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Publisher Ladychelle Enterprises

Editor in Chief/Writer Rachelle Ford

Creative Director Joseph Lopez

Lost Child Entertainment

Marketing Director Desmen Johnson

Writers Dj Samore Michael Lamb Rachelle Ford

Cover Designed by Emmanuel Castillo

Contact US Ford.chelle@gmail.com 239-245-2117 www.FordEntMag.info

New Year, New Me! Same drive, same focus, same motivation to make my dreams into reality. I’m so eternally grateful to be entering into the new year surrounded by love and family. My mom, Ms Rose. Don’t know what I would do without her. Made no resolutions this year, didn’t even get around to making my vision board (even though I had to write a whole article on the subject). What I do have are solid goals and a concrete plan on how to accomplishing them this year. Hey Bae, It’s happening! Love you!! -Ladychelle

© 2016 by Ford Entertainment Magazine. All Rights Reserved Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Ford Entertainment Magazine is a registered trademark of Ladychelle Enterprises. Printed and published in the United States of America. ISBN-13: 978-1517220457 ISBN– 10: 1517220459 2

In This Issue

Beauty of the Month: Fancy


Beauty of the Month is BACK in 2016 here at Ford Ent Magazine. Are you our next Beauty? Email us!


Follow Your Dreams 2016 Creating a Vision Board that Works for You. Creating a vision board for the new year can be so overwhelming! Here at Ford we break down the steps to make this task pain-free.


Lakisha Ross The Online Business Diva Does everyone have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Day in and Day out, Lakisha Ross helps guide people into that exact answer to that question.



Celeste Celeste High Maintenance & Unapologetic “...new book coming out, huge project

Forgiveness: A Story of Grace A chaplain recalls an incredible story of forgiveness witnessed behind bars.

coming up, and anything else I wake up and think of, I’ll go for it.”

22 2nd Annual Ford Ent Awards 2016

Event Pics Writing Sessions of America 2015


As we’re gearing up for Writing Sessions of America 2016, let’s take a brief look at last’s year’s event.

Check out the nomination categories. Ballots open Jan 15th– March 15th 3


The new single “Working” available now!


Beauty of the month



We all have moments in our life that try to

break us. These photos represent me becoming a woman once scorned, that battled through so


much to become the women I am now.

Website: VibeUpGyal, Inc. (Launching soon) Follow on IG: ItsFancy_duhhh

Photographer: Heather Ross Makeup by: JB Edmond, IG: I.AM.JB 7

Follow your Dreams 2016 Creating a Vision Board That Works For You


Creating a vision sounds way more complicated than what

Creating your board

the world would have you imagine. It’s not about following any particular format but more so about creating a visually

1. Find pictures or words that describes or could repre-

pleasing task list of goals you would like to accomplish in

sent the goals you have set for yourself. In school and

the next 12 months.

planning on graduating this year? Get a picture of a cap

Here are a few tips on creating a vision board that works for

and gown and put it on your board.

you: 2. 2. Consider including pictures of yourself on your board. 1. Reflect on the goals you would like to accomplish.

It adds a personal touch. Preferably choose a picture taken of you while you were doing something that you

What would you like to accomplish this year? Maybe you’ve

enjoyed doing or which you would do more of this year.

always wanted to take your music serious, or your modeling

Remember that one time you went camping? Wish you

career, or furthering your education. Where do you see

did more fun stuff like that this year? Put that picture on

yourself, or would like to see yourself on this date next

your board.

year? 3. The secret of decorating your vision board is to include 2. Ask yourself, what would I like to do more of, or less of

items that speak to you and inspire you directly. Any

this year?

pictures or words, whether found on the internet, magazines, newspapers, old books (although we don’t rec-

Maybe you’re horrible at maintaining a steady gym sched-

ommend tearing up books), and personal photos.

ule. Maybe you;ve been putting off eating right, or drinking more water. Or it could be something as simple as learning to believing in yourself more this year. Focus on qualities you would like to develop or habits you would like to let go by this time next year.

