3 minute read
the lAst PAge
Visitor from the pre-pandemic past
by Jeff mIller
Imagine if Spring 2019 came rolling through town one day in Spring 2021 . “What the hell?” might be his/her reaction .
Yes, 2019 . There’s a pandemic going on .
“A what now?”
We veterans of 2020-21 would patiently explain all about the virus and its impact on our city . That’s why State Street is a sort of a food bazaar now, ’19 . No more indoor dining . As noted in the Fall 2020 issue of Santa Barbara Food + Home, the city approved the creation of a pedestrian promenade from Sola to Haley to help bistros and others do their business outdoors .
Do you read Food + Home, 2019?
“Of course . What a great magazine .” 2019 might then wonder how the State Street conversion is working out . The answer: well enough to warrant a one-year extension, as approved by the City Council in February .
Also in the Spring 2019 issue of Food + Home was a story about Uncorked, “Michael and Lisa Amador’s lively wine tasting room and kitchen, which serves up great food and unique wines in a former Haley Street dive bar .” ’19 might wonder about that place, since it’s not on State and so isn’t benefiting from the pedestrian promenade phenomenon .
“We’re doing well,” Amador said recently . “We’ve pivoted nicely .” In fact, business is “up nicely . ”
How can that be, with people staying in their homes so much more, due to the virus?
“We changed our focus and found a nice little formula, sending out emails with specials,” Amador said . “People really like the simplicity of not having to think about dinner or lines at the grocery story . They pick up their food and they’re gone .” Gone back home for a threecourse dinner ranging around the $20 level . Osso buco, cioppino, and lasagna bolognaise were three recent offerings . “We’ve gained a whole new customer base,” he said .
Okay, but the place is called Uncorked . What about the wine aspect? “We’ve converted from tastings to selling bottles,” Amador said . “Not quite the profit, but we’re selling a lot of wine . ”
And get this, ’19 . During the worst of the shutdown, when grocery stores were closed or bogged down with long lines, Uncorked loaded up on such things as toilet paper, sanitizer, etc ., through their distributors, and provided it all to customers at wholesale prices . “We’re not the only ones doing that,” Amador said . “We do it as a community gesture, rather than trying to make money . Hopefully people will come back and show their appreciation . ”
At this point, it’s hard to imagine 2019 not being a little impressed with the resilience of 2021 Santa Barbara .
“But, okay, what about this?” says ’19, pointing to a story in the Spring 2019 Food + Home that began, “There’s something ineffably happy and exuberant about a bowling alley when it’s done right, and Zodo’s certainly is . ”
Good point . How does a bowling alley roll on when indoor activities are shut down? “You have to be creative in a pandemic,” said Charity Rice, general manager of everything but the bar/restaurant at the venerable Goleta establishment .
Well, bowling is out, but they moved arcade games outside where the crane games are “doing especially well,” Rice said . “We filled them with stuffed animals and T shirts .” The outdoor restaurant tables are also doing well, thanks in part to promotions like the “Blazing Crazy” Wing Challenge . Eat 10 wings in five minutes . Reward: First of all, the wings are free . Second, for every minute under 10 you get $5 off your dinner bill . The challenging part: “They’re hot,” Rice said . “Only 60 percent can finish all 10 .” Also helping are the 12 large-screen TVs set up outside, ensuring good crowds for the Super Bowl and other sports events .
There have been some interesting quirks along the way, like the caller who wanted to arrange a bowling party for 150 company employees . Rice responded, “Are you aware we’re in a pandemic? We didn’t hear back from them . ”
Is Zodo’s thriving despite it all? “We’re definitely not thriving,” Rice said . They went from 70 employees down to 10 . “I felt so horrible for them,” the ones who were laid off . “But we’re like a family here .” So when Zodo’s comes back, they’ll come back .