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The Talent Support Program (TSP) was again a flagship program for player development. Again, despite another COVID-19 interrupted season, the TSP was still able to support players, NPL clubs and the National Teams Unit in a year that, for the second time, did not see the running of the National Youth Championships.
The Girls TSP, ages Under 14-16 years, was very much still in its infancy in 2021, with a disrupted 2020 season. Girls TSP began in term two of 2020 before the pandemic hit and it was unfortunately halted for that season. We recommenced the program in term two of 2021 following a review of the structure and processes experienced in 2020. Squads were selected based on players from the previous season that were still age eligible and, with the support of our Womens NPL clubs, we were able to provide existing and new talented players with an opportunity to be part of this exciting opportunity to advance the women’s game. We were able to complete the first official term of Girls TSP, with a total of 24 high-level matches played between our five hubs and the inclusion of Central Coast Mariners women’s teams. We anticipated to deliver the first girls mini tournament in July, however, the program was again brought to a halt with further pandemic disruptions. In the past two years, we have sought to progress Girls TSP to the same level as the boys program, with regular high-level matches, elite games and mini tournament days. Unfortunately, the pandemic disrupted both seasons, however, gratefully, we were able to see the first completed term in 2021. Albeit a short period, within this time, we have continued to develop the structure of Girls TSP and we are excited for this program to flourish in 2022.
Boys aged Under 13-15 years were also supported through regular monitoring and ongoing talented identification at NPL games, a regular program of ‘elite’ games and, where possible, ‘mini-tournament’ days.
Regionally, the TSP provided additional training opportunities for Boys and Girls across the Regional Hubs as well as games through both Regional TSP Game Days and Game Days held at VSP.
In the absence of the abovementioned National Championships, our ability to pivot and be creative highlighted the importance of talent identification and development throughout the year, rather than being only confined to the possible ‘vagaries’ of a weeklong intensive event. In particular, the regular TSP Game Days in the holiday periods that were able to have football conducted (January and April) allowed players from TSP Metro and Regional Hubs to be involved in Games with other States such as Northern NSW and Capital Football also.
Throughout the lockdown period, a series of ‘Masterclasses’ were facilitated for the TSP players, and following their huge success and positive feedback, they were also released to the wider football community. Guests in these online sessions included the very best from the professional football world, including Spencer Prior, Lloyd Owusu, Mark Birighitti, Nahuel Arrarte, Alexander Baumjohann, Mark Milligan, Nathan Burns and Shannon Cole. These speakers provided valuable insights into their own careers, position-specific training, key competencies, mental strength and resilience.
Additional sessions were also delivered and led by members of the Technical Unit, Andrew Fearnley, Drew Taylor and Warren Grieve. Once more these were made available to the wider football community supporting their own environments.
Female Coaching Scholarships coaching qualifications, the scholarships provide financial support, access to mentors and ongoing support via the Female Coaches Network.
After an extensive application process and with an overwhelming number of expressions of interest, we are extremely happy to announce the twelve successful applicants who will register on C and B licences during 2022.
Coach Development remains a high priority for Football NSW and in particular supporting the growth of female coaches. The Scholarship program allows us to support the coaches, not just in the formal setting but also within the coaches’ own environments.
Whilst football tops the list as the participation sport of choice for girls, females are significantly underrepresented as coaches. We are excited to be able to support the scholarship recipients as they take the next step in their coaching journey.
2021/22 Female Coaching Scholarship recipients B-Licence • Brittany Anderson • Saoirse Cobbe • Meaghan Kempson • Amanda Millgate • Genevieve Nisbet • Lauren Phelps • Fiona Smith
C-Licence • Angela Bottaro-Porter • Kate Cheyne • Sophie Clarke • Michelle Grigg • Tom Lane
Female Coaching Network
In support of Football Australia’s mission of ‘Better Coaches, Better Football’, Football NSW is committed to increasing the competency and capability of female coaches across the state. During 2021, Football NSW launched the Female Coaching Network with the aim to better support female coaches, provide a platform to share and discuss best practice. The Female Coaching Network has two defined groups designed to support Community and Advanced coaches. Coaches that are registered in the networks have had the ability to take part in coaching updates, join a Facebook community of likeminded coaches and share session plans. Football NSW looks forward to building on the success for the networks in 2022.