2 minute read
Pretty Ponds
water garDens are becoming the green alternative to the back yard lawn
by raymond bloom
for centuries, water gardens have been an aid to the human struggle. Ancient egyptians built massive irrigation ponds in the middle of the desert by tapping into underground aquifers. The vegetation they planted served as natural air conditioning and shelter from the desert heat. Chinese and Korean cultures designed their gardens with dramatic waterfalls and running streams. As the falling water splashed over the rocks it dispersed negatively charged ions (air molecules) into the air, which when inhaled, are said to elevate moods, calm the senses and supercharge meditation values.
more recently, water gardens have become a regular design element to most backyard landscaping projects, and not just for the unique aesthetic pleasures and tranquility they offer. more and more, water gardens are receiving great notoriety for their positive impact on the environment. Big and small, these ponds are very green indeed!
Water gardens are becoming huge favorites with eco-conscience landscapers and homeowners because they save water. A lot of it. An average yard with plant based landscaping such as flowers, soil, and a lush lawn can suck up gallons of water each week especially in the summer heat. A properly built water garden is a self sustaining environment that keeps its plants alive and thriving without having to water them at all. In most cases, all that is needed is an occasional topping off with the garden hose to replace water lost to natural evaporation. modern pond technology can offer automatic refill options to ensure proper water levels even when you’re not at home and some can be rigged to capture filtered rain water from the roof of your house. Just add the right species of fish, a few well placed boulders and tiger-lilies, and you’ll be spending a lot more quality time in your back yard.
“Water gardens, along with fountains and ponds, are one of the better landscaping investments a homeowner can make in the Southern California environment,” says James Baron, owner of Baron Brother’s Nursery in Camarillo. “An average water garden, complete with water- falls, ponds, and plants can be installed in about a day. You can start small and add features like bird baths, islands and streams as you want to...it can be a lot of fun for the whole family.”
Baron says water gardens usually cut water usage in half when compared to traditional landscapes, and since water costs are directly related to the energy costs required to deliver it, that savings can go a long way in paying for the construction. Cost of construction will depend on the size and features you choose. You could start with a simple fountain for under $500, or up to an one-acre lake for $250,000. An average backyard water garden, including design, construction and plants, starts about $5,000, says Baron. Aside from the water savings, water gardens help cool and detoxify the air while offering a natural buffer to noise pollution…great for urban homes. maintenance is low compared to flower based yards, there’s little to no fertilizer needed and no one has to cut the grass!
For more information or answers to other questions on building a water feature or pond contact triValley Pool anD sPa at 805-432-4731, or visit their website at www.trivalleypools.com