm-Bill-Dann



Alcohol alternatives

Health shots





INSIDE global product innovation, technology and ingredient news 漏 Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

Issue 81 - December 2010 路 January 2011

Inside this issue

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16 17 21 25 32


42 44 48 50

The Editor’s view Helicoptering over every area of new technology is essential in today’s changing marketplace.

Innovations Innovations from around the world including functional drinks news and latest launches in Japan.

Bev business The non-alcoholic beverage industry news review section edited by Bill Bruce. For regular news updates, visit




Russia: Double digit growth Founded in 1992, Wimm-Bill-Dann has demonstrated impressive growth. Interview with Head of Beverages, Gary Sobel.


Beverage Innovation ingredients news.

Berry good for you Lingonberry, elderberry, cranberry and blueberry.

Category focus


Alcohol alternatives Non alcoholic drinks for adults that are smart, cool, healthy and satisfying.

Cordials gaining favour with flavour.

Event preview 7th InnoBev Beverages Summit, Washington.

Event reviews Brau Beviale 2010 and Hi Europe - we showcase the highlights of both shows.

Packaging insight New moves in multipacks providing the opportunity for promotions and shelf stand out.

Market review Review of the drinks industry in Russia.

Bev tech Beverage Innovation technical news.

Marketplace Beverage Innovation products and services guide.



Health shots Drinks can now offer mass market health and convenience.



Noise reduction Lowering noise levels in plant reduces downtime and improves productivity.

Advertisers index.

FoodBev com A world of food and drink

Daily industry news and opinion

Images: screen © Irochka, bottle © Filipe Varela, tomato © Mailthepic, carton © Photoeuphoria, cheese © Edyta Pawlowska, glass © Konstantin Tavrov, orange © Les Cunliffe, bean © Monika3stepsahead, biscuit © Picsfive, strawberry © Braendan Yong |

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011



The only awards scheme dedicated to the global functional drinks industry


6 categories – 24 awards Open to products launched since September 2009, the awards will be presented at the InnoBev Global Beverages Summit in Washington DC, US March 2011 7th InnoBev Global Beverages Summit in co-operation with

Beverage Innovation functionaldrinks Awards in partnership with

Scenes from the 2009 Beverage Innovation Awards and InterBev 2010 Beverage Innovation Awards

foodbev com A world of food and drink

The editor’s view

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Overhead projection The new chain of Inamo restaurants in London operates with an ordering system that is clear, inviting and means there is no need to flag down a waiter or waitress. It operates via overhead projection, so when you want to order more drinks you just click to order your choice from the picture on the table in front of you and minutes later the food or drinks are delivered by waitress to your table. A cool interior and tapas style sushi menu makes it easy to please everyone and technology has been used to make life a little easier. To stay ahead right now, in whatever industry you happen to be involved, you have to helicopter above your chosen

arena. It’s no longer enough to know that sector inside out - you have to be aware of what is going on everywhere, pick up on the pertinent applications and invest in the technology that will help your business succeed. For instance a colleague ordered his meal by ipad at Dubai airport recently, which made it a sharing experience in that you can pass it around.

a number of EFSA approvals and it is good news that we now have regulation in this area. Thankfully the ingredients companies large and small are steaming ahead with research in many areas which they know will improve our lives so they are ready to move if and when approvals come through. See our review of Health Ingredients Europe on page 33.

Noise reduction is just one area that we look at in this issue. Ear defenders are par for the course in most plants but will that always be the case? New quieter conveyors can be better for product and staff, leading to improved productivity. It’s early days but there is no doubt we will see progress here over the next few years.

We are delighted to have spotted the impressive innovation emanating from Russian Dairy Wimm-Bill-Dann a few years back and have them as our cover story this issue. I was lucky enough to visit the plant near Moscow and was astounded by its cutting edge warehousing and most of all by its next generation products of beauty and immune support drinks. Obviously PepsiCo has also been watching them closely and decided to make a considered investment in this emerging market.

Drinks too are playing their part in making our lives easier. Health shots are predicted to be a major growth sector over the next 20 years. The industry is waiting for

Entries to the upcoming Beverage Innovation functionaldrinks Awards are already coming in - there are some very clever teams out there and we want to celebrate fantastic innovation

Claire Phoenix in terms of ingredients, product and marketing communication. The deadline for entries is 28 February - we look forward to seeing you in Washington DC - perhaps up on stage collecting an award. Do note these are international awards with entries from all over the globe. There is no doubt that consumers love a winner - so get your skates on and make the most of the notoriety! We’re looking forward to an inspiring 2011 at Beverage Innovation - there’s a year’s worth of reporting on trends, ingredients packaging and progress in every sector of the exciting beverage marketplace all happening as you read. Do get in touch if you’d like to make a contribution.

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BEVERAGE innovation

A world of food and drink

Published ten times a year by FoodBev Media Ltd 7 Kingsmead Square Bath BA1 2AB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1225 327890 Fax: +44 (0)1225 327891 E-mail:




Managing Editor: Claire Phoenix Direct line: +44 (0)1225 782298

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Senior Sales Executive Jesús Luna-López Direct line: +44 (0)1225 327862

Designer: Kirstine Henderson Designer: Hannah Green Group Editorial Director: Bill Bruce

Every effort is made to verify all information published, but Beverage Innovation cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any losses that may arise as a result. Opinions expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect those of FoodBev Media Ltd. Beverage Innovation welcomes contributions for publication. Submissions are accepted on the basis of full assignment of copyright to FoodBev Media Ltd unless otherwise agreed in advance and in writing. We reserve the right to edit items for reasons of space, clarity or legality.

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© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011



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The editor’s pick of the latest new products

Personally recommended A canned drink vending machine at Tokyo Station uses facial recognition technology to suggest drinks based on the customer’s age and gender - and sales have tripled. JR East Water Business Co says this interactivity improves the whole buying experience and plans to expand the network to suburbs in 2011.

Skinny Nutritional Sports Water Skinny Water Sport from Skinny Nutritional now includes goji black cherry, pink berry citrus and blue raspberry flavours. Aimed at everyday athletes and containing zero calories and zero sodium it is now available at a number of regional and national retailers in the US.

Aptar Original for Spongebob Germany’s Schwollener Sprudel chose the Original Sport cap from Aptar Food + Beverage for its technical performance and colour flexibility. The 0.5 litre yellow PET bottle capped with a bi-colour 28mm Original Sport Cap with matching yellow spout, features the popular cartoon character SpongeBob Squarepants on the label. The drink, based on mineral water with natural fruit juice, comes in three flavours, apple, orange and cola.

Colalife seeking AidPod partners Colalife is seeking funding to develop an Aidpod delivery system via microenterprises. The AidPod is at the heart of the ColaLife model. It is a wedge-shaped container that fits between the necks of the bottles in a crate of Coca-Cola. The AidPod makes use of unused space to get simple medicines, such as oral rehydration salts, and other social products like water purification tablets to the places that Coca-Cola reaches, ie most places.

PepsiCo recycling dream machine The Dream Machine recycling initiative - a multi-year collaboration with Waste Management, Keep America Beautiful and Greenopolis gives people a convenient and rewarding way to recycle on-the-go, and drives success against PepsiCo’s goal of increasing the US beverage container recycling rate from 34% to 50% by 2018. The company has also awarded $575,000 so far to the Pepsi Refresh Project.

Orange and carrot juice Multiple Marketing’s range of Sunmagic pure fruit juices, smoothies and juice drinks, has squeezed out a new drink to add to its range of flavours. The orange & carrot vitamin A, C & E juice drink will compliment the 500ml PET range. The Fairtrade orange juice is sold in the environmentally friendly 330ml Aisacan bottle - said to be 36% better than aseptic PET bottles as certified by Intertek. Carrot juice is thought to be good for prenatal health, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and nails, skin and hair.

Fermented veg juice - Vitality Belgian fruit and vegetable juice processor Pajottenlander has launched Vitality drink, a fermented juice of carrot, red beetroot, celery, potato, sauerkraut, fennel and radish. Based on a recipe from an Austrian doctor it has a wealth of vitamins and minerals and sells in 750ml glass bottles.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

6 PRODUCT NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

Innovations Mass-tige Borba beauty After winning Best New Functional Water at the recent Water Innovation Awards at Gleneagles, for its range of inside out superfruit waters, Borba has announced the launch in January 2011 of a 19 piece superfruit skincare collection. Ranging from a 4in1 active cleanser to 100+ SPF cream and combining prestige with mass market (hence the phrase Mass-tige) this capsule collection will sell through US based Walgreens.

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Sweet treat dairy drinks At InterBev, Darold Sauber of Dairy Farmers America, showed three concept drinks: Dulce de Leche, Horchata and Orange Creme - sweet treat dairy drinks that taste like drinking white chocolate, yet still manage to be light and refreshing.

Guayaki mate health drink

Fruity low cal functionals Coca-Cola Argentina has launched Epika a fruit flavour beverage with juice and herbal extracts. It contains Truvia natural sweetener and is the first such low calorie product on the Argentine Market. Variants include Greek Relax, Indian Purity and Oriental Vitality. Sold in Buenos Aires City and surroundings in 350cl glass bottles with packaging based on the Mandala symbol.

Kids Probiotic Choc Mojomilk

Nachtmilch for better sleep

US food company Abunda Functional Foods has partnered with probiotic specialist Ganeden Biotech to launch MojoMilk, a probiotic chocolate milk mix aimed at children. It contains Ganeden Biotech’s patented probiotic blend GanedenBC30, which laboratory studies have shown to deliver more than ten times the live cells than common probiotic yogurt cultures. Sold in packs of 10x4.5g sticks.

After a five year-long research phase, Munich-based Milchkristalle has patented its natural milk powder product Nacht-Milchkristalle, based on the sleep-regulating hormone, melatonin.

The new mate drink from US producer Guayaki is called Guayaki Pure Body Peach Immune Support Blend and has been enhanced with organic immune boosting herbs such as schizandra berry, astragalus and echinacea - all known in traditional Chinese medicine. Made using organic peach juice concentrate and peach flavour. Sweetened using organic cane sugar, it contains only 40 calories and 40mg of caffeine per serving. It sells through health food shops, Whole Foods and online in 16oz glass bottles.

Apparently after the age of 25, the level of naturally produced melatonin drops significantly and the quality of sleep and ageing effects suffer as a result.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011



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Neoprene coolers The Coolershop had a wide array of neoprene coolers on display at Brau Beviale. Made out of the same material as a wetsuit, the coolers offer superb insulation for cold drinks and can be used as marketing and Point of Sale materials. Originating in Australia this sales tool combines drink sampling and festival fun with cool practicality.

60ml Spanish Shot

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Spanish confectionery manufacturer and distributor Migueláñez is distributing the latest functional drink developed by Río Marketing. The drink, called Acero, is an energy shot packaged in 60ml bottles, featuring standard energy drink ingredients. Acero will be distributed through super and hypermarkets, convenience stores and petrol stations.

Adult chocolate milk and more As forecast in Beverage Innovation magazine last year, The Adult Beverage Company has released Adult Chocolate milk - but at 40% proof. The swing top retro chic bottles enhance the four variants: Adult Chocolate Milk, Adult Orange Cream, Adult Fruit Punch and Adult Limeade. Using the slogan ‘Retaste your youth’, the online advertising is distinctly 1950s in flavour. Wonder how these would taste without alcohol?

Freestyle fountain in Phoenix The Coca-Coia Company’s fountain that dispenses more than 100 branded still and sparkling beverages from a freestanding unit has debuted in Phoenix. Already available in Atlanta, The Freestyle does not use syrup, but relies instead on the concentrated ingredients stored in the cartridges. Consumers in more than 150 oultets can customise their flavour combinations.

Iron Press responds Capitalising on a market worth £2 billion, consumer research has identified that 50% of men are disengaged by the soft drinks category which prevents them from enjoying a night out with friends if it’s their turn to drive. In response, Halewood International has introduced Iron Press, in apple and lemon variants, that looks and pours like beer.

Simmer for relaxation Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated (CCBCC) and brand incubation subsidiary BYB Brands has launched Simmer, a 16oz relaxation drink in the US. Using the slogan ‘Go Low. Simmer Down.’, the drinks in Grape and Wild Cherry variants contain passionflower, hop extract, chamomile flower, B3, B6, B12, L-theanine, rose hips and valerian root.

Advent beer calendar Edwin Eschig, the owner of Eschig Agentur & Verlag which put out the carry home calendar via wholesalers Lekkerland has already increased production from 2,000 to 20,000 and sold out. Weighing 12kg and including a number of famous beers in cans by Ball Packaging, this idea will roll and roll.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

8 PRODUCT NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

Innovations Mazu immune boost With the slogan ‘handcrafted nutrition’, Mazu Gold from US based Mazu Global is designed to boost the immune system, protect cells and ‘elevate the senses’. It features Absorbonal - an exclusive, proprietary process and custom blend of ecklonia cava extract, humic nutrients and organic aloe vera juice. “For more than 2,000 years, Aloe Vera has been used for health and medicinal purposes, says the company. With 75 nutritional components, this unique lilyplant, is one of the most efficient delivery systems of nutrients into the blood stream. Our aloe vera is never frozen, freeze dried or reconstituted from powder,” they say.

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Boca Lupo and Ocoo in Fusion The first drink to take advantage of Rexam’s well conceived and executed aluminion Fusion bottle, Boca Lupo of Australia promises energy with style. While Germany’s Ocoo low calorie Beauty and Anti-ageing nectar contains pomegranate, açaí, chokeberry, blackcurrant, red grape, as well as extracts of green and white tea. Both drinks are gaining followers in the premium sector. Activate Workout


Rising Beverage Company (RBC), which launched Activate Water in the US at the beginning of 2010, has unveiled four new variants for during or after exercise - aptly named Workout, in grape, passionfruit, pink grapefruit and lime varieties. Enriched with vitamin C yet with only 5 calories per bottle as the entire Activate range is sweetened with stevia.

The latest drink to be launched by VPX Sports Nutrition is Coco Fit+. It is currently available in Mangosteen Mania and Savoury Açai, both containing 30% juice. Another flavour is reportedly under development. Coco Fit+ is enriched with 33mg of Omega-3 (ALA, EPA and DHA), has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) rating of 1,000 and provides 1,000 IU of vitamin D3. Coco Fit+ also contains 100% DV of

vitamin C, 85mg of sodium and 260mg of potassium per 16oz bottle with just 35 calories.

Beauty sleep Linking cosmeceutical and relaxation benefits, America’s Big Quark has launched BeautySleep in a 2oz shot bottle. Described by President Clark Wolfsberger as an advanced dietary supplement - a beauty and sleep drink that combines anti-ageing compounds and cell protecting antioxidants with sleep enhancers it boasts no sugar and zero calories.

Activity water Activity in 1.5 litre bottles from German mineral water company Thüringer Waldquell Mineralbrunnen contains natural fruit flavourings from pomegranate and cranberry, used for their deep red hue when combined, as well as for their vitamin C content, which helps to protect the body against cell damage.

Herbally enhanced Polish juice producer Marwit has expanded its range of smoothies with a herbally enhanced line up: AppleRaspberry + Aloe, Orange-Mango + Ginseng, PeachPear + Chamomile and Melissa. © Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

10 PRODUCT NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


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Latest product launches from Japan Far left: Yoshihiko Hani, President of Beverage Japan Left: Steve Galloway, Exigo Marketing

Grown up soda 9pm from Asahi Soft Drinks (right) is the third in its drink series for ‘grown ups’. According to Asahi there is increased consumption among adults of carbonated drinks to relax in the evening, and the target usage occasion for this drink is just before going to bed. It contains no fruit juice but has the aroma of orange curaçao and of oaky vanilla, with a slightly bitter taste and no calories or sugar. The sales target is 200,000 cases.

Guava leaf tea Yakult has launched Bansoureicha Koubashifumi, (below left) a functional tea drink containing 35mg of guava leaf polyphenol and carries the Tokuho mark of the Japanese government’s FOSHU certification for claims to reduce blood sugar

levels. It comes in a 200ml slim Tetra Pak and 500ml PET bottle from Toyo Seikan.

