Gbp 2015 resultstodate

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Determining the importance of grizzly bear predation on southern mountain caribou populations Results to Date – February 2015: Objective 2: Model the probability of caribou mortality by grizzly bears and assess variation associated with biological factors and landscape characteristics. During the summer of 2014, we visited 175 clusters from 8 grizzly bears - 3 adult males and 5 adult females. We found 25 ungulate carcass sites. Of the 25 carcasses, three were confirmed caribou; one was a mountain goat, one a mule deer and the remainder (20) were moose. We are in the process of classifying carcasses likely killed by the bear or scavenged. We found several carcasses we suspect were killed by cougars that the bear subsequently fed on. Clusters dating from mid May to mid September were visited but some clusters were missed due to forest fires, weather, and helicopter availability. In addition, we were restricted from flying into the mountains (with the exception of Jasper) after the 22 August due to concerns expressed by ESRD of disturbing hunters which halted cluster visits for 4 of the female bears. Data analysis with this interim data is beginning and will be used to further refine cluster selection for the second and final year (2015) of this project.

Objective 3: Feeding trials to validate and assess the amount of caribou in the diet of grizzly bear using stable isotopes found in bear hair This work was done in collaboration with Dr. Charlie Robbins and Joy Erlenbach at the Bear Research, Conservation, and Education Center at Washington State University in Pullman Washington where they have captive grizzly bears used for research purposes. Staff of the fRI Grizzly Bear Program collected road kill elk and moose from the Hinton and Jasper National Park area during the winter and spring of 2014. Meat from these animals was deboned and packaged in 4-5kg packages. A shipment of meat totaling 1900 lbs was driven to the testing facility in June 2014 with all needed export and authorization documentation for crossing provincial, state, and international borders. In addition we purchased 10 reindeer carcasses from a commercial supplier in Alaska as a surrogate for caribou meat that were shipped directly to Seattle Washington and then transported to Pullman for feeding trials. We recognize that the diet of the commercial reindeer may differ from the diet of caribou in west central Alberta but we felt that there were sufficient dietary similarities to allow us to determine if we could identify reindeer in the diet of study animals. Free-range Alaskan reindeer meat + bone (adult animals) and road-killed moose and elk (all ages; meat + hide) from Alberta were fed to grizzly bears at Washington State University (WSU). Meat was stored frozen and fed twice daily for 28 days, or as long as the meat supply would allow. Daily diet samples of each ungulate were combined and homogenized to represent diet over the entire trial and were analyzed for protein (crude protein; N x 6.25) and fat content (ether extract). Blood samples were collected weekly from two bears trained for voluntary blood draws without anesthetization (Luna fed reindeer and Peeka fed elk). These bears were used to evaluate how quickly serum or plasma isotope values equilibrated with the diet. Bears that are not trained for voluntary blood draws (Roan fed reindeer and Pacino fed moose) were anesthetized and blood-sampled at the beginning and end of each trial. Nutrient Composition of Ungulates Fed to Grizzly Bears

All diets were quite lean and typical of wild ungulates in late winter. Protein and fat accounted for 75% of the dry matter in reindeer and 90 to 91% of the dry matter in moose and elk. The difference is largely mineral matter created by the moose and elk being deboned whereas the reindeer was fed with the included bone. The carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of the ungulates were typical of a herbivore consuming C3 plants. While we recognize that the reindeer were not from Alberta, the differences in the isotope values of the three ungulates suggest that we may be able to distinguish between ungulate meat sources when using mixing models to estimate assimilated diets of grizzly bears (Milakovic and Parker 2011). However, further analyses of food items collected in the field, and examination of their associated variation in isotopic signatures are necessary for validation. This work is planned for the second year of the study when visiting GPS clusters Table 2. Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope values of grizzly bear diets (+ SD, n=3) Ungulate Reindeer Moose Elk

δ13C -22.5 (0.1) -26.5 (0.5) -26.0 (0.1)

δ15N 3.0 (0.1) 2.1 (0.2) 5.2 (0.2)

δ34S 16.6 (0.3) 2.0 (0.1) 6.7 (0.1)

C:N 3.8 (0.2) 3.7 (0.1) 4.2 (0.2)

Discrimination Values of Bear Blood (Serum) Discrimination values of bear serum differed among bears for carbon and sulfur, but were generally similar for nitrogen (5.3 ± 0.3). This value is higher than previously determined when black bears were fed mule deer (4.1; Hilderbrand et al. 1996). In grizzly bears, 15N discrimination has been observed to vary widely—from as little as 0 ‰ on high-fat, low protein diets, to beyond 5 ‰ on high-protein, low fat diets (unpublished data and this study). One potential reason for the higher nitrogen discrimination in the current study is the very low fat content of the meat relative to previous studies (Robbins et al. 2005), which would lead to increased use of dietary protein to meet energy requirements. This would elevate nitrogen excretion and turnover, which should elevate the nitrogen discrimination as observed. Nitrogen discrimination in a mixed natural diet would likely be lower than what we observed in this study, and could also vary by season. For example, when bears feed on ungulates in good body condition discrimination might be lower than when ungulates are in poor body condition due to changes in the protein:fat ratio of the ungulate prey. Sulfur discriminations determined for a wide range of other animals have decreased from +3 when dietary sulfur values are more negative to -3 and the dietary values are more positive (Florin et al. 2011). That is the trend shown by the current values, which are within 1 unit of what would be predicted by previous predictive equations. Carbon has always been quite variable, and thus far no one has provided a comprehensive, biologically-based predictive equation to which the current values could be compared. Table 3. Isotope discrimination of bears on ungulate diets Diet Reindeer Reindeer Elk Moose

∆13C ∆15N ∆34S (‰) (‰) (‰) 1.4 5.8 -3.6 3.1 5.2 -6.2 3.3 4.9 0.5 4.9 5.2 0.8

Age Bear Luna Roan Peeka Pacino

11 3 9 3


Days F M F M

28 28 28 23

Mass change (kg) 11.3 -13.2 -0.5 1.4

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