Philosophy & Religion 2020

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philosophy & religion

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In Praise of Risk

As the distinction between domestic and international is increasingly blurred along with the line between internal and external borders, migrants—particularly people of color—have become emblematic of the hybrid threat both to national security and sovereignty and to safety and order inside the state. From building walls and fences, overcrowding detention facilities, and beefing up border policing and border controls, a new narrative has arrived that has migrants assume the risk for government sponsored degradation, misery, and death. Crimmigrant Nations examines the parallel rise of anti-immigrant sentiment and right-wing populism in both the United States and Europe to offer an unprecedented look at this issue on an international level.

“Magisterial. Dufourmantelle shows how life is universalized in risk and how recognizing this fact means enlisting in a fraternity among humans.”—Antonio Negri When Anne Dufourmantelle drowned in a heroic attempt to save two children caught in rough seas, obituaries around the world rarely failed to recall that she was the author of a book entitled In Praise of Risk, implying that her death confirmed the ancient adage that to philosophize is to learn how to die. Now available in English, this magnificent book offers a trenchant critique of the psychic work the modern world devotes to avoiding risk.

Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders Robert Koulish and Martje van der Woude, Editors

416 PAGES 9780823287499, PAPERBACK, $34.95, £27.99 M AR C H 2020

At Wit’s End

ANNE DUFOURMANTELLE Translated, with an Introduction, by Steven Miller

240 PAGES 9780823285440, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99

Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem

HÉLÈNE CIXOUS Translated by Peggy Kamuf, Foreword by Eva Hoffman

At Wit’s End explores the fascinating discourse on Jewish wit in the twentieth century when the Jewish joke became the subject of serious humanistic inquiry and inserted itself into the cultural and political debates among Germans and Jews against the ideologically-charged backdrop of antiSemitism, the Jewish question, and the Holocaust. Shedding new light on anti-Semitism and on the Jewish question leading up to the Holocaust, At Wit’s End provides readers with a unique perspective by which to gain important insights about this crucial historical period that reverberates into the present day, when potentially offensive humor coupled with a toxic political climate and xenophobia can have deadly consequences.

Winner, French Voices Award for Excellence in Publication and Translation For eighty years, the Jonases family of Osnabrück were part of a vibrant Jewish community in Lower Saxony. After World War II, Osnabrück counted not a single Jew. Building on stories from her mother and grandmother, this book imagines fragments of the family’s life, and especially the tragedy of her Uncle André, who followed his daughter to Jerusalem only to be sent back. (“You are too old. They need young people in Palestine.”) He returned to Osnabrück in time to be deported to a death camp. Weaving Cixous’s own visit to Osnabrück with scenes from her childhood in Algeria and stories of the Jonas family, Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem is of the author’s most intensely engaging books.

352 PAGES, 25 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823287567, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 M AY 2020

144 PAGES, 5 X 8, 17 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823287628, HARDBACK, $24.95, £19.99 MARC H 2 02 0

Witnessing Girlhood

Whose Middle Ages?

“Witnessing Girlhood is a tour de force: demanding and authoritative. Gilmore and Marshall articulate a powerful analysis of representations of girls and women on the fraught subjects of domestic violence, rape culture, survivor and victim identity, and persistent concerns about intrinsic female vulnerability. Here is a necessary and eloquent feminist affirmation on issues of gender and violence.”— Gillian Whitlock, author of Soft Weapons and Postcolonial Life Narratives: Testimonial Transactions Witnessing Girlhood charts a history of how women use life narrative to transform conditions of suffering, silencing, and injustice into accounts that enjoin ethical response. Gilmore and Marshall attend to how authors return to a narrative of traumatized and silenced girlhood and the figure of the child witness in order to offer public testimony.

Written for the crisis of a globally resurgent far-right and aiming to address its misuses of history head-on, Whose Middle Ages? is an interdisciplinary collection of short, accessible essays intended for the nonspecialist reader and ideal for teaching at an undergraduate level. Each of twentytwo essays takes up an area where digging for meaning in the medieval past has brought something distorted back into the present: in our popular entertainment; in our news, our politics, and our propaganda; and in subtler ways that inform how we think about our histories, our countries, and ourselves. Each author looks to a history that has refused to remain past and uses the tools of the academy to read and re-read familiar stories, objects, symbols, and myths.

