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Israeli startup MobileODT rolls out Thermoglide portable device for cervical cancer

ISRAEL — MobileODT, an Israeli FemTech startup focusing on AIpowered cervical screening, has released its ThermoGlide thermocoagulation solution for immediate point-of-care treatment of precancerous lesions.

It is the only company that brings the power of AI into cervical cancer screening, while supporting the World Health Organization strategic mission to eliminate cervical cancer till 2050. Its EVA VisualCheck AI technology is a clinical decision support tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) to perform cervical cancer screening at scale.

Thermoglide was developed in collaboration with India’s digital medical and healthcare solution provider GenWorks. Thermoglide is a lightweight, portable, FDA-approved device that screens and treats women for cervical cancer in a single sitting. The battery-operated medical device uses the thermo-coagulation technique that destroys tissue using heat, noting that the technique is an effective and safe way to treat high-grade cervical lesions.

The Tel Aviv-based startup disclosed that it opted to utilize thermo‐coagulation for treatment of malignant lesions as an alternative to cryotherapy. MobileODT said that thermo-coagulation offers lower cost and lower duration of treatment as well as minimal adverse reactions and higher patient satisfaction than cryotherapy.

USA – Arthrex, a provider of minimally invasive orthopedic technology, has launched the Arthrex Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy System to offer patients a solution to traditional bunion surgery. The Arthrex Bunionectomy System is designed to be an all-inclusive set to facilitate minimally invasive surgical bunion correction. It has achieved the same or better corrective results than traditional surgery with less downtime, pain, and swelling.

Performed through tiny incisions, this minimally invasive procedure means patients can achieve complete bunion correction and get back on their feet faster. Studies show Arthrex Bunionectomy patients’ average recovery is up to eight weeks faster than traditional open procedures, as published in the journal Foot & Ankle International. Patients also experienced more cosmetically appealing results, with smaller incisions that leave behind almost no visible scars.

Along with the procedure, Arthrex launched two websites geared toward patients and surgeons, respectively. BunionPain.com offers patients educational materials and connects them with local surgeons trained in. On the other hand, Bunionectomy.arthrex.com is geared toward clinicians and offers a way to connect with Arthrex Technology Consultants and Medical Education representatives for information on and training in the Arthrex Bunionectomy System.

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