4 minute read
CEDAR WOOD SMOKING PLANKS This smoke shelf is the perfect way to simply and effectively smoke a piece of meat or fi sh. Place the piece of meat or fi sh on the board that is soaked in water and smoking can begin! The smoke board is made from 100% cedar wood and is produced in Canada.
Our Cedar wood smoking shelfs are now sold in a display, so that the Cedar Smoking Wood can be shown in a better way. By presenting and selling the Cedar Wood Smoking shelfs in a display with NJBBQ logo, the product can be shown in a better way to the customer. Because of the display the shelves do not fall over or lie fl at on the shelf.
NEW in 2020
FIRE HERBS Accustomed to using BBQ seasoning only on the dish itself? Then try the fi re herbs from ‘Not Just BBQ’. Fire Herbs are coarser than regular herbs and can be sprinkled directly over the hot coals. It creates an extra taste sensation that draws deeply into the meat.
Fire herbs from Not Just BBQ are now improved with even higher quality ingredients and a better structure, for extra BBQ-pleasure! At Not Just BBQ we fi nd it important to be constantly looking for the best products, but also to keep improving our products. That is why our fi re herbs are now in an extra large pot, with an improved recipe and structure.
NEW in 2020
NEW in 2020
Side view Smoker
3 sachets smoking wood inside
The NJBBQ is an easy and delicious way for people to start smoking products on their BBQ. Barbecuing is hot and one of the emerging trends is smoking. By using this NJBBQ Smoker, a fun and gifting product, every consumer can become acquainted with the smoking technique. The NJBBQ is an easy and delicious way for people to start smoking products on their BBQ. Barbecuing is hot and one of the emerging
How to use the Smoker: Take the smoker and open the lid, take out the layer and place the content of one small bag on the bottom of the smoker and put the layer back in the smoker. On this layer you can place either fi sh, poulty, steak, pork or vegetables. To start smoking your food, you must place the lid on the smoker. After that you place the smoker on a gas or charcoal grill on the barbecue grid. The smoker will do the rest. The NJBBQ Smoker can be used about 5-8 times and this packaging contains 3 bags of smoking wood, each good for one smoking session.
Tortilla chips have been popular for years: the salty, but mild fl avor of these tortilla chips is a favorite with everyone. A very pure product: corn, sunfl ower oil and salt. Simple, but delicious! These chips are available in a large XXL bag of up to 450 grams! Great to share with the whole family!
Perfect in combination with the tortilla chips, as a dipper or as a fi nishing touch on a nice piece of meat or fi sh: Not Just BBQ’s Tomato Chili Salsa. A spicy salsa with a hint of ginger and tomato. You should try this!