3. Are there any specific goals you would like to accomplish this year? A specific task?

Think of something you would like to commit yourself to accomplishing this year. Weather it be “Attend a concert” or Remember, it’s a vision board and not a vision essay, this is

“Read a 6 self-improvement books”. Think of an activity or

not the area to place long paragraphs on what you’re trying

task and commit yourself to accomplishing just that. You

to accomplish. The purpose of the board is to visually illus-

have 12 months to make this happen.

trate your goals and objectives for the year.


LAKISHA ROSS “The Online Business Diva” 10

Tell us a little bit about what you do and who you are: Lakisha Ross, CEO of Mindset Over Everything, Inc. I empower, inspire and enable women to push beyond normal to unleash the Focused, Fierce & Fabulous diva that lies within. My acronym for DIVA is Determined Intelligent Victorious Achiever! I challenge them to pursue their dreams and provide the skills necessary to turn their passions into profits. They call me the Online Business Diva!

What's the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to follow your dreams? Patience. When launching a business you want everything NOW…the clients, the money and the recognition but the truth is these things take time. It doesn’t matter how good you are, noone is a success overnight so it requires a lot of patience and perseverance. I believe this is why I lot of people never succeed because they simply to not have the patience to see it through to the end.

What’s the biggest reward? Waking up in the morning to an inbox full of messages from women I don’t know telling me that I give the inspiration they need to follow their dreams and telling me how thankful they are for pouring into them. Little do they know, they are the ones who inspire me!

How do you balance your personal life & your business life? Discipline! The work and home life balance is sometimes an impossible one to maintain. I have found that setting certain rules for myself such as no calls, consultations or emails after 7pm or no coaching sessions on the weekends help to allow myself time for my business and also time for my family. It gets hard to stick to these rules sometimes but you have to in order to keep your sanity and maintain your personal life. I also try to involve my family as much as possible in my business affairs so that they feel a part of it too.

What would you tell someone who's 11

on the fence about starting their own business? In the words of Nike “JUST DO IT!” People spend too much time thinking of something to do, in the meantime someone has taken your idea and has already started. It doesn’t matter if you have no website or do not have everything you need, start with what you have and build from there. It is better to take the first step than none at all!

Is entrepreneurship for everyone? In my honest opinion NO! The reason is that in order to be a successful entrepreneur you have to WANT IT! You have to want it more than you want to breathe. You have to be willing to spend late nights, early mornings, blood, sweat, tears, faith, determination and patience to succeed and the truth is not everyone is willing to do that. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has what it takes but not everyone is willing to make the necessary sacrifices. That’s what separates entrepreneurs from employees.


High Maintenanc 12


ce & Unapologetic 13

Getting right into it, can you tell

bly. So then, I started selling tank

I know you also manage an artist,

those that don’t know you, what is

tops and earring for little girls that

how did that come about?

it that Celeste Celeste does?

my daughter and I were making.

We started working together be-

I am a CEO of a company called High

From there, I was making enough

cause she used to model for me.

Maintenance Unlimited. Unlimited

money to publish my first book

She also played the lead role in my

because there is a multitude of

which lead to more items, other

trailer for my newest book. From

things that I do. I am a self-

books, more projects and I’ve been

there when I would travel on the

published author, my first book is

expanding from there.

road to promote my book, she was

titled ‘Three of a Kind’ my newest

there with me. So, one of those

release is called ‘Scratch’ which is an

How did you pick yourself up from

road trips she expressed she wanted

erotica. Both of my books are availa-

such a failure without feeling dis-

to get into the music world. From

ble for purchase on my website,


her always being on my side, help-

highmaintenence1.com. Besides the books,





services where I help people self publish their own work. Now, I’m not a record label BUT I do have an artist signed to my company in which I manage but also song-write.

Well, that was 10 years in between. But it does take a lot. I definitely felt like my dream was over. There was so many people that didn’t believe in me or support me, so that’s when

ing me see my vision through without accepting a dime from me. I felt it was only right help her see her dreams come true as she helped me with mine.

I started to believe that was indeed a failure. I didn’t think that I would

Being that high maintenance has

be able to have my company. But, I

expanded so much, are you going

always tried to keep the dream

to go back to selling jewelry like

alive. People would tell me to shut

when you first started?

up about my book but I never

I actually don’t do those anymore.