The Deadly Discourse on the Jewish Joke LOUIS KAPLAN

Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing LEIGH GILMORE AND ELIZABETH MARSHALL

160 PAGES, 12 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285488, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £19.99



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Teachable Moments for an Ill-Used Past Andrew Albin, Mary C. Erler, Thomas O’Donnell, Nicholas L. Paul, and Nina Rowe, Editors Introduction by David Perry Afterword by Geraldine Heng

240 PAGES, 5 X 8, 35 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285563, PAPERBACK, $20.00, £15.99 Fordham Series in Medieval Studies rdham m

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Homilies and Speeches from Buenos Aires JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO, POPE FRANCIS Translated by Marina A. Herrera, Ph.D. Edited and with an Introduction by Antonio Spadaro, S.J. Foreword by Patrick J. Ryan, S.J. Introduction translated by Elena Buia Rutt and Andrew Rutt

Pope Francis was a first in many ways: the first pope from the Americas, the first Jesuit, the first Francis, the first child of immigrants from old world, nurtured and transformed by the new world, and returned to lead the whole world. This illuminating collection presents an extraordinary opportunity to understand the vision of a great pastor. His words bear witness to the deep experience of faith among God’s people while also showcasing his own extraordinary ability to connect with communities of faith. Through these homilies and speeches, Pope Francis humbly displays his abilities as a wordsmith, a patient and attentive teacher, an inspired and faithful theologian, and a sensitive pastor uniquely attuned to his people, offering ready guidance for their journeys, but also journeying with them. Volume 1: 1999-2004

576 PAGES 9780823285600, HARDBACK, $34.95, £27.99

Volume 2: 2005-2008

576 PAGES 9780823287598, HARDBACK, $34.95, £27.99 A P R IL 2020

America’s Most Famous Catholic (According to Himself): Stephen Colbert and American Religion in the Twenty-First Century STEPHANIE N. BREHM

For nine years, Stephen Colbert’s persona, “Colbert”—a Republican superhero and parody of conservative political pundits— informed audiences on current events, politics, social issues, and religion while lampooning conservative political policy, biblical literalism, and religious hypocrisy. As devout, vocal, and authoritative lay Catholics, religion is central to both the actor and his most famous character. Yet many viewers wonder, “Is Colbert a practicing Catholic in real life or is this part of his act?” America’s Most Famous Catholic (According to Himself) examines the ways in which Colbert challenges perceptions of Catholicism and Catholic mores through his faith and comedy. 256 PAGES, 10 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285303, HARDBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Catholic Practice in North America

Upper West Side Catholics

Liberal Catholicism in a Conservative Archdiocese THOMAS J. SHELLEY

This remarkable history of a beloved Upper West Side church is in many respects a microcosm of the history of the Catholic Church in New York City. Here is a captivating study of a distinctive Catholic community on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, an area long noted for its liberal Catholic sympathies in contrast to the generally conservative attitude that has pervaded the archdiocese of New York. The author traces this liberal Catholic dimension of Upper West Side Catholics to a long if slender line of progressive priests that stretches back to the Civil War era, casting renewed light on their legacy: liturgical reform, concern for social justice, and a preferential option for the poor long before this phrase found its way into official church documents. 144 PAGES, 28 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285419, HARDBACK, $29.95, £23.99 Empire State Editions

The Forgotten Radical Peter Maurin Easy Essays from the Catholic Worker Lincoln Rice, Editor

The definitive edition of Catholic Worker cofounder Peter Maurin’s Easy Essays, including 74 previously unpublished works Although Peter Maurin is well‐known among people connected to the Catholic Worker movement, his Catholic Worker co-founder and mentee Dorothy Day largely overshadowed him. Maurin was never the charismatic leader that Day was, and some Workers found his idiosyncrasies challenging. Reticent to write or even speak much about his personal life, Maurin preferred to present his beliefs and ideas in the form of Easy Essays, published in the New York Catholic Worker. Featuring 485 of his essays, as well as seventy-four previously unpublished ones, this text offers a great contribution to the corpus of twentieth-century Catholic life. 864 PAGES 9780823287536, PAPERBACK, $34.95, £27.99 Catholic Practice in North America AU GU ST 2 02 0

