Literary & Cultural Studies 2017

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Out of the Ordinary


A Life of Gender and Spiritual Transitions MICHAEL DILLON/LOBZANG JIVAKA Edited by Jacob Lau, and Cameron Partridge Foreword by Susan Stryker

“In this wonderful collection of what she modestly calls ‘musings,’ Marjorie Garber makes an irresistible case for the value of literary study and for herself as one of its great modern practitioners. The essays are brave in their commitments and brilliant in their execution. They are at once provocative and playful—and abidingly humane.”—David Scott Kastan, Yale University “Marjorie Garber assembles witty, shrewd, and imaginative essays on interdisciplinary topics that range widely from Shakespeare to psychoanalysis, and the practice of higher education today.”—Publishers Weekly

“While so much of the history of transsexualism has circulated around and through a few highly publicized lives of trans women, Jacob Lau and Cameron Partridge have made an indelible contribution to the modern histories of gender and sexuality by publishing this autobiography. Their introduction carefully situates the history of one of the earliest female to male transitions and gives us a smart and sympathetic account of the political, social and material complexities of Dillon/Jivaka’s life. This is an astonishing story.”—Jack Halberstam, author of Female Masculinity and In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives

192 PAGES 978-0-8232-7373-7 PAPER, $22.95, £18.99 978-0-8232-7372-0 CLOTH, $80.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE


A Scarlet Pansy

ROBERT SCULLY Edited by Robert J. Corber

Blackpentecostal Breath The Aesthetics of Possibility ASHON T. CRAWLEY

“A dizzying mix of low camp and high drama, A Scarlet Pansy is at once laugh-out-loud funny, startling, odd, and ultimately—through the lens of our queer world today—very moving. Robert J. Corber’s insightful and astute Introduction places the novel in a clear historical context while continually highlighting the emotional power and the camp glory of the novel and the erotic adventures of its hero/heroine, Fay Etrange.”—Michael Bronski, Harvard University “A Scarlet Pansy makes an important queer intervention in the historical record of how to be gay. It is a great pleasure to be brought out into pre-Stonewall gay culture along with the protagonist, and to see this combination of camp and sex.”—Nicholas de Villiers, University of North Florida

“Blackpentecostal Breath is a work of utter originality anchored by daring synthesis, acrobatic leaps of imagination, and laced throughout with passages of jolting beauty.”—Ann Pellegrini, coauthor of Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance “A one-of-a-kind intervention into performance, religious, black and cultural studies.”—Roderick A. Ferguson, Aberrations in Black: Toward a Queer of Color Critique 320 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7455-0 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7454-3 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Commonalities American Literatures Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

232 PAGES 978-0-8232-7256-3 PAPER, $19.95, £15.99 978-0-8232-7255-6 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m

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Letters from the Utopian Margins AVERY F. GORDON

Muslims, France, and the Sexualization of National Culture MEHAMMED AMADEUS MACK

The Hawthorn Archive, named after the richly fabled tree, has long welcomed the participants in the various EuroAmerican social struggles against slavery, racial capitalism, and authoritarian forms of order. The Archive is not a library or a research collection in the conventional sense, but rather a disorganized and fugitive space for the development of a political consciousness of being in-difference to the deadly forms of power that characterize our society. Housed by the Archive are autonomous radicals, runaways, abolitionists, commoners and dreamers who no longer live as obedient subjects. In this innovative, genre- and format-bending publication, Avery F. Gordon, the “keeper” of the Archive, presents a selection of its documents—original and compelling essays, letters, cultural analyses, images, photographs, conversations, and collaborations with various artists.

In contemporary France, particularly in the banlieues of Paris, the figure of the young, virile, hypermasculine Muslim looms large. So large, in fact, it often supersedes liberal secular society’s understanding of gender and sexuality altogether. Engaging the nexus of race, gender, nation, and sexuality, Sexagon studies the broad politicization of Franco-Arab identity in the context of French culture and its assumptions about appropriate modes of sexual and gender expression, both gay and straight. 272 PAGES, 15 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7461-1 PAPER, $27.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-7460-4 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE


Media Culture and the Phenomenology of Gadget Commodity Life ANTHONY CURTIS ADLER

384 PAGES, 85 COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7632-5 PAPER, $39.95, £33.00 978-0-8232-7631-8 CLOTH, $105.00, £87.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