How did High Maintenance start?

stopped, I NEVER GAVE UP! I was

Those were called, custom chain

When I initially started the compa-

able to that ‘High Maintenance’ ap-

creations. So basically someone

ny, it was year and YEARS ago; I

proach and was like, “Okay, well a

would come to me with an offer to

actually wanted to do a mobile nail

mobile nail salon didn’t work. Why

do one, it depends on my workload

service. I would basically come to

not women’s apparel? Or why not

at the time. Its not something I ad-

your house. THAT DIDN’T WORK!

try to publish my own book.” I basi-

vertise. So, it’s kind of a yes and a

Lost all my money, I failed misera-

cally had to reinvent myself. The


weddings. They call me, “The First Lady of Everything”.

second time around worked!

I basically had to reinvent myself. 14

I am a notary, I’ve officiated a few

“ are

The people who make it

Speaking of workload. How do you

along those lines and I can’t wait to

the people who fight

find balance between work, life,

share it with you guys., but I can’t

love, and family?

just yet. I’m also working on my 3rd

thru (the hard times).

I’m still learning! It’s a work in progress. Some weeks I will slack on work whereas some weeks I don’t give enough time to my family as I should, and there’s always weeks when I don’t give myself enough time personally, but I’m working on

book, my artist and I are going on a mini tour, she’ll be all over the place performing, I’ll be all over the place performing. So,

new book

coming out, huge project coming up, and anything else I wake up and think of, I’ll go for it.

it. I’m a person that has to have structure, everything has to be written down! I start my mornings at 4:00am, I definitely cut into some

How would you encourage someone






sleep time to get more hours in for work. It is definitely a work in progress and definitely a juggle.

First thing I would encourage is for them to have multiple streams of income.




keeping that 9-5 because you’re Now, following your dreams in

going to have to be able to handle

2016, what does Celeste Celeste

the household while pursuing your

have coming up?

dreams. The second thing it takes is

Oh I have something so amazing that I’m working on but because the contracts are not done yet, I can’t say too much but I will say that after I shot the trailer for my book, I surprised myself with my own abilities, that want’s something that I thought I had. I wrote the screenplay, I directed it, I played a small role in it, I put together the wardrobe, I wore so many hats that I kinda want to be in that director/production/television sort of filed. My huge project is 15

hard work. Especially if you’re going to be working a 9-5 and working on your dreams as well. So that’s gonna take a lot of perseverance and dedication. And last I would say, never stop. That’s the only way you’ll get there. Everyone goes thru situations, and it may seem like it’s not gonna work, times are hard, the people who make it are the people who fight thru that.

Jamaican Pop Star Barbee launches the Barbee Collection At NYC’s Circle of Sisters Press Release:

expects to expand its product offering

Activating her social media platforms

JamLatest addition to Celfie Cosmetics

rapidly completing the full collection by

totaling over 150k fans and online influ-

scores big in New York

December of 2015.

ence including over 2MM YouTube

“I created Barbee Cosmetics as a gift to

views, Barbee is poised to give dolls the


women. I spend hours in hair and

world over a new lease on their makeup

artist Barbee has conquered the inter-

makeup as a recording artist and I know


national pop charts, tour the world with

the transformative feeling that make up

Follow the hashtag #EveryTingPretty

reggae royalty and stared in movies

can provide. My heart is steeped in the

and #BarbeeCollection to learn more

alongside some of

Hollywood’s finest.

empowerment of women. Makeup has a

about press launches, consumer events

On October 18th, at New York’s premiere

way of boosting self-esteem by allowing

and brand extensions.

women’s convention, Circle of Sisters,

women to enhance the beauty within by

To request product samples or inter-



adorning the physical. I want Barbee

views with the creator of the brand,

ture, Barbee Cosmetics. A joint venture

Cosmetics to be the go to line for wom-

please contact Nikki Walker via email at

with celebrity make up manufactur-

en working to create their own reali-


er Celfie Cosmetics, Barbee’s collection

ties….complete with a dream house of

launched with a range of six lipsticks and

their very own.” notes creator Barbee. .

