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A Check-up on the State of the Fashion Industry

One way luxury high fashion brands sustain worth its price tag of their exclusivity is through burning unsold mer- a thousand to many chandise. Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Burberry thousands of dollars? have burned most of their unsold merchandise If a design is creafter some seasons to prevent them from falling ated only to be deinto the hands of illegal counterfeiters. However, stroyed, does it hold another reason they set fire to their inventory is any real value in socithat these brands detest the idea of selling their ety? Can it justifiably be merchandise at discounted prices, believing called art? I think not. There it would ruin the image of their elite customer is a fundamental contradiction base and social status. with the notion of using labor to


High fashion brands distinguish themselves manufacture raw materials to make a product from lower-end commercial companies through that will later be destroyed to repeat this protheir intricate and advanced design and fine cess. There are alternatives to burning unsold craftsmanship. Luxury garments and accessories stock. Gucci has recently partnered with The are coveted and critically reviewed by photog- Real Real consignment to sell some of last searaphers and journalists all over the world at son’s bags authentically, and they also have a fashion week, featured in fashion magazines, few outlet stores throughout the world that sell and deemed art. their bags and accessories at discounted prices.

It is undeniable that the concept of burning un- COVID-19 has taken a devastating toll on the sold stock seems wasteful, but it also brings into fashion industry, bringing it to a screeching halt. question the value of the product and threatens Suddenly, people are commenting on how the the legitimacy of the fashion industry. As brands industry was bound to fail. In the past several justify burning their merchandise saying that months, we have seen how adaptability is cruincineration reduces their cial for survival and that greed and exclusivity factories’ coal consumption, do not survive adversity. In this novel tragedy, one cannot process this the value of art has been omnipresent. Fashion concept without feeling is an intimate and impactful art form; it inspires some degree of exis- and empowers men and women. We are at tentialism. If the gar- a pivotal moment where the industry has the ment or accessory is potential to reform itself, including attitudes incinerated ultimately towards elitism and exclusivity. 2020 has been becoming “fuel” for about solidarity. The fashion industry now has their factories, an opportunity to embrace humanity and emas these brands bark on a new chapter, one that illuminates claim, then is truth and love through unrestrained creativity the product and raw expression. 16 Article by Grace Fisher Photographed and styled Model Sammi Petruzzelli Layout by Madison Rhoad by Lauren Cassot

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