Since you jumped on the scene, you jumped in head first and have just been working. Did you plan it out before jumping in the game or are you learning as you go? Basically it’s a go with the flow type of situation right now. In this industry you have a window, once you get a little hot, a little buzz or something like that you want to push it, you want to catch it again. That motivation, you gotta keep that momentum going. That’s what I did, I just go with the flow. Make music, drop music, learning as I go. Everyday I learn something new and how to market it, how to push it. Right now, it’s just a go with the flow that of situation. And so far what have you learned? What’s the most important aspect of the game so far? Marketing and promoting your brand, pushing yourself. Knowing how to push it, knowing how to place yourself in the right environment, right audience, knowing how to find your audience. I’m just learning a lot. About the social media algorithm, stuff like that, and how to stay trending, just learning alot of stuff about the different platforms.
So how do you break it down between learning about the game and actually creating and pushing music? My creativity comes from, I got my own studio, I just get in there and turn it on and just go. It could be 6 hours, It could be one hour, it could be 10 hours, I’m in there just working. So when I feel like being creative, I just get in there and let the beat play, let a couple beats play, and then I just go. And whenever I get that feeling to where “yea, that’s the one right there,” I zone in on it and write the song. And what has been the feedback you’ve been getting so far in regards to your music? A lot of good feedback, a lot of open mics, some type of event like that, I always get noticed. A lot of people, a lot of fans I’m hoping, tune in and they feel like it’s genuine and they know where I come from, a different part of where I come from, my background, it’s basically when I do my music I can tell my fans really enjoy it. They can feel the emotion I put behind it. And you mention Open Mics, I’ve seen you perform before and you come out with a ball of energy and you always have your family there, so tell me first about the energy that you bring to the stage. Is that something you gotta get in the mood for? Everytime I hit the mic, anytime I hear a beat, like if I hear a beat right now that energy gon come. It’s just
normal to me. I can see a crowd of people out there and this and that, and I know I’m getting ready to do my thing. The energy is already there. I don’t have to trigger it, the music gon do that for me. It’s just part of me. I can be in the house by myself, I’ll have the same energy as I do in front of a crowd of 250-500 people. It just comes natural. And I also mentioned your family that always comes out, tell me how important that is. For me, it’s very important because you want to stay confident. In this music game it’s hard to stay confident, it’s hard to stay motivated. A lot of people have a talent they just don’t push it, they don’t keep at it. They don’t stay consistent. When it comes to my family and how they help push me, that gives me my motivation. I don’t give up that way. My family is going to tell me bro you made some good music, or I like your music, or this and that. So that’s going to always push me and motivate me. So what’s next for you? I got a new single that’s getting ready to drop. Valentine’s. A song called Zoned. I got a lot of things going on this year, I’m getting ready to drop an EP, I don’t know how I’m going to formulate it yet, but I got a couple more singles I wanna drop. By summer time, I’ll definitely have a body of work for my fans.