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The Strange Case of Deconstruction in America MARC REDFIELD
“Was the Yale School a media creation? Marc Redfield here offers us both a shrewd account of the quite different contributions of Geoffrey Hartman, Harold Bloom, and Paul de Man to literary studies, and a smart, subtle, analysis of the myth of the ‘Yale School’ and its fortunes in the culture wars. An invigorating retrospective on an important chapter in American intellectual history which is not yet over.”—Jonathan Culler, Cornell University “The first book-length history of the Yale school of literary criticism, which included figures like Harold Bloom and Paul de Man, examines the process through which European theory entered the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.”— Publishers Weekly 272 PAGES, 8 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6867-2 PAPER, $29.95, £20.99 978-0-8232-6866-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 Lit Z SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Winner, French Voices Grand Prize
When Are We Ever at Home? BARBARA CASSIN Translated by Pascale-Anne Brault, Foreword by Souleymane Bachir Diagne
“[La Nostalgie is] an erudite work in which [Cassin] incites us to make good use of this ambiguous, delightful and sometimes dangerous feeling.”—L’Express “This is a rich and moving account of home and homelessness by one of the most important and distinctively original French thinkers of our time. Cassin allows us to reinhabit the concept of nostalgia in a way at once utterly compelling and strange. She performs what it means to think not just in language, but in languages.”—Simon Critchley, The New School for Social Research 120 PAGES 978-0-8232-6951-8 PAPER, $19.00, £12.99 978-0-8232-6950-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £52.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Philip Armstrong
“Read Nancy’s wonderfully exhilarating Intoxication and you’ll understand why it is urgent to be, like Rimbaud’s boat, ivre. Make no mistake: French ivresse has little to do with intoxication’s dull thud of medical measure. Leave intoxication for breathalyzers; ivresse is pure elation, sublimated elevation, an ecstatic Bacchic frenzy soaring to poetic rapture, a rapture that, as Hegel stated, achieves the dizzy dissolution of all absolutes.”—Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania 64 PAGES 978-0-8232-6773-6 PAPER, $15.95, £10.99 978-0-8232-6772-9 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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Ego Sum
Corpus, Anima, Fabula JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated with an Introduction by Marie-Eve Morin
“In this masterful study which lays out the groundwork for his later corpus, Jean-Luc Nancy examines the emergence of subjectivity as a philosophical event whose advent is decisively shaped by its discursive articulation. Taking to task the attempt to utter through one’s mouth rather than merely think the givens of one’s existence, he deftly captures the struggle of modern thought to re-envision its modes of being in the margins of philosophy and literature.”—Dalia Judovitz, Emory University 200 PAGES 978-0-8232-7062-0 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-7061-3 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Phantom Limbs
On Musical Bodies PETER SZENDY Translated by Will Bishop
“A patient meditation on the musical body. Szendy provides a stunning reading of the digital history of the finger, or ‘digit.’ We witness the multiplication of digits, the multiplication of hands and fingers, the regulation of bodies in the hope of having as many fingers as we need to play on the keyboard. But there is more to musical bodies; there are the virtual bodies of instruments who would play without contact of touch, repeating the motion of music that touches us through the ether, and there is the body of a conductor, who governs the body politic that is the orchestra. This is a compelling study.”—Gil Anidjar, Columbia University 192 PAGES, 5 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6706-4 PAPER, $27.95, £18.99 978-0-8232-6705-7 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Imagine No Religion
How Modern Abstractions Hide Ancient Realities CARLIN A. BARTON AND DANIEL BOYARIN
“If, as recent scholarship suggests, ancient Romans did not have a clear idea of a distinctly “religious” sphere of life, what are we to do with those words in our sources that are generally translated as “religion,” namely the Latin religio and the Greek threskeia? Adequately answering this question demands a back-to-basics lexical approach that carefully re-examines usages of these words in their ancient contexts. The rich fruits of such labor are on full display in Barton and Boyarin’s Imagine No Religion, which pushes well beyond the simple observation that “Romans had no religion.” Through in-depth studies of religio, threskeia, and related concepts, Barton and Boyarin shed new light on the fascinating transformations of these words in the shadow of Roman imperial power. One need not agree with all of its provocative conclusions in order to recognize that Imagine No Religion is now the definitive starting point for the reevaluation of these crucial terms.”—Brent Nongbri, Macquarie University 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-7120-7 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-7119-1 CLOTH, $110.00, £76.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax MICHAEL N. McGREGOR
