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Dream Burger
Sometimes the craving for a good burger hits you right in the face. Gotta have it…with fries and all the fixings. One of the better choices, especially for lunch is the Creek Burger at Creekside Restaurant and Bar on Hollister Ave. They make their won from scratch every day which is why the flavors are so fresh. They feature a premium blend of house brisket, top sirloin and chuck, add some top grade Provolone cheese and garnish with lettuce, grilled onion and pickle. House made Creek sauce on the side with fries makes for heaven on a bun.

4444 Hollister Ave . www . creeksidesbevents .com
Try blending a third of each wine into your glass, swirl and see what new concoction is created. True, it may morph into an amplified horror show that you’ll be sorry to have unleashed on humanity, but who knows? Maybe the black fruits of the Shiraz will combine stunningly with the ferric, bloody monstrosity from Capetown and turn the French bottling’s saddle notes into something more akin to new Birkenstocks. Experiment!
A sour imbibing companion can destroy the enjoyment of wine with their insufferability and bad mood. Wine should be a source of festivity, not merely an intoxicant that one sous vides their cerebral cortex in. Avoid those who can’t crack a smile after a glass of something tasty. Conversely, after a certain point, if their faces are permanently etched into sloppy grins, it’s time to place last call and set them up with Uber. Enjoy the rest of the bottle by yourself, with the merriment it was meant to disperse. Salud!
Bob Wesley is the GM ann wine buyer for Savoy Wines Santa Barbara www savoywinessb com