1 minute read
It all started in 1925, when two engineers, Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen, began a modest production of radios. From the outset B&O concentrated on quality materials, the application of new technology and a forward thinking aesthetic. B&O has a distinctive design appeal that Wired Magazine described as “quality media delivery via striking objects”. Blending a strong passion for design and inventive engineering B&O has amassed an almost cult-like following. Stop by for a demonstration that your eyes and ears will savor. m i s si o n
Quality &
Montecito Kitchens customizes a plan for your exact space, style, and budget.
Montecito Kitchens customizes a plan for your exact space, style, and budget.
Montecito Kitchens is an accomplished design and construction firm delivering skilled and proven craftsmanship from start to finish. Our workmanship is guaranteed. References are gladly furnished.
Montecito Kitchens is an accomplished design and construction firm delivering skilled and proven craftsmanship from start to finish. Our workmanship is guaranteed. References are gladly furnished.
PublIsher & PresIdent
Philip Kirkwood phil@food-home.com dInIng & CoPy edItor
Jeff Miller
WIne edItor
Hana-Lee Sedgwick travel edItor
Leslie A Westbrook
Raymond Bloom
Angela Borda
Christine Cowles
Lisa Cullen
Danielle Fahrenkrug
Lynette La Mere
Corina Sylvia
Jim Bartsch
Michael Brown
Joshua Curry
Eliot Crowley
Mehosh Dziadzio
Braulio Godinez
Ashley Hardin
Chuck Place
Kim Reierson
Corina Schweller
Alexander Siegel
Shelly Vinson
ContaCt InformatIon
P.O . Box 20025, Santa Barbara, CA 93120 (805) 455-4756 www .food–home .com food And home (ISSN# 1533-693X) is published quarterly by Metro Inc and single copies are provided to selected homeowners free of charge Unless otherwise noted, all photographs, artwork, and designs printed in Food & Home are the sole property of Metro Inc and may not be duplicated or reprinted without Metro Inc ’s express written permission food & home and Metro Inc are not liable for typographical or production errors or the accuracy of information provided by advertisers Readers should verify advertised information with the advertisers food & home and Metro Inc reserve the right to refuse any advertising food & home® is a registered trademark of Metro, Inc Copyright © 2019 All inquiries may be sent to: Metro Media Services, P O Box 20025, Santa Barbara, CA 93120, or call (805) 455-4756, or e-mail: info@food-home com Unless otherwise noted, all photographs, artwork, and designs printed in Food & Home are the sole property of Metro Inc and may not be duplicated or reprinted without Metro Inc ’s express written permission Food & Home and Metro Inc are not liable for typographical or production errors or the accuracy of information provided by advertisers Readers should verify advertised information with the advertisers