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Born and raised in Sunny South Florida, Ashley “Kayolana” Williams has always been a person that “shines”. Her brilliant, youthful, yet brash delivery in music embraces and captivates the streets as well as a radio friendly and targeted audience. Ashley aka BillyCEO writes about, her perspectives on fashion, life, love, laughter, friendships, and jealousy; a viewpoint by which many of her peers and fans can relate to. Since the age of 5, BillyCEO quickly showed an interest in music. From performing in front of close friends and relatives, to local school talent shows, club performances to the big stages, BillyCEO has already developed a strong fan base largely in the Straight and Lgbt community she has harnessed a real understanding of her craft and who she is as an Artist where as this takes most artists years to develop. “I like Justin Nozuka, Drake, Chris Brown, Lauren Hill and my absolute favorite artist is My father Poeetiq. I feel that they are just a few of the artists that sing with the same sincerity, realness, and relativity to how I see myself as a performer.” says BillyCEO

Nevertheless, her brand of music is already being acknowledged as trend setting, which is quite normal for an artist who is ahead of their time. The CEO has had plenty of success with viral videos starting with her Lesbian Lifestyle remix, Money baby remix, So gone challenge and many more. BillyCEO believes her talent, drive, passion and unending enthusiasm is a direct gift from the Almighty God. Although her lyrics possess somewhat of an arrogant disposition, she remains grounded with the intent to deliver a top notch niche brand of music.
Her clever word play and crafty metaphors appeals to ages 13 through late 30’s. In fact one radio jock in, North Carolina, has classified her as a Diamond waiting to shine “Obviously when listening to her rhymes, you can tell right away this young lady is extremely intelligent as well as a gifted artist.” says Legend, one of the many producers who witnessed the growth of her talent as it developed over time. Ironically, she has managed to find the right kind of sound that allows you to journey through her world that many would consider to be their own personal theme of music. Currently still in her early twenties, BillyCEOis already proving to many that her talent is still growing, and its incredible. With an array of multi-talented song writers and producers, including her own material, her songs speaks the language of today’s youth without dumbing down to the typical stereotypes. In recent years she has zeroed in on her niche, Hip Hop, Pop, and R & B, self titled “The Ceo of The South” Nevertheless, most deserving of this title in all respect. Interestingly enough, she has already developed a new market and now capitalizing her craft.
She has been able to perform in many large venues along side of some of the industries best. Trina, Plies, Fat Joe, Fetty Wap, Fabulous, Lil boosie, Young Thug, lil Wayne just to name a few. Unlike a lot of our current, young performers whose musical content hinders them from gaining exposure due to their sometimes explicit lyrical content, BillyCEO understand the necessity to clean it up for radio and family friendly public venues she say “After All It’s Business” . In summary, BillyCEO is by far on a path to success and if she continues at this pace, her future in entertainment is inevitable.