“In Celebricities, Anthony Curtis Adler gives us Heidegger watching TV, Marx playing with his cell phone, and Althusser contemplating celebrity. Thinking the popular with the philosophical gives us new and dynamic understandings of the commodity form, ontology, and ideology as well as aphorisms for some of the most pressing political questions of our age.”—Christopher Breu, author of Insistence of the Material Literature in the Age of Biopolitics

Fueling Culture

101 Words for Energy and Environment Edited by Imre Szeman, Jennifer Wenzel, and Patricia Yaeger

“This is a bold, ambitious, and thought-provoking collection. Fueling Culture presents multiple ports of embarkation, geopolitical sites, archives, substances, genres, and methodologies for making sense of how deeply energy and culture are intermeshed.”—Stacy Alaimo, University of Texas at Arlington

264 PAGES 978-0-8232-7080-4 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7079-8 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

400 PAGES, 17 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7391-1 PAPER, $34.95, £28.99 978-0-8232-7390-4 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am pre ss .com

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The Disavowed Community

“A relentlessly powerful probe, masterfully cast, soundly translated. Rezoning Arendt’s sense of banality, the work commits itself to handling the disturbingly blithe crudeness of anti-Semitism in philosophical headquarters. One of the greatest philosophers of our time, Jean-Luc Nancy tracks Heidegger’s descent, addressing the scandalous incompatibility of racist outburst and the question of Being. Covering a range of assault from the euphemization and derealization of anti-Semitic stances to the tragic consequences of juridical logic, Nancy goes after a traumatically enduring record of human/inhuman failure.”—Avital Ronell, New York University

“This is a powerful and important book, in several respects: first, because this is Nancy’s first public engagement with Maurice Blanchot’s 1983 book The Unavowable Community, bringing to focus decades of research on this issue and shedding exciting new light on the relation between the two thinkers. Second, this work provides the latest elaborations by Jean-Luc Nancy on what has been his longstanding research on being-with and community, issues that have occupied him for the past thirty years. Finally, the analyses proposed are some of the most sophisticated that one can find in Nancy’s corpus. As such, they represent a significant contribution to philosophical work and research.”—François Raffoul, Louisiana State University

JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Jeff Fort

JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Philip Armstrong

96 PAGES 978-0-8232-7593-9 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7592-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

144 PAGES 978-0-8232-7385-0 PAPER, $24.95, £20.99 978-0-8232-7384-3 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Commonalities SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

The Possibility of a World

Conversations with Pierre-Philippe Jandin JEAN-LUC NANCY AND PIERRE-PHILIPPE JANDIN Translated by Travis Holloway and Flor Méchain


JEAN-LUC NANCY WITH ADÈLE VAN REETH Translated by Charlotte Mandell

Coming is a lyrical, erudite examination of the French notion of jouissance. How did jouissance evolve from referring to the pleasure of possessing a material thing (property, wealth) to the pleasure of orgasm, from appropriation to dis-appropriation, from consumption to consummation? “A stimulating analysis, Nancy’s Coming shows sex and sexuality to be crucial understanding central aspects of his work. Moving from the prurient to the profound, Coming is a scintillating read for anyone interested in the limits of desire, the loneliness that pervades much of contemporary culture, or what love means today.”—Peter Gratton, Memorial University of Newfoundland

“The Possibility of a World presents Jean-Luc Nancy in dialogue, allowing unique access to his thought. The book is particularly concerned with the possibility of inhabiting the world--a world that has become an object of calculation and mastery. For Nancy, such a habitus entails an ethos, or an ‘ethics of the world’ that involves the re-creation of the world. In the context of his thinking of such an ethical habitus, Nancy continues, throughout the book, his inventive engagement with Heidegger’s thought as well as his ongoing debate with Derrida. This new book is an important contribution to Nancy’s rethinking of the world and sense.”—David Pettigrew, Southern Connecticut State University

152 PAGES 978-0-8232-7347-8 PAPER, $22.00, £17.99 978-0-8232-7346-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £62.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

152 PAGES 978-0-8232-7541-0 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7540-3 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m

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Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics

Democracy in Disrepair BONNIE HONIG

The Heidelberg Conference JACQUES DERRIDA, HANS-GEORG GADAMER, AND PHILIPPE LACOUE-LABARTHE Edited by Mireille Calle-Gruber Translated by Jeff Fort Foreword by Jean-Luc Nancy

“A fast-paced tour de force. Honig explores the role of public things in democratic politics, especially against the background of neoliberal privatization.”—John Seery, George Irving Thompson Memorial Professor of Government and Professor of Politics, Pomona College