Orange cider Premium Mitsuya Cider (Kokusan Onshu Mikan) also from Asahi and new under its leading carbonated Mitsuya Cider brand, this drink (right) is carbonated and only uses domestically grown onshu mikan oranges. It contains 2% fruit juice and 49kcal per 100ml.

Winter drinks Winter in Japan signals the launch of seasonal hot drinks in the market. As well as hot teas and canned coffees, these also include hot fruit drinks containing fruits such as yuzu (a yellow Japanese citrus fruit) which are traditionally consumed at this time of year. These hot drinks, identified by their orange caps, are sold in hot vending or in heated units in convenience stores.

Domestic fruit Yakult’s new Hot Yuzu and Hyuganatsu (second left below),

another local citrus fruit, is a hot drink using domestically produced fruit (1%) and honey. It contains 144kcal per bottle. It is sold in heat resistant round bottles with 25% rPET from Toyo Seikan.

Attama Lemon Attama Lemon from Dydo Drinco (orange cap below centre) is a 1% lemon juice hot drink containing 6-20mg vitamin C, 280mg citric acid, and 38kcal per 100ml. It is sold in a 280m heat resistant round shaped PET bottle from Hokkai Seikan.

Hot jelly Itoen’s Hot Jelly (black label below) is a yuzu flavoured shaking jelly drink, the jelly retaining heat longer than a regular hot drink made with fruit juice would. It is made with 1% juice from lemon and yuzu and contains 69kcal per bottle. The bottle is a 275g heat resistant round shaped PET bottle from Hokkai Seikan

Environment tea link Toyota Cha from Pokka (below second from right) is a new tea made using 100% green tea leaves

produced in Aichi prefecture near Toyota city. Created in collaboration with the COP10 environment summit a donation is made of one yen per carton sold. Paper can by Toppan Insatsu sold locally in the Tokai region around Nagoya.

Superfruit soda Fanta Super Fruits Mix (above left) contains a 15% fruit juice mix of ‘superfruits’; camu camu, pomegranate, mangosteen and white grapes, plus vitamin C (100- 224mg), niacin (1.6mg) and oligosaccharide. In a 500ml PET bottle or 280ml can it has just 16kcal per 100ml.

Vitamin Water Elbee’s new Vitamin Water (above right) contains vitamin C 1000mg, vitamin B6 1.6mg, folic acid and 1% lemon juice per litre carton. It comprises 19kcal per 100ml and has a sales target of 80,000 cases.

Beauty Soda Be*Soda (left) meaning Beauty Soda, from Sapporo, is a yuzu flavoured zero calorie carbonated drink targeted at females. It contains 6500mg fibre apparently equivalent to 1.9 lettuces, collagen 50mg and no fruit juice. In a 410ml PET bottle from Yoshino Kogyosho. Sales target is 100,000 cases. © Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

12 PRODUCT NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


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Chelsea was created in 1971, and the beverage, which is rich and creamy is available in both the original Butterscotch and Yogurtscotch flavours which contain 135kcal and 103kcal respectively. They come in a 200ml slim Tetra Pak.

Chocolate drink Fujiya’s LOOK chocolates were launched in 1962. LOOK Chocolate Drink mirrors it and can be drunk hot or cold. 98kcal steel can from Daiwa Seikan.

Beauty and sleep

Morning Rescue House Foods’ Ukon no Chikara Morning Rescue is a citrus flavour hypotonic drink for morning refreshment and hydration. In a survey the company found that people who drank alcohol the night before would often purchase a sports drink the following morning and it is targeting these consumers with distribution principally in CVS and at station kiosks. It contains turmeric and curcumin polyphenols which are absorbed quickly into the body, vitamins C and B6, niacin, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. It has 14kcal per 100ml and no fruit juice. 500ml PET bottle from Toyo Seikan.

Refresh time C1000 Refresh Time Sparkling Apple (above second from left), also from House, is the second

product of the Refresh Time series (a grapefruit flavour was launched in February) and is an apple flavoured carbonated nutritional drink containing 1% fruit juice, vitamins A and C, 1000mg and E 12mg, and polyphenol 20mg. It has 90kcal per 500ml bottle from Yoshino Kogyosho.

Dydo Drinco has launched two new functional waters with theme of beauty, one for women and one for men. Sleeplun Water, targeting women contains zero calories, collagen peptide 350mg, hyaluronan 3.5mg, konnyaku ceramide 0.14mg per

bottle. It is acerola flavoured but contains no fruit juice, and comes in a 350ml PET bottle from Yoshino Kogyosho. White Water for Men is a lowcalorie (18kcal per 100ml) yogurt flavoured water containing collagen peptide, hyaluronan and milk ceramide 500ml PET bottle from Yoshino Kogyosho.

Japan Innovations are brought to you by Beverage Japan, Japan’s leading trade beverage publication and Exigo Marketing, a UK, SE Asia and Japan based consultancy with particular expertise helping food and drink companies in Asian and Japanese markets. Contact:

Mont Blanc This winter’s limited edition Pepsi from Suntory is Pepsi Mont Blanc (below left). The concept comes from the sweet chestnut flavoured cake. It has no fruit juice and 42kcal per 100ml. The 490ml PET hybrid bottle from Yoshino Kogyosho is the result of a collaboration for improved carbonation retention. Target sales are 180,000 cases.

Confectionery brands This season also sees launches of beverage versions of well known confectionery brands in Japan. Meiji Confectionery’s

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Bev business

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New developments in the international beverage industry

by Bill Bruce

Russian steps . . . PepsiCo buys two-thirds of Wimm-Bill-Dann


epsiCo is buying Wimm-Bill-Dann in a deal valuing the Russian dairy products to fruit juice maker at around $5.8 billion – one of the biggest foreign investments in Russia outside the energy sector. PepsiCo has agreed to acquire 66% of Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods OJSC for $3.8 billion, pending the required government approvals.

high-growth platform in the dairy category,” said Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo Chairman and CEO. “It also gives us clear leadership in the food and beverage industry in Russia, a fastgrowing, strategically important market offering abundant opportunity. At the same time, Wimm-Bill-Dann’s strong, value-added dairy business immediately advances our global nutrition strategy to provide consumers around the world nutritious foods and beverages that are accessible, affordable and advantaged by science.

In connection with this acquisition, PepsiCo will offer to acquire the remaining shares of Wimm-Bill-Dann through an offer following completion of that acquisition at such time and on terms as are mandated by Russian law, and PepsiCo may acquire additional shares in other transactions. The deal, which is scheduled to close by the end of June 2011, will establish PepsiCo as the largest food and beverage business in Russia, make it a leader in the country’s fastgrowing dairy category and build its presence in key markets in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

“Russia is a fast-growing, strategically important market offering abundant opportunity.”

It will also vault Russia ahead of Mexico as PepsiCo’s top international market, and far ahead of India and China. When the deal concludes, PepsiCo’s annual global revenues from nutritious and functional foods will rise from approximately $10 billion today to nearly $13 billion – moving it closer to its strategic goal of building a $30 billion nutrition business by 2020.

“Wimm-Bill-Dann is a terrific business with significant opportunities,” said PepsiCo Europe CEO Zein Abdalla. “Wimm-Bill-Dann’s management team has built an outstanding portfolio of market-leading dairy and juice brands that are loved by consumers across Russia. The combination of Wimm-Bill-Dann and PepsiCo Russia will create a powerhouse business in terms of scale, brand portfolio and system capabilities with the potential to

Danone and Coca-Cola in Russia In August, Groupe Danone agreed to sell back its 18.4% stake in Wimm-Bill-Dann, to make way for its deal with Unimilk.

World Economic Forum

“Adding Wimm-Bill-Dann to PepsiCo’s portfolio is financially attractive and gives us a strong,

Indra Nooyi

“Dairy has a huge, untapped potential to bridge snacks and beverages. We see the emerging opportunity to ‘snackify’ beverages and ‘drinkify’ snacks as the next frontier in food and beverage convenience.”

The news that Danone and Unimilk had finalised the merger of their Fresh Dairy Product businesses in Russia and other CIS member countries came just a few hours before the PepsiCo deal was announced on 2 December. The new operation, controlled by Danone with a 58% equity interest, and in which former shareholders of Unimilk own 42%, now makes Russia Danone’s largest market.

In September, The CocaCola Company acquired one of Russia’s biggest juice producers, Nidan Soki. Nidan’s market share had been widely reported at close to 17% while Coca-Cola Hellenic has a 20.5% market share with its Multon operation. Coca-Cola briefly became the leader in the Russian juice market, leapfrogging PepsiCo, which had a 30% market share through its Lebedyansky juice maker. Adding Wimm-Bill-Dann’s estimated 20%+ share of Russian juice will give Pepsi an unassailable leading position.

be leveraged across the broader East European and Central Asian region.” Wimm-Bill-Dann, whose shares are traded in Moscow and on the New York Stock Exchange, is one of the two largest Russian dairygoods companies alongside Unimilk, controlled by Groupe Danone SA. The company, which is also no 2 in juice and no 1 in baby food, has long been seen as an acquisition target. The deal is a sign that recent efforts by the Kremlin to woo foreign investment appear to be yielding results. It marks PepsiCo’s second large foray into the Russian market, after a $1.4 billion deal in 2008 to buy control of juice producer Lebedyansky. “This is a great vote of confidence in Russia — a sign that it’s open for business,” said Tony Maher, WBD’s Chief Executive. It is reported that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin himself endorsed the deal. There has been much speculation about Wimm-Bill-Dann in recent months, with large companies such a Nestlé, Unilever and Parmalat often mentioned. The Pepsi connection came as something of a surprise.

Turn to page 22 for an interview with Wimm-Bill-Dann’s Head of Beverages, Gary Sobel – and to page 42 for a review of the Russian beverage market.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

14 NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Suntory to integrate beverage operations in 2011


untory Holdings Ltd has announced that it will integrate its beverage business operations in Japan and foreign countries on 1 January 2011, by putting overseas units under the umbrella of Tokyo-based Suntory Foods Ltd, which is to be renamed Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. The overseas units include the Orangina Schweppes Group in France and the Frucor Group in New Zealand and Australia.

Suntory Beverage & Food is expected to have global sales worth some 1 trillion yen (€9 billion).

The art of cola At a Sotheby’s auction in New York, Andy Warhol’s seven-foot tall 1962 Coca-Cola painting sold for $35.4 million against a high presale estimate of $25 million, and was the evening’s top lot. Still on the soda theme, Ice Cream Soda, by Roy Lichtenstein, was another top earning lot. The tall blue and white painting, also created in 1962, sold for $14.1 million.

F&N’s Q4 profit soars


alaysian beverage-to-dairy-to-property company Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd (F&N) registered a net profit of RM462.3 million in the fourth quarter ended 30 September – a huge improvement compared with RM61.1 million in the same period last year. Chief Executive Officer Datuk Ng Jui Sia said F&N’s core business in food and beverage remained robust, with an uninterrupted momentum amidst the recovering regional economies and improved domestic sentiment. “The increase in operating profit is attributed to the volume expansion achieved by the soft drinks division and the favourable raw material costs enjoyed by the dairy business during the first half of the financial year. Our soft drinks

and dairy sales collectively grew by 11%, boosted by stronger volume demand,” he said.

Did you know? The Coca-Cola Company is building a new plant in Malaysia, allowing its existing franchise agreement with Fraser and Neave to expire in September 2011. The company’s contract with Fraser and Neave – worth $127 million – included the bottling and distribution of the Coca-Cola and Sprite brands.

A tale of two sodas


wo US soda makers announced their results recently. While Reed’s Inc third quarter sales increased 35%, Jones Soda Co’s revenues fell, though its losses were reduced. Reed’s third quarter sales increased 35% to a record $5.4 million. Nine month 2010 sales were $14.3 million, 23% ahead of 2009. “Sales are accelerating for our branded and private label products,” said Reed’s Founder, Chairman and CEO Chris Reed. “Our branded business is growing nicely with our private label business expanding faster. Our plan is to use private label to increase gross profits and invest these funds into the growth of our brands.” Meanwhile, Jones Soda reported a net loss of $578,000 for the quarter, a 61% improvement from the third quarter 2009 net loss of $1.5 million.

William Meissner, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “Our improved bottom line performance in the third quarter is an indication that the initial phase of our turnaround strategy is tracking on plan.” The two companies were linked last March when Reed’s briefly flirted with the idea of buying Jones.

EFSA review finds most flavouring substances safe to use


cientists at the European Food Safety Authority have completed the first stage of a comprehensive safety review of 2,067 flavouring substances used in the EU. Based on EFSA’s work, the European Commission will establish a list of flavouring substances which can continue to be used in the EU. EFSA’s scientific Panel on flavourings (the CEF Panel) found that the majority of flavouring substances (1,667) do not give rise to safety concerns. The Panel has asked manufacturers of the flavouring substances to provide further data on around 400 substances to allow it to complete the evaluations. EFSA will reassess those substances once those data are received. The chair of the CEF Panel, Klaus-Dieter Jany, said: “This is a major achievement in terms of consumer protection. For the first time, all flavouring substances

currently available for use in the EU have been independently assessed for safety at European level based on the latest available scientific data and according to the same rigorous criteria. “In most cases the substances were found to be safe, but for a number of them the Panel has asked for more data. This does not necessarily mean that these substances pose a risk to health, just that we need further information to be able to complete our safety assessments.” EFSA will also start to assess applications for the authorisation of new flavourings, based on new guidelines finalised following an on-line consultation and a workshop with stakeholders.

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Bone health winner New Jersey based Innophos was recognised by the HIE Awards Committee. VersaCAL Clear is a highly soluble calcium phosphate specifically formulated for acidic clear beverages. This allows manufacturers to enrich their products with beneficial nutrients while retaining optimum taste and stability in the final beverage. Calcium and phosphorus are vital to maintain healthy

teeth and bones. VersaCAL Clear provides beverage manufacturers with an effective nutrient combination in a free-flowing odourless blend, containing 15% elemental calcium and 24% phosphorus. Joseph W Golowski, Vice President Specialty Phosphates said: “Traditionally, calcium fortification in acidic clear beverages uses organic salt sources which can have a negative impact on product

flavour and stability. VersaCAL Clear harnesses the power of calcium and phosphorus in a single, easy-to-use formula, which has been shown to boost the nutritional profile of clear beverages with minimal effect on taste particularly at higher dosage levels. “Thanks to its exceptional solubility, VersaCAL Clear also ensures that clarity and stability in these beverages are maintained.”

Rapid contaminant detection

Rosemary extract gains approval

Analysing yeast, moulds or bacteria in water and nonalcoholic beverages usually takes up to 96 hours, but with the TransFast-System from Döhler, the first qualitative results can be seen after just 24 hours.

Vitiva of Slovenia, has announced that the rosemary extracts sold under VivOx, Inolens and SyneRox brands, are in compliance with the new legislation under EU directives 2010/ 67/ EU and 2010/ 69/ EU, which define purity criteria and application range for rosemary extracts as antioxidants.

The new microbiological detection method, has a short incubation time and can be analysed within seconds. Being ready-to-use means there is no need to liquefy the agar or keep it warm. The liquid gel promotes the flow of nutrients to potential contamination sources, allowing early recognition. The back-lit TransFast-Incubation Lightbox, allows contamination in sample tubes to be identified

immediately. There is no need for petri dishes, allowing evaluation time to be reduced by up to 90%. Döhler also offers other microbiologically selective nutrient media under the Döhler Microsafety Design (DMD) brand.

“The long-awaited move of the EU legislation community to accept carnosic acid and carnosol-based rosemary extract as a safe natural alternative to synthetic antioxidants, will allow food manufacturers to significantly expand their food portfolio by launching high quality and

innovative products with a natural image. Now that our customers are finally able to complete important projects and lauch new products with our extensive oxidation management systems, I anticipate a large number of new product launches in Europe during 2011,” said Ohad Cohen, CEO of Vitiva.

