Foothills Research Institute
Bio-remediation Willow Planting at a new crossing on Hardisty Creek
11 a.m. September 22, 2009
You are invited to par ticipate in the bio remediation of a new GRS crossing str ucture at kilometre 6.5 on the Robb Road. The constr uction phase is now complete and we are inviting members from the local comm unity to come and lend a hand planting willows whic h will stabilize the newly for med riparian area. Your help would be greatly appreciated. All equipment will be provided. Sturdy footwear and wor k gloves are strongly recommended. For more infor mation or to confir m attendance p l e a s e c o n t a c t N ga i o B a r i l by e m a i l n g a i o . or by phone (780) 865-8342.
We welcome inquiries: Box 6330 Hinton, Alberta Canada • T7V 1X6 T: 780.865.8330 • F: 780.865.8331 •
A GRS structure is composed of compacted soil, geo-textile material, metal baskets, and a metal arc h. The arc h is placed onto a compacted streambed containing various sizes of substrate (boulders, cobbles, gravel/fines). Metal baskets are placed on the ground next to the arc h, secured then layered with geo-textile material. Soil is placed onto the material and compacted down. After compaction more metal baskets are put in place, followed by more material and soil. The process continues until the arc h is completely covered and the road is restored. This structure is more environmentally friendly than historic crossings. Soil footings rather than concrete footings are used reducing our environmental footprint. It also requires only half the amount of m e t a l a ro u n d c u l ve r t nor mally would.