“In light of the renewed debates about Heidegger and Nazism, Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics is a timely book. Derrida, Lacoue-Labarthe and Gadamer tackle Heidegger’s thinking head on, providing new insights into his legacy.” —Leonard Lawlor, Penn State University

144 PAGES 978-0-8232-7641-7 PAPER, $19.95, £15.99 978-0-8232-7640-0 CLOTH, $70.00, £58.00 Thinking Out Loud SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

116 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7367-6 PAPER, $23.95, £19.99 978-0-8232-7366-9 CLOTH, $85.00, £70.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Political Concepts

A Critical Lexicon Edited by J. M. Bernstein, Adi Ophir, and Ann Laura Stoler

Kant on the Frontier

Philosophy, Politics, and the Ends of the Earth GEOFFREY BENNINGTON

Deciding what is and what is not political is a fraught, perhaps intractably opaque matter. Just who decides the question; on what grounds; to what ends—these seem like properly political questions themselves. Deciding what is political and what is not can serve to contain and restrain struggles, make existing power-relations at once self-evident and opaque, and blur the possibility of re-imagining them differently. Political Concepts seeks to revive our common political vocabulary, and to do so critically. Its entries take the form of essays in which each contributor presents her or his own original reflection on a concept posed in the traditional Socratic question format “What is X?” and asks what sort of work a rethinking of that concept can do for us now.

Frontier: the border between two countries; the limits of civilization; the bounds of established knowledge; a new field of activity. Following what Kant himself would call this “guiding thread” first in the “political” writings and then in the still little-read “Critique of teleological judgment,” Bennington tries to bring out a complex, abyssal, fractal structure, which always leaves a residue of nature—violence—in every frontier (including conceptual frontiers), and which complicates Kant’s most explicit, most rational arguments by adding to them an element of reticence or interruption. Neither a critique of Kant nor a return to Kant, this book also proposes a new reflection on philosophical reading, for which thinking the frontier is both an essential resource and the recurrent, fruitful, interruption.

288 PAGES 978-0-8232-7669-1 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7668-4 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

288 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7598-4 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7597-7 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 Lit Z SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Citizen Subject

Foundations for Philosophical Anthropology ÉTIENNE BALIBAR Translated by Steven Miller Foreword by Emily Apter

“The appearance of this book in France was something of a historic event. . . . One of the strongest, most ambitious, and most pertinent rewritings of the history of philosophy that readers are likely to encounter in their lifetimes.”—Bruce Robbins, Columbia University 416 PAGES 978-0-8232-7361-4 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7360-7 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 Commonalities SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am pre ss .com

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Who Can Afford to Improvise?

“Scandalize My Name is a rare work that manages to enter the field of black feminist theory and articulate something truly new, something that builds in thoughtful and rigorous ways upon the work that has come before but also advances the field of critical inquiry that we call “black feminism” in a profound (rather than incremental) way. Williamson’s theoretical elaboration of the concept of “black social life”-as a response and antidote to black “social death” theory and as a means of exposing and circumventing the constraints of stereotype that shape respectability discourse and other common critical rhetorics that structure black feminist analysis—is incredibly important.”—Candice Jenkins, University of Illinois

“A brilliant and original study of Baldwin as the ultimate bluesman.”—David Ritz, author of Respect: The Life of Aretha Franklin “Who Can Afford to Improvise is a tour de force from one of our premier Baldwin scholars. Ed Pavlic’s brilliantly insightful meditation on black music and culture and Baldwin’s centrality to that tradition is a must-read.” —Peniel E. Joseph, author of Dark Days, Bright Nights “Pavlic proves himself an expert on Baldwin’s corpus.” —Library Journal “Who Can Afford to Improvise plays in the pocket between actual musical performances, interpretations of the lyrical mode in Baldwin’s poetics, and intricate historical detail.” —Los Angeles Review of Books

Black Feminist Practice and the Making of Black Social Life TERRION L. WILLIAMSON

James Baldwin and Black Music, the Lyric and the Listeners ED PAVLIĆ

184 PAGES, 8 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7473-4 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7472-7 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Commonalities American Literatures Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

352 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7683-7 PAPER, $22.95, £18.99 978-0-8232-6848-1 CLOTH, $29.95, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Fugitive Testimony

