Foodlab spring programming guide

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Cultivate Connect Catalyze A Community of food entrepreneurs committed to making the possibility of good food in Detroit a sustainable reality.

A non-profit charitable organization


Image taken at FoodLab member business Go Smoothie!

Image taken at FoodLab member business Go Smoothie!

FoodLab Detroit’s Programming Fact Sheet

WHAT IS FOODLAB DETROIT? At FoodLab Detroit, we are empowering a community of good food businesses committed to growing a just, green, healthy and thriving “good food’ economy in the Detroit region by organizing regular learning experiences. We plan and organize workshops, training seminars, and field trips to help develop the skills and capacity for running a triple-bottom line food business. Classes and workshops focus on relevant business skills and content of the 21st century, including organic waste management, food and finance, co-packing, local sourcing and social media marketing.


We’ve built up a core of programs that we define according to the 3 Cs: CULTIVATE, CONNECT and CATALYZE. Our programming gives FoodLab members the opportunity to improve their business. We offer classes and workshops that are lead by our robust network of experts in food business, general business, and entrepreneurship. Our business learning experiences provide our members with real-world advice, valuable introductions, and targeted referrals.


We help individual food businesses start-up, grow, and experiment with ways to contribute to the greater good by incorporating triple-bottomline values into long-term vision and day-to-day operations.


We help members build relationships with each other and with allies they’ll need along the way.


We work with our members, our allies and our partners on big picture projects in service of our vision to make good food a reality for all Detroiters.

What’s Inside Page 5

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CHOOSING AND USING A COPACKER: A recipe for success APRIL 9 Learn how a CoPacker can help you achieve maximum utilization of physical and financial resources.

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT APRIL 13, MAY 11, JUNE 8 Every second Monday of the month, we host a community talk that is open to the public at rotating locations around Detroit.

Page 7 ANNUAL MEMBER CHECKUP MAY 15 – MAY 16 Get feedback from experts on your product, marketing materials, social media presence, and more!

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FOODLAB 101 ORIENTATION MAY 21 Familiarize yourself with the many membership benefits, tools and resources that FoodLab offers. Meet the FoodLab staff, introduce your business, and get connected.

PACKAGING DESIGN JUNE 18 Empowering you and helping you to appreciate the power of packaging and teaching you how to drive its role as a true asset within your business.

Page 10 KNOW YOUR NUMBERS JUNE 25 Learn how to recognize your company's strengths and weaknesses as reflected in your company's financial statement ratios.

FoodLab would like to extend a special thank you to our partner Granddmont Rosedale Development Corporation for the use of the GrandRiver WORKplace

the WorkPlace


CHOOSING AND USING A COPACKER featuring Guest Speaker Timothy Fitzgerald Young, President/Chef, Food For Thought

DATE: APRIL 9 VENUE: The Grand River WorkPlace I 19120 Grand River Ave. I Detroit, MI. 48233 TIME: 6:00PM – 8:00PM PRICE: $10.00 FoodLab members I $25.00 Non-FoodLab members

At FoodLab Detroit it’s been exciting to see many of our member businesses take that critical next step in the economic growth of their companies! They’re starting to transition from commercial kitchens to larger-scale manufacturing facilities; but it hasn’t been easy! The complexities of scaling a product can be overwhelming, even to a experienced entrepreneurs. Join us and learn how a CoPacker can help you achieve maximum utilization of physical and financial resources and save you time.

Learning from the Pros Panel Discussion moderated by Jess McClary, McClary Bros. featuring Chris Nemeth, President, Hopeful Harvest; George Vutetakis, Director Research & Development, Garden Fresh Gourmet and SEED; Jack Johns, Economic Development Specialist, Macomb Co.; Patrick Morin, Lawyer, Morsel Law PLC Contact Devita Davison for more information at FOODLAB SPRING 2015


Every second Monday of the month, we host a community talk that is open to the public at rotating locations around Detroit. We hope to spread the love to different locations, activating spaces with the buzz of sharing and learning, and introducing people to new places and faces engaged in similar work. Conversation topics have included the coexistence of small businesses with big corporations; local sourcing; time management and prioritization; balancing passion with realism; mentorship; and, other topics relevant to the evolving food business landscape.


