Cognis newsletter

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may 2011

NewCom Cognis N & H eZine

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Topic 1


Expert Insight




Topic 2 Topic 3

NBT Awards

Topic 4




Omevital™ in Illertissen


New application centers



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Topic 5 Topic 6

Topic 7




may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Cognis integration into BASF What does it mean for you as a customer? The answer is that we expect business operations to continue to run smoothly during the transition and, with our enlarged portfolio of products and concepts, we look forward to sharing some very exciting future prospects with you. Following the Cognis acquisition in December, we are now reaching the end of the ‘concept and planning’ phase and are about to begin the all-important implementation of our integration plan. Our teams are committed to ensuring that all aspects of our service to customers will continue normally while we complete the process. In the Human Nutrition group, we will continue - and extend - the now well-established Newtrition™ strategy, developed in response to the wellness megatrend.

By offering forward-looking concepts and formulations with our newly enlarged portfolio of ingredients, we will deliver solutions to add even more feel-good factors to your products. After the integration, customers will also benefit from complemented and extended value-chains, broadened technology platforms, as well as strengthened market, formulation and application know-how. Vitafoods Europe will provide an early opportunity for you to experience the advantages that the BASF-Cognis combination can offer. We warmly invite you to visit our stand (741), where we look forward to exploring new business opportunities with you.

Massimo Armada Senior Vice President Human Nutrition

Expert Insight




NBT Awards




Omevital™ in Illertissen


New application centers



Massimo Armada Senior Vice President Human Nutrition

The BASF Human Nutrition group, which incorporates Cognis Nutrition & Health, is one of four market segments served by the BASF Nutrition & Health division, offering high-performance products for human nutrition, the flavor and fragrance houses, the pharmaceutical and animal nutrition industries.


Topic 1


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Topic 2 Topic 3

Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6

Topic 7




may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Topic 1– Expert Insight

It’s all about me One of the major factors influencing the consumer’s choice of food product and health benefit is „what is right for me as an

NewCom quizzed

individual?“ People are constantly bom-

Julian Mellentin (Executive Director, New Nutrition Business, London UK) and David Jago (Director of Insight & Innovation; Mintel GNDP, London UK) about the latest trends in functional foods. Here’s what they told us:

barded with information about food and health. Consequently they often don‘t believe experts and pick a personalized view of what works for them. The push towards individualization is very strong; it‘s one of the most powerful ideas in marketing. Success in this sector is all about single-serve

Expert Insight










7 7


Topic 3

NBT Awards

Topic 4



Omevital™ in Illertissen


New application centers



active ingredient.


Topic 2


packages which provide a high dose of the


Topic 1



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Topic 5 Topic 6

Topic 7





may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Naturally healthy

Weight management

Low-volume high-value market

‘Functional foods’ is not a term that consu-

This sector is growing really fast – it’s a

This is the area where most health brands

mers use – they think about the concept of

bigger issue than ever before and consumer

start and it may

‘Natural’ and ‘Balanced Nutrition’, preferring

attitudes are changing. It’s not about slim-

be a good place

‘naturally healthy’ foods. In fact, they ex-

ming and dieting and losing weight quickly

to stay!

pect simplicity and naturalness almost as

any more; now weight management is much

The future is

standard. It’s not a technical or a regulatory

more important. There are two main cate-

not really about

definition, it is an individual definition, often

gories: active fat and calorie reduction; and

mass, it‘s about

meaning things that are free from being ’bad

hunger management/satiety. It is vital to

small niches of

for you’. The natural concept is the direction

use language consumers can relate to - they

people paying

that the food industry is taking, in terms

want a simple and coherent explanation and

premium pri-

of health and positioning, in terms of R&D,

they are especially responsive to recommen-

ces, strongly

investment, the development and marketing

dations from other sources – friends, relati-

motivated by the benefits, with high repeat

of new products.

ves, women’s magazines and celebrities.

purchase rates. It’s a long-term business -

Expert Insight




NBT Awards




Omevital™ in Illertissen


New application centers



very few brands with health benefits actually make any money for the first few years.

Topic 1– Expert Insight 1







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Topic 1



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Topic 2 Topic 3

Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6

Topic 7





may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Strategy for success

It is absolutely key to be able to demonstrate the product benefit - and for people to experience and feel the benefit.

Topic 1– Expert Insight

The delivery format and taste of the product are key issues - if products don’t taste good, people won’t eat them.

If you are using an ingredient that delivers any kind of health property, there is no point in putting it into a product that doesn’t already have some perception of ‘better for your health’.

„Expert Brands“ are very important for success in food and health - not just a product, but a service; lots of information in simple consumer-friendly language, to help people do what they need to do in order to stick with the program and experience the benefit.

If you’re unable to make a claim (because of legislative restrictions) you need to create awareness in the end-consumer market.