The Disabled Church

Human Difference and the Art of Communal Worship REBECCA F. SPURRIER

“An in-depth engagement with a unique community where mental illness is not pathologized. Spurrier does not provide a romantic view where love overcomes and unites. Rather, she takes the time to explore the messiness of community building where fissures and distance are negotiated for the overall well-being of the community. Through a negotiation of difference, Holy Family tries to welcome all to the table of worship and the table of sustenance. The Disabled Church is a detailed and thoughtful ethnographic study.”—Michael Gill, Syracuse University 272 PAGES, 7 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285525, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 rd h a m p re ss .co m

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RELIGION & THEOLOGY Living with Tiny Aliens

Circling the Elephant

“God’s light is not reflected but rather refracted among those who bear the divine image on Earth. What about God’s image on other planets and moons, those simple microbes? Adam Pryor is unique in exploring the theological implications of tiny aliens.”—Ted Peters, co-editor, Theology and Science Astrobiology is changing how we understand meaningful human existence. Living with Tiny Aliens is an effort to imagine how an individuals’ meaningful existence persists when we are planetary creatures situated in deep time—not only on a blue planet burgeoning with life, but in a cosmos pregnant with living-possibilities.

Christian theologians have for some decades affirmed that they have no monopoly on encounter with God or ultimate reality; other religions also have access to religious truth and transformation. If so, the time has come for Christians not just to learn about but also from their religious neighbors. Circling the Elephant affirms that the best way to move toward the mystery of divinity is to move toward the mystery of the neighbor. In this book, Thatamanil employs the ancient Indian allegory of the elephant and blindfolded men to argue for the integration of three, often-separated theological projects: comparative theology, constructive theology, and theologies of religious diversity.

The Image of God for the Anthropocene ADAM PRYOR

240 PAGES 9780823287710, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology M AY 2020

Grave Attending

A Political Theology for the Unredeemed KAREN BRAY

“In Grave Attending, Bray forges a bold, and yet surprisingly gentle, theological response to the driving economies of salvation that flow through the bloodstream of U.S. politics and American Christianity. Immersed in multiple scholarly discourses, Bray manages to expose the significance of theology amongst these, as her theological vision insists on countering the pathologizing forces that either numb us or compel us to rise above suffering. She catches readers off-guard by crafting a lyrical work of theology that claims moods and modes of reflection that are often deemed unsuitable and unworthy. Bray’s theology claims the damned and damns the redemptive.”—Shelly Rambo, Boston University 272 PAGES 9780823286867, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 D E CE MB E R 201 9

A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity JOHN J. THATAMANIL

320 PAGES 9780823287734, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions MAY 2 02 0

Beyond the Doctrine of Man

Decolonial Visions of the Human Joseph Drexler-Dreis and Kristien Justaert, Editors

“This interdisciplinary work moves from re-articulating the doctrine of man into a re-engagement with Christian theology in order to creatively and imaginatively present the reader with divinity in the flesh. Covering geopolitics and biopolitics and the matter of enfleshed resistance, Beyond the Doctrine of Man offers a challenge to theology from many sides, but a challenge it is meant to rise to, not buckle under. This is a remarkable book offering depth of academic analysis presented in an accessible manner.”—Lisa Isherwood, University of Winchester 304 PAGES 9780823285860, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 DE C E MB E R 2 01 9

Religion, Emotion, Sensation

Affect Theories and Theologies Karen Bray and Stephen D. Moore, Editors

Religion, Emotion, Sensation asks what affect theory has to say about God or gods, religion or religions, scriptures, theologies, and liturgies. Contributors explore the crossings and criscrossings between affect theory and theology and the study of religion more broadly, as well as the political and social import of such work. Bringing together affect theorists, theologians, biblical scholars, and scholars of religion, this volume enacts creative transdisciplinary interventions in the study of affect and religion through exploring such topics as biblical literature, Christology, animism, Rastafarianism, the women’s Mosque Movement, the unending Korean War, the Sewol ferry disaster, trans and gender queer identities, YA fiction, queer historiography, the prison industrial complex, debt and neoliberalism, and death and poetry. 272 PAGES 9780823285662, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia D E CE MB E R 201 9



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RELIGION Radical Ambivalence

Race in Flannery O’Connor ANGELA ALAIMO O’DONNELL

Radical Ambivalence is the first book-length study of O’Connor’s attitude towards race in her fiction and correspondence. It is also the first study to include controversial material from unpublished letters that reveals the complex and troubling nature of O’Connor’s thoughts on the subject. O’Connor lived and did most of her writing in her native Georgia during the tumultuous years of the Civil Rights movement. In one of her letters, O’Connor frankly expresses her double-mindedness regarding the social and political upheaval taking place in the U.S. with regard to race: “I hope that to be of two minds about some things is not to be neutral.” Radical Ambivalence explores this double-mindedness, and how it manifests itself in O’Connor’s fiction. 192 PAGES 9780823287659, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Studies in the Catholic Imagination: The Flannery O’Connor Trust Series J U N E 2020

