InterBev Beverage Innovation Awards | Entry Form

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InterBev Beverage Innovation Awards – entry form 1. Company details

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Please complete all details below

Company __________________________________________________ Name ________________________ Job Title _____________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Zip Code ______________________ Country _____________________ Email ________________________ Website _____________________ Tel ___________________________ Fax ________________________ Purchase Order No: ____________________________________________ This is to confirm your award submission/s for the following category/categories in the InterBev Beverage Innovation Awards. Only $195 per category. Open to products, campaigns and initiatives launched since June 1, 2009. You may enter more than one category.

2. Awards categories

Please check which category/categories you would like to enter, along with the product name and total price


Product/initiative name

Please check


New beverages Best new functional drink

$ 195

Best new sparkling beverage

$ 195

Best new juice or juice-based drink

$ 195

Best new water

$ 195

Best new flavored water

$ 195

Best new ready to drink tea or coffee

$ 195

Best new adult or gourmet drink

$ 195

Best new beer

$ 195

Best new wine or spirit

$ 195

Best newcomer brand or business

$ 195

Going green Best environmental sustainability initiative

$ 195

Health, nutrition and hydration Best health, wellness, hydration or nutrition initiative

$ 195

Ingredients Best new beverage ingredient

$ 195

Manufacturing, distribution and packaging Best new packaging innovation

$ 195

Best new bottling, manufacturing or production technology innovation

$ 195

Best new distribution innovation – multi-packs, vending, chill-chain, etc

$ 195

Marketing and consumer education Best consumer TV / cinema advertisement or social networking marketing campaign

$ 195

Best print marketing, store promotion, point of sale campaign or activation

$ 195

InterBev exhibits (InterBev exhibits will be judged by the panel on the opening day of the Trade Show) Best exhibits under 200 sq ft

$ 195

Best exhibits over 200 sq ft

$ 195

Steps 3 to 5 on next page



3. Notes and how to enter

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1. Check the details on this form and sign, email or fax back together with payment option to +44 (0)1225 327891. You may enter more than one category. Only $195 per category. 2. Provide a product image (jpg) and approximately 200 words describing how the product meets the chosen category criteria. 3. Email your entry (entry form, payment, image(s) and copy) no later than September 1, 2010, to 4. Please mail one product sample per category entered. Samples will not be returned. 5. All samples are to be sent, labeled clearly with your company name, to arrive no later than September 14, 2010, to: Show Management – InterBev Awards Interbev 2010 c/o Shepard Exposition Services 603 W Landstreet Rd Orlando, FL 32824 407-888-9669

4. Payment Please complete your payment details below

Closing date for entries: Wednesday September 1, 2010 If payment has not been received by this date, your entry will be withdrawn Payment to reach FoodBev Media no later than September 1, 2010

Credit card Credit cards will be processed in £ sterling at the prevailing exchange rate

Card number

Expiration date

Cardholder’s name

Security code* *(last 3 digits on reverse/4 digits Amex)


Date ____ /____ /____

Dollar checks Checks should be made payable to FoodBev Media Ltd Bank transfer A bank transfer in full without deductions will be made to FoodBev Media Ltd at National Westminster Bank, Bath Stuckeys Branch, PO Box 1680, Bath BA1 3TJ, UK. Sort Code: 60 02 05, Swift / BIC Code: NWB KGB 2L Account No: 140/00/62180142 IBAN No: GB36 NWBK 6073 0162 1801 42

5. Signature and confirmation Signature ___________________________________________

Date ____ /____ /____

Print name __________________________________________ For more information, please visit

or contact Jane Harris +44 (0)1225 327890

Fax your completed entry form, no later than Wednesday September 1, 2010, to:

+44 1225 327891

By ordering an awards entry, FoodBev Media Ltd will automatically provide you with information relating to awards and other FoodBev Media related products or services via email, direct mail or telephone. From time to time FoodBev Media Ltd will allow carefully selected third parties to contact you about their products and services. Please indicate your preferences below: YES I would like to receive carefully screened and work-related emails from third parties Please check here if you do not want to receive work related direct mail from carefully selected third parties Please check here if you do not want to receive relevant work related information by telephone from carefully selected third parties

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