New York, NY. October 2015. Chart








Forgiveness: A Story of Grace A chaplain recalls an incredible story of forgiveness witnessed behind bars. I read the news account of a horrendous crime about 18 years before this story. I never even considered at the time that the young infant, who was only 18 months old when her mother was murdered, would somehow be part of my life, but the story impacted me deeply. In today's world, it seems like these stories are in the news every day. When I began working in the prison system, it amazed me how often the many people in the stories about crime I had read in the papers or seen on television I would meet. It probably shouldn't have been a surprise, but I was new to the culture and had so much to learn. I also came to realize that some criminals were not always as frightening as they were portrayed in the media, but others were. Whether they had changed as a result of the incident, or because of the sentencing, was not my call. Nor did I ask about their past unless they chose to reveal it. I relied on spiritual discernment to provide guidance, rather than judging. Their sentence was adequate judgment in most cases, and the reality that life in prison can break you down completely was a consequence, sometimes. I also believe today, that for those who do not accept responsibility for their actions against other human beings, they are most often destined for more of the same. The system may let someone off the hook, but God does not. I have been criticized for that approach, but I believe


that "it is appointed unto man, once to die and then comes judgment." For those who ignore standards of law, and moral decency and refuse to acknowledge their wrong it is a surety. I believe that God's grace to forgive extends to the directly offended party(ies). I have also observed that when others take up an offense for them, the anger that results produces extreme bitterness. That bitterness is learned and then compounded when the offense is rehearsed again and again. I also do not judge people for that, since it is not up to me. I have witnessed events that confirm that forgiveness eventually opens all kinds of doors for darkness to wreak havoc in the mind. We are fed with more violent thoughts of revenge and sometimes retribution. We have seen the results in our society as these thoughts drive minds demanding justice for wrongs done. It is a natural human tendency. I have also watched obstinately unforgiving people go on to take on the characteristics of the people they detest, while doing the same things themselves. This is a true story about a supernatural intervention in a most horrendous situation, in which forgiveness became possible. I experienced apprehension and skepticism at first, having been fairly seasoned in the criminal justice system for some time. I became convinced as it unfolded into a beautiful example of how grace can transcend 18 injustice to mercy. A young woman

came to speak to me one afternoon. Her mother was murdered when she was 2 years old. As I said earlier, the case was high profile, it had happened shortly before I left California years ago. The perpetrator literally tied her to her dying mother and left them in a remote place, presumably to die and hide the evidence of his rage-induced crime of passion. The child was discovered by a hiker, rescued by law enforcement, and nursed back to physical health by surviving family members. Unfortunately, but understandably, she was subjected to her grandparent's accounts of the horrendous crime and their corresponding outrage. She related to me that since she had no recollection of either her mother or the unthinkable crime, she did not comprehend much of it until she was in her early teens. This parental grief and anger spilled over onto a child who was unequipped to handle not only the gruesome details of the crime, but the accompanying emotions. These atrocities occur daily all over our world, and sometimes we become indifferent to the impact they have on individuals. We find ourselves fascinated by the depth and origin of this type of evil for some strange reason, when we should be repulsed and repelled by it. She carried this anger deposited by her family, and as she became an adult, came to accept hatred as the only emotion appropriate for interpreting the offense.

As she grew older, the poison in her

from the other offender, a one-time-

wife (he was dying). She was allowed

heart grew deeper still, and began to

only permissible exchange. She nev-

to decide when she was ready to

control her thinking and then her

er hesitated, and gave her consent.

read it and visit with me for that pur-

life. Ironically, she eventually acted

The other chaplain provided a space

pose. She cried as she read the

out on that anger against someone

in his office and the offender showed

letter, clearly both feeling and com-

else, and ended up in prison herself.

up promptly. Shortly after he arrived,

prehending the magnitude of his sor-

She came to me that day, looking for

he broke down weeping as he wrote

row over all that she had lost. Then

answers about forgiveness, and re-

a letter, not explaining or discussing

she said quietly, "doesn't he know I

ceived a piece of the puzzle, alt-

the crime, but acknowledging his

already forgave him? Didn't you say

hough I didn't know it at the time.

