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Chapter 06 Conclusion
The thesis started with a background study which focused on the youth issue that occurred in our urban development. The ideation of the research study provides an alternated perspective in perceiving the juvenile delinquency as a symtom of community disorganisation. The proposition of the thesis would like to redefine the role architecture in practising the restorative justice and promote community engagement, instead of become part of the punishment system in our existing youth justice.
Moreover, the existing youth justice had indirectly created the stigmatisation of underprivileged youth in our society that limited the spatial freedom of youth in the urban public space. The youth is excluded from the dominant public space through access limitation and rules, afforded only with “leftover” spaces. It can be emotionally traumatic and leads to physical confrontations or potentially ignite a cycle of incarceration at an early age. Hence, the architectural investigation of the thesis aims to explore the possibilities of the urban “leftover” space become a youth productive social space within the local community.
The research study contributed a theoretical framework to revitalised the urban “leftover”space in bridging the social gap between the general public and youth in the city with socio-ecological approach. The reinterpretation of youth’s social environments was reflected and translated to the architectural abstraction in remapping the social environments of youth with the local community. Through the manipulation of intagible elements of urban “leftover” space, the impact of border vacuum can be resolved with a positive youth social environment. The architectural manisfestation form a possibility of urban “leftover” space regeneration to rehabilitate the relationship between the underpriviliged youth and the general public. Architecture as a channel to deliver the message from the youth to the society, it played a vital role in reducing the stigmatisation of underpriviliged youth in the local community and redefining the urban “leftover” space as a positive youth social environments in our urban area.