“A thoroughly researched and compassionate look at the remarkable life of Robert Lax. Those who know him only as a close friend of Thomas Merton will be delighted with the person they find in these pages: an influential poet, a voice for peace, a wanderer and seeker after truth. Many sought Lax out at his Patmos home; McGregor has made his wisdom available to all.”—Kathleen Norris, bestselling author of The Cloister Walk and Dakota: A Spiritual Geography “This grace-filled biography is a book I have for years been hoping someone might write, and now, thanks to Michael McGregor, this has become an answered prayer. With grace and insight McGregor bears witness to the evolution of a great artist who is seamlessly connected to his art.”—Jim Forest, author of Loving Our Enemies: Reflections on the Hardest Commandment and Living with Wisdom: A Biography of Thomas Merton 472 PAGES, 14 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6801-6 CLOTH, $34.95, £23.99 Catholic Practice in North America SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker
The Miracle of Our Continuance Edited with an Introduction and Additional Text by Kate Hennessy, Text by Dorothy Day Photographs by Vivian Cherry
Compelling and prophetic, Dorothy Day is one of the most enduring icons of American Catholicism. In the depths of the Great Depression and guided by the Works of Mercy, Day, a journalist at the time, published a newspaper, the Catholic Worker, and co-founded a movement dedicated to the poorest of the poor, while living with them and sharing their poverty. In 1955, Vivian Cherry, a documentary photographer known for her disturbing and insightful work portraying social issues, was given unprecedented access to the Catholic Worker house of hospitality in New York City, its two farms, and to Day herself. While much has been written about Day, the portrait that emerges from Cherry’s intimate lens is unrivaled. From the image of the line of men waiting for soup outside St. Joseph’s on Chrystie Street to pictures of Day and others at work and in prayer, Cherry’s photographs offer a uniquely personal and poetic glimpse into the life of the movement and its founder. 128 PAGES, 65 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7136-8 CLOTH, $39.95, £27.99 Catholic Practice in North America Empire State Editions
City of Gods
Religious Freedom, Immigration, and Pluralism in Flushing, Queens R. SCOTT HANSON Foreword by Martin E. Marty
Known as the birthplace of American religious freedom, Flushing, Queens in New York City is so diverse and densely concentrated that it has become a microcosm of world religions. City of Gods explores the history of Flushing from colonial period to the aftermath of September 11, 2001, spanning the origins of Vlissingen, Bowne House, the U.N. General Assembly, two World’s Fairs, riots and race, the Immigration Act of 1965, rise of immigrants from South Asia, and the election of Taiwanese-American John Liu to City Council District 20. 336 PAGES, 4 COLOR AND 40 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7160-3 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-7159-7 CLOTH, $135.00, £94.00 Empire State Editions SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
White Eagle, Black Madonna
One Thousand Years of the Polish Catholic Tradition ROBERT ALVIS
“No scholar outside of Poland can match Robert Alvis’ broad erudition about Polish Catholic history. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the Church’s millennium in northeastern Europe, reflecting the most up-to-date research on a wide range of topics. Alvis doesn’t shy away from controversial issues, but his presentation is consistently balanced and fair. For those interested in the history of the Catholic Church, this book will fill a significant gap by explaining the distinct characteristics of Polish religiosity. Specialists in Polish history, meanwhile, will gain a much richer understanding of the role of Christianity in Poland’s past, which turns out to be much more nuanced and complex than we typically imagine.”—Brian Porter-Szücs, University of Michigan 312 PAGES, 25 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7171-9 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-7170-2 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Black Lives and Sacred Humanity
Toward an African American Religious Naturalism CAROL WAYNE WHITE
“As constructions of race, religion, and identity grow more complex in the twenty-first century, we are in deep need of texts like Sacred Humanity. White provides an account of African American religiosity that explores the radical diversity of the black religious tradition. The result is a beautifully embroidered new narrative, one that is rooted historically in heterodox religious voices such as Anna Julia Cooper, W. E. B. Du Bois, and James Baldwin. By reconstructing black religion on naturalistic and humanistic grounds, Sacred Humanity provides new resources for giving voice to the varieties of African American religious expression and for imagining its future possibilities.”—Jonathon S. Kahn, Vassar College 180 PAGES 978-0-8232-6982-2 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6981-5 CLOTH, $90.00, £62.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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PH ILOS OPHY Scatter 1