Bilingual Brokers

On the Visual Logic of Slave Narratives JANET NEARY

Race, Literature, and Language as Human Capital JEEHYUN LIM

“In this original book Janet Neary views nineteenth-century slave narratives through the lens of contemporary art. This innovative strategy enables her to bring into focus the visual work of slave narratives and their resistance to the conventions of authentication. This is an important book that demonstrates how literature participates in the concerns of visual culture and how nineteenth-century problems of race and representation persist in the present.”—Shawn Michelle Smith, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

“Bilingual Brokers offers a compelling and convincing account of the shifting reception and representations of bilingualism, as it has been received in a predominantly monolingual American culture and society. It probes with insight the implications of these changes for Asian Americans and Latino communities, especially since the dramatic demographic changes in the size and constituencies of both following sweeping reforms in immigration law and global economic restructuring in the 1960s.”—Crystal Parikh, New York University

232 PAGES, 14 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7290-7 PAPER, $27.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-7289-1 CLOTH, $95.00, £79.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

240 PAGES 978-0-8232-7531-1 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7530-4 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

O F R E L AT E D I N T E R E S T Teaching Bodies

Spiritual Grammar

“Integrity, proportion, clarity—the qualities that have always informed Jordan’s writing about Thomas—are beautifully present in Teaching Bodies. The work is a significant contribution to the reading and interpretation of the medieval theologian.”—Robert Miner, Baylor University

“Dominic Longo helps us to understand Islam and Christianity in deeper ways through the genre of ‘spiritual grammar’. This is an extraordinary book that will benefit scholars of Islam, Christianity, and Comparative Theology.”—Amir Hussain, Loyola Marymount University

224 PAGES 978-0-8232-7379-9 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7378-2 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

256 PAGES 978-0-8232-7572-4 CLOTH, $50.00, £41.00 Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Moral Formation in the Summa of Thomas Aquinas MARK D. JORDAN rd h am p re ss .co m

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Genre and the Saintly Subject in Islam and Christianity F. DOMINIC LONGO


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Fictitious Capital

Masculinity and Aesthetic Modernity in Colonial Vietnam BEN TRAN

Silk, Cotton, and the Rise of the Arabic Novel ELIZABETH M. HOLT

“Compelling, inventive, and brilliantly argued, Elizabeth Holt’s Fictitious Capital immediately becomes required reading. Linking literary history to financial speculation, modes of consumption, the development of the press in Arabic, the emergence of the book as a modern form, and the changing forms of language and writing in this period, this book has implications for virtually all of the fields within Arabic studies, and beyond, as it changes the ways in which think about language, reading, modernity, and economy.”—Jeffrey Sacks, University of California, Riverside

“A lucid, well-conceived, and elegantly written monograph that presents a literary history and analysis of the “post-mandarin” aesthetic modernism in colonial Vietnam, rethinking modernity alongside, yet beyond, the customary European model.”—Lisa Lowe, Tufts University “Post-Mandarin is a rich, rewarding, and ground-breaking study of a key moment in the development of modern Vietnamese literature.”—Christopher GoGwilt, Fordham University

192 PAGES 978-0-8232-7603-5 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7602-8 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

192 PAGES, 5 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7314-0 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7313-3 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

The Decolonial Abyss

Mysticism and Cosmopolitics from the Ruins AN YOUNTAE

The Transcontinental Maghreb

Francophone Literature across the Mediterranean EDWIGE TAMALET TALBAYEV

“The Decolonial Abyss offers a decolonial political theology that carefully considers but seeks to avoid pitfalls often found in political theologies and philosophies that are based or propose views grounded on absolute negativity, perpetual deconstruction, or on apparent radical views that collapse into Eurocentric conservatisms. It is a required reading for anyone interested in political theology, liberation theologies, decolonial thinking, as well as Caribbean literature and philosophical thought.”—Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Rutgers University

“Impressively up to date and beautifully written, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of French and Francophone Studies, postcolonial studies, the growing field of Mediterranean studies, and transcultural approaches to memory. Talbayev gives lucid overviews of these areas, while proposing her own distinctive models for thinking about transcontinental connections in a global age.”—Debarati Sanyal, University of California, Berkeley

200 PAGES 978-0-8232-7308-9 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7307-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

240 PAGES 978-0-8232-7516-8 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7515-1 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

OF RELATED INTEREST Postcards from Rio

Pre-Occupied Spaces

Favelas and the Contested Geographies of Citizenship KÁTIA DA COSTA BEZERRA

Remapping Italy’s Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies TERESA FIORE

Through the analysis of a variety of favela-based visual cultural productions by young people and contemporary theorists, Postcards from Rio examines the relationship between citizenship and urban space in contemporary Rio de Janeiro. By analyzing videos and photographs, author Kátia da Costa Bezerra illustrates how citizens of favelas are reshaping their sense of belonging as subjects and as a legitimate part of the city. A groundbreaking study that examines more deeply the relationship between urban space, citizenship, and imagery originating in the favelas, Postcards from Rio sheds crucial light on how contemporary lenses are defining the meanings of space and citizenship as strategies of empowerment. The city emerges as a political space where multiplicities of perspectives are intertwined with demands for more inclusive forms of governance.