Working Alternatives

American and Catholic Experiments in Work and Economy John C. Seitz and Christine Firer Hinze, Editors

Working Alternatives explores economic life from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective, with a particular eye on religions’ implications in practices of work, management, supply, production, remuneration, and exchange. Its contributors draw upon historical, ethical, business, and theological conversations considering the sources of economic sustainability and justice. The essays in this book—from scholars of business, religious ethics, and history—offer readers practical understanding and analytical leverage over pressing economic issues. Modern Catholic social teaching—a one-hundred-twentyfive-year-old effort to apply Christian thinking about the implications of faith for social, political, and economic circumstances—provides a key springboard. 304 PAGES, 8 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823288342, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Catholic Practice in North America J U LY 2020 rd h a m p re ss .co m

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Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church JILL PETERFESO

“We have desperately needed a book on the Roman Catholic Womenpriests, a growing movement with one foot in the Roman church and one foot dragging it toward reform. Womanpriest is that book. Jill Peterfeso draws on rich interviews with RCWP women, as well as ethnographic participation and primary documents, to show how different womenpriests understand the balance between tradition and reform; how they hold positions for women’s ordination and against clericalism at the same time; and how numbers of Catholic communities are already formed and transforming in relationship with priests who are women.”—Julie Byrne, Hartman Chair of Catholic Studies, Hofstra University, and author of The Other Catholics: Remaking America’s Largest Religion 272 PAGES 9780823288274, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Catholic Practice in North America AP RIL 2 02 0

Send Lazarus

Catholicism and the Crises of Neoliberalism MATTHEW T. EGGEMEIER AND PETER JOSEPH FRITZ

Contrary to Catholicism, Catholic social teaching, and the commitment to live out the mercy of Jesus Christ, today’s dominant global economic and cultural system, neoliberal capitalism, demands that life be led as a series of sacrifices to the market. Send Lazarus’s theological critique of neoliberalism begins with recent papal teaching against “economism,” proceeds into a historical and theoretical analysis of neoliberalism’s rise to global prominence through class warfare, its subtle redefining of human self-understanding via the notion of “human capital,” and its formation of an ethos of mercilessness. Central is treatment of four neoliberal-perpetuated and -exacerbated crises: environmental destruction, slum proliferation, mass incarceration, and mass deportation. This entails plumbing the sacrificial and racist depths of neoliberalism. 288 PAGES 9780823288007, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Catholic Practice in North America MAY 2 02 0





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RELIGION Welcoming Finitude

Pauline Ugliness

What does it mean to experience and engage in religious ritual? How does liturgy structure time and space? How do our bodies move within liturgy and what impact does it have on our senses? How does the experience of ritual affect us and shape our emotions or dispositions? How is liturgy experienced as a communal event and how does it form the identity of those who participate in it? Welcoming Finitude explores these broader questions about religious experience by focusing on the manifestation of liturgical experience in the Eastern Christian tradition. Drawing on the methodological tools of contemporary phenomenology and on insights from liturgical theology, the book constitutes a philosophical exploration of Orthodox liturgical experience.

“Pauline Ugliness situates Taubes’s work in a way that contributes importantly to the lines of connection across many thinkers in a number of related disciplines. It also proposes new ideas, particularly in political theology, that will be valuable original contributions.”—Karmen MacKendrick, Le Moyne College “Pauline Ugliness consistently and admirably explicates the relationship between history and philosophy within Taubes’s interpretation of Paul. I learned a great deal from Løland’s brilliant and creative explorations.”—Tim Luckritz Marquis, Virginia Commonwealth University

Toward a Phenomenology of Orthodox Liturgy CHRISTINA M. GSCHWANDTNER

352 PAGES 9780823286430, HARDBACK, $75.00, £62.00 Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought

Fundamentalism or Tradition

Christianity after Secularism Aristotle Papanikolaou and George E. Demacopoulos, Editors