The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger, and Derrida GEOFFREY BENNINGTON
“Bennington’s Scatter 1 is a sophisticated, detailed, and strikingly original demonstration of the political efficacy of deconstruction. As always with Bennington to read him is to undergo an education in reading.”—Robert Bernasconi, Pennsylvania State University 344 PAGES, 5 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7053-8 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-7052-1 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
A World in Ruins
Chronicles of Intellectual Life, 1943 MAURICE BLANCHOT Translated by Michael Holland
“How did Maurice Blanchot transform himself from journeyman reviewer to the theorist of narrative whose work transformed the intellectual landscape of the postwar era? This collection of reviews from a single, harrowing year, 1943, provides answers. Expertly introduced, annotated, and translated by leading Blanchot scholar Michael Holland, A World in Ruins provides a unique entry into making of literature under Nazi occupation.”—Alice Kaplan, Yale University 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-6726-2 PAPER, $39.00, £26.99 978-0-8232-6725-5 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00
The Matter of Voice
Sensual Soundings KARMEN MacKENDRICK
“The Matter of Voice is a work of philosophical theology in a multidisciplinary and poetic key. Its central organizing insight is that voice and voicing are productive of corporeality and rhythm in language. As MacKendrick shows, at the heart of the voice is ‘an irreducible and carnal strangeness’ that refuses closure and invites passion back into thinking. The book is a sterling exemplar of the richness that results from attending to the somatic quality of words, yielding a layering of ideas that forms a virtual chorus of multiperspectival thinking.”—Patricia Cox Miller, Syracuse University
Think, Pig!
Beckett at the Limit of the Human JEAN-MICHEL RABATÉ
“Very few critics have all the qualities and competencies required to engage fully with the entirety Beckett’s work in all genres: a detailed familiarity with Beckett’s texts in both English and French; a sensitivity to his linguistic, stylistic and thematic manoeuvres; an encyclopaedic knowledge of his intellectual context; an awareness of the range and detail of Beckett studies; and an ability to write with refinement and wit. It is clear from this remarkable book that Jean-Michel Rabaté is one of those few.”—Derek Attridge, University of York 264 PAGES 978-0-8232-7086-6 PAPER, $32.00. £21.99 978-0-8232-7085-9 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
The Work of Difference
Modernism, Romanticism, and the Production of Literary Form AUDREY WASSER
The Work of Difference addresses a fundamental ontological question: What is literature? And at the heart of this question, it argues, is the problem of the new. How is it that new works or new forms are possible within the rule-governed orders of history, language use, or the social? How are new works in turn recognizable to already-existing institutions? Tracing the relationship between literature and the problem of newness back to a set of concerns first articulated in early German romanticism, this book goes on to mount a critique of romantic tendencies in contemporary criticism in order, ultimately, to develop an original theory of literary production. Along the way, it offers new readings of major modernist novels by Samuel Beckett, Marcel Proust, and Gertrude Stein. 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-7006-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-7005-7 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
224 PAGES 978-0-8232-7000-2 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6999-0 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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Blanchot, Adorno, and Autonomy WILLIAM S. ALLEN
“Shrewdly mobilizing the tropes of negativity and autonomy that both Blanchot and Adorno develop in ways that differ from the more familiar models offered by Hegel and Heidegger (yet are inevitably indebted to them), Allen’s book convincingly demonstrates how the logic of negativity allows Blanchot and Adorno to circumvent a relationship to the negative that is merely nihilistic. In terms of its style, argumentative rigor, conceptual precision, narrative patience, scholarly circumspection, and overall achievement, the book is truly outstanding.”—Gerhard Richter, Brown University 312 PAGES 978-0-8232-6928-0 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Walter Benjamin and Theology
Edited by Colby Dickinson and Stéphane Symons Contributors: Giorgio Agamben, Kaspar Bulling, Judith Butler, Howard Caygill, Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Howard Eiland, Peter Fenves, Eli Friedlander, Hill Haker, Michael Jennings, Adam Kotsko, Annika Thiem, Sigrid Weigel, Ryan Wines