Ιnvest in marketing; makers of successful products in this sector typically plough back about 15 to 20% of retail sales into marketing activities.

Benefit, format and brand - everything needs to fit together in a way that makes sense to the consumer

Contact: Andreas Bais (Head of Global Marketing Communication Human Nutrition) >










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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

New partnerships, new opportunities at Vitafoods Europe Join us in Geneva at Vitafoods stand 741, where Cognis and BASF will be joining forces to bring you their latest Newtrition™ concepts and finished products. Lipolar Balans K2, developed by Cognis in partnership with Nutrivision, is a flavored liquid designed to support healthy bones, brain and heart. Concepts containing BASF ingredients include ‚stick packs‘, a convenient food supplement with omega 3 and vitamin E. Vegapure® plant sterols powder is presented in a handy on-the-tongue sachet, developed in conjunction with Nutrilo. Christina Ehrhardt, Global Research Manager, will further explore the topic of heart health at the Vitafoods supplier seminar theatre. Catch her presentation: “Heart Health In-

gredients keep the beat - Success story of plant sterols and outlook into areas beyond cholesterol reduction” on 11th May at 10.30. Cognis developed “Shape Up” Tonalin® CLA ampoules in partnership with Sanomed GmbH. With their attractive delivery form and excellent retail potential, “Shape Up” ampoules have been shortlisted in the Outstanding Application in Health Management category of the new NBT Awards. Newtrition™ „Eat.Feel.Live.“ the business and communications strategy which underpins the company’s offering has been also been shortlisted, for the NBT Most Effective Marketing Campaign award. And we’ll be helping you keep in touch with the world outside Palexpo this year – Cognis is sponsoring the WiFi!

Topic 2 – Vitafoods

Contact: Andreas Bais (Head of Global Marketing Communication Human Nutrition) >







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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Cognis shortlisted in new NBT Awards

Topic 3 – NBT Awards

The Nutraceutical Business & Technology Awards being launched at Vitafoods this year will recognize excellence in the nutraceutical industry. The judging panel has been assembled exclusively from leading healthcare organizations and top business school academics. As well as sponsoring the Champagne Reception at the awards ceremony, Cognis has been shortlisted in two of the eight categories. The company’s ground-breaking “Newtrition™ Eat.Feel.Live” business and communications strategy has been shortlisted in the Most Effective Marketing Campaign category and Shape Up Tonalin® CLA ampoules have been shortlisted for the Outstanding Application in Health Management award. 1







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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Shape Up Tonalin® CLA ampoules

Health and beauty in one shot Issues of weight management and body fat reduction are ever-present in the minds of consumers. Cognis has worked closely with its customer Sanomed GmbH to develop “Shape Up” - Tonalin® CLA. Delivered in ampoules, the product presents an effective daily dose in one shot. This innovative delivery form is ideal for busy people who are looking for a convenient and tasty way to support their health, or for consumers who dislike or are unable to take capsules. With a pleasant multi-fruit flavor, this effective 25 ml supplement is targeted to active and body conscious people. Tonalin® CLA is the most thoroughly researched and tested CLA on the market,

enabling manufacturers to make a verifiable benefit claim. Formulated in a sophisticated manufacturing process, the ampoules do not need cooling, which means that they can easily be taken on the go or whilst traveling. “Shape Up” Tonalin® ampoules perfectly meet consumer demands for convenience, effect and taste and they finally close the gap between dietary supplements and food. All these properties make “Shape Up” ampoules an attractive delivery form for consumers and an excellent product form for retail. Contact: Arne Ptock (Global Product Line Manager Tonalin) >

Tonalin® CLA supports the “beauty-from-within” concept and works in four ways*: • It decreases the amount of fat stored after eating. • It increases fat breakdown in fat cells. • It increases the rate of fat metabolism. • It decreases the total number of fat cells in the human body. 1






Topic 3 – NBT Awards


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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Topic 4

Speed up your NPD in cyberspace – Announcing a new collaboration between Cognis and Innovadex “The Innovadex Food & Beverage Cybrary is a virtual tradeshow, where manufacturers can meet their suppliers 365/24/7”, explains Patricia Day, Market Development representative from the company’s dedicated team for the EMEA region. The cybrary, available at www.innovadex. com, is a B2B market-focused search engine specifically designed for food and nutraceutical industry professionals. It aims to accelerate information exchange between supplier and customer and is a one-stopshop where you can find the most innovati-



ve ingredients, additives and market trends for your particular product development needs. BASF, the new owners of Cognis, have been Innovadex participants for some years. Now Cognis customers will also be able to take advantage of the collaboration. Serving several industries around the world, Innovadex launched its Food & Beverage cybrary in Europe in 2005. “If you want to speed up your NPD process, you’ll certainly benefit from this free service”, said Patricia Day. “Once you’ve registered,




you can search by keyword, company or product type; find suppliers, download documents, ask technical and sales questions and request product samples whenever it fits your schedule. The Food & Beverage cybrary offers over 100,000 searchable documents and, with powerful search and filtering tools, you can quickly identify application-specific ingredients, their benefits and claims.” Contact: Andreas Bais (Head of Global Marketing Communication Human Nutrition) >


