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The wet weather also brought to the foreground the key issue we face around the need for further investment in playing surfaces, through the inclusion of irrigation systems and effective field drainage, as well as the development of new all-weather fields. I acknowledge the support of the NSW Government through the Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund which saw Football NSW stakeholders benefit from $44 million of funding over two rounds.
With the demand for football continually growing, it is vital that all levels of Government are investing in accessible playing surfaces across all regions and this will remain a key focus area for Football NSW over the coming years.
In April 2022, the NSW Government announced a $10 million NSW Football Legacy Program in an effort to help our Clubs and Associations meet the growing demands of football participation, while ensuring females across the state have the ability to participate, develop and prosper as part of the football community.
On this note, I want to pay tribute to outgoing CEO, Stuart Hodge. I am fortunate enough to have known Stuart for some time, have great respect for him as a leader in sport and recognise the legacy he has left at Football NSW. Stuart fostered strong participation growth during his tenure and led our community through some unprecedented challenges, ensuring Football NSW remained resilient and could emerge stronger out the other side. I thank Stuart for his contributions and wish him the best in his new role at Sport NSW.
I have already been fortunate to meet many of our stakeholders out in the community and I want to acknowledge the incredible work that was produced throughout 2022. The inclement weather we all experienced had an effect on all involved with the game and it was only through the dedication of our Clubs, Associations and volunteers that the vast majority of competitions were able to be completed in their entirety. To achieve this, immediately after two years of COVID-19 interruptions, is an incredible feat and testament to just how strong our football community remains.
There has already been a significant amount of work being produced around the Legacy Program, led by our Women’s Football and Legacy teams. It has been great to see female scholarships continually rolling out to coaches, referees and volunteers as well as funding being secured for inclusive infrastructure projects and participation programs. There is still so much more to be rolled out over the next 18 months and I look forward to seeing the Legacy benefits continue to reach all areas of our community.
Moving forward it is vitally important that football in NSW remains aspirational, inclusive for all and that Football NSW, as a governing body, is constantly progressing. To this end, I am encouraged by the diverse array of talents and experiences that exist among the Board, sharing not only a love for the game but an aligned vision for the future.
Similarly, it is incredibly positive to be supported by such a committed team of staff and I am looking forward to making significant strides together off the back of the recently published 2023-2026 Football NSW Strategic Plan.
Throughout 2023, I plan to continue acquainting myself with members across our entire participation base, ensuring we can work effectively as a collective towards the ongoing growth of our game.