Traditional, secular, and fundamentalist—all three categories are contested, yet in their contestation, they shape our sensibilities and are mutually implicated, the one with the others. The Orthodox theologians of the twentieth century, in particular, have emphasized Tradition not as a dead letter but as a living presence of the Holy Spirit. But how can we discern Tradition as living discernment from fundamentalism? What does it mean to live in Tradition when surrounded by something like the “secular”? These essays interrogate these mutual implications, beginning from the understanding that whatever secular or fundamentalist may mean, they are not Tradition, which is historical, particularistic, in motion, ambiguous and pluralistic, but simultaneously not relativistic. 272 PAGES 9780823285785, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought

Jacob Taubes and the Turn to Paul OLE JAKOB LØLAND

224 PAGES 9780823286546, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy F E B RUARY 2 02 0

The Literary Qur’an

Narrative Ethics in the Maghreb HODA EL SHAKRY

The novel, the literary adage has it, reflects a world abandoned by God. Yet the possibilities of novelistic form and literary exegesis exceed the secularizing tendencies of contemporary literary criticism. Showing how the Qur᾽an itself invites and enacts critical reading, Hoda El Shakry’s Qur᾽anic model of narratology enriches our understanding of literary sensibilities and practices in the Maghreb. The Literary Qur᾽an mobilizes the Qur᾽an’s formal, narrative, and rhetorical qualities, alongside embodied and hermeneutical forms of Qur᾽anic pedagogy, to theorize modern Maghrebi literature. Placing twentieth-century novels by canonical Francophone writers into conversation with lesser-known Arabophone ones, The Literary Qur᾽an stages a series of pairings that invite paratactic readings across texts, languages, and literary canons. 240 PAGES, 1 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATION 9780823286355, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £21.99 DE C E MB E R 2 01 9

The Garb of Being

Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity Georgia Frank, Susan R. Holman, and Andrew S. Jacobs, editors

This collection explores how the body became a touchstone for late antique religious practice and imagination. When we read the stories and testimonies of late ancient Christians, what different types of bodies stand before us? How do we understand the range of bodily experiences—solitary and social, private and public—that clothed ancient Christians? How can bodily experience help us explore matters of gender, religious identity, class, and ethnicity? The Garb of Being investigates these questions through stories from the eastern Christian world of antiquity: monks and martyrs, families and congregations, and textual bodies. 384 PAGES 9780823287024, HARDBACK, $65.00, £54.00 ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY AND CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT



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ANTHROPOLOGY Textures of the Ordinary

Morality at the Margins

“Not just an elegant discourse on how to manage a conceptual life, this is an engagingly courageous one. Like the everyday that accompanies Das at every step, there is no stopping but in the middle. How refreshing her retellings; how illuminating the new hesitations and new certainties that emerge!”—Marilyn Strathern, Univerrsity of Cambridge Textures of the Ordinary is an exploration of everyday life in which anthropology finds a companionship with philosophy. Based on two decades of ethnographic work among lowincome urban families in India, Das shows how the notion of texture allows her to align her ethnography with stunning anthropological moments in Wittgenstein and Cavell as well as in literary texts from India. Das poses a compelling question–how might we speak of a human form of life when the very idea of the human has been put into question? The response to this question, Das argues, lies in a close attention to the diverse ways in which the natural and the social mutually absorb each other within overlapping forms of life.

“In this gorgeous ethnography, Sarah Hillewaert sketches what it means to be modern in a time of significant transformation. Morality at the Margins offers a vital contribution to localized understandings of Islam, youth, and our changing world.”—Shalini Shankar, Northwestern University What does it mean to be young, modern, and Muslim? Documenting everyday life on the Kenyan island of Lamu, this book explores the seemingly mundane practices—how young people greet others, how they walk, dress, and talk— that create moral personhood. Moral subjectivity, the book argues, is built on an unstable ground marked by shifting meanings, ambiguities, and even misunderstandings. In elaborating everyday practices of Islamic pluralism, the book shows how Muslim societies critically engage with change while sustaining a sense of integrity and morality.

Doing Anthropology after Wittgenstein VEENA DAS

432 PAGES 9780823287697, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Thinking from Elsewhere M AY 2020

The Doctor and Mrs. A.