TIME: 6:00PM – 8:00PM PRICE: FREE Contact Colin Packard for more information at

** April 13th Food For Thought will be held at Go! Smoothie FOODLAB SPRING 2015


When companies or entrepreneurs develop a new food product, or tweak an existing one, and want to get an expert opinion they don't always have the resources to do that themselves. FoodLab does! At the FoodLab Annual Check-Up, experts in the food and beverage industry, as well as graphic designers and packaging experts, will be on hand to give you feedback on your product, marketing materials, social media presence, and more! This is an opportunity to hear from people other than your friends and family. While friends and family are supposed to love you unconditionally - which can make useful criticism hard to come by - our panel of industry professionals can offer unbiased feedback to keep your business growing and evolving.

Applications will be released Friday, April 10th



CONNECT ANNUAL MEMBER CHECK-UP DATE(s): MAY 15 – MAY 16 VENUE: Always Brewing Detroit I 19180 Grand River Ave. I Detroit, MI. 48233 TIME: FRIDAY, MAY 15- Drop your product off at Always Brewing. SATURDAY, MAY 16th - Join us for brunch from 10am-1pm. Receive feedback from experts and sit down with a few of the experts and ask questions. Contact Angela Dagle for more information at

It All Happens When The Members Meet At FoodLab we believe culture matters, that's why we've worked really hard to create one that’s positive and fulfilling. We know that positive impact has a lot to do with relationships and we understand that the power of change grows as we connect and welcome others into our vibrant community. If our seed statement is the "what" and "why" of who we are, then the FoodLab orientation helps new members understand "how" FoodLab functions. In the new member orientation we will explain what it means to be a FoodLab member and we will give each new member the history and vision of the organization. FoodLab’s new member orientation is also designed to familiarize our members with the many membership benefits, tools and resources that FoodLab offers. More importantly this is an opportunity to meet the FoodLab staff , introduce your business, and get connected!

CULTIVATE FOODLAB 101 ORIENTATION DATE: MAY 21 VENUE: The Grand River WorkPlace I 19120 Grand River Ave. I Detroit, MI. 48233 TIME: 5:30PM – 8:30PM PRICE: FREE Contact Angela Dagle for more information at




CULTIVATE DATE: JUN 18 VENUE: The Grand River WorkPlace I 19120 Grand River Ave. I Detroit, MI. 48233 TIME: 6:00PM – 8:00PM PRICE: $10.00 FoodLab members; $25.00 Non-FoodLab members Contact Devita Davison for more information at

PACKAGING DESIGN: Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf There are lots of things packaging must do: keep goods fresh, protect them against external influences, such as wet and dirt, damage and theft - and also make them much easier to transport. Packaging also projects a brand image, carries information, provides advertising space and sets products apart from each other at the point of sale. This workshop is designed to help food & drink entrepreneurs understand the power of packaging and design. It’s about empowering you - helping you to appreciate the power of packaging and teaching you how to drive its role as a true asset within your business.

Joseph Wesley Tea packaging. Photo credit: The Foundry Co. FOODLAB SPRING 2015


Know Your Numbers: inside, outside, backward and forwards! When seeking any type of capital for your business, lenders and investors need to have confidence not only in your product but in you and your business. If you do not have accurate financial data, it is difficult for you and/or potential lenders to quickly see the health of your company. When you know your numbers, you gain a better understanding of why obtaining capital is crucial to the success of your business. The objective of this vital workshop is to provide you with the tools necessary to understand your Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flow; essential skills if you are going to operate a successful food business. You will learn how to recognize your company's strengths and weaknesses as reflected in your company's financial statement ratios. This workshop is an overview of financial statements and their uses to the owner. Learn how to gauge the health of your business through the use of these invaluable financial tools.


FOOD + FINANCE: Know your numbers DATE: JUNE 25

VENUE: The Grand River WorkPlace I 19120 Grand River Ave. I Detroit, MI. 48233 TIME: 6:00PM – 8:00PM PRICE: $10.00 FoodLab members; $25.00 Non-FoodLab members Contact Devita Davison for more information at



4444 Second Ave. Detroit, MI. 48201

Joining Foodlab Becoming a FoodLab member gives you access to opportunities to grow your good food business, connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, and participate in a powerful, vibrant good food movement in Detroit. To become a member, entrepreneurs must meet member requirements and make four basic commitments. If you feel like FoodLab membership is for you, come visit ​us during Office Hours at the Green Garage (4444 Second Ave) on Fridays from 8-10 am​ and fill out an application or you can touch basis with Angela Dagle, our Membership Director.

CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA facebook: foodlabdetroit twitter: @foodlabdetroit Instagram: foodlabdetroit

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