“Ours is an age of revivified political religion, and many have come to feel that to understand the current troubles the conventional liberal oppositions—between reason and unreason, secularism and religion—no longer suffice. Even as we resist the authoritarian strains of religion, the question therefore arises as to whether we must adopt a more dialectical search for critical instruction within the realm of the theological itself. For such a task the thought of Walter Benjamin offers an important resource. Transposing theology into philosophy and philosophy back into theology with alchemical skill, his critical legacy continues to inspire novel reflections on a wide range of themes such as eschatology and apocalypse, messianism and transience, divine violence and divine hope. This excellent volume brings together essays by some of our most accomplished scholars to interrogate that legacy, providing crucial resource for all future discussion of these endlessly compelling themes.”—Peter E. Gordon, The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-7018-7 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-7017-0 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Crossing the Rubicon
The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by Reuben Shank, Introduction by Matthew Farley
“Crossing the Rubicon is Emmanuel Falque’s Discourse on Method: a pungent and polemic treatise on why we become better philosophers when we also do theology. Should we ‘cross the Rubicon’ and so trouble the distinction between philosophy and theology? Of course, Falque tells us! We have everything to gain, including something of great interest: a hermeneutic of the body and the voice.”—Kevin Hart, University of Virginia
Husserl’s Missing Technologies Don Ihde
“Husserl’s Missing Technologies is a natural and informative companion to Heidegger’s Technologies. It deepens Ihde’s analysis of technology and offers important new perspectives on pragmatism, science, and technology studies. An insightful and probing work.”—Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines 176 PAGES, 5 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6961-7 PAPER, $24.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6960-0 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
There Is
The Event and the Finitude of Appearing CLAUDE ROMANO Translated by Michael B. Smith
“A genuinely innovative contribution to philosophical accounts of subjectivity and temporality. Romano develops what he calls an ‘evential hermeneutics’ that takes as its starting point the life-changing events that upend our world. He studies the structure of these events in terms of the genuine change and novelty that they open up, distinguishing them from mere occurrences, which can be explained as a subject realizing pre-existing possibilities. Because such events introduce radically new possibilities by transforming me and my world, Romano argues that they must be understood as establishing a world rather than as happening in the world.”—Shane Mackinlay, Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity, Melbourne 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-6715-6 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-6714-9 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy
Commiserating with Devastated Things
Milan Kundera and the Entitlements of Thinking JASON M. WIRTH
“A unique, groundbreaking work that crosses the disciplinary lines between philosophy and literature to advance a highly creative thesis regarding the nature of thinking itself.”—Leah Kalmanson, Drake University “Writing with a Zen sense of Czech irony and from a comparative East–West perspective, Wirth situates Kundera’s opus at the borders of philosophy and literature. Commiserating with Devastated Things draws Kundera’s characters and ideas into dialogue with the intellectual history from Plato to Nietzsche to Musil and Kafka to Deleuze and Dogen.”—Martin Matuštík, Arizona State University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-6820-7 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-6988-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-6987-7 CLOTH, $110.00, £76.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE www.fo rd h a m p re ss .co m
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Media Culture and the Phenomenology of Gadget Commodity Life ANTHONY CURTIS ADLER
“In Celebricities, Anthony Curtis Adler gives us Heidegger watching TV, Marx playing with his cell phone, and Althusser contemplating celebrity. Thinking the popular with the philosophical gives us new and dynamic understandings of the commodity form, ontology, and ideology as well as aphorisms for some of the most pressing political questions of our age.”—Christopher Breu 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-7080-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-7079-8 CLOTH, $100.00, £69.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Receptive Spirit
German Idealism and the Dynamics of Cultural Transmission MÁRTON DORNBACH