“A sophisticated and brilliant work of theoretical scaffolding, one that never loses sight of the perils of its own iconoclastic undertaking. Pre-Occupied Spaces’ extremely well-crafted structure helps the reader navigate from one text to the other, while the theoretical architecture of the book guides the reader through the impressive proliferation of well-researched texts and critical references.”—Cristina Lombardi-Diop, Loyola University Chicago 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-7433-8 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7432-1 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 Critical Studies in Italian America SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

208 PAGES, 26 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7655-4 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7654-7 CLOTH, $98.00, £81.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am pre ss .com

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LITERARY CRITICISM Bestiarium Judaicum

The Writing of Spirit

“Jay Geller’s Bestiarium Judaicum: Unnatural Histories of the Jews is a remarkable monograph that has no parallel in scholarly literature. The author offers a sophisticated conceptual and historical account of how the longstanding discourse about the animality of the Jew is accompanied by an iconography of an unnatural Jewish bestiary.The racial antisemitism that fueled the horrors of the Holocaust is contextualized in a new and thought-provoking way.”—Elliot R. Wolfson, University of California, Santa Barbara

“A probing and theoretically rich study on the history of linguistics, replete with impeccable research, insightful analyses, and daring but compelling conclusions, The Writing of Spirit is a brilliant accomplishment, certain to have a major impact on our understanding of language, physiological psychology, and the limits of structuralism.”—John T. Hamilton, Harvard University

Unnatural Histories of the Jews JAY GELLER

Soul, System, and the Roots of Language Science SARAH M. POURCIAU

352 PAGES, 18 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7563-2 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7562-5 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE


Corporate Romanticism

Recoding World Literature

Liberalism, Justice, and the Novel DANIEL M. STOUT

Libraries, Print Culture, and Germany’s Pact with Books B. VENKAT MANI

“To eye-opening effect, Daniel Stout argues that the historical period, the early nineteenth century, and the literary form, the novel, that we regularly associate with the triumph of individualism and the consolidation of liberalism are marked instead by anxieties about whether there is any such thing as a person or an individual action and anxieties, too, about whether persons and actions can ever be meaningfully correlated in the way that justice demands. Corporate Romanticism might well come to be seen as one of the most important books we have on nineteenth-century fiction and liberal modernity.”—Deidre Lynch, Harvard University

“Venkat Mani’s engrossing study of ‘bibliomigrancy’ makes an important contribution to studies of world literature and the politics of culture, probing the values—and the exclusions—encoded in libraries, translation series, and now the digital archive. Every bibliophile will want to add this sparkling and thought- provoking book to their personal library.”—David Damrosch, Harvard University “This is a splendid, erudite, sophisticated, and eminently readable book that makes vital, original interventions in several interlocking fields in the humanities.”—Leslie Adelson, Cornell University

264 PAGES 978-0-8232-7224-2 PAPER, $30.00, £24.99 978-0-8232-7223-5 CLOTH, $115.00, £95.00 Lit Z SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

360 PAGES, 13 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7341-6 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7340-9 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Prophecies of Language

The Confusion of Tongues in German Romanticism KRISTINA MENDICINO

“Prophecies of Language offers strikingly original insights into some of the most complex dimensions of Idealist and Romantic thought. Mendicino’s ingenious analyses help us rethink the singular challenges of these canonical texts in innovative ways.”—Jan Mieszkowski, Reed College

O F R E L AT E D I N T E R E S T The Weight of Love

Affect, Ecstasy, and Union in the Theology of Bonaventure ROBERT GLENN DAVIS

296 PAGES 978-0-8232-7402-4 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-7401-7 CLOTH, $115.00, £95.00 Lit Z; Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