Tracking functional foods Innova Market Insights tracked 384 new supplement products in West Europe in the first half of 2010 (Jan-Jun 2010), compared to 405 in the corresponding period in 2009, in an analysis of the top five positioning categories for supplements. The leading positioning category for new supplements in H1 2010 was Weight Management (99), followed by Immune Health (91) and Digestive/Liver Health (86). Innova sees functional foods innovation in Europe as in decline in terms of new product

launches, as manufacturers wait for European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) opinions on health claims. Innova Market Insights tracked 1,960 new products with an active health positioning (Jan-Jun 2010), compared to 2,189 new products with this positioning in the corresponding period in 2009. This decline in active health or fortified products came despite a growth in passive health that is ‘low and light’ claims on new products, with 10,350 products with a passive

health claim tracked (Jan-Jun 2010), compared with 8,747 new products over the same period in 2009. “Apart from generic claims of vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) assessment of health claims so far has resulted in mainly negative opinions,” Lu Ann Williams, Head of Research at Innova Market Insights commented. “Manufacturers seem hesitant to launch new products with a strong health benefit claim if there is a chance

that they will have to make a change to labeling in the near future. With EFSA now setting a new deadline of the end of June 2011 for generic Article 13 claims and opinions on botanicals set to follow at the later stage, this uncertainty is set to last for some time.” Talking to many exhibitors ourselves at Health Ingredients Europe we see a great deal going on behind the scenes so that companies are ready to move very quickly once EFSA approvals are in place.

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16 INGREDIENTS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

Berry good for you

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Second only to citrus in the top flavour polls, berry flavours are topping the charts when it comes to customer choice. With knowledge of the health benefits of superfruits growing in popularity across the globe, Beverage Innovation hears from the experts in berry drinks on individual berries and specialist blends meeting consumer demand. In the food industry most berries are processed to juice. This juice can be used directly for human consumption or as

a good ingredient. With only pressing, juice yields from berries are very low because a highly viscous pectin gel is formed after mashing. Therefore, cell wall degrading enzymes, mainly pectinolytic and cellulolytic enzymes are used during conventional berry processing to aid maceration of the plant tissue and help extraction of the desired compounds. However, it is important to ensure that the enzymes used do not contain anthocyanase or other side

Rich in colourful flavonoids called anthocyanins

activities that would destroy them. Several companies have developed enzymes that not only increase the yield of the juice of berries, but also increase the colour and polyphenol extraction during the process. These include Rapidase BE Super from DSM, Panzym BE from Begerow and Pectinex BE 3-L from Novozymes, all of which have been developed for the processing of berries including cranberries, black and red currants.


Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to become more health conscious and one other area that has drawn interest is that of antioxidants. Many berries, including cranberries are rich in colourful flavonoids called anthocyanins. Epidemiologic studies suggest that the consumption of anthocyanins lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and cancer due, at least in part, to their antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities

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Meeting new demand for healthy juice products in the Middle East, Al Rabie Foods is now producing premium juice drinks and nectars via aseptic methods.

Aronia berry Aronia berries (also known as chokeberries due to their astringency) are two varieties of deciduous shrubs from the Rosaceae family and native to Eastern North America. Their juice is high in vitamin C and antioxidants; US aronia berries are used in juice blends for their colour and marketed based on their antioxidant properties. It is essential therefore that any negative impact on the berry’s colour is avoided.

A growing consumer demand too for longer shelf life and preservation, yet still keeping the fresh fruit taste and goodness means that aseptic is the best solution.

Maqui berry An investigation by DSM into the use of Klerzyme 150 during the extraction process for aronia berries revealed that DSM’s enzyme demonstrated better colour extraction and is more stable throughout the storage process than the control enzyme. At room temperature and when stored at 5˚C, aronia berries retained a colour intensity of 0.75 or over.

These deep purple berries from Patagonia, botanical name Arisotelia Chilensis grow in native forest and thrive in a harsh climate. Having the highest antioxidant level and concentration of anthocyanins they are harvested sustainably by the Mapuche Indians. Known for increasing strength and stamina, keeping the body warm in winter, boosting general health and treating many illnesses. They are

certified organic by Ceres (Certification of Environmental Standards GmbH) and USDA. The high antioxidant levels are certified by Brunswick Laboratories.

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Berry good for you

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Cranberry The cranberry has been in the news following studies in cognitive health by Rotterdam based scientists at the Erasmus Medical Centre.

The direct costs of Alzheimer’s disease is calculated at over

€81 billion in the US and around €22 billion in the UK giving antioxidant berries an even higher profile. Ocean Spray’s BerryFusions Fruits range allows manufacturers to work with mixed berry and blueberry varieties that offer the same process tolerance benefits as the cranberry. For beverages, the company’s 100% cranberry puree provides a good option.

Sour cranberry harvest Ocean Spray, the nation’s largest cranberry marketer, expects US production this year to fall below 7 million barrels, a 6% slide from previous estimates. About 6.9 million barrels were produced in 2009, with more than half coming from Massachusetts and Wisconsin, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Early forecasts indicated an excellent blossom and a large 2010 crop nationwide, but the harvest was downgraded this fall, said Mike Stamatakos, an Ocean Spray spokesman. Incessant summer rains in Wisconsin, scalding heat in Massachusetts and a cool and wet growing season in the West all reduced production.

Ingredia’s Cran-Max Cranberry Supplement is a clinically proven product used for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s), made from 100% cranberry fruit solids. It offers three times greater antioxidant activity than cranberry juice and 25% more fibre while maintaining a healthy urinary tract. Now available with a PAC (proanthocyanidin) content of 7.2% per 500mg it offers the equivalent of eight 8oz glasses of cranberry juice.

Currently exporting from South Africa to more than 84 countries in Africa, Europe, the Far East, Middle East, Asia and North America, in 200ml and 1 litre brik packs as well as 300ml glass, Ceres is positioned as the best quality fruit juice money can buy. It is aimed at health conscious individuals as well as mothers who seek the best for their families.

Blueberries for blood sugar Several studies have shown that diets rich in the colourful pigments found in blueberries can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Now, there’s some evidence that berries may also help regulate blood sugar and prevent Type 2 diabetes. A small study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that participants who drank two blueberry shakes daily for six weeks experienced a 22% change in insulin sensitivity. So they needed less of the hormone insulin to process sugar from the foods they were eating. The study included patients who had pre-diabetes. None of the patients knew if they were eating a blueberry shake with artificial flavouring, or if it was the real thing loaded with polyphenol compounds. “Overall, the blueberry group had a significant increase in their insulin efficiency, whereas the placebo group did not,” said William Cefalu of Louisiana State University.

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18 INGREDIENTS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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The studies were carried out on intake of antioxidant vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and flavonoids - in 5,395 people aged 55+ with participants followed for ten years. The resulting statistics indicate that people with an average intake of 18.5mg of vitamin E a day of 25% are less likely to develop dementia than the people taking in 9mg per day.

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Wild blueberries Interview with Mike Nicholas of Wild Blueberry Association Approximately how many blueberries are grown (for food and drink) on a global basis? There are approximately 100 million kilos of Wild Blueberries grown in Canada & Maine each year. Most of this goes for ingredient use around the World (perhaps over 90%). Most cultivated berries are sold in fresh retail packs, but some also goes for ingredient use . . . I think it’s impossible to say how much because there are so many sources for cultivated varieties. Suffice to say, Wild Blueberries (from Canada & Maine) are generally recognised as the leading blueberry ingredient used by manufacturers worldwide. The juice isn’t really an offshoot at all. Some manufacturers (eg Van Dyks) use only grade A fruit. This might seem odd if all you are going to do is extract the juice from the fruit, but I guess the thinking is that the better the berry the better the juice you get from it. Which antioxidant benefits are of most interest to manufacturers and consumers?

The most popular nutritional benefits of Wild Blueberries depend on different cultural preferences. So for example in Japan the fruit is most widely associated with eye health. Most of the research has been to do with brain health and ageing, so where that has been well publicised (USA & Canada) people will tend to associate that message with the fruit. My feeling is that in the UK it’s more about generic antioxidant benefits, they’re good for you! Actually you get quite a good take on this at a show like HI . . . people at our booth would typically mention “ah, Wild Blueberries, good for the eyes!” or “ah, Wild Blueberries, stave off old age!” or “ah, Wild Blueberries, these are good for you!” The latest published research relates to type 2 diabetes so maybe the message will change! Are you seeing new types of drinks including blueberries? Teas, health shots for instance? The simple answer is YES. There is more impact for blueberries as a signature ingredient across all appropriate

sectors including drinks. I think there are a number of reasons for this . . . manufacturers looking for range extensions will always be interested in an ingredient which is both new to their range but at the same time familiar to the consumer. Plus in the world of strict EFSA regulations about health claims, there is no doubt that blueberries in general and Wild Blueberries in particular give products an instant health halo. Another reason for the popularity of wild in particular is the flavour . . . it’s easy to lose sight of this . . . but ultimately taste is the key requirement for most consumers.

How do you see the industry changing? Most research says that the less you process something the more of its natural health benefits you retain. I expect to see more drinks and other products that go down the natural route even at the expense of shelf life. I also expect to see more products that put the word ‘Wild’ on pack where they currently use Wild Blueberries but only refer to them as blueberries. And also I am sure that taste is the new next big thing . . . products that offer it will win out over those that don’t.

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Berry good for you

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Wild lingonberries from Scandinavia Lingonberries are small but their beneficial properties are indeed noticeable,” said Chr. Hansen’s Celine Aubert, Technical Industry Manager, Dietary supplements, Colour Division. “The exceptional richness of NutriPhy Lingonberry polyphenols places this berry among the most powerful antioxidant ingredients offered in the marketplace. NutriPhy Lingonberry is standardised to a high level of procyanidin A-type, which contributes to anti-adhesion activity against bacteria,” Celine Aubert continued. Clinically tested in a unique in vivo study and thanks to a synergistic effect of its active nutrients such as proanthocyanidins (PACs), flavonols, phenolic acids and anthocyanins, NutriPhy Lingonberry has proven efficient against oxidative stress (anti-

age effect), inflammation and cardiovascular risks. Due to its richness in A-type PACs, NutriPhy Lingonberry may also have beneficial effects concerning anti-adhesion activity against bacteria like those responsible for urinary tract infections, UTIs. “One of the challenges with lingonberries is the availability of the raw material,” said Lionel Schmitt. “NutriPhy Lingonberry polyphenols are carefully extracted from berries sourced from Scandinavian countries, and we have established a strong partnership network to secure sourcing of only the highest quality wild berries. Chr. Hansen

has full traceability in the process to make sure that both customers and consumers get the required level and quality of active ingredients.” The NutriPhy range includes Natural Carotene, Customized mixed carotenoids, Lutein, Lycopene, Bilberry Polyphenols, Red Grape Polyphenols, White Grape Polyphenols, Red Cabbage Polyphenols, Blackcurrant Polyphenols, Cranberry Polyphenols, Curcumin, and Chlorophyllin.

Selling well to older and mid age consumers as well as young ‘Extreme Sports’ enthusiasts following the mantra ‘No half measures’ 500ml Relentless is a value proposition in comparison to another well known brand. The ‘juiced energy’ also gives it a healthier image and a fresh new taste.

Elderberry In Karlstein, Austria at the Paracelsus House nature cure centre, Father Hermann Josef Weidinger and 37 assistants prepare and prescribe herbal remedies for dozens of health conditions. The Austrian Catholic priest and herbal healer regards elderberry with the same reverence as Hippocrates. “Elderberry cleanses the digestive system and promotes healthy elimination. This is most essential to good health. Elderberry reduces inflammation and relieves the body of impurities. In this manner it also balances the emotions.” Weidinger employs concentrated elderberry juice as a mainstay in his herbal cleansing and healing programmes, and claims that ‘the juice has helped thousands’. “I am convinced that elderberry juice helps to prevent many serious diseases,” he said.

Anthony Jacobs, Technical Sales and Marketing Director, BerryPharma AG, Germany explained how BerryPharma is one of Europe’s long established processors of red fruit concentrates and extracts. “This B2B company supplies standardised products made from elderberry, blackcurrant, aronia and cranberry from Northern Italy to companies throughout the world. We supply the full range of manufacturing possibilities including single strength juice, juice concentrates standardised to Brix, juice

powders, membrane filtered standardised liquids and powders and ethanol extracted powders. “With such a range of products and manufacturing processes, we are continuously asked by customers, as to which varieties and products would be best suited to their supplement formulations. At the end of a long evaluation process, we

have found an important approach to assist companies with designing products and helping with development of more tightly focused clinical trial protocols. We can provide clear reasons for the use of specific berries and extracts using various methods to best suit your product and customer.”

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20 INGREDIENTS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


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Gaining new momentum and with environmentally sound credentials, the cordial, syrups and squash category is enjoying a revival. Natural, energy and exotic flavours are spurring interest in every age band.

Consultant viewpoint Drinks Consultancy Zenith International has released global trend figures showing how Latin America remains as the region with the highest consumption figures and is forecast to retain this leadership position through to 2014. “Nonetheless, Africa and the Middle East has been posting the strongest growth for the past five years, with growth expected to slow down slightly in the coming five years,” they said. “More mature markets, such as Western Europe and North America have managed to add volumes since 2005 but this is associated with population growth rather than organic growth. This is especially the

case in North America where compound annual growth will slow down to just under 2% between 2009 and 2014. “In comparison to Latin America and Africa and the Middle East, East Europe still lags behind other regions in terms of volume. Moreover due to national consumer preferences the prospects of dilutables in general do not seem as promising. “Overall the global market for liquid and powdered dilutables will lag behind soft drinks which are predicted to have a growth rate of just under 5% to 2015 compared to just 1.8% for dilutables between 2009 and 2014.”

Cocktail syrups from Teisseire Teisseire, now owned by Britvic, has a range of ‘Special Barman’ syrups aimed at the HoReCa sector. Based on cocktail flavours, without alcohol - Pina Colada, Mojito and Margarita these can be blended with rum or other alcohol or in beers lime and mandarin, pear caramel, nectarine lychee. Another set works best with wine or sparkling wine - grapefruit, rose, lychee, strawberry rose or vanilla. Also well worth trying with non alcoholic mixers for a more sophisticated soft drink.

Energy cordial New from Fruiss in France this May, a ‘sirop concentré d'energy’ drink. This 25cl bottle should be dluted with seven parts water. Containing taurine, guarana extract and caffeine, it has the classic bubblegum flavour.

Expanding with Elderflower Pev Manners, Managing Director of Belvoir Fruit Farms commented: “We began with producing our Elderflower Cordial back in 1984 and this is still our biggest seller. Our competitors are Bottle Green Drinks in the UK along with now Teisseire from Britvic. In France there is Moulin de Valdonne, Monin and Routin, with Darbo in Austria and Bionade in Germany. “What has been interesting is that the market for more sophisticated cordials has grown at a surprising rate. We are the biggest manufacturer in the UK independent sector - so do well in small grocers, delis and farm

shop and the fine food arena. Our products are made with hand picked elderflowers and we are of course extending our portfolio. This year the pear and elderflower has done well. “Last year we developed a winter berries cordial and this year Asda requested a non alcoholic mulled wine Winter Berry Punch which we are making as a limited edition.”

Saba PET with Aptar caps Saba, the Naples-based company, now part of the CO.DA.P Group, has long been renowned for its almond milk syrup. The company has recently launched two new product lines in attractive PET bottles, both of which use a standard non-drip 38mm cap from Aptar Food + Beverage. The line of syrups comes in five flavours and is packed in an attractive sleeved PET bottle with a partially transparent background, which enables the consumer to see the contents inside.

chocolate and cocktails, come in 700ml PET bottles with a modern and ergonomic shape. Both these new product lines are capped with an distinctive silvercoloured dispensing closure from Aptar. The 38mm flip-top closure in PE has ring pull tamper evidence and a pouring beak which ensures clean dispensing with no drips.