“Receptive Spirit is a finely argued and erudite rereading of what is arguably the most important period in modern philosophy, the early reception of Kant’s critical philosophy, when the timeless now of Kantian cognition met a great challenge in the historical mind that came onto the scene.”— Paul North, Yale University “Boldly conceived and meticulously executed, Dornbach’s study of Kant, Fichte, Friedrich Schlegel, Hegel, Gadamer, and McDowell offers a compelling account of the ‘prehistory’ of philosophical hermeneutics.”—Anthony Curtis Adler, Yonsei University 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-6829-0 CLOTH, $55.00, £38.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Auditory Aesthetics in Ancient Greece SEAN ALEXANDER GURD
“Dissonance is an impressive achievement. Gurd is clearly highly conversant with the entirety of the ancient Greek literary tradition.”—John T. Hamilton, Harvard University 200 PAGES 978-0-8232-6965-5 CLOTH, $55.00, £38.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
JU ST ID E AS Fugitive Rousseau
Slavery, Primitivism, and Political Freedom JIMMY CASAS KLAUSEN
“Jean-Jacques Rousseau obsessively deploys the rhetoric of slavery, but has almost nothing to say about the actuallyexisting slavery of his own time. Taking off from this striking observation and informed by the distinctive concerns of recent postcolonial and Black Atlantic scholarship, Jimmy Casas Klausen offers a string of illuminating discussions of often-overlooked themes in Rousseau’s oeuvre, such as travel and cosmopolitan identity, primitivism and marronage. In place of the familiar contrast between the over-socialized citizen of The Social Contract and the figure of the solitary walker or pre-social savage, Klausen invites us to appreciate those moments where Rousseau shows himself sensitive to the often fragile kinds of freedom that become available when we are able to slip away from dominant and dominating social and political structures. Fugitive Rousseau is an original and stimulating contribution to eighteenth-century studies, as well as a significant work of political theory in its own right.”—Christopher Brooke, University of Bristol “Complementing the theoretical efforts of Jane Anna Gordon and Neil Roberts, among others, Klausen seeks to extend and deepen what has become known as the ‘creolization’ of Rousseau.”—The Review of Politics 356 PAGES, 4 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6747-7 PAPER, $27.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5729-4 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 Just Ideas SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Foucault’s Critical Ethics RICHARD A. LYNCH
The central thesis of Foucault’s Critical Ethics is that Foucault’s account of power does not foreclose the possibility of ethics; on the contrary, it provides a framework within which ethics becomes possible. Tracing the evolution of Foucault’s analysis of power from his early articulations of disciplinary power to his theorizations of biopower and governmentality, Richard A. Lynch shows how Foucault’s ethical project emerged through two interwoven trajectories: analysis of classical practices of the care of the self, and engaged practice in and reflection upon the limits of sexuality and the development of friendship in gay communities. These strands of experience and inquiry allowed Foucault to develop contrasting yet interwoven aspects of his ethics; they also underscored how ethical practice emerges within and from contexts of power relations. The gay community’s response to AIDS, and its parallels with the feminist ethics of care, serve to illustrate the resources of a Foucauldian ethic—a fundamentally critical attitude, with substantive (but revisable) values and norms grounded in a practice of freedom. 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-7125-2 CLOTH, $55.00, £38.00 Just Ideas SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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A MERI C A N PH ILOSOPH Y The Varieties of Transcendence
Pragmatism and the Theory of Religion Edited by Hermann Deuser, Hans Joas, Matthias Jung, and Magnus Schlette Contributors: Vincent Colapietro, Hermann Deuser, Hans Joas, Matthias Jung, Victor Kestenbaum, Gesche Linde, Ludwig Nagl, Robert Cummings Neville, Sami Pihlström, Christian Polke, Wayne Proudfoot, Michael Raposa, Magnus Schlette, Christoph Seibert
“This volume explores the rich seam of religious meaning running through the classical figures of pragmatism. The essays employ topical, historical, and speculative approaches to a wide array of texts, with an emphasis on Peirce, comprising a feast of ideas and continuing questions circulating pragmatism’s role in the tradition of philosophy, transcendence, and God.”—Roger A. Ward, Georgetown College 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-6757-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 American Philosophy SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
M E D IE VA L PHILOSOPHY: T E XTS & ST U D IE S On Being and Cognition
Ordinatio 1.3 JOHN DUNS SCOTUS Edited and Translated by John van den Bercken
“The massive third distinction of the first book of Scotus’s Ordinatio represents the fullest systematic treatment of cognitive psychology and philosophy of mind produced in the Middle Ages. This superb translation renders the whole text into clear, stylish, and felicitous English. It will be essential reading for anyone interested in medieval theories of mind and knowledge.”—Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-7073-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