Ethics and Counter-Ethics in an Indian Dream Analysis SARAH PINTO

“A richly layered, rigorous, often surprising, delightful romp of a book that will appeal to a wide range of readers.” —Lucinda Ramberg, Cornell University Just before India’s independence, a young Punjabi woman, ill at ease in her marriage and eager for personal and national freedom, sat down with psychiatrist Dev Satya Nand for an experiment in his new method of dream analysis. “Mrs. A.” (as she is known) turned to female figures from Hindu myth to reimagine her social world and its ethical arrangements, envisioning a future beyond marriage, colonial rule, and gendered constraints. This book explores those conversations, and reminds us that the west did not invent feminism, that psychiatry’s history of innovation is global, and that ethical thinking need not center on western myths or paradigms.

Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya SARAH HILLEWAERT

320 PAGES, 24 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823286508, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99

The Philosophers’ Gift

Reexamining Reciprocity MARCEL HÉNAFF Translated by Jean-Louis Morhange

Winner, French Voices Award for Excellence in Publication and Translation “Marcel Hénaff asks why the gift has become a topic of such intense interest among philosophers of ethics. Might the idea of the gift as a figure of absolute generosity be a lament about the absence of just institutions? Hénaff asks philosophy to relinquish its idealism in favor of what a more empirical anthropology teaches about the functions of giving in creating the social and institutional conditions necessary for being together among strangers. This book is his gift to politics.”—Rosalind C. Morris, Columbia University 256 PAGES 9780823286461, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99

256 PAGES 9780823286669, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £21.99 Thinking from Elsewhere rd h a m p re ss .co m

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Constructing and Deconstructing Community ÉTIENNE BALIBAR Translated by Joshua David Jordan

“In this penetrating book, Étienne Balibar reopens afresh the quarrel of universals from a philosophical anthropology perspective, but rather than answers, he offers the aporias of the universe as a multiversum and of recognition of multiplicity as a condition for political unity. Delving eclectically into Western philosophy, his reflection illuminates contemporary debates about racism, xenophobia and even speciesism.” —Didier Fassin Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton “[Universality is] a concept that Bailbar has almost singlehandedly salvaged.”—Bruce Robbins, Columbia University 160 PAGES 9780823288557, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £21.99 Commonalities AU G UST 2020

Thinking with Balibar

A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice Ann Laura Stoler, Stathis Gourgouris, and Jacques Lezra, Editors

The distinguished contributors to Thinking with Balibar— philosophers, literary critics, anthropologists, political scientists—reflect on Étienne Balibar’s most important terms and concepts, and provide, in the shape of a conceptual lexicon, a group of essays that work outward from Balibar’s works in idioms deeply influenced by Balibar’s thought, toward the most pressing political, philosophical and disciplinary problems of the day. Contributors: Emily Apter, Étienne Balbar, J. M. Bernstein, Judith Butler, Monique David-Ménard, Hanan Elsayed, Didier Fassin, Stathis Gourgouris, Bernard E. Harcourt, Jacques Lezra, Patrice Maniglier, Warren Montag, Adi Ophir, Bruce Robbins, Ann Laura Stoler, Gary Wilder 256 PAGES 9780823288489, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory J U LY 2020

Mutant Neoliberalism

Market Rule and Political Rupture William Callison and Zachary Manfredi, Editors

“This is the book we need today: the authors refuse to debate about what liberalism ‘is’ and instead take us into the thicket of its fracturing and multiple futures in the wake of the great financial crisis.”—Elizabeth Povinelli, Columbia University


Reading as Misreading ERIN GRAFF ZIVIN

How do we read after the so-called death of literature? If we are to attend to the proclamations that the representational apparatuses of literature and politics are dead, what aesthetic, ethical, and political possibilities remain for us today? Our critical moment, Graff Zivin argues, demands anarchaeological reading: reading for the blind spots, errors, points of opacity or untranslatability in works of philosophy and art. Rather than applying concepts from philosophy in order to elucidate cultural works, the book exposes works of philosophy, literary theory, narrative, poetry, film, and performance art and activism to one another. Through these acts of exposure between continental philosophy and Argentine literature, art, and film, Graff Zivin shows how anarchaeological reading radicalizes the possibility of justice. 192 PAGES, 12 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823286812, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £21.99 Lit Z JANUARY 2 02 0

