Culture and Communication Network
That connects people and projects all along Brasil
300 cities people 2 mil 3 million partners 15 in countries
people reached
free university
permanent and temporary campuses
people in the consulting board
Brazilian festivals network
+ than 100 festivals • 87 cities 30 thousand artists circulating
Independent narratives Journalism and Action
Mediactivism • 100 cities
BANK OF CULTURES life economy • social currency • common account • collective administration
Moving the trade and production systems across the country
Recognition brought awards Prêmio Virada Sustentável 2013 • Prêmio Betinho de Cidadania 2012 Prêmio diversidade/Afroreggae 2012 • Prêmo Dynamite 2012 5 Prêmios Conexões Globais 2012 • Prêmio Trip Transformadores 2011 Indicado no Prêmio Bravo de Cultura 2011
is dialogue
collective movement network
small iniciatives that together are stronger