1 minute read
5 Iconic Hairstyles That Shaped Hip Hop Culture
1. aFroS:
THe aFro waS a popular HairSTyle during THe early dayS oF Hip Hop in THe 1970S. iT repreSenTed a SenSe oF black pride and idenTiTy.
2. cornrowS:

cornrowS, wHicH are braidS THaT are cloSe To THe Scalp, became popular in THe 1990S and were oFTen worn by rapperS and oTHer Hip Hop arTiSTS. THiS STyle waS popularized by arTiSTS like Snoop dogg and allen iverSon.
5. bald:

THe bald Head, or SHaved Head, HaS been a popular HairSTyle in Hip Hop Since THe 1990S. iT repreSenTS a SenSe oF TougHneSS and rebellion. rapperS like Tupac SHakur and common Have been known To rock THe bald Head look.

4. locS:
locS Have been a popular HairSTyle in Hip Hop For decadeS. THey repreSenT a SenSe oF SpiriTualiTy and rebellion. arTiSTS like bob marley and lauryn Hill Have been inSTrumenTal in popularizing THe STyle.