The Coffee enhancers, which add a touch of creativity and imagination to coffee, tea, hot

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Russia: double digit growth Breaking news: 66% of company acquired by Pepsi - see Bev business page 14 Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods OJSC was founded in 1992 and is the largest manufacturer of dairy products and a leading producer of juices and beverages in Russia and the CIS. The company produces dairy products (main brands include: Domik v Derevne, Chudo, Imunele, Bio Max and more), juices (J7, Lubimy Sad, 100% Gold), Essentuki mineral water and Rodniki Rossii natural water, Zdraivery kids’ brand and Agusha baby food. Discussing International expansion and success in an economic downturn, Claire Phoenix interviewed Head of Beverages Gary Sobel (right). The company has 38 manufacturing facilities in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia with over 16,000 employees. In 2005, Wimm-BillDann became the first Russian dairy producer to receive approval from the European Commission to export its products into the European Union. In 1992 the Wimm-Bill-Dann brand name was selected to attract consumers who preferred products with foreign-sounding names due to their perceived higher quality and novelty and, since its introduction, the “Wimm-Bill-Dann” name has become recognised in the majority of Russian households.

Beverage Innovation interview What is the current state of Wimm-Bill-Dann’s Beverage category? Despite the economic crisis we have not suffered a decline in our brands. In fact we have four big stories to tell. The first is for LubimiSat meaning ‘Favourite Garden’. This is an established brand but we decided to make a significant reduction in the assortment of flavours, bringing it down from around 60-65 SKUs to the mid 40s. We eliminated seasonal flavours and those such as raspberry, concentrating on just the most

popular. Our TV advertising is very strong here with animation of Mr Carrot and Mrs Apple and the Lublimi family tree, with humour that can be taken two ways - on an adult level and for a child it is just funny. We carried out relatively inexpensive promotions - with a lottery for the car in the parking lot and some buy 2 get 1 free offers. Our market share here has risen from 15% at the start of the crisis in December 2008, to now 20%. The second product success story is our Rodniki Rossii mineral water - which means Russian Springs. Now I have made around 100 commercials

We knew we had to cater for the hard-pressed consumer with a value brand in my life and this has to be among the top five. A man in a canoe paddles to a beautiful natural spot - the original source of the water. Today many competing brands are processed waters with minerals added back in. Ours is not from just one source, but it is natural source water, from ecologically pure

areas. Water from the major multinationals is quite expensive and has strong support, but we continue to invest in the brand and have one third Share of Voice on National television in the category this year. How are things now for the Russian consumer? It is coming to the end of the two year crisis, but it has been tough for many, with unemployment at around 8-9% for around two years now. For the past few years many workers were not paid regularly, or they suffered salary cuts, sometimes by as much as one third of their income. Juice market saw double digit decline in 2009 as well as many other categories. For most consumers the better times have begun only in the last few months and we are now seeing volume growth start again in the categories. What about drinks for children? This is our next big story. The children’s brand Zdraivery is

made up of two words Health & Drive. And this is doing so well it is now a major brand across many categories including cheese, yogurts, drinking yogurts, juice and juice drinks. The brand ambassadors for Zdraivery are a team of five animals - a zebra, platypus, rhino and others who use teamwork to solve life’s challenges. These are all natural products, with no GMO ingredients, no artificial additives, sweeteners, flavours or colours, just fruit, dairy and grains. Its main competitor is Danone’s Raftishka (meaning ‘Helps you grow’) - the equivalent of Danone4kids. We decided to aim for a target market of slightly older children but with strong wholesome values and an ethos of playing together. Our aim was to break even by the end of the second year but surprisingly we achieved this by the end of the first year and we believe that already in 2011 it will be close to $100 million brand. It is quite premium -

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22 COVER STORY Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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containing the best quality of juice concentrates and other ingredients and we knew we did not wish to go for the aggressive fighting style advertising of some value brands but wanted to emphasise the natural benefits and the teamwork aspect.

Highlights for the second quarter and first six months of 2010 (published 2 Sept) • Group revenue increased 17.1% year on year to US$1,255.1 million in the first half of 2010, and 15.3% yearon-year to US$639.8 million in the second quarter of 2010, driven primarily by healthy volume growth in all business segments.

And what about your value brands? When it became evident that the economic crisis was going to hit we knew we had to cater for the hard-pressed consumer with a value brand. Our Gold Classic range of nectars and juice drinks does just that. We offered five flavours originally and now we have eight - for instance we added in tomato juice for the HoReCa sector and grape. It is notable that we have better artwork than most brands in the bottom tier - using four colours for instance. However while many basic brands in cartons need to be snipped open, we kept the Tetra screw cap. This adds around 3% to the price but we feel from a sales viewpoint that it has been worthwhile. The margins are not the same here as in the rest of the portfolio of course but we have done some careful cost optimising and we knew it could work. What sort of formats do you pack in? We have more than 40 formats, for the company with many beverages in Tetra Pak cartons

and some in PET, we also have pouch packaging and are looking to extend this format with a stand up pouch. Do you have a large R&D department? Yes, we have around 4045 people across the whole company, so around 5-10 people work continually on beverages. There have been price pressures on concentrates of course, but we are using various technologies to save costs. For instance, we discovered that you can remove the pectin from a juice drink and although it tastes a little less viscous, most people do not notice. By cutting costs such as this we can maintain the price level. Have you cannibalised any of your other brands - J7 for instance? J7 and Zdraivery has two different target audiences so

the impact was insignificant and J7 continued to gain share in its segment. Both brands are premium, but showed good share performance in challenging times. What systems have you introduced in plant? We have mostly Tetra Pak lines, some Combi and a Procomac PET line. We use SLE - System Line Effectiveness to assess efficiency and as a result have made tremendous efforts to eliminate costly short runs and reduce losses on concentrate. This has required better production planning, in some cases more warehousing but we are now trying not to produce less than 100 tonnes in one run. We are also now better able to manage our stock and are aiming to have no expired goods. We also want to eliminate discounting when stock is approaching expiry dates. This used to cost us $500,000 and we have reduced that to $250,000. It has taken a

• Group gross profit increased to US$375.8 million in the first six months of 2010 from US$363.4 million in the same period last year, and to US$203.7 million in the second quarter of 2010 from US$195.3 million in the second quarter of 2009. • Group gross margin declined 400 basis points year-onyear to 29.9% as a result of continued pressure of raw milk costs in the first six months of 2010. • Group gross margin increased consecutively to 31.8% in the second quarter of 2010 from 28% in the first quarter of 2010. • EBITDA1 increased to US$159.7 million in the first six months of 2010 from US$158.3 million in the same period of 2009, and to US$86.2 million in the second quarter of 2010 from US$85.2 million in the second quarter of 2009. • Net income increased 7.1% year-on-year to US$69.5 million in the first half of 2010.

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Russia: double digit growth Click here to subscribe

WBD’s beverage gross margin Source: Business Analytica, value terms, May-June 2010

Russian juice market*

lot of effort but we will see even better results in the long term. We know that some of the largest players have been integrating their juice production into the mothership, but this is not a cheap thing to do and we know that they must be suffering the costs of this right now. What about the heat this last summer - I understand you had temperatures as high as 40 degrees? Yes we had record temperatures and fires - even in Central Russia.

The heat was not particularly good for our juice business but it was a good way to persuade people to try our water. We can see this our Rodniki Rossii brand being twice as big next year, whatever the weather.

build our international business from the ground up. We have had double digit growth in volume even during these difficult years and that is unheard of in the West and pretty rare even in other emerging markets.

in distribution and logistics and have built another strong brand with Granfor - a new cheese brand - which is doing well across all types of cheese.

Where do you plan to expand next geographically?

What other strategies have you employed to ensure retail success?

We believe we are now at no 2 in Juice, and no 1 in the key Moscow market. In beverages we were 4th in 2006, rising to 3rd by 2008. No 1 in Juice is Lebedyansky, owned by Pepsi.

We are now 18 years old and have around 90% of our sales in Russia. However we are expanding in the Ukraine and we are moving into the Baltics and other white space. We intend to

We have introduced MML - a ‘Minimum Must List’ - a tool, which helps sales people put the right, fastest selling SKUs on the shelf. We are also strong

WBD geographic reach 37 production sites and branch network across Russia and the CIS

Where does Wimm-Bill-Dann stand in the market right now?

What is your background? And how has this benefited the company? I started my career with 13 years at Procter & Gamble, in Marketing, where I learned to focus on the needs of the consumer, and had the good fortune to work in several countries, including Russia. Coming to Wimm-Bill-Dann was a natural move, allowing me to leverage my corporate strengths in a company that is still relatively small and nimble.

*Russian juice market before PepsiCo’s move (see page 14)


© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


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The 7th InnoBev Beverages Summit - Washington DC


everages are now centre stage on serious social issues, specifically health and the environment. The industry has a real opportunity to shape its own future by demonstrating leadership in these key areas and working collaboratively to bring about positive change. The 7th InnoBev Global Beverages Summit (formerly the InnoBev Global Soft Drinks Congress) will address both the challenges and opportunities facing beverage producers in their goal to ensure a Healthy industry for a healthy society. The Summit, in association with American Beverage Association will be incorporating a high level conference, insight workshops, store checks and an awards gala dinner, and will bring together industry leaders, suppliers, customers and analysts to gain a complete overview of the latest trends and developments from

around the world, with extensive time for informal contact and discussion. Confirmed speakers so far include American Beverage Association, Tata Global Beverages, The Coca-Cola Company, Rainforest Alliance, Zico, Meiji Dairies Corporation, Verlinvest, Catterton Partners, Rabobank, Interbrand and Zenith International. Gold Sponsor Tata Global Beverages Silver Sponsor Closure Systems International Conference sessions will cover: • US market insight workshops

• Social responsibility leadership • Addressing the challenge of obesity • Key industry growth opportunities • Major new industry contenders • Environmental and ethical innovation • Latest in product innovation • Investing in healthy beverages

• Insight workshops on global branding, flavoured and functional beverage market trends. For further details, please contact: Linda Leonard, Events Manager +44 (0) 1225 327904

Next issue Highlights of Beverage Innovation issue 82

February 2011 Special Report: Sleeving solutions and lightweight films

Other features/topics covered in this issue:

Improving point of sale impact, shrink sleeving has grown exponentially as a contemporary means of shelf stand out and to carry more product information on PET and glass bottles.

• Market Focus: Mexico • Process Insight: Energy and Light Saving • Trend Focus: Drinks for men

Category focus: Fruit juice Juice is taking the world by storm with customers keen to know the health benefits of their fruit. Beverage Innovation looks at the Global Fruit Juice category and logs current trends and developments including provenance.

Packaging insight: Cartons and bag in box Cartons are evolving to meet demand - with resealable caps for drinking on the go, and a growth in attractive single serve formats. Plus a substantial increase in bag in box formats.

Ingredients in action: carrots An excellent source of vitamin A, and vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6, carrrots are rich in minerals and growing in popularity.

• Manufacturing and technical news • Over 50 product, marketing, ingredient and technical innovations.

Contact us For your hard copy of Beverage Innovation contact or call +44 (0)1225 327871. If you have any expertise in the above features and would like to share your knowledge, thoughts and suggestions, then please email the editor - Advertising interest? Please contact

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Alcohol alternatives

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The sophisticated softie

It’s no longer necessary to drink alcohol to be part of the in crowd. Tempting zero alcohol wines and ginger beers, zero calorie colas and upmarket juice and waters sit alongside sparkling fruit spritzers with contemporary packaging. The surprising growth of non alcoholic drinks for adults across the globe is showing the way to a new way of drinking that is smart, cool, healthy and satisfying.

Page 28 Britvic interview - soft drinks for adults

Page 29 RDA fruit cocktails

Page 30 Dragon Brands sector review

Page 31-32 European product round up

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26 SPECIAL REPORT Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Soft drinks for adults interview with Murray Harris, Customer Management Director, Britvic How has the market for adult soft drinks changed in recent years? The soft drinks market has proven itself resilient in the challenging economic conditions of the last two years, with people choosing the big names that they know and trust, which offer value and quality. Staple soft drinks categories that combine enjoyment with value and quality - such as cola and squash - held up well with consumers looking to brands they recognise to deliver this. In a recession you might think consumers would trade down from premium to value lines; however, in soft drinks only the pure juice sub-category saw this trend. What are consumers now looking for when out eating but not wishing to drink alcohol? With less disposable income available, consumers have been more inclined to stay in but licensed outlets have adapted to this idea that ‘staying in is the new going out’ with attractively priced meal deals and drinks to combat heavily-marketed supermarket take-home deals. Many high street managed chains have made food an increasingly important part of their trading mix. Focusing on the quality and value of their food offering has attracted more customers, especially families and mixed groups. In turn, the growth in family-friendly establishments has increased the market for soft drinks. We recognised this opportunity and introduced a new J2O range this year, J2O White Blend, having worked closely with wine and food pairing expert Chris Scott to create the perfectly blended drink to accompany food. The range consists of two variants,

White Grape and Kiwi and a Red Grape and Blackcurrant. Other food pairing recommendations include: Rule 1 - Weight of food should match weight of drink. Example: J2O White Blend White Grape and Kiwi with light salads, J2O White Blend Red Grape and Blackcurrant with burgers and chips. Rule 2 - Flavours should work together in harmony and occasional contrast. Example: Pineapple juice with a cheese ploughman’s (ie Hawaiian pizzas). Rule 3 - Salt, acidity and fizz work well together. Example: 7Up and a bowl of chips. Rule 4 - Acidic drinks work well with oily and fatty foods. Example: Britvic 100 Orange or 100 Apple with fish and chips.

Promotions will continue to be important Rule 5 - Acidic drinks also complement umami (savouriness) in food. Example: Tomato juice with grilled red meat steaks. Rule 6 - Hot, spicy dishes can be cooled by sweeter style drinks. Example: Pepsi with Indian or Thai curries. Rule 7 - Drinks for desserts should be sweeter than the dessert itself. Example: J2O Orange & Passion Fruit with cheesecake. With which drinks has Britvic seen most growth?

Carbonates have shown strong growth. Earlier this year we launched 600ml PET bottles across our no and low sugar carbonated drinks, which has proved to be a huge success, adding £9.8 million to the on-thego carbonates sub-category. The new bottle format has provided consumers with a bigger bottle that offers better value for money, a welcomed introduction during the recent tough economic times. Available across Pepsi Max, Diet Pepsi, 7Up Free, and Tango, the 600ml format has dramatically increased the rate of sale of every variant (25% to 45% increase) with the star performer being Pepsi Max which has nearly doubled its rate of sale since April1. Tango and 7Up Free are also responsible for bolstering sales of the Fruit Carbonates category. Thanks to the 600ml format, Tango has grown its rate of sale considerably and is up by 17% in impulse2. 7Up Free has shared similar successes, gaining distribution within the convenience channel. Cold hot drinks have also proved to be popular with consumers and was the fastest selling subcategory in the 12 weeks to the

13 August3 this summer, driven by Lipton Ice Tea. Lipton became the second fastest growing juice drink in impulse over the period. How do you see this changing still further? While it’s not surprising that consumers were visiting licensed premises less both this year and last year, there remains a significant opportunity for licensees that cater for a food offering and we expect this to continue into the new year. Promotions will also continue to be important as consumers look for value for money. In November we launched our first ever cross brand promotion, ‘Reward Your Thirst’, with PepsiCo UK. The ‘Reward Your Thirst’ campaign gives consumers a chance to claim their share of millions of prizes in our biggest ever consumer promotion. The brands included are all Tango, 7Up and Pepsi variants, as well as drench, juicy drench and Mountain Dew. Each ‘Reward Your Thirst’ bottle has a unique code on the pack which consumers need to text in to see if they have won a prize. Prizes include holidays, experience days, vouchers and many more.