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Patricia Day, Market Development representative from the company’s dedicated team for the EMEA region

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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Topic 5 – Omevital™ in Illertissen, Germany A boost to omega-3 production and bottling

Omevital™ 1812 TG Ultra

nagement system is certified for compliance

New bottling line

Cognis, now part of BASF, has begun the

with DIN EN ISO 9001 (quality), 14001 (envi-

The new bottling line also incorporates all

production and bottling of Omevital™ 1812

ronment) and 22000 (food safety) standards.

the latest technological advances, making

TG Ultra at its state-of-the art facilities in

In addition, the Illertissen site has been cer-

possible new features such as full body slee-

Illertissen, Germany, to complement existing

tified by NSF International for compliance

ves. Last but not least, the combination of

production capabilities in Norway.

with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

the new line’s higher capacity with its cen-

for dietary supplements. Its state-of-the-art

tral European location will result in shorter

Quality assured and shorter lead times

distillation and deodorization technology

lead times for you the customer.

The Illertissen site is Cognis’ global compe-

cially with regard to sensory properties and

tence center for the production of nutritional

to oxidation parameters (lower anisidine

ensures impeccable product quality, espe-

ingredients. Its quality and environmental ma- and peroxide levels).







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Contact: Thomas Kuehn (Plant Manager Illertissen) >

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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

New application centers In order to provide its customers with

shelf life, while in most European countries

expert local support and recipes adapted

consumers like freshly-baked crusty bread.

to their specific needs, Cognis - now part of

Processing methods also vary, for example

BASF - has decided to set up new applica-

steam baking is common in China and other

tion centers for food ingredients in different

Asian countries, whereas Western-style

global regions. The first was opened in June

breads are generally oven-baked.

last year in Kuala Lumpur, to serve custo-

Topic 6 – New application centers Cognis strengthens its global presence

Holger Riemensperger, Global Business

mers in South East Asia. A second will be

Director, comments: “Our new regional

opening soon in Jacarei, Brazil, to coincide

application centers will help us to develop

with the opening of a new state-of-the-art

food solutions that are tailored to customer

production facility. There are also plans to

needs – be it a plain roll, a specific bread mix

open centers in China and the USA.

or cake.”

People’s tastes vary greatly around the world and they like their food delivered in different forms. In North America, for example, people prefer soft bread with a long



Contact: Holger Riemensperger (Director Global Product Line Food Ingredients) >


> 4




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may 2011

Cognis N & H eZine

Our key capabilities

Topic 7 – BASF - Cognis Following the current integration process, BASF-Cognis customers will benefit from an enlarged portfolio of products and Newtrition™ concepts, complemented and extended value-chains, broadened technology platforms, as well as strengthened market, formulation and application know-how. Contact: Claudia Guterl (VP Global Marketing Human Nutrition) >



• • • • • • • • • • • •


Innovative and sustainable products and solutions through BASF’s global R&D network State-of-the-art formulation technologies Comprehensive technical application and market know-how to serve unmet market needs Strong production position and market presence in major growth markets Large volume supply ability In-depth understanding of customer and consumer needs Tailor-made, market-ready solutions for customers 160 years of experience in lipid technology Advanced formulation, application and ingredient know-how Over 35 years of experience in sensory assessment and mouthfeel (texture) Added well-being benefits that are scientifically proven in clinical studies Profound knowledge and service in the complex regulatory environment




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NewCom Cognis N & H eZine

Contact / Imprint Cognis GmbH Rheinpromenade 1 40789 Monheim am Rhein Germany Cognis GmbH Robert-Hansen-Str. 1 D-89257 Illertissen Germany > > © Copyright Cognis GmbH 2011

Version Europe

* EFSA Journal (2010) 8 (10) 1794: The EFSA concluded that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of an equimolar mixture of the CLA isomers c9, t11 and t10, c12 and contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight and an increase in lean body mass.

Disclaimer All information given in this statement reflects our current knowledge and interpretation of relevant legislation and legal practise. COGNIS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SUITABILITY OF THIS INFORMATION FOR PRODUCTS FOR ANY SPECIFIC OR PARTICULAR PURPOSES INTENDED BY THE USER. Our suggestions do not release Cognis´ customers from evaluating the individual products as to their legal compliance. Cognis does not assume any liability, or risk involved in the use or marketing of its products as the conditions of use are beyond its control. The user of the products is solely responsible for compliance with all laws and regulations applying to the use of the products. Cognis and Cognis Logo (Cognis & Design) are registered trademarks of the Cognis Group.


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