sorrow over what he had done and

Jesus already died for all our sins,

Then came the miracle. The man

what he had taken from her. He took

past, present and future? Please tell

who committed the crime who had

full responsibility for the crime

his chaplain, I meant it what I wrote

been in prison for 20+ years came to

(stopping midway and confessing

him, but Jesus is really the one who

an adjoining facility for a specialized

every detail to the chaplain, which

can wash him clean of all the guilt

doctor's appointment for cancer that

became his own measure of sinceri-

and shame. Tell him to lay it down

ravaged his body. She did not know

ty). He then continued the letter by

and accept forgiveness, because liv-

any of the details, since prisoners are

asking for her forgiveness and assur-

ing with guilt like that is no way to

not generally open about these

ing her that her words of grace and

live. Oh and can you tell my Dad I

things. He was held in isolation at

compassion were beyond his com-

love him?" In 10 minutes a lifetime

the Reception Center where she had

prehension. Then he suggested she

of heartache was addressed and re-

a job working in the kitchen. Shocked

go on to live a responsible good life

lationship restored. It was her

as she recognized his name on the

in honor of her mother. He disclosed

choice. She made the choice to hear.

food preparation list (he was not al-

that had been engaged to her at the

He made the choice to own it every

lowed to the chow hall to eat) she

time of the crime, and taken drugs,

day for the rest of his life, something

wrote 3 words on the back of the slip

became out of control and com-

he later told me when I visited him in

that held his name. "I forgive you."

mitted this horrible act. This from

the hospital with the other chaplain.

and she signed her name. She came

the account given to the chaplain,

Of course the psychiatrists wanted to

to me, shaking, but not from anger,

but not in his words to her in the

counsel with her later, to assure she

from excitement, commenting "he is

letter.) He gave her a piece of infor-

was able to handle it. That didn't

here! I don't feel hatred any more!"

mation she had never known before.

happen, she refused, saying, "Why

Then she explained to me what had

He was her father. Her grandparents

do I need to analyze this, God did it,

taken place. Taken back to his facility

had never disclosed this to her. Of

and He healed our hearts, so let's

the next day, He visited his chaplain,

course the letter was read (but no

just leave it at the cross, ok?" She

someone he only saw in passing

editing was necessary) by the Chap-

was at peace, finally. So that's exact-

through the years because he didn't

lain before it was forwarded to me

ly what the chaplain relayed to him.

think himself worthy for God to for-

for her. This inter-facility communi-

He came back to the chaplain's office

give. His chaplain called me, and we,

cation had only happened twice in

often to ask more about spiritual life.

receiving permission from the Depu-

the 14 years I was a chaplain. One

ty Director, asked the woman if she

was when compassion allowed a

was interested in receiving a letter

phone call from a husband to his 19

He asked for and then learned how to read his own bible and then asked if he could volunteer to work in the Chap-

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”

lain's Library. He died suddenly of a heart attack 4 months

- Mahatma Gandhi

later, before the cancer treatments were over. She was released just shortly after his death, and I was told by others

Ways to forgive:

that she visited his gravesite to bring closure. Then she implored her grandparents to do what she had done, forgive. She went on to college and continued her life helping oth-

Remind yourself, you’re forgiving not for them.

ers to handle grief. Today, she is known for her extraordi-

But for yourself. Holding on to anger and resent-

nary work in helping others affected by crime forgive. She

ment will only hurt you more than it will hurt

understands that some will never forgive because they


hold on to the false belief that punishment is a cure. She offers a solution, that love is the cure, for pretty much eve-

Time is the best healer. Allow it to do its job.

Try to not rehash or dwell on the event/

rything wrong in this world. She has been there, and she is effective. She chooses to stay anonymous in regard to the crime, because for her, it was buried with her mother and father. Her grandparents choose not to forgive. They sug-

memory/person as much as you can. When it

gested she not share this story lest those who have had

comes to mind, take a deep breath and let it go

such horrible things happen to them unwittingly become

(literally and figuratively)

victims once again. They are cynical, and untrusting of most everyone they meet. It is their right, and they are exercis-

ing it fully. I do not judge them, because like my own expe-

Realize that it takes less energy to love and forgive than it does to hold a grudge. The reward is

rience, no one should have to bury their children. Life hap-

peace of mind.

pens, we choose our response. That is why she can walk this road, offer hope, and help others get free. When I think about this woman, how can I make excuses for not

Don’t force i. If it’s hard for you to forgive, you

letting go of petty disagreements, and the resulting after-

may simply n ot be ready. Give it a little more

math? Yes, for her, and for us, choosing to forgive is a most


extravagant gift of grace.