Sources 1. Nielsen, Total Coverage, MAT Volume sales August 2010 2. Nielsen Scantrack 12 weeks to 10.07.10 3. Nielsen Scantrack 12 weeks to 13.08.10

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Alcohol alternatives

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A new breed of adult soft drink Claire Nuttall of Dragon Brands There are many trends in food and drink which will have a direct link back to the changing adult soft drink market. Authenticity, origin and local will play a greater role in peoples drinks of choice. The notion that a drink is rooted in regional or local nature, something that has real roots and a story will continue to be highly compelling to consumers. We are already seeing many adult style drinks picking up on foraging the countryside for forgotten herbs, fruits and berries, whether it be rosehips, dandelions or horse chestnut. There are many more which could be unearthed and explored in adult soft drinks. Consumers love to discover new ingredients for themselves via a new drink experience, it also gives them a talking point to share with their friends . . . have you tried . . ., but it also has an element of nostalgia to it, as they fondly remember things from their childhoods. Where some brands have struggled to communicate the benefits of the new drink eg: Willow, there simply needs to

be clear communication around what the drink is and what it will taste like. If new flavours are introduced yet not understood, consumers will reject on autopilot without further consideration, which is a shame after significant commitment of both marketing and investment. I also think that in the quest to be healthier, but not at the expense of taste, there could be some interesting developments in coming months. The idea of combining fruits and vegetables to achieve greater health benefits, is very relevant and also in tune with peoples desire experiment and try something new for a change, which is often the case when looking for an alcohol alternative. Tea based drinks will continue to grow and emulate the changes and developments we are seeing in tea category as a whole. Whether it be oolongs, green teas, subtle flavoured teas with exotic ingredients like lychee and mango, consumers around the world will enjoy the authentic flavours yet with a twist of something new.

We are trying to be a bit better to ourselves, so less sweet alternatives, something in between the sugary juices and sparklings, but not as tasteless as water. Consumers are tired of just the same waters, there needs to be some subtle additions to make waters more interesting. Maybe the development of more natural sweeteners like agave nectar and stevia will play a role. I would not be surprised if we do not see a new breed of adult soft drink around the notion of ‘fantasy’ eg: True Blood. A new breed of adult soft drinks which do not play to any of the rules of goodness, natural and health, they create their own niche around a new flavour profile or taste, in the same way that Tizer, Coke and Mountain Dew have in decades gone by. It feels the right time for some new, confident brands to drive growth via their own unique entity and entrepreneurial vision, playing by their own rules and nobody elses. They will probably create their brand and their own brand movements via all media channels, to ensure

their brands survive the long term, not just the here and now. Super premium soft drinks that are to be savoured and enjoyed like a good wine. To take on the trend around increased wine consumption, adult soft drinks will have tasting notes and palate enhancing or food tasting components to them. We all seek more and deeper experiences from our lives, so adult soft drinks which look and feel sophisticated, authentic and have an equal amount of connoisseurship to them as a good whisky, wine or regional beer.

Alcohol alternatives in SIG Combibloc

Dubbel Frisss is a still fruit drink in four variants from FrieslandCampina Riedel in the Netherlands. Designed to be drunk hot or cold, it is packed in SIG’s combiblocMagnum 1,500ml with combiSwift cap.

Marli’s Light Premium Glögg has a spicy taste combining apples, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger while Marli’s Red Glögg includes Christmas spices and cowberry.

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28 SPECIAL REPORT Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Britvic soft drinks report


hen looking at the changing UK market for soft drinks in 2009, value was certainly top of mind with consumers, but enjoyment wasn’t far behind. While many consumers downsized from pure juice to juice drinks, others blazed a trail to the diet cola shelves. This new-found favour helped boost the cola sub-category’s lead position to take a 22% share of the market. Other strong performers were glucose and stimulant drinks, squash, non-fruit and fruit carbonates, juice drinks and water plus. Plain water sales remained flat - suggesting that consumers are reluctant to buy what is readily available from the tap at home. The licensed channel did rather better than the grocery

retailers. Sales rose 3% to £2.4 billion, turning around the 4% decline in 2008 to put soft drinks at number two behind beer and above spirits in the channel's performance table. In a difficult year for the ontrade, which saw increased competition from supermarket meals and drinks deals, this performance was significant. The big grower in alcoholic drinks has been cider and perry - with new flavour variants such as pear and strawberry bringing in younger consumers. This is reflected in the growth

of sparkling sophisticated soft drinks - often served in glass with excellent graphics, beautiful bottles and labels that do justice to a higher price tag. With sales up 10% to £57 million, flavoured carbonates was the top

performing sub-category. Its startling turnaround after the previous year’s 1% decline could be the result of flavoured carbonates’ growing popularity as an accompaniment to meals in food-focused establishments.

differentiate the brand from our competitors so whether it is the way the product is served, type of glass or a unique ‘mocktail’ name we always look for ways of creating something a little different. Like any beverage you have to ensure that your consumer understands the brand promise and value as well as enjoying the delicious drink.

important so catering for bulk packs for on trade, single serve for grab and go and a sharing bottle for dinner parties is very important to ensure that you are relevant at all times.

Non alcoholic fruit cocktails


atrick O Flaherty founder of RDA Organic commented on this growth sector:

“Gone are the days when the non-drinker of the group had to settle for the same as the kids! Non-alcoholic drinks are becoming the choice for many rather than the necessity. At RDA Organic we have recognised that whether it be for dinner parties or in pubs - there is a need for drinks to keep the sober happy and contented.

Patrick O Flaherty

Please see below our thoughts on what to consider when we offer non-alcoholic drinks to the market: “Getting the balance right: We are constantly looking at ways to introduce new and exciting products to the market - including developing nonalcoholic fruit cocktails that taste indulgent, whilst being healthy to developing drinks that you can enjoy all night long that quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds. We have developed a great range of blends that feel as light and fresh in the am as they do in the pm. “Making it unique: Demonstrating serving suggestions has also helped us to support the on-trade to

“One size doesn’t fit all: The serving size is also

“Make it mix well: Developing products that can work with alcohol and sparkling water is also a big plus point so that your drinks are multipurpose and functional.”

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Alcohol alternatives

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Organic soft drinks in France


aunched 1 December this year and on show at Sial, Beverage Innovation magazine spoke with sales developer Maxime Vignon. “La Compagnie des Boissons Biologiques (CBB) was created by M Torabi and M Sagnier earlier this year (2010) after a whole year of project preparation and a shared experience in organic sodas. I joined them about a month ago to help with brand and sales development, and will test local distribution in the area of Lyon, France. “Com and B is CBB’s first range of organic products dedicated to soft drinks. The brand is inspired by the Maori culture, using the colourful tattoos of their warriors to put forward

the tribal spirit of men who live close to the Nature. We have obtained the label AB (Agriculture Biologique) for our sodas, meaning that at least 95% of the product is organic. The colourants and conservatives are natural, and the fruit from the concentrates is a product from organic agriculture. “Three tastes have been developed so far: lemon, orange, and strawberry. Lightly sparkling, balanced in sugar and taste, these new organic sodas are the answer to many concerns addressed

to sodas generally (sweetness, sourness, chemicals, etc). Made with cane sugar, these sodas have been priced just like any other given soda to let everyone have access to organic foods easily. Another line is being developed with a base of agave syrup sugar instead, which will significantly reduce the caloric grade. “Our products are packed in plastic format to reduce the high carbon index characterised by glass containment. Our sodas will be available to the public in January 2011 through vending machines and supermarkets in France, to EU export and hostelry/bars/restaurants by Spring 2011, and to other export markets by the end of 2011.

Iron Press for men

The winner of the Best new flavoured water category in the recent Water Innovation Awards was Rajec Bylinka Summer Storm, a limited edition herb flavoured water from Kofola Holdings in the Czech Republic.


apitalising on a market worth £2 billion, consumer research has identified that 50% of men are disengaged by the soft drinks category, which prevents them from enjoying a night out with friends if it’s their turn to drive. Based on a survey of 2,000 men, 42% said they would rather stay in than face an evening at the bar with a cola or lemonade. Richard Clark - Head of Innovation said; “By making soft drinks more accessible for men through taste and presentation, the monotony associated with the usual cola or lemonade when out with friends will be removed. Iron Press looks like a beer and pours like a beer but it is also extremely refreshing. “Targeted at BC1 C2 men aged 25-55, Iron Press presents a great opportunity for Publicans to offer their male consumers something that will keep them engaged at the bar if they are the designated driver. It also gives men who don’t consume

alcohol the opportunity to enjoy a soft drink that looks like a beer.” With 61% of food being consumed alongside a soft drink, the refreshing crisp taste of Iron Press is suited for enjoying alongside traditional pub grub and spicy foods. It also has less fizz than other carbonated drinks so will not leave consumers feeling bloated.

“The trade fairs have been a good showcase for us. We have a number of supermarket chains interested and they are also selling well for vending machines.”

A finalist in the same category, also from Kofola, was Rajec ‘Mystery of the trees’, a water flavoured with natural extracts from sweet chestnuts. Chestnut is said to act as an anti-inflammatory, improving circulation.

Bionade produced in the Rhon region of Bavaria is a sparkling fermented drink made using age old brewing techniques, with a range of natural flavours including, in Germany, a quince flavour. Beverage Innovation will publish an interview with Managing Director Peter Kowalsky in a future issue.

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30 SPECIAL REPORT Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Fentiman’s botanical brews


sing a brewing process which takes ten days, Fentimans, North-East company famous for its botanically brewed beverages, is stepping up overseas distribution following a string of international successes. The 100-year-old firm is forging new links in America, Spain and Japan as word spreads about Fentimans’ traditional brews, including Traditional Ginger Beer, Victorian Lemonade, Curiosity Cola, Mandarin & Seville Orange Jigger and Dandelion & Burdock. The company recently launched its Rose Lemonade in a 275ml serving, following consumer demand for a single serving. The Rose Lemonade was originally launched in a ‘take home’ 750 ml bottle in 2009. Fentimans Rose Lemonade is made with the juice of real lemons and pure Rose Otto oil from the world famous Rose Valley in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. The rose extract gives the liquid a pale blush colour, a delicate aroma and enhances the flavour.

Charles Rolls of Fentiman’s describes the premium ingredients in other drinks in the range. For the Original Ginger Beer we use only the finest ingredients, such as premium ginger root from the bazaars of Shanghai, with choice juniper and yarrow extracts from around the globe. Our process starts by fermenting milled ginger root, which goes a long way in explaining the wonderful ginger ‘tickle & burn’ experienced on the first sip. If you like Ginger, you'll love our Ginger Beer. For the original lemonade we squeeze the juice of one and a half lemons into every bottle and blend them with fine ginger root, speedwell and juniper extracts. This is a lemonade like your nana

used to make, a thirst quencher like no other. Our full-strength infusions of Dandelion leaves and Burdock root, are sweetened with pear juice and spiced with a touch of ginger and anise. Jigger is an old English term for good measure, which we use when we combine the juice of three mandarins and the zest of Seville orange. The added botanicals

speedwell, juniper extract and fermented ginger then conspire to stimulate your senses. And our Curiousity Cola? - well it is a stimulating recipe of herbal ingredients, recreating an apothecary's cola of yesteryear that is both full-bodied and curiously invigorating. Curious? Then you'll just have to give it a try!

50% growth in Feel Good adult soft drinks


his Christmas, independent soft drinks maker, The Feel Good Drinks Company is celebrating huge successes in the grocery sector marking a properous end to 2010. The 100% natural juice drink company is toasting a 50% growth in the adult soft drink category with its popular Gently Sparkling 750ml range and anticipates a massive increase in demand over the festive period.

100% natural refreshment with no additives and unlike many other ‘premium’ juice drinks, absolutely no added sugar; something which is so important to consumers and something very few manufacturers are able to live up to.’

Leading the way for healthy soft drinks alternatives, Feel Good Drinks are made simply of fruit and water and contain no added sugar, artificial additives or other nasties. Steve Cooper, co-founder at the Feel Good Drinks Company, comments, ‘We spend a lot of time and effort creating delicious drinks that offer

Steve continues, “Our 750ml range is the perfect choice for an alternative to alcohol over the festive season. We recognise heightened consumer interest in nutritional values and want to give our drinkers the very best quality and taste especially at special occasions. Whether it’s a catch up with good friends, welcoming the family round or

throwing a party, we are confident that consumers and retailers alike will be able to share some serious feelgoodness this Christmas.” Packaged in the newly designed premium 750ml embossed glass

bottles, the Feel Good Sparkling 750ml range are available in five delicious flavours; Raspberry + Passionfruit, Cranberry + Lime, Orange + Passionfruit, Cloudy Lemon and White Grape + Peach.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Brau Beviale 2010

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Economic upswing Brau Beviale 2010 invited beverage specialists to Nürnberg from 10-12 November and the European beverage industry turned out in force: 1,348 exhibitors and 32,617 technical and commercial management experts poured into the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. “The economic recovery not only ensured a good mood during the three days of the exhibition, but apparently stimulated many decision makers to invest in new equipment,“ said Rolf Keller, Member of the Management Board of NürnbergMesse, summing up his talks with exhibitors and visitors at Brau Beviale 2010.

Wider thermochromic range The new beverage cans from Ball Packaging Europe change colour like a chameleon - shifting from blue to purple or yellow to green with a change in temperature. Previously, the colour could only change from white to blue. By enhancing the thermochromic ink technology, Ball has opened up new opportunities for customers to design cans with striking colour effects. The company plans further enhancements to the ink technology. The next step is to make the initial colour change to different hues on one and the same can. Cans will then take on different colours stage by stage as they change temperature.

Pure clear beverages BASF showcased the company’s extensive filter aid expertise at Brau Beviale. Clear, pure beverages are popular with consumers, therefore clarification and separation are very important parts of the production process. Beer contains proteins and polyphenols stemming from malt and hops. Depending

on the concentration, they can quickly form complexes that make beer cloudy and affect the taste. The BASF products Divergan and Crosspure bind hazeactive polyphenols during beer production, providing longterm stability and clarity without changing the taste.

Compact bottling inspector KHS had an empty bottle inspector running with three inspection cameras and a very compact footprint. The company also showed pressure and non pressure filling with the new DRV filler using minimum water. KHS-inclusive service concepts and innovative technical systems and solutions providing integrated automation were of interest to many at the show.

Delabelling +

Stevia driving the market a single source of stevia for use in a wide range of beverages. The company combines top quality stevia extracts with a natural flavour to create reduced calorie, low calorie or zero calorie beverages - near waters, tea beverages, carbonated soft drinks, nectars, juice drinks and now beer-mix drinks.

Constantia showcased holographic labels on 38 micron metallised paper and one way labels with wet glue. As Kai Sparbier explained “With recycling high on the agenda for many, delabelling is now of great interest.”

Stevia is on everyone’s lips these days and the buzz was no different at Brau Beviale. Throughout the EU, beverage manufacturers are eagerly awaiting official approval of this natural high intensity sweetener.

“This combination is driving the market,” explained Wild Senior Vice President Strategic Business Units Fabiana Matucci. “Sparkling teas and lemonades are new segments enjoying new flavour and sweetening combinations - as are non alcoholic ciders.”

Sunwin Stevia in the European food and beverage market and throughout the Middle East.

With Sunwin Stevia, Wild offers complete solutions from

And the latest news? Wild has appointed Univar to distribute

Listen to the interview with Fabiana on

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

32 EVENT REVIEW Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

HiE review

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Health ingredients Europe is always an important show for those involved in the beverage industry. New scientific studies and nutritional developments can massively impact the functional drinks arena. Beverage innovation picks up on some of the showstoppers at Madrid this year.

Oliver Hehn of Plantextrakt with FoodBev Media’s Jesús Luna-López holding ‘Be Fit’

Fruitflow wins HiE best concept award


SM Nutritional Products’ Fruitflow, the first natural, scientifically substantiated solution for healthy blood flow, clinched the coveted Health Ingredients Excellence Award at the awards ceremony.

Crowned best Heart Health innovation and most innovative ingredient of the year, Fruitflow is the only ingredient to date with an approved health claim from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) under Article 13.5. Suitable for functional food, beverage and dietary supplement products, the ingredient represents the next generation in heart health. Fruitflow helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system,

by keeping blood platelets smooth and reducing platelet aggregation. A natural and safe ingredient, Fruitflow does not disrupt the blood clotting process required following injury. Published clinical studies have demonstrated that Fruitflow reduces platelet aggregation in 97% of individuals within 1.5 hours of consumption and its beneficial effect lasts up to 18 hours. No side-effects, allergenic reactions or incompatibility with

other medication have been reported following its prolonged use in ten clinical studies. Jacob Bauly, Marketing Development Manager, at DSM Nutritional Products commented: “We are delighted that Fruitflow has received this highly respected award. With heart health remaining among the top ten consumer health concerns, the demand for effective nutritional solutions continues to grow. With our long-standing applications expertise and investment in scientific research, we’re excited about the new opportunities that will benefit our customers.”

