Foothills Research Institute FRI-day Brown Bag Lunch
Harlequin Ducks - what w e k n o w a n d d o n’t k n o w D i s c o v e r a l l t h e t h i n g s y o u d o n’t know about Harlequin Ducks. Come and listen to Beth MacCallum, a local wildlife biologist talk about this amazing bird.
Januar y 20, 2012 Room 134, Hinton Training Centre 1176 S witz er Dr ive 12:10 p.m. - 12:50 p.m. Don’t forget to br ing your lunch! We welcome inquiries: Box 6330 Hinton, Alberta Canada • T7V 1X6 • T: 780.865.8330 • F: 780.865.8331 •
M a r k F r i d a y, February 24, 2012 on your calendars for our next FRIday Brown Bag Lunch. Come and listen to Rick B o n a r, C h i e f Biologist at We s t F r a s e r Mills in Hinton, tell us about the Mountain Goats of Pinto Creek, a herd that most people have never heard of and know nothing about.