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Breaking Barriers: Sarasota Six’s Speaks Music, Film, and Technology
LadyChelle: It’s your girl, LadyChelle, Ford Entertainment Magazine, and I’m speaking with Sarasota Six. What’s up? Introduce yourself and let everybody know who you are.
Sarasota Six: Yes, my name is Sarasota Six, formerly known as Big Six from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
LadyChelle: Okay. Tell us more about what you do as an artist. Give us the gist of your artistry, gifts, and talents.
Sarasota Six: I feel blessed to be able to do it all, but music is my love. I’ve been doing music for a long time. I also have a podcast, but it’s currently on hold. I’m just focused on making money right now.
LadyChelle: Tell us about the nature of your music, the vibe, and paint a picture for the listeners.
Sarasota Six: So the type of music I make today is, more fun, more enjoyable type of music. You know, there’s enough gangsters and killers out there. So I just try to switch up the vibe, and, and have fun with the music, make music for the women. So I keep that in mind when I’m in the lab, you know?
LadyChelle: So you on purpose stay away from toxic subjects in your music. Is that what you would say?
Sarasota Six:I wouldn’t say on purpose because, I came from that environment, but, you know, it’s just like a conscious decision to try to stay away from certain things. I mean, like I said, it’s, it’s plenty of stuff that’s being promoted right now today, so I, we, don’t need more of that. But sometimes, you have to touch on it just so people can understand the authenticity of your music, you know?
LadyChelle: Let’s dig into that a little bit more. A lot of artists, they kind of use music as their therapy almost. So as they’re a certain type of lifestyle, they have to put it on music. So tell me about coming from an environment that, you know, is, for a lack of better word, negative, but turning it to reflect the positive.
Sarasota Six: Well, it comes with maturity. When you young, that’s the shit to do, you know? Of course. And the music is telling you to do it. So you just, you go through stuff and you learn and you get smarter and then you watch people around you, people fall off, people die, people go to prison. So you kind of try to walk that fine line, you know?
LadyChelle: Yeah, because a question that I like to ask people is, do you think life is imitating art? Or do you feel like art is imitating life?
Sarasota Six: I feel like art is imitating life. I mean, you take your, when people make music, when you create, you take your experiences or you take the experiences of people around you, you take that energy and recreate more art. So when people say there’s nothing new under the sun, that’s exactly what it is, you know? Cause people just, we as human beings, we just take the energy and just recreate art.
LadyChelle: Music you say is, is your first love, like, what other loves do you have in regards to art?
Sarasota Six: Oh, yeah. I have two movies written. Right now I’m just getting them into the correct format, and trying to get them out there, get some funding behind ‘em. So yeah, definitely movies. I also have a book that’s on the way and I dabble into technology also, so I have some NFTs that’s on the way too.
Ladychelle: Tell us a little bit, tell us a little bit more about your book.
Sarasota Six: Well, I don’t have an official title for the book because, my editor made me change it <laugh>. But, the book is, actually a horror, slash drama, a black horror film. So that’ll be different, you know? It deals with racism, but it’s actually like a reverse racism. So it’s gonna be very interesting for our people to actually see this type of a movie.
LadyChelle: I love that. I love creatives who, function outside of the box. So I’m definitely looking forward to seeing all of those projects.
Sarasota Six: That’s my motto right there, outside the box, like, don’t even put me in the box.
LadyChelle: Definitely. Now, I had a quick nosy question. Sarasota Six, you say you hail out of Fort Lauderdale, break down the name for me real quick.
Sarasota Six: A lot of people hit me with that one. I’m a Floridian, you know, Florida is my home, every city, you know, no disrespect to the, to the people that’s in the city, but if you are a Floridian, you are a Floridian. You can move around anywhere, you know what I’m saying? I firmly believe in wiping your feet before you go into anybody else city, you know? And that’s what I do. But Sarasota is a place in Florida that I would like to end up and retire in. Why? Because it’s nice, it’s beautiful. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in Florida, you know? Like I said, formerly, my name was Big six, I just dropped it big and put Sarasota on the front because that represents Florida.