The Much-at-Once
Music, Science, Ecstasy, the Body BRUCE W. WILSHIRE Foreword by Edward S. Casey
“For decades, the late Bruce Wilshire has showered us with incandescent prose, teaching us to reflect and see beyond the banal, the habitual, the perpetual vises that often render our experiencing inert. In this last bequest from Wilshire, he teaches us how to listen, how to hear.”—John J. McDermott, University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Humanities in Medicine, Texas A&M University “The Much-at-Once is an extraordinary edifice, a cathedral of concepts, a summa of Bruce Wilshire’s distinguished and diverse writings. It is unprecedented in our time.”—Edward S. Casey, Stony Brook University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-6834-4 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-6833-7 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 American Philosophy SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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COMMONA LIT IE S Thou Shalt Not Kill
A Political and Theological Dialogue ADRIANA CAVARERO AND ANGELO SCOLA Translated by Margaret Adams Groesbeck and Adam Sitze
“The two essays in Thou Shalt not Kill offer opposed yet equally interesting, learned and clearly written interpretations of the Sixth Commandment. Scola–a cardinal of the Catholic Church–bases his interpretation on the Bible, Saint Augustine, and the Church Fathers, while also offering a shrewd reading of Levinas’ thought. Cavarero–a renowned feminist philosopher and classicist–provides a brilliant philosophical and political commentary based on classical Greek thought and the work of Hanna Arendt, as well as a variety of other philosophical, feminist and political theories. Together, the essays address a wide range of themes, ranging from abortion to war to euthanasia, to the very definition of human life. This compelling little book will be of great interest to scholars and students in religious studies, philosophy, ethics, women’s studies, legal studies, Italian studies and general humanities and social sciences.”—Lucia Re, University of California, Los Angeles 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-6735-4 PAPER, $20.00, £13.99 978-0-8232-6734-7 CLOTH, $75.00, £52.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Europe and Empire
On the Political Forms of Globalization MASSIMO CACCIARI Edited by Alessandro Carrera Translated by Massimo Verdicchio
“Europe and Empire is both timely and insightful. Politician, activist, philosopher and teacher, Massimo Cacciari explores both the hopes and possibilities of a nascent European Union as well as its current demise as a serious world power. What do the idea and reality of Europe hold for philosophy, politics and globalization? This is the central question of the essays of this volume. With great erudition, rich political insight and sharp critical analysis, Cacciari leads readers to a deeper understanding of the aspirations and failures of Europe, all from a deeply philosophical perspective: Europe in its “evening light” must learn to see itself through the “insufficiency” of its own self-definitions, a project similar to the negative theology of thinkers like Nicholas of Cusa. Cacciari calls us to think Europe as an unpolitical community.”—Antonio Calcagno, King’s University College, London, Canada 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-6717-0 PAPER, $30.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-6716-3 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
The Common Growl
Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community THOMAS CLAVIEZ Foreword by Jean-Luc Nancy Contributors: Homi K. Bhabha, Thomas Claviez, Nancy Fraser, Paul Gilroy, Djelal Kadir, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Ranciere, Dietmar Wetzel, Robert J.C. Young
“Revolt does not discourse, it growls. What does “growl” mean? It’s almost an onomatopoeia. It means to bawl, bellow, and roar. It means to shout together, to murmur, mumble, grouse, become indignant, protest, become enraged together. One tends to grumble alone but people growl in common. The common growl is a subterranean torrent: it passes underneath, making everything tremble.”—from Jean-Luc Nancy’s Foreword 176 PAGES 978-0-8232-7092-7 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-7091-0 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Sensible Life: A Micro-ontology of the Image EMANUELE COCCIA Translated by Scott Alan Stuart Introduction by Kevin Attell
This book, now translated into five languages, rehabilitates sensible existence from its marginalization at the hands of modern philosophy, theology, and politics. Coccia begins by defining the ontological status of images. Not just an internal modification of our consciousness, an image has an intermediate ontological status that differs from that of objects or subjects. The book’s second part explores our interactions with images in dream, fashion, and biological facts like growth and generation. Our life, Coccia argues, is the life of images. 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-6742-2 PAPER, $24.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6741-5 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
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