The Marigot bone health team

Markus Gerhard of Jungbunzlauer

Slender ProActive


eight management is a topic of interest to many - in all geographic markets. Glanbia Nutritionals has a new look for SlenderProActive. The Slender range is sold as an easy and effective way to slim. Slender is a 100% naturally based range that offers a comprehensive programme.

Slender Pro Active’s key ingredient is ShapePro Complex - a blend of whey protein peptides and milk minerals which works

to promote fat loss while maintaining lean muscle*. The Benefits of Slender Pro Active are that it is scientifically tested , suitable for men and women and

Jacqui Finegan of Glanbia contains no artificial ingredients, sweeteners or flavours. What is It does contain is calcium - 116% RDA per day (from two servings, 58% RDA in each) and whey

protein - more nutritional protein than meat, eggs & soy proteins - delivering 60% of a woman’s protein RDA.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


HiE review

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Natural plant concentrates


he GNT Group showcased the Exberry range - a diverse spectrum of colourful natural concentrates made from edible fruits, vegetables and plants. Visitors were able to experience firsthand the brilliance of colouring foods - and discover the full range of application possibilities. These concentrates are derived through physical means without the use of organic solvents. Colouring foods are becoming increasingly important since, all products now have to be marked with a warning notice if they contain one or more of the questionable ‘Southampton Six’ food colours. Every product

which contains one or more of the food colours Tartrazine (E102), Quinoline Yellow (E104), Sunset Yellow (E110), Carmoisine (E122), Ponceau 4R (E124) or Allura Red (E129) has to carry the warning notice: “May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children” on its packaging. Since this labelling is mandatory, manufacturers are demanding natural alternatives, which do not require either an E number or a warning notice.

Sabine Wengler of GNT Europe with Anne-Katrin Pflästerer and Valeska Kirchner from AKP Consumer associations assume that additive food colours will be used much less frequently

in future, and are pushing for more natural ways to add colour in foods.

Biovelop launches PromOat


weden’s Biovelop AB, has launched an oat-based soluble fibre ingredient, containing 35% beta glucan, called PromOat. Neutral in both taste and colour, PromOat is now set to open up opportunities in a range of food and drink products. With many seeing soluble fibres as the next big growth area within the international functional foods sector, PromOat differentiates itself from competitors by containing no insoluble oat fibre or oat protein, which are the components that can prejudice the flavour and aesthetics of finished products.

Since 2003, Biovelop has invested more than €20 million into the research and development including a €15 million, oat grain processing facility. Using locally sourced oats, the company’s patented, pioneering, production process is chemical free, providing drink manufacturers with a clean label final product. Already trialled in fruit juices and smoothies, PromOat can contribute to RDA of 3g of beta glucan, therefore allowing access to the JHCI, EFSA and FDA health claims linking oat beta glucan to

maintenance of healthy blood cholesterol levels. It can also help brands in delivering researched, and now EFSA-approved, oat health messages. Research shows that beta glucans may help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension, regulate blood sugar due to its low GI, promote satiety, curb hunger, fight weight gain and act as a prebiotic for improved gut health and protection against bowel disease.

“PromOat can be used as a fat reducer and emulsion stabiliser, and has prebiotic and cholesterol lowering properties,” said David Peters, business development, Biovelop, who revealed that it has worked with a US company to formulate beauty products with PromOat (known under its Avenacare branding for cosmetics, skin and hair care applications) and that will be marketed alongside a ‘beauty from within’ range of foods and beverages formulated with PromOat.

Natural solutions for sugar replacement


eneo announced the launch of its innovative natural solutions for sugar replacement which provide a new synergistic effect by offering well-balanced combinations of agglomerated grades of its naturally derived bulk sweeteners: ISOMALT, Palatinose, inulin and oligofructose as well as Stevia, completing the company’s naturally derived sweetener portfolio. The new

solutions can be individually composed and offer benefits to final products, whether they are technical, sensorial or nutritional. Agglomerates’ characteristics such as good dispersibility, quick dissolution, low hygroscopicity and uniformity, as well as improved structure for food processing, allow the company to meet the growing demand for easy to use ingredients.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

34 EVENT REVIEW Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Market potential for protein recovery beverages


ew research commissioned by Volac, among consumers engaged in moderate exercise, suggests there are lucrative opportunities for sports nutrition manufacturers to introduce exercise recovery beverages based on whey protein to the mainstream market. The findings are published in a research paper, Exercise Recovery Beverages: New Opportunities in the Sports Drink Category, and make interesting reading for the sports nutrition manufacturer. Volac commissioned the research in July 2010 among 1,001 consumers, between the ages of 18 and 60, who exercise once a week or more. Findings of particular interest are: • Almost one quarter (24%) expressed an interest in a product containing whey protein to help with muscle recovery after exercise • 53% of those respondents who said that they would be interested in a whey protein product to help with exercise

recovery identified the bottled drink as their preferred choice. • 75% of those respondents currently using a protein product buy a sports drink on a regular basis to support their exercise. • Over three quarters (77%) of those respondents who had used a protein product said it was very or fairly easy to see or feel the benefits of taking protein.

Overcoming the RTD protein challenge Until recently, the addition of whey protein to clear beverages has not been without its challenges. A protein that withstands pasteurisation and remains clear in solution throughout the shelf life of a typical near water beverage has been the subject of much

Mark Neville, Head of Lifestyle Ingredients, Volac research and development. Volac, however, has answered the processing critics with the development of Volactive Hydrapro - an enhanced, fatfree whey protein isolate which combines high solubility with heat stability and a long shelf life. As Mark Neville, Head of Lifestyle Ingredients, Volac, explains: “With the barriers to using whey protein in a ready-

to-drink format now overcome by Volactive Hydrapro, and the potential market among mainstream consumers revealed by this research, the time is now ripe for drinks anufacturers to bring innovation to the sports drinks category through an allin-one solution that delivers the triple benefits of rehydration, refuelling and reconditioning while meeting consumer demands for taste and convenience.”

Focus on weight management and heart health


esponding to continuing concerns around weight management and heart health, Cargill demonstrated prototypes of its ingredients which deliver strong and clear benefits in these fields Henry Hussell and Elizabeth Fay spoke on using the natural sweetener Truvia rebiana, in a variety of prototypes to create new products to meet existing and emerging consumer needs, while also assuring good flavour, desirable mouthfeel and straightforward manufacturing. Already approved for use in the US, and with the approval process underway in the EU Cargill exhibited in a number of beverages formulated

with Truvia rebiana, including Fanta Still and Eckes-Granini juice drinks, which are already available in France. From field to table, Cargill manages the Truvia supply chain to ensure that a safe and consistent quality product is delivered to customers every time. • Cargill’s Barliv barley betafiber. Barliv is a high purity betaglucan from barley. Beta glucans have been clinically proven to help reduce blood cholesterol level as part of a diet low in saturated fat. The relationship between consuming beta-glucans and healthy blood cholesterol was recently confirmed by a scientific opinion issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Henry Hussell and Elizabeth Fay of Cargill Beverage prototypes at the show incorporating Barliv barley betafiber included two fruit juices. Other ingredients from the Cargill portfolio being exhibited at this year’s show include Cargill’s CoroWise brand of plant sterols. Plant sterols have been

clinically shown to reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) by eight to 15% in as little as four weeks, with no reduction in levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL high-density lipoprotein cholesterol).

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Health shots

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No longer simply refreshment - drinks can now offer health and convenience with active ingredients. Managing Editor of Beverage Innovation Claire Phoenix asked ingredients companies at HiE about their best new offerings and highlights other niche to mainstream health drinks.

Prebiotic energy and rice drinks Tim Van der Schraelen of Beneo said at HiE how prebiotics for good digestive health are currently popular in beverage formulations using dairy and fruit juice blends and are also finding their way into clear beverages such as near waters. “Although health claims are at stake until after prebiotics gain EFSA approval,” he explained. “Hopefully we will achieve this in 2011.” “A number of healthy concept drinks have been developed by Beneo blending stevia with Palatinose and oligofructose. Stevia can be difficult in terms of taste control and a combination with the natural sweetness of say, oligofructose

or Palatinose, brings the best results,” added Tim. The focus on natural energy and lower GI foods and drinks sees Palatinose gaining in popularity for drinks for children and adults. The new Gatorade Prime drink released last April in the US for example, incorporates Palatinose. Other developments include Nutrité - a fibre enriched tea, Nescafé Pro Slim and Protect (in Asia) and a ginkgo and brown rice drink underlining the growth in this sector with Bebeida de Aroz a high fibre rice drink and Bio Reis using Beneo’s Nutriz. Nestlé’s Svelty in Latin America also incorporates inulin to give a high fibre, high protein

Tim Van der Schraelen drink, as does Léger ice cream in Switzerland, which contains inulin and Palatinose - to replace sugar for better energy and fibre enrichment.

Hangover cure A sour cherry flavoured 2oz liquid shot called Hangover Gone from US Based Afterglow Beverage Company uses the antioxidant cysteine, and succinic and fumaric acids to help the body break down acetaldehyde. Secondly it contains glucose to provide the extra fuel needed for cellular metabolisation. Finally, it uses a blend of herbs, vitamins and minerals to help rid the body of harmful toxins. The included herbs are milk thistle, artichoke, goji

berry and ginger extracts. These are known for their detoxifying qualities, whilst B and C vitamins are including for their antioxidant properties. Jason Walter, owner of Afterglow Beverage spent 18 months perfecting the formulation for Hangover Gone as he could “see the potential for a hangover prevention product that really works, not another myth or gimmick.”

Cognis concepts Showcasing a number of Cognis health concept drinks Raquel Ark and Maria José Guerrera let me sample ‘Just Relax’ at HiE - a wind down lemon balm drink formulation containing Fruit Up from flavour house Wild. The company commented on the increase in direct selling and multi level marketers now selling online. Joint care and cognitive health are areas of particular interest particularly those containing Omega-3 DHA and EPA. A clear water lemon flavour beauty beverage concept contains a list of natural ingredients including acerola and pineapple for their natural antioxidant content and vitamin C. While Active Steps contains Omega-3.

Non dairy fruit shot Finnish dairy and probiotics specialist Valio presented its new shot, combining fruit juice and Valio's proprietary strain Lactobacillus GG, at the recent Functional Drinks Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. In fact, Valio has been producing dairy probiotic shots under the Valio Gefilus and Kidius Gefilus brand names since 1999 and 2004. This latest probiotic drink

is targeted at consumers who are not able to consume dairy products. Valio Gefilus fruitshot contains, the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain, which strengthens immunity; it also features vitamin D. The new fruit-based probiotic drink joins an existing nondairy juice drink, also marketed under the Valio Gefilus brand, which has been sold in 1 litre cartons since 1997.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

36 TREND FOCUS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Energy boost New York-based Vitalize Labs has extended EBoost, its energy drink mix brand, into the readyto-drink energy shot arena. The original powdered drink mix was launched by restaurateur, John McDonald and business partner, Josh Taekman in 2007.

Stevia in health drinks Jaime Scholl of PureCircle explained at HiE quite how busy the company has been this past year regarding formulating with stevia for all types of drinks including many health variants. The company has worked with Nestlé on its Nesfluid range, and also on its Nestlé Kids Yo with calcium, vitamin D and zinc. Danone’s new apricot flavour health shots are enriched with vitamin B6.

High ORAC açai Zola Açai has recently added two new variants to its portfolio of açai-based juices and smoothies. Zola Açai Daily Wellness Shot in 32oz bottles reportedly provides a full dose of antioxidants with just one 1oz shot, thanks to its blend of acerola and açai, accounting for 85% of the total. A shot contains just 20 calories and 3g of sugar. Zola Light Açai Juice is sweetened with stevia, is low in calories and boasts 50% less sugar and 40% less calories than Zola Açai Original Juice. Each 12oz bottle provides more than 4,000 ORAC units of antioxidants, omega-3, -6, -9 fatty acids and 70 calories.

EBoost Super Berry Liquid Shot is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including resveratrol, quercetin, vitamins C, D, B6, B12, chromium, zinc and green tea. It is also formulated with superfruit extracts of blueberry, blackberry pomegranate, mango, açai, maqui berry and grape seed. At just 15 calories per 2oz (60ml) bottle and containing no sugar, artificial colours and flavours, the company claims that Super Berry Liquid Shot

provides a healthy, sustained energy boost, without the crash associated with some other energy shots. The berry flavoured shot is designed to be drunk daily to help strengthen the body’s immune system, improve focus and concentration and boost the body’s resilience to the physical demands of stress, jetlag, hangovers and more.

Age protection Ego age protect sold in packs of 3 x 125ml bottles is a yogurt drink from Slovenian dairy Ljubljanske mlekarne. According to the company it has three components to maintain energy levels and protect consumers from premature ageing. CO Q10: helps with cell function and protects the body from harmful effects of free radicals to prevent premature ageing. Choline aids in the function of

the nerve system, preserving memory and cognitive ability. Pantothenic acid: belongs to the group of the vitamin B complex. Together with choline it plays a key role in the creation of acetylcholine, and it is also essential in energy metabolism, for normal brain activity and the functioning of the nervous system. Available in three flavours: natural, strawberry and raspberry & lemon.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


Noise reduction

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To reduce downtime and improve productivity it is well worth assessing plant noise and taking steps to lower noise levels. Noise is measured in decibels (dB), with an (A) weighting used to measure the hearing risk (ie what is heard) for compliance (dB(A)). ‘Noise induced hearing loss’ is the loss of hearing due to over exposure to noise over a period of time. Damage to hearing is permanent and irreversible.

Plant/ equipment


Time-weighted average (TWA) is the daily exposure to occupational noise, normalised to an eight-hour day. It takes into account the average levels of noise and the time spent in each area. Employers must ensure their workers are not exposed to a health and safety risk from

excessive noise exposure. A noise control policy, and a programme to control and manage exposure to noise, should be developed and implemented, in consultation with workers. Hearing assessments should be conducted and a hearing conservation programme developed.

Factors contributing to permanent hearing damage are the loudness of the noise together with the length of time one is exposed to it. Without controls in place, the length of time a worker is able to work (ie their maximum time of exposure) is reduced to half for every three-decibel (dB(A)) increase in noise level.

Noise level (decibels)

Possible controls to reduce noise levels - and improve and control exposure to noise

Noise level after control to be less than 85 dB(A)

Enter your initial readings

(Undertake a risk assessment to find the appropriate controls for your situation)

Enter your readings post controls


Try different warning systems. Strobe/flashing lights. Adjust level/volume. Buzzer/ pagers. Back-to-base alarm - flash on screen. Isolate alarm noise to specific area, so it’s not heard by entire workplace. Reduce the number of alarms (use for priority issues only).

Blenders and mixers

Change drive unit to a suitable power, or adjust the speed. Turn on, then load (with guarding in place). Load progressively. Enclose/isolate equipment. Ensure mixing blades don’t hit the side of mixer. Undertake regular maintenance. Enclose, encase, muffle feed tubes.

Compressed air, pneumatics, hydraulics, steam and high pressure fluids

Undertake regular maintenance. Lubricate moving parts. Install muffling or return systems for waste air. Check for air leaks. Change fittings - different jet sizes produce different noise levels. Install air accumulators. Reduce PSI pressure. Vacuum, rather than cleaning with compressed air. Try different equipment. Isolate, enclose, relocate compressor. Increase training.


Try different conveyors - eg linear, non-friction, flat, non-motorised. Undertake regular maintenance. Tune regularly. Grease bearings. Ensuring belt has proper tension. Isolate/enclose gearbox. Install bigger drives. Operate at lower speeds. Install lower gears to run at higher speeds. Consider what product is being conveyed and try different conveyors.

Exhaust systems and refrigeration

Employ acoustic engineers. Change muffler system. Install soundproofing. Isolate/ relocate unit. Undertake regular maintenance. Lubricate parts. Changing size/ speed of fan. Change the motor/gearbox. Insulate pipes.