Technologies of Critique

WILLY THAYER Translated by John Kraniauskas

“Willy Thayer belongs to the very core of Latin American thought today. He has produced decisive readings of the contemporary university, of avant-gardism during the Pinochet dictatorship, and of neoliberalism. This deeply original book is an essential contribution to contemporary AngloAmerican discussions in critical theory and philosophy.” —Alberto Moreiras, Texas A&M University “Thayer is one of the most important philosophers working in the Spanish-speaking world today. He reveals an entirely novel notion of the artistic and political vanguard and of the function of art in the contemporary world.” —Brett Levinson, Binghamton University, SUNY “At a moment when critique would seem to have lost its aura, Thayer has succeeded in reconfiguring critique as constellation and construction.”—David Lloyd, University of California, Riverside 208 PAGES, 5 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823286737, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory JANUARY 2 02 0

Contributors: Étienne Balibar, Sören Brandes, Wendy Brown, Melinda Cooper, Julia Elyachar, Michel Feher, Megan Moodie, Christopher Newfield, Dieter Plehwe, Lisa Rofel, Leslie Salzinger, Quinn Slobodian 320 PAGES, 3 BLACK WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285709, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99



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The Instant and Its Shadow

“A most compelling reading of Lacan’s oeuvre, pursuing and revealing its unique and radical edge.”—Alenka Zupančič, author of What IS Sex? Sophistry, since Plato and Aristotle, has been philosophy’s bad other. Yet sophistry’s emphasis on words and performativity remain more important for us than the Truth that philosophers hold dear. In this dazzling book, Barbara Cassin celebrates an underground survival of the sophistical tradition in the work of psychoanalysis. In taking seriously equivocations, jokes, and unfinishable projects of interpretation, analysts, like sophists, allow performance, signifier, and inconsistency to reshape truth. In doing so, they have become our culture’s key dissidents.

Two photographs, connected by a ladder, separated by a century. First, William Henry Fox Talbot photographed a faithfully realistic image of a ladder against a haystack in the English countryside. One hundred years later, an anonymous photographer captured another ladder, “photographed” alongside an incinerated man by the blinding light of the atomic bomb. For Bailly, these two images underpin a poetic and theoretical reflection on the origins of photographic technique, the imaginative power of montage, and the relation of photography to time itself.

Lacan, Logos, and Psychoanalysis BARBARA CASSIN Translated by Michael Syrotinski

192 PAGES, 8 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823285747, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99

Postcolonial Bergson

SOULEYMANE BACHIR DIAGNE Translated by Lindsay Turner, Foreword by John E. Drabinski

Henri Bergson has long been the subject of keen interest within French philosophy, yet his influence extends well beyond Europe. Postcolonial Bergson traces the influence of Bergson’s thought through the work of two major figures in the postcolonial struggle, Muhammad Iqbal and Léopold Sédar Senghor. Poets and statesmen as well as philosophers, both of these thinkers—the one Muslim and the other Catholic—played an essential political and intellectual role in the independence of their respective countries. Both found, in Bergson’s work, important support for their philosophical, cultural, and political projects. 144 PAGES, 5 X 7 ½ 9780823285822, PAPERBACK, $24.00, £18.99

A Desire Called America

Biopolitics, Utopia, and the Literary Commons CHRISTIAN P. HAINES

Critics of American exceptionalism usually view it as a destructive force eroding the radical energies of social movements and aesthetic practices. In A Desire Called America, Christian P. Haines confronts a troubling paradox: some of the most provocative political projects in the United States are remarkably invested in American exceptionalism. Riding a strange current of U.S. literature, Haines reveals a tradition of viewing the United States as a unique and exemplary political model while rejecting exceptionalism’s commitments to nationalism, capitalism, and individualism. Through Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, William S. Burroughs, and Thomas Pynchon, Haines brings to light a radically different version of the American dream—one where political subjects value an organization of social life that includes democratic self- governance, egalitarian cooperation, and communal property.

A Story of Photography JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BAILLY Translated by Samuel E. Martin

128 PAGES, 5 X 8, 13 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823287444, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £19.99 AP RIL 2 02 0

Merleau-Ponty’s Poetic of the World


“An excellent, long overdue study of an important but underdiscussed aspect of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology. This is a book that Merleau-Ponty scholars and phenomenological readers of all sorts, as well as readers of modernist poetry and literature, will welcome. The authors of this volume have made a profound case for philosophical engagement with poetry, for ‘philosophy as poetry,’ and for the centrality of poetry and literature to phenomenological ontology.”—Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei, Johns Hopkins University 256 PAGES 9780823287703, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy AU GU ST 2 02 0

Form and Event

Principles for an Interpretation of the Greek World CARLO DIANO Translated by Timothy C. Campbell and Lia Turtas, Introduction by Jacques Lezra