“The Weight of Love is an extremely erudite and well researched book that illustrates the complexity of what scholars call ‘affective’ devotion in the high Middle Ages by means of detailed analyses of works of one of its most celebrated writers, the thirteenth-century Franciscan theologian Giovanni di Fidanza, otherwise known as St. Bonaventure. This innovative book responds to contemporary scholarship on mysticism, affective devotion, and medieval theology and natural philosophy.”—Patricia Dailey, Columbia University 232 PAGES 978-0-8232-7453-6 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7212-9 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m

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Cinema, Violence, and Style in Britain, 1939-1945 KENT PUCKETT

The Limits of Fabrication

Materials Science, Materialist Poetics NATHAN BROWN

“A welcome attempt to bring several mighty British films of the 1940s into contemporary relevance. Seizing on the eccentricity of three wartime movies—The Life and Times of Colonel Blimp, Henry V, and Brief Encounter—Puckett discloses the contrariety and oddity structuring these films’ responses to war with an extraordinary intensity of focus.”— Alexander Nemerov, Stanford University

“The Limits of Fabrication brings an essential argument to discussions concerning the end of art. Where Hegel affirms that poetry accomplishes the dematerialization of aesthetic expression by reducing it to linguistic transparency, Brown on the contrary demonstrates that a poem is always a factory, where meaning is fashioned, even if invisibly, through the crystals, quanta, or nanotubes of language. No metaphorical abstraction in this, but the revelation of the elementary technology at work in words. A strikingly singular, beautiful, and important book.”—Catherine Malabou, author of The New Wounded

288 PAGES, 60 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7650-9 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7574-8 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

All Ears

The Aesthetics of Espionage PETER SZENDY Translated by Roland Végsö

312 PAGES, 61 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7299-0 CLOTH, $40.00, £33.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory American Literatures Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

“Spying and surveilling—what Szendy himself expansively translates as ‘overhearing’—are the rudiments of an old profession, ‘perhaps the second oldest.’ Hence the necessity of patiently patrolling the inner and outer corridors of power, of walking the wild and labyrinthine sides of ‘our ears,’ the history of which Szendy has again been proved a masterful and exemplary listener. In this topical and gripping book, which records and samples from the best and the unexpected among spy stories (Sophocles, Kafka), theories (Sun Tzu, Bentham, Adorno, Derrida), operas (Monteverdi, Mozart, Berg), and films (Coppola, De Palma), Szendy urgently reaches for a new listening post, and flawlessly delivers.”—Gil Anidjar, Columbia University

Pure Act

The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax MICHAEL N. McGREGOR

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The Techne of Giving

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Jose Lezama Lima and the End of Time JAIME RODRÍGUEZ MATOS

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E A R LY M O D E R N S T U D I E S Sodomscapes

The Insistence of Art

Sodomscapes: Hospitality in the Flesh presents a fresh understanding of Lot’s wife in the reception history of the Sodom story. The sudden mutation of Lot’s wife in the flight from Sodom exemplifies the antiscopic bias that late modern critical thought inherited from premodern legacies of prohibited gazing. The book’s cumulative perspective identifies Lot’s wife as the resilient figure of vigilant dwelling between the substantialist dream of resemblance and the mutating dynamism of otherness. The radical in-betweenness of the figure discloses counter-intuitive ways of understanding what counts as a life in the context of divergent claims of being-with and being-for.

Contributors: J. M. Bernstein, Anthony J. Cascardi, Andrew Cutrofello, Maarten Delbeke, Rachel Eisendrath, Kristin Gjesdal, Lydia Goehr, Victoria Kahn, Paul A. Kottman, Jon R. Snyder

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Members of His Body

Hospitality in the Flesh LOWELL GALLAGHER

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Shakespeare, Paul, and a Theology of Nonmonogamy WILL STOCKTON

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Light and Death

Figuration in Spenser, Kepler, Donne, Milton JUDITH H. ANDERSON

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The Poetics of Ruins in Renaissance Literature ANDREW HUI

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Futile Pleasures

Early Modern Literature and the Limits of Utility COREY McELENEY

“If the humanist defense of literature calls attention to the work of art, identifying aesthetic practice with the production of social value, then Corey McEleney’s bold new book asks an indispensable question: Can art escape such coercive labor without making it escape the value it then labors to affirm? Identifying futility as the queer component in literary production, Futile Pleasures reimagines queer theory in relation to early modern thought. The result is a major work of criticism that contributes not only pleasurably, but also—we must admit it—valuably to debates in both of those fields.”—Lee Edelman, Tufts University

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