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Return of the Ram(eses)
whopping 53 years, after which the university replaced the live mascot with an animal costume. Given the (often dramatic) losses of the 28 Rameses of the past, if a live ram is reintroduced, it is important that Fordham takes extra precautions to ensure the ram lives a long and happy life.
While I am in favor of bringing back a live animal mascot, I know that the practice of having them can quickly become unethical. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, gives the practice of live animal mascots a grade of F. Arguments against the practice cite animal abuse due to the stressful environments of sporting events; insufficient habitats; problematic school traditions revolving around harassment and aggravation toward the mascot; and general concerns over the animal’s mental, emotional and physical health.
as dogs, cats, horses, livestock and small rodents — should be allowed with strict guidelines and regulations.
One key issue with hosting a live ram is that livestock animals are social creatures. Animals that live in flocks or herds must socialize with others from their species. It would make the most sense for the Rameses’ reign to return with not just one ram but a pair. Rams do not like living alone, so their comeback would be more successful if there were multiple. Facing isolation places a social animal under extreme stress and makes them more susceptible to contracting illnesses. Due to the ethical concerns over the premature and early deaths of many of Fordham’s previous live mascots, having a pair of rams could become a protective factor for their health and could allow them to live longer.
Michael Lewis, a marketing professor at Emory University, made a surprisingly simple observation about why schools use live mascots: “Human beings love animals.” Live mascots function as a more motivating and adorable representation of a university than a person in a suit. (No disrespect to the people who bring Rameses to life.) Seeing a live animal as the face of a university is a more compelling embodiment of the school for students, alumni and fans.
The benefits of having a live ram as Fordham’s mascot are not limited to raising morale. The ram would be a great marketing tool and could bring more exposure to the university, offering opportunities on social media and in the news, especially in those feel-good segments at the end of broadcasts. With this strategy, Fordham could reach more potential applicants.
The caretaking of Rameses also enables the creation of new job opportunities for professionals in farm animal caretaking and veterinary services. Caring for Rameses would offer an opportunity for Fordham students to gain experience that would look great on their resumes, which could come in the form of an internship or a work study position.
In addition, Rameses’ presence could lead to the creation of a new animal care program, similar to that of Penn State University’s; a new animal science major exclusive to the Rose Hill campus; and additional courses related to animal caretaking. This academic program and course expansion would enable Fordham to venture into more applied science fields and would appeal to students interested in these fields.
With a previous dynasty of 28 rams, it is no question that there is precedent for a live mascot at Fordham. The first Rameses made his debut in 1925, and the great dynasty ruled for a
The use of exotic and nondomesticated animals, such as the University of Texas’ Longhorn steer, the University of Auburn’s golden eagle, the Air Force Academy’s falcon and Baylor University’s black bear, needs to be banned outright. However, domesticated animals — such