“In this brilliant, brief book, written ten years before Deleuze’s Logic of Sense and thirty years before Badiou’s Being and the Event, Carlo Diano develops a theory of the event that constitutes one of the decisive moments in twentiethcentury European philosophy.”—Giorgio Agamben 144 PAGES, 5 X 8, 11 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823287925, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £19.99 Commonalities JU LY 2 02 0

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M E D I A S T U D I E S & C U LT U R A L S T U D I E S Expanded Cinema

Against Sustainability

First published in 1970, Gene Youngblood’s influential Expanded Cinema was the first serious treatment of video, computers, and holography as cinematic tools. Long considered the Bible for media artists, Youngblood’s insider account of 1960s counterculture and the birth of cybernetics remains a mainstay reference in today’s hypermediated digital world. This fiftieth-anniversary edition includes a new Introduction by the author that offers conceptual tools for understanding the sociocultural and sociopolitical realities of our present world.

Against Sustainability responds to twenty-first-century environmental crisis not by seeking the origins of U.S. environmental problems, but by returning to the nineteenthcentury literary, cultural, and scientific contexts that gave rise to many of our most familiar environmental solutions. In readings that juxtapose antebellum and contemporary writers such as Walt Whitman and Lucille Clifton, George Catlin and Louise Erdrich, and Herman Melville and A.S. Byatt, the book reconnects sustainability, recycling, and preservation with nineteenth-century U.S. contexts such as industrial farming, consumerism, slavery, and settler colonial expansion. These readings demonstrate that the paradigms explored are compromised in their attempts to redress environmental degradation because they simultaneously perpetuate the very systems that generate the degradation to begin with.

Fiftieth Anniversary Edition GENE YOUNGBLOOD Introduction by R. Buckminster Fuller

464 PAGES, 5 ½ X 8 ¼, 60 COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS AND 284 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS. 9780823287413, PAPERBACK, $34.95, £27.99 Meaning Systems M AR C H 2020

Peculiar Attunements

How Affect Theory Turned Musical ROGER MATHEW GRANT

“Affect theorists and musicologists have been waiting for a book like this for a very long time, and we are lucky to get it from a thinker as clear-sighted as Grant. Peculiar Attunements promises to become an instant classic in the study of affect and emotion studies.”—Sianne Ngai, University of Chicago “A tour-de-force.”—Carolyn Abbate, Harvard University Peculiar Attunements places the recent turn to affect into conversation with a parallel movement in European music theory of the eighteenth century. Inflecting our current intellectual moment through eighteenth-century aesthetics, Grant offers a reassessment of affect theory’s common systems and processes. 192 PAGES, 1 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATION 9780823287741, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 M AR C H 2020

Radical Botany


“Radical Botany is an extraordinary contribution to the burgeoning fields of plant studies and the nonhuman turn. The book succeeds beautifully in discovering and entwining an entire tradition of speculative botany that will reshape plant studies and posthumanist theory. I have no doubt this text will be eagerly devoured by readers.”—Stacy Alaimo, author of Exposed: Environmental Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times Radical Botany uncovers a speculative tradition that conjures new languages to grasp the life of plants in all its specificity and vigor. Plants complement and challenge notions of human life. The book traces the implications of the speculative mobilization of plants within literature and art for feminism, queer studies, and posthumanist thought.

Reading Nineteenth-Century America in the Age of Climate Crisis MICHELLE C. NEELY

224 PAGES 9780823288205, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £23.99 JU NE 2 02 0

Thinking Through Crisis

Depression-Era Black Literature, Theory, and Politics JAMES EDWARD FORD III

In Thinking through Crisis, James Edward Ford III examines the works of Richard Wright, Ida B Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes during the 1930s, in order to articulate a materialist theory of trauma. Ford highlights the dark proletariat’s emergence from the multitude apposite to white supremacist agendas. In these works, Ford argues, proletarian, modernist, and surrealist aesthetics transform fugitive slaves, sharecroppers, leased convicts, levee workers, and activist intellectuals into protagonists of anti-racist and anti-capitalist movements in the United States. Thinking through Crisis intervenes in debates on the 1930s, radical subjectivity, and states of emergency. It will be of interest to scholars of American literature, African American literature, proletarian literature, Black Studies, trauma theory, and political theory. 336 PAGES 9780823286911, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £27.99 Commonalities NOV E MB E R 2 01 9

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