3 minute read


Listen, let me go on ‘head & take me a second to bLou Note some ish! If you have the capability to spread love & light on someone’s day, DO IT!!! How is it hurting you by pouring some love on to someone else? Sometimes, when you’re already in a rut, loving on another brings you out of the mire. Did you know that? I can tell you that for a FACT!!! I’ve been in some of the most horrid places within the depths of my soul & have been brought out by an honest act of kindness! You literally NEVER know what somebody is going through! If you come across something of someone’s else’s, albeit a celebration, situation or declaration, take a moment to pour in to them. Honestly...



Are you worried about not receiving it back?

Oh well! If you’re being kind, you shouldn’t be that way because of the return, unless it’s the my life around. I know fulfillment of acting in so in turn, I do. If you’re line with God & His innot certain on how to tent for this world. Trust rise above dumb shit, me, I’m not standing on I’ll be more than happy some high horse by sayto tell you! Cause God ing this. Do nottttt get knows there’s enough it twisted... I’ll cuss me of it going on in this a mofo OUT out! That’s world. I’m not saying to just the real & thick of take BS from anyone! it! Rest ASSURED, I’ll do I’m not saying to keep what I have to do if it’s a subjecting yourself to me or you situation. But the same negativity or with regard to simple disrespect in life. I’m kindness... simple goodjust saying that your ness in life, I do that! Peday DOES NOT have riod. There’s not a single to be bad. Your perperson that KNOWS sonal issues DO NOT me that doesn’t KNOW have to be the reason that! We literally DO you choose to hate on NOT KNOW how much someone else. Your time we have here! We internal struggles DO literally could be in the NOT have to be the midst of our last moreason it’s damned ments RIGHT NOW!!! there illegal for someSo pour in! one else to smile in Love! Laugh! Live! I ally makes no sense. know for a fact that a Get your life in order! quick smile, hug, word By saying that, I mean or uplift is monumental. to I’ve been on the receiving end of somebody’s GET YOUR LIFE IN P.U.S.H. on my life. I ORDER. know the magnitude of your presence. It literhaving a ‘momentary’ YOU make the deci- action completely turn sion on how you’re going to approach your day! YOU make the decision on how much love is going to exude from you. YOU make the decision on how far the good in you can stretch. So do it! Be the light! Be the blessing! Be the uplift! Trust me... I’ve been doing it for a LONGGGGGG time! My shoulders have held A LOT!!! My tears have collected the pain of various torrential rains. And I still see the reasoning behind it. I still see the necessary. I still see the mandate. BE THE LIGHT FOR SOMEONE TO- DAY. BE THE OLIVE BRANCH. BE THE ENCOURAGEMENT. Rest assured... God sees what you’re do- ing! Your just rewards are already stored anyway!!!

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