Fostering food literacy & healthful behaviors
A healthy life starts with a nutritious diet. Foodlink’s nutrition educators work to empower individuals and families with food literacy skills to foster a healthy lifestyle. We partner with community organizations that work with food insecure individuals throughout our 10-county service area to provide effective, evidence-based nutrition education programming. These programs will continue to expand as Foodlink works towards our vision of a healthy, hunger-free community.
Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables (JSY) The Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables (JSY) program teaches SNAP users to make healthier choices by demonstrating simple and affordable ways to consume fruits and vegetables. Foodlink’s JSY Nutrition Educators offer this program at various partner agencies. Workshops consist of engaging lessons that focus on simple, delicious, low-cost recipes. Over 85% of participants report that they intend to eat more fruits and vegetables after taking a JSY workshop.
"This program is truly something I look forward to twice a month — I am so happy you started coming here." — JSY workshop participant
Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York (FLESNY) Just SaY yes at the Market Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables workshops are held at the City of Rochester Public Market on Thursdays and Saturdays from May through October outside of the market office, where anyone can participate and try a delicious recipe sample.
Cornell Cooperative Extension and Foodlink run Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York, a SNAP-Ed program aimed at improving the likelihood that persons eligible for SNAP will make healthy choices within a limited budget and choose active lifestyles. Workshops provide individuals with skills to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink fewer sugar-sweetened beverages, exercise more and balance calories as part of a healthy lifestyle. FLESNY Nutrition Educators can provide one-time workshops or a series of classes in the City of Rochester and also offer tabling on nutrition at events and fairs.
"I learned that it is not that nasty to try new snacks and juice!" — FLESNY youth workshop participant
Cooking Matters Cooking Matters, a national program of Share Our Strength, is a 6-week series that provides families with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make healthy and affordable meals. A class of 12-15 participants works with chefs and nutrition educators to make nutritious, affordable meals and discuss important topics about household choices that impact health. Class participants can enjoy a meal together during class, and have the opportunity to take ingredients home to prepare a meal with their families. Foodlink offers distinct courses for: Adults, Parents, Kids, Families, Teens, and Child Care Professionals.
“I get to meet new people and try new things.” — Cooking Matters class participant
"I have found that cooking healthy from scratch is really easy. I am also involving my children in cooking more." — Cooking Matters class participant
“It makes me feel like a real cook!” — Cooking Matters kids class participant
Cooking Matters at the Store Cooking Matters at the Store is an interactive grocery store tour that teaches adults how to shop for healthy food on a budget. Event days are held at grocery stores or as interactive pop-up tours at partner sites. Nearly 90% of families report saving money on groceries five weeks after the tour and 76% of families report buying more fruits and vegetables.
For more information on our nutrition education programs, or to learn about educational opportunities for a community-based organization Contact Alyssa VanValkenburg, Nutrition Education Manager | 585-413-4051 "I learn something new each time I sit down for your workshops!" — JSY workshop participant
“My favorite part of this cooking class was to know that you can make good food that’s good for you and still like it.” — Cooking Matters class participant
“I feel way more open-minded about meals I could make. I’m definitely more interested in eating healthy.” — Cooking Matters class participant
“This course has affected my life because it made me realize how much unhealthy food I eat, and made me think about how to change my diet.” — Cooking Matters class participant
585.328.3380 |
This material was funded by USDA’s Supplemental Assistance Program-SNAP. The SNAP program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program (FSP) in New York, provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact: 1-800-342-3009 or go to: USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture’s policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Witten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).