Author: Linda Vecchiarelli Visit her blog on Hub Pages “Simple Gifts of Love”. Apart from being a poet & writer,

“Give up on all hope of a better past”

she’s also a mother & a wife.

- Matt Child

This article is a reprint from January 2010 Chev Magazine. 20


WSAATL this year was a success. It was truly a privilege for Ford Ent Magazine to be allowed to cover this event. Our only regret was only being able to cover one day of the event, and after speaking with attendees from the weekend and seeing the feedback from other media outlets, our regrets only doubled. Each class/seminar was informative and staffed with knowledgeable speakers. Artists were fed useable data that they are able to apply to their career and brand. One of the seminars I personally attended covered how to barter for services in the music industry, an industry that could get quite costly. Tru Wiz, an artist out of Florida, personally enjoyed the A&R Panel, an panel featuring CEOs and A&Rs from Atlantic, Def Jam, Empire, and Universal. Big congrats to Kevin Shine and his team for a fantastic event. Can’t wait to see what they come up with next.


2nd Annual Ford Ent Awards 2016 Nomination Ballot Mixtape of the Year:

Male Dancer of the Year:

Best Stylist (Hair):

Album of the Year:

Female Dancer of the Year:

Concert of the Year:

Producer of the Year:

Promoter of the Year:

Event of the Year:

Best Record Label:

Photographer of the Year:

Best Restaurant/Food Vendor:

Best Music Group:

Videographer of the Year:

Athlete of the Year:

Male Veteran Artist of the Year:

Music Video of the Year:

Trainer of the year:

Female Veteran Artist of the Year:

Album of the Year:

Best Non-Profit Organization:

Male Rap/Hip Hop of the Year:

Studio of the Year:

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Female Rap/Hip of the Year:

Best Performing Artist of the Year:

Man of the Year:

Male Freshman Artist of the Year:

Author of the Year:

Female Freshman Artist of the Year:

Website of the Year:

Male R&B Artist of the Year:

Male Model of the Year:

Female R&B Artist of the Year:

Female Model of the Year:

Male Veteran Artist of the Year:

Male Power Player of the Year:

Female Veteran Artist of the Year:

Female Power Player of the Year:

Male Rap/Hip Hop of the Year:

Best Male Actress:

Female Rap/Hip of the Year:

Best Female Actress:

Male Freshman Artist of the Year:

Best independent Film:

Female Freshman Artist of the Year:

Best Documentary:

Male R&B Artist of the Year:

Community Volunteer of the Year:

Female R&B Artist of the Year:

Best Brick and Mortar Boutique:

Battle Rapper of the Year:

Best Online Boutique:

Song (single) of the Year:

Small Business Owner of the year:

Club Banger of the Year:

Clothing Designer of the Year:

Best Male Performing Artist :

Radio Personality of the Year:

Best Female Performing Artist :

Best Studio:

Studio of the Year:

Best Barber:

Gospel Artist of the year (Male):

Best Barbershop:

Gospel Artist of the year (Female)

Best Hair Salon:

Event Host of the Year:

Best Nail Salon:

Radio DJ of the Year:

Radio Station of the Year:

Club DJ of the Year:

Best Nightclub:

Mixtape DJ of the Year:

Best Stylist (Clothing):

*** “Of the year� refers to the year 2015 **Veteran Artist refers to an artist in the game 6+ years ** Freshman Artist refers to an artist in the game less than 6 years

For complete list of categories and to nominate, please visit www.FordEntmag.info

Nominations run from

January 15th, 2016 To March 15th, 2016


Award show will take place on April 4th at the Heights Foundation. Vendor spots available, contact LadyChelle at 302-313-6734


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