Forklift trucks

Manage pedestrians, install barriers. Try different forklifts - eg electric, diesel. Adjust speed to reduce motor noise. Train drivers. Adjust volume of reverse beepers. Install lights, sensors, mirrors or barricades at blind spots, to eliminate need for sounding horn. Undertake ongoing maintenance. Check exhaust system. Eliminate uneven surfaces - eg road bumps.


Undertake ongoing maintenance. Install rubber mountings. Install variable speed drives. Check lubricants, employ a lubricant advisory service. Operate at optimum speed, not highest speed. Isolate or enclose the motor/gearbox.


Install piped music system. Use personal earphones, limited to 82dB(A). Limit number of radios. Limit areas where radios are used. Limit maximum volume. Consider eliminating radios from the workplace, through consultation, policy and procedures.


Lubricate bearings. Use variable speeds, or adjust speed to suit. Remove packaging from products before cutting. Insulate motors. Undertake ongoing maintenance. Adjust guides. Use appropriate blades - blades with teeth close


Install muffling or noise-deadening material. Use fibreglass straps, rather than bamboo or metal straps. Undertake ongoing maintenance. Enclose/isolate equipment. Double glaze windows. Improve acoustics of the work area.

Vehicles (including rail)

Plan traffic movements. Enclose areas where vehicles and people work. Limit use of compression braking. Reduce speed of vehicles. Install speed humps. Implement parking plan. Educate drivers in quiet driving techniques.

together generally reduce noise. Ensure blades are sharp.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

38 INSIGHT Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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If a person is exposed to 85 dB(A) over an eight-hour period or a peak of more than 140 dB(A), control measures must be used (otherwise hearing damage will begin to occur).

The length of time a worker is able to work is reduced As far as practicable, the control of noise must be achieved through the implementation of one or more of the following control measures, working from top to bottom: Elimination - assess the item before you purchase it, and investigate alternatives. Substitution - use an electric tool rather than an air tool (it’s less risk). Isolation – place noisy equipment in a soundproof enclosure, or change the

design and layout of the workplace. Engineering controls - undertake regular maintenance of plant and equipment, use quieter blades, alter aspects of the working environment. Administrative controls rotate workers from job-to-job to reduce their exposure to excessive noise; install warning signs to highlight a noisy work environment. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) - use the correct-rated hearing protectors; ensure workers are properly trained and supervised. This tool was developed through consultation between WorkCover NSW and the Food and Beverage Stakeholder Group. It is intended as a guide to possible solutions to common problems within the food and beverage manufacturing industry. Suggested controls are by no means the only control measures that can be implemented. Companies should carry out a thorough risk assessment in consultation with their workers to control noise risks in their workplace.

Rexnord LBP chains and new generation Marbett roller guides assure products travel in total silence, without damage to fragile and unstable containers or packages. The end result is reduced downtime and improved productivity. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011



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Everyone likes a bargain and multipacks makes sense when it comes to meeting the needs of families and their favourite drinks. Today convenience, occasion targeting, and cost optimisation are key. New moves in packaging, and promotions with shelf stand-out respond to the search for sustainability, ease of handling and eye-catching performance. Beverage Innovation takes a look at some of the latest developments.

Integrated multipack solutions


ccording to Graphic Packaging International (GPI) “In only seven seconds at the retail shelf, consumers decide which brands they will buy”. High quality graphics and visual effects on multiple packaging offers immediate appeal to influence that buying decision. From 4-packs to 40-packs, there is a paperboard multipack right for premium through economy pricing strategies and every retail channel - club warehouse, convenience store and supermarket. Plus, multiple packaging offers a range of distinctive package configurations in basket, wrapstyle and enclosed cartons, combined with innovative storage and dispensing features. On display at Pack Expo 2010 were a range of carton designs

and GPI’s latest paperboard package design innovations, along with equipment to multipack for soft drinks, beer, energy/specialty beverages and more. Featured products at Pack Expo included GPI’s innovative paperboard designs, delivering economic value, convenience and brand building - as demonstrated by the e-PAK collection, such as EZ-Pad for bulk bottled water package; and CAP-IT, a more sustainable multipack for plastic bottles.

Graphic Packaging Holding Co remains optimistic “Market conditions in the second half of 2010 remain challenging as consumers tightly manage spending even for food and beverage items,” said David W Scheible, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We felt most of the demand sluggishness early in third quarter, however, and saw some positive volume signs later in the quarter as the order book picked up in September and into the fourth quarter”.

AIMCAL winning designs


n March this year the Association of Industrial Metallisers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL) bestowed its Metallised Product of the Year Award on Graphic Packaging International (GPI) for its multipack carton for Disney brand juice pouches from Pouchsmart of Santa Monica, and contract packer - Langer Juice Co, also in California.

Hints and tips • Unique Shapes. You have to been seen to be profitable. It’s so easy to introduce uniquely different Shape FX designs to your existing packaging lines - for the “WOW” power that calls attention to your product from every angle, with a variety of eye catching shapes and 360-degrees of custom graphics to create an unexpected difference on the shelf and on the bottom line. • Inserts & Labels. What you see assures what you’ll get - that’s why customers prefer packaging that allows them to view products through windows or see how many servings remain. Plus, on-pack promotions, coupons, inserts, bonus samples, and scratch-n-sniff labels insert fun and incentive into the buying experience to increase buy rate and brand loyalty. • Interactive Packaging. Innovative packaging is a great way to engage consumers. Connect buyers to your website instantly with Snap2C mobile marketing for real-time promotions, product instructions, special offers or helpful Q&A. Random coding printed on individual cartons drives loyalty programmes, and provides essential consumer data for improved marketing decisions.

GPI served as converter and metalliser and supplied the 100% recycled paperboard substrates for the reverseprinted, metallised Composipac Z-Flute folding carton. Du Pont Teijin Films, Hopewell, Virginia, supplies the 48-gauge polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film for the Composipac structure. The carton, designed by Bryan Schuttinger, consists primarily of 24-point claycoated solid unbleached

sulfate (CCSUS). GPI laminates 18-point uncoated, recycled board reinforcement strips to load-bearing areas. The thinner profile of the Z-Flute carton versus a traditional B-Flute shipper doubles the number of multipacks per pallet and so reduces the number of pallets and truckloads needed to ship the product. The reverse-printed, metallised film imparts scuff and moisture resistance to the Composipac structure and provides eye catching shelf impact with its high gloss finish and use of transparent and spot opaque white inks. Gravure-printed graphics for four Disney brands - Fairies, High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and Cars - were designed by Diane Brewer, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

40 packaging Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Tape technology


arlville Development based in Miami, is known for its shrink sleeve application, converting equipment, pouch converting, and inspection equipment. One of its most recent acquisitions is Cefma Tape Technology, equipment for tape handle application and tape bundling application. It utilises European R&D to offer end-users the means to integrate a cost effective multipack adhesive tape. Karlville has a basic manual model ideal for small operations and test samples to fully automatic equipment that can be integrated into any current production line. The Cefmapack for Gable Tops, for juice and dairy companies, can be developed using the CP-150 automatic machine. CEFMA CP150 is a machine that groups automatically 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 cartons or bags on one line, together conveyed standing up, with two adhesive strips in opposition with or without flaps, and it applies an adhesive handle. Maximum speed: 40 bundles per minute in packs of two. (The machine can achieve

Peter Suhling shared the Schoeller Arca stand at this year’s Brau Beviale. He was demonstrating his multipack carriers which are made of recyclable PET - so more sustainable than today’s multipack shrink film. The product is easy to apply and very comfortable to carry. Three water companies are currenty using them - Gerolsteiner, Peterstaler Brunnen, who produce Black Forest Water for the US market and Wüllner with Carolinen Brunnen. Sold in pallets of 5,000.

CEFMA CP150 can apply three different types of handles, an applied handle that is automatically created consisting of a cardboard insert and tape, a prelaminated handle custom made or a foam handle faster speed adding a double lane to the machine). The main challenge, explained Executive VP Sales & Marketing Raul Matos, “is designing equipment to meet customer’s expectations and fit into their current production lines.”

Broadening appeal in the off trade

Logipacker for multipacks Schubert’s Logipack company has created the Logipack system - a multi-use system so that drink bottles in four, six, eight, ten or 12-packs can be transported more easily. Repacking from the Logipack tray to the containers in the Logi-tray is carried out automatically in the TLM Logipacker. The Logipacker’s capacity is 28,000 bottles per hour or 7.7 bottles per second.

Halewood International has a new 70cl bottle and 330ml multipack for its Crabbie’s Alcoholic Beer brand specifically for the off trade. Multipack variants include a four pack of 330ml bottles and a six or eight pack of 500ml bottles. Al Cross, Brand Manager for Crabbie’s comments: “The new pack formats allows us to reach a much wider and more diversified audience, the sharing bottle is designed to be kept in the fridge at home and the multipack cases allows consumers to easily cater for social occasions such as Christmas parties.” © Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

packaging 41

Business intelligence: Russia by Zenith International Senior Analyst Natasha Maiseyeva The beginning of 2010 did not promise much enthusiasm for the producers of soft drinks in Russia. Industry sources state that following a challenging 2009 - when bottled water declined by 3%, fruit juices by a staggering 13% and carbonated soft drinks were down by 7% in volume terms compared to the previous year - this trend was expected to continue into 2010.

Natasha Maiseyeva

The economic downturn, combined with two rainy summer seasons in 2008 and 2009, had left the Russian soft drinks market in decline. The market volume stood at 8.6 billion litres in 2009, a drop of almost 8% compared to 2008.

Fruto Nyanya

From the beginning of July, the average temperatures were regularly reaching over 35oC, and local vendors of chilled beverages were soon out of stock. Industry players are now hoping to finish the year on a positive note with production increasing to pre-crisis volumes. Particular success over the summer season was seen for drinks such as bottled water, lemonades, mors and kvas. The latter two are quintessential Russian beverages, mors - a berry

Š Julia Eniseyskaya |

However, the unexpectedly hot summer in 2010, including the heat wave, with record temperatures over large areas of the Russian Federation, boosted soft drinks sales significantly.

drink, is traditionally made with cranberries, and kvas - a malt beverage produced from barley or rye, has a taste of freshly baked bread and a distinctive sweet-sour flavour. Following non-alcoholic carbonated beverages bottled water, including HOD is the second largest category in terms of consumption volume. Small pack bottled water market did not suffer hugely during the economic crisis and is expected to recover growth in 2010. The multinationals Coca-Cola and PepsiCo together held 22% of the market by volume in 2009. Both companies sell purified drinking waters: PepsiCo with the Aqua Minerale brand, and Coca-Cola with Bonaqua. Natural mineral waters currently account for approximately 30% of overall market volume.

Such waters are traditionally bottled at source and include a logistics premium in their price point to cover transportation to outside the production region. However, purified drinking waters can be produced at any plant, often built conveniently close to the key consumer markets and sold at a lower price point, which may explain some of the popularity of Aqua Minerale and Bonaqua. In ranking Russian soft drink suppliers: the multinationals are followed by local producers such as Visma, Narzan,

Lebedyanskiy Tonus

Š Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

42 MARKET REVIEW Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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Shishkin Les, Kavminvody and Karachinsky Istochnik. 2009 saw the emergence of another significant player in the Russian bottled water market: IDS Borjomi Group which acquired the Saint Springs brand from Nestlé Waters and added it to its already significant portfolio of local and imported brands, raising the company’s share primarily in the Moscow region.

Success over the summer season was seen for bottled water, lemonades, mors and kvass The economic downturn did have a positive influence on one soft drinks beverage category - that of carbonated soft drinks. With the rise of health awareness, a tendency to prioritise juice and mineral water purchases over carbonated drinks was noticed in the market. Resulting from this, the sales of carbonated drinks declined, while consumers ‘voted with their wallets’ for natural beverages with lower sugar content. This trend was interrupted in 2008, with high consumer prices for fruit juices and a reduction in

Dobry Multon

Nidan Soki

consumer purchasing power, the preference for cheaper carbonated soft drinks was renewed. This positive influence did not carry into 2009 however, with carbonated soft drinks volumes declining to 2.8 billion litres. This was with the exception of kvas, which had a positive performance and is included in the carbonated soft drinks category. Before 2002, the majority of kvas was sold in barrels for street vending. Ochakovo brewery was the pioneering company to manufacture kvas for retail sales, which spurred the growth of bottled kvas in retail. The overall increase in demand for natural, beverages, positioned as a healthy alternative to western carbonated drinks supported demand for kvas, which is now produced by a number of leading breweries. The juice industry felt the blow of the economic decline more than any other category. Linked to the US dollar and the Euro, as most of the raw materials are imported, juice prices are extremely volatile during periods of inflation. The market saw a significant drop in volumes in 2009 and producers were forced to diversify their portfolios by adding cheaper nectars and fruit drinks with lower juice content. Private label still accounts for a small percentage of the juice market, however, the category saw active development as major retailers attempted to capitalise on value offerings over the course of 2008 and 2009. In 2009, the two key

rivals dominating the market were PepsiCo (with the acquisition of Lebedyansky in 2008) and Coca-Cola (with the acquisition of Multon in 2005). Together, they shared 54% of the overall juice market. Wimm-Bill-Dan and Nidan Soki followed in the ranks. PepsiCo was the market leader in 2009 and the recent acquisition of Nidan Soki by Coca-Cola increased rivalry ‘at the top’, further consolidating the market. Of course, the news in early December that PepsiCo was to take 66% of Wimm-Bill-Dann changed the market dynamics once again (see page 14), giving PepsiCo a seemingly unassailable leading position in the Russian juice market.

Key challenges The key challenges remaining in the Russian soft drinks industry are difficulties in technical legislation linked with new

product development. Each producer is required to collect an extensive list of certification in order to align the product with existing legislation, resulting in a prolonged process, sometimes lasting for over a year. Such legislation is in particular challenging for functional beverages, as these do not fit easily into the typical legislation framework. As consumer purchasing power recovers, producers will look to satisfy consumer desire for healthier, more sophisticated products, fuelling development of added-value beverages. However, value for money is still of great importance, as the country recovers from a prolonged period of economic difficulties. The soft drinks market is forecast moderate growth of 2-3% over the next three years.

Zenith International offers insights reports on non-alcoholic beverage markets in 65 countries worldwide. If you would like more information on these reports or any other services that Zenith International offers, please email, visit or telephone +44(0)1225 327900

Visma Arhyz

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


33mm aseptic closure Click here to subscribe

Smaller cap size for on the go market Claire Phoenix interviewed Jose Garcia Carrion and Volker Spiesmacher of Bericap What prompted the launch of the 33mm closure? The company of J.García Carrión always has been characterised by its innovating potential and having facilities equipped with the best technologies on the market. Demonstrating eagerness for innovation and with a characteristic vision of the future, yet harnessed by the current economic climate. Bericap’s new 33mm aseptic closure challenges the current aseptic juice package by offering new generation technology. This cap, with its smaller diameter, allows for neck lightweighting and so follows the market trend to save raw material and in consequence reduce CO2 output. Also this filling machine offers the best unit costs in the market. All in all, this new packaging system has a reduced global environmental impact, but maintains completely the quality of our juice. Taking into account all these positive impacts, we decided to compare the newly designed bottle with a 33mm neck diameter to the present bottle with its 38mm neck finish.

The result of trialling this new sustainable, aseptically filled package, was that it met the highest levels of safety and integrity, which of course delighted us and encouraged us to go forward. In a joint effort with leading manufacturers of filling lines, leading manufacturer of PET preforms and, last but not least, together with Bericap, one of the biggest global producers of closures, this aseptic juice packaging was developed using the lightest package in the market. Since last summer this development project has become a reality providing a package of high quality, while securing best economics combined with smaller environmental impact. The benefits of this project also benefit our many clients. Aseptic systems are expensive to install - how long before you expect a return on this investment? For JGC, the pay-back for investment begins the moment

the market begins to accept and to consume our products. We did not consider this investment as a short term project - we believe in a long term relationship with our clients. In which markets will drinks with this new closure sell? JGC works in 120 countries and bases its growth on export markets. This closure is a format of the future and will be used in all geographic sectors independent of the fact that its launch has been concentrated

in our national market of Spain, UK and North Africa. I am aware that J G Carrion produces a number of private label brands for supermarkets. What proportion of total volume is this? At the moment, the percentage of filling for private brands for supermarkets contributes around 35% of our sales, although it constantly varies due to our policy of expansion in all markets (both national and export) wherever we have the potential to increase our business.

Volker Spiesmacher The 33mm solution is designed for on-the-go packs for juices, energy drinks and teas. It is also a solution for larger bottle sizes for juice and milk where lightweighting is a consideration.

The DoubleSeal 33 is equipped with a folded tamper evidence band for safe breaking and a specific design of the sealing lip for tight sealing to ensure product integrity. The DoubleSeal can easily be sterilised using all standard aseptic filling decontamination methods.

Besides lightweighting the 33mm neck size allows distinction of the product on the shelf. According to various studies it also provides better drinking comfort for the consumer.

Garcia Carrion was the first customer to select the DoubleSeal 33. One of the main targets of the company was weight saving, but also ensuring that the product’s appearance has excellent shelf stand out.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

44 TECHNICAL NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

Bev tech Beverage Innovation technical news

Rationalising cold drinks display GlaxoSmithKline has rationalised its approach to the maintenance of its 35,000 assorted cold drinks display units by awarding a single contract to supplier GVS Assist. “Between us, we’ve rewritten the book on how organisations such as ours can manage the provision of cold drink display units,” said Stefan Searle. “Now it’s in the supplier’s interests to unlock the efficiencies incumbent in the new model and we have a level of structured pricing that just didn’t exist until we invented it.” GVS Assist has built a reputation for leading the industry through innovation and the contract with Glaxo SmithKline is another example of the company’s willingness to be flexible. “Because there’s no such thing as an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution,” said GVS Assist’s Account Manager Sean Hurley.

OPRL recycle label scheme signs 100th company The On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL), which was launched by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and continues to be actively supported by WRAP has just signed up its 100th company. The label now appears on more than 60,000 lines including products by Birdseye, Innocent, Henkel, GlaxoSmithKline and WH Smith with a further string of major brands and retailers.

Oval container process The ProShape process from Krones can produce oval or asymmetrical plastic containers. It uses the heat-up and stretch blow-molding technology of the Contiform series, combining it with a new module for orientation and selective temperature control of the preforms.

optimised material distribution for the downstream stretch blow-molding process. This enables very accurate profiles with sharply defined temperature boundaries and enabling thick-walled areas to be adjacent to thin-walled segments.

The ProShape module is integrated into the Contiform between a standard linear oven and a standard blowing wheel. The requisite temperature profile is applied to the preforms using temperature-controlled aluminium molds to meet the requirements of the subsequent bottle, achieving

Alcoa’s truck bodies business is now

The BRC now plans to focus on raising public awareness of the label and encouraging consumers to recycle more. The new label indicates three levels of packaging recycling.

ColorMatrix, known for liquid colourants and additives for thermoplastic applications, has expanded its technologies with a liquid foaming agent for PVC sheet and new liquid delustrant technology for the polyester and nylon fibre sector. Joule RHB offers improved levels of clarity and brightness, and has been shown to retain 100% of its reheat capability and visual clarity after repeated processing.

Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

New name, same high quality service!

PET colourants and additives

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BDW technologies Hungary the preferred research and development partner of its customers offers individual solutions and customised component features guarantees a consistently high level of quality

BDW technologies Hungary Kft, Verseci u 1-15, 8050 Szekesfehervar, Hungary T: +36 22 531 298 F: +36 22 313 381NEWS 45 TECHNICAL E:

Bev tech

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‘Cool is Green’


rigoglass, known for its global Ice Cold Merchandisers (Beverage Coolers), provides premium specialist solutions in beverage refrigeration to drive cold drink sales, while promoting sustainable development in its operations, to protect the environment. In this context, Frigoglass launched Ecocool, a complete range of environmentally friendly ICMs. The Ecocool ICM range is the result of the a commitment to promoting a sustainable business environment. Its development is designed to reduce the impact of greenhouse emissions and energy consumption, while at the same time creating value for beverage companies, through:

3. Optimised and efficient design, best in class components, as well as intelligent energy-management systems help the Frigoglass Ecocool units to be significantly more economic to run. Studies have shown that Ecocool coolers consume up to 50% less energy than equivalent units produced ten years ago and up to 25% less energy than units produced today with conventional technology.

1. The use of the natural refrigerants Hydrocarbons (HC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2), which drastically reduce the impact that refrigerants have on the environment. While conventional refrigerants (R134a) have an average Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1,300 over a period of 100 years, HC and CO2 have a GWP of less than three.

4. Advanced assembly techniques and the use of fewer materials, make the Ecocool range compatible with recycling process requirements.

2. The use of natural substances in the insulation process, which make the Ecocool range completely HFC-free.

5. The breadth of the product range covers key channel needs and consumer occasions, offering a solid and integrated environmental proposition to all customers and retailers.

Cool can be Green. What’s in it for the beverage companies? • By lowering electricity bills at outlets, beverage companies can offer retailers cooling solutions

Spectrometer data software

Now available for Ocean Optics’ Jaz modular sensing system, Jaz Scripting Language (Jaz-

SPL), helps users customise spectrometer data acquisition, processing and export functions. With Jaz-SPL, the power of its onboard microprocessor can be harnessed with scripts for data acquisition, processing and export of results to an SD card. An ethernet-equipped Jaz can be remotely controlled by a PC, or Jaz can run the script from an SD card with no need for a PC.

to promote their products at a significantly lower cost. • By reducing the direct and indirect Greenhouse effect, beverage companies can limit their carbon footprint. • Consumers can enjoy cold drink availability with minimum environmental impact. Frigoglass is the most geographically diverse company in the global ICM market, with operations spanning 19 countries across five continents. The ten production hubs are based in Romania, Russia, Greece, Turkey, India, China, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, and a recently acquired facility in South Carolina, US. Standalone sales offices are based in Poland, Norway, Ireland, Kenya, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, Germany and France. The company’s customer base consists of Coca-Cola Company Bottlers (such as Coca-Cola Hellenic, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Coca-Cola Amatil, Coca-Cola Sabco), brewers (such as Heineken, BBH, SABMiller, ABInbev, Diageo, Efes), Pepsi, dairy companies (Nestlé, Danone) and many others.

Director commented: “The positive momentum that we witnessed during the first half of 2010 accelerated, delivering our strongest ever third quarter result. ICM sales have led the way, with Eastern and Western Europe performing well, while glass is resuming its upward trend. Looking ahead, we continue to be aware of the ongoing economic weakness in many of the world’s developed markets, together with increasing pressures in raw materials, but remain confident that our market execution will enable our platforms for growth to progress further.”

The company announced a 37% growth in sales for first nine months of the year and Petros Diamantides Managing

Yellow is the colour At the Material Handling Exhibition - IMHX in Birmingham unveiled its yellow hygienic plastic pallet to illustrate the colour matches it achieves with Belgian manufacturer, IPS. The IPS hygienic pallet is made using the finest quality food grade virgin HDPE (high density polyethylene) and has totally smooth, sealed surfaces. Recent orders are from Nestlé UK, Kellogg’s, Cadbury Kenya and Vion Food.

© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

46 TECHNICAL NEWS Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

Bev tech ‘Barista’ range of paper vending cups International Paper has added to its range of paper vending cup designs having launched the new ‘Barista’ range at Vendex North. The Barista design is the result of significant market research. Barista has a modern, contemporary coffee shop look and with each size having its own colour variation it is a distinctive addition to the range of paper vending cups available from International Paper. Available in four sizes: 8oz, 10oz and two 12oz versions (squat and tall shapes), the cups also have a range of lids to complete the quality experience - both flat ‘carry’ lids and sip-through versions are soon to be available.

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Europlastics Bioplastics Conference 2010 360 global experts met in Düsseldorf to exchange information about new bioplastic materials and products at European Bioplastics 2010. “Despite the proximity to other plastics events, this Bioplastics Conference has established itself as the leading business forum for the bioplastics industry,” said Andy Sweetman, Chairman. This year, more than 70% of the participants came from Europe, almost 20% from Asia, and 10% from North and South America.

Makro Labeller for contract filling H & A Prestige Packing Co has confirmed an order for the first Makro labelling machine to be supplied to the UK market. A Makro model MAK–1 self adhesive labeller is to be supplied to handle a variety of bottle sizes for its contract filling operation. The choice of the Makro Labeller was made due to its lower cost and unrivalled flexibility. Makro Labelling achieve this with two patented parts on their machines, the Universal Infeed Scroll and the Magic Star. The Universal Infeed Scroll can handle a number of container sizes without the need for changeover while the Magic Star can handle up to three different bottle sizes.

in Italy have been embraced by the team at H & A, who need flexibility in their filling lines. The cost of change parts is only half the story as with the Makro patented Magic Star multiple format handling starwheels, changeover from one bottle type to the next can be achieved by electronic re-synchronisation. A full inventory of Stars and Scrolls can take up valuable floor space, with less handling the chance of damage is also reduced, so the return on investment can be significantly less.”

Speakers included: Bas Krins, API Institute; Dr. Stéphane Girois, Arkema; Dirk den Ouden, Avantium; Dr Lars Börger, BASF; Fredric Petit, DSM; Richard Janssen, DSM; Dr Karlheinz Hausmann, DuPont; Dr Harald Häger, Evonik; Dipl Ing (FH) Christoph Lohr, FKuR; Steve Dejonghe, Galactic; Thomas Stintzing, Gehr; Fabio Marzorati, Goglio Cofibox; Peter Rushe, Henkel; Andy Sweetman, Innovia Films; Johann Axel Zimmermann, NaKu; Dipl Ing Uwe Bonten, NGR; Dr John Williams, NNFCC; Stefano Facco, Novamont; Bruno de Wilde, OWS; David Webber, PA European Consulting; Marco Polenghi, Polenghi; Prof Dr Marina Franke, Procter&Gamble; Oliver Schmid, Propper; Sicco de Vos, Purac; Daniel Ganz, Sukano; Dr Stanislaw Haftka, Telles (Mirel); and Dr Rainer Hagen, Uhde Inventa Fischer.

Husky 100% rPET flake Husky first launched the ability to manufacture preforms with up to 100% post consumer food-grade recycled PET flake using its HyPET Recycled Flake (RF) system at Drinktec 2009. “The preforms produced on Husky’s HyPET RF system significantly reduced black specks and minimised failures,” said Bruce Sampson, General Manager from Southeastern Container, one of Husky’s development partners. The HyPET RF display at K2010 featured bottles and preforms made using 25% to 100% recycled flake. The first commercially viable HyPET RF system is now running in Europe.

Richard Portman, Managing Director of Makro Labelling UK said: “I am very pleased with our first order in the UK, the design concepts from my colleagues © Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890. Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


© Beverage Innovation 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission of FoodBev Media - For details about syndication and licensing please contact the marketing team on 01225 327890.

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Flavours, colours and ingredients Colours

Flavours and flavouring

Flavours, Colours, Extracts… Claremont Ingredients Ltd Unit 2B, Aspect Court Silverdale Enterprise Park Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 6SS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1782 623883 Fax: +44 (0)1782 623773

For all your beverage advertising needs, call +44 (0)1225 327862 Kanegrade Ltd Ingredients House Caxton Way Stevenage Herts SG1 2DF Hertfordshire, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1438 742242 Fax: +44 (0)1438 742311 E-mail: Website:

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Flavours, colours and ingredients Flavours and flavouring

Machinery and equipment

Fruit juices and compounds

Caps and closures


Kanegrade Ltd Ingredients House Caxton Way Stevenage Herts SG1 2DF Hertfordshire, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1438 742242 Fax: +44 (0)1438 742311 E-mail: Website:

SVZ International BV Oude Kerkstraat 8 4878 AA Etten-Leur The Netherlands Tel: +31 76 50 49 494 Fax: +31 76 50 49 400 E-mail: Website:

Akline Plastics Z.I. Les Grands Vris, 74540 Alby Sur Cheran, France Tel: +33 (0) 450 109 300 Fax: +33 (0) 450 109 307 E-mail: Website: The Damzy© Clip opens, closes, preserves...

Flavours, colours and ingredients Fruit juice concentrates William Ransom & Sons PLC Alexander House 40a Wilbury Way Hitchin Herts, SG4 0AP UK Tel: +44 (0) 1462 437 615 Fax: +44 (0) 1462 420 528 E-mail: Website:

Fruit juice

Kanegrade Ltd Ingredients House, Caxton Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2DF Hertfordshire, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1438 742242 Fax: +44 (0)1438 742311 E-mail: Website:

Caps and closures Ingredients Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011


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Machinery and equipment


Sismatico (UK) Ltd Plumtree Farm Industrial Estate Bircotes, Doncaster DN11 8EW Tel: +44 (0)1302 719738 Fax: +44 (0)1302 719222 E-mail: Website:

Filling machinery


Process equipment

SACMI LABELLING SACMI VERONA S.p.A. Via Dell’Industria, 2/A 37060 Mozzecane (Verona) - Italy Tel: +39 045 6347511 Fax: +39 045 6347559 E-mail: sacmilabelling@

A. Water Systems S.r.l Località Piana, 55/D 12060 - Verduno (CN) Italy Tel: +39 0173 615636 Fax: +39 0173 615633 Website: Email:

For all your beverage advertising needs, call +44 (0)1225 327862

SACMI FILLING S.p.A. Via Enzo Ferrari, 1 43058 Ramoscello di Sorbolo (PR) Italy Tel: +39 0521 695411 Fax: +39 0521 695401 E-mail:

Water Systems can provide complete support to the bottling lines integrators, starting from water purification (cartridges, sand, active carbon, RO filtering systems) through ancillary equipments (CIP systems, bottle rinsing solution preparers, etc), to product processing machines (premix systems, flash pasteurizers, syrup rooms, etc).

Packaging Bag in box dispensers

For all your beverage advertising needs, call +44 (0)1225 327862


P.E. Labellers S.p.A. Via Europa 25 46047 Porto Mantovano (MN) Italy Tel: +39 0376 389311 Fax: +39 0376 389411 Email:

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Shrinkwrapping machinery


Armfield BI functionaldrinks Awards BDW technologies Hungary Corvaglia Frigoglass GNT Husky Interpack Tetra Pak William Ransom

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Packaging Closures

BERICAP Oslo Road, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, Hull HU7 0YN United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1482 82 66 66 Fax: +44 (0)1482 83 28 39 E-mail: BERICAP is a globally acting manufacturer of plastic closures with 20 factories in 18 countries across the world, on-going projects in several countries of Asia and a network of licensees and partners to supply similar products made according to the same quality and service standards to its global customers; with a mould shop in Hungary and several satellite R&D offices in its main operations, BERICAP is particularly committed to development and innovation in plastic closures for its customers.

“Latin America leaders in Closures manufacture”

IBEROPLAST Avenida Rivera Navarrete 620 Lima 27 Peru Tel: +51 1 430 0061 Fax: +51 1 430 2761 E-mail: Website:

Europe: Seaquist Closures Löffler GmbH D 94078 FREYUNG Tel: +49 8551 975 234 Fax: +49 8551 975 180 E-mail: Website:

Viscose Closures Ltd Fleming Way Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9JY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1293 519251 Fax: +44 (0)1293 540005 E-mail: Website: Leading suppliers of sports caps, plastic and aluminium closures for still and carbonated products.

Foil Capping & Sealing

Fords Packaging Systems Ltd Ronald Close Woburn Rd Ind. Estate Kempston, Beds MK42 7SH Tel: +44 1234 846600 Fax: +44 1234 853040 World leaders in foil capping presses and sealing technology


North America : Tel: +1 416 54 38 055 Latin America Tel: +52 (33) 3628 1938 Asia Tel: +86512 6260 2555 Sports closures and dispensing systems for plastic packaging. Your partner for success in the beverage market.

Global beverage industry information specialists: research, reports, consultancy, projects and data management.

Issue 81 - December 2010 • January 2011

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