Ford School BA 2015 Yearbook

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Best wishes “I

nside the classroom, you’ve been an exceptional group — engaging to teach as well as keenly engaged in your studies. Outside the classroom, you’re equally impressive — serving as tireless community leaders with a true passion for making our world a better place. I have been repeatedly impressed by the broad set of experiences, ideas, and skills you all have brought to the Ford School, and I very much look forward to hearing news of your summer experiences, careers, and accomplishments in the years ahead.

Photo booth @ Graduation Open House BACK (L-R): Julie Ramus (BA ’15), Chelsea Davis (BA ’15), Laurel Ruza (BA ’15), Patrick Sier (BA ’15), Cameron Maisch (BA ’15), Najee Jones (BA ’15); MIDDLE (L-R): Marissa Solomon (BA ’15), Carly Manes (BA ’15), Abigail Orrick (BA ’15) FRONT (L-R): Raeesa Khan (BA ’15), Tracey Fu (BA ’15)

Congratulations and best wishes.” Sharon Maccini Director, Ford School BA Degree Program Alexandra Corwin (BA ’15) and her family face everyone’s favorite dilemma: which props to use

Chelsea Davis (BA ’15) & Wajdi Mallat (BA ’15)

(L-R): Emma Bunin (BA ’15), Marissa Solomon (BA ’15), and Carly Manes (BA ’15)

Jessie Sahakian (BA ’15) and Professor Kathryn Dominguez catch up at the Open House


t’s been another terrific year for our undergraduate program. Our BA students bring such life and energy to our halls and classrooms. On behalf of our faculty, I thank you for your engagement, initiative, and leadership. For our returning students, I look forward to the fall, when I’ll hear about what I hope will be productive, enjoyable summers. And to our Class of 2015, please accept my warmest best wishes as you launch your careers. Don’t forget that you always have a home here at the corner of State and Hill.” Susan M. Collins Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy


Ethan Fitzgerald (BA ’15), Emily Viola (BA ’15), Molly Harris (BA ’15), Andrew Saturno (BA ’15), and Kimberly Goldman (BA ’15)


GRADUATES! “So, as we graduate and begin the next chapter of our lives, I urge you to not just take what exists, but to use your seat at the table to challenge it. To lead through empowerment so that all voices are heard. Continue creating spaces and opportunities for yourself and others to wake up at 3 a.m. to question what ignites a culture shift, what voices aren’t included, and what even is public policy? This is how we will turn our frustrations and challenges into constructive action.” Laurel Ruza, BA ’15 Undergraduate commencement speaker

“I have spoken at a lot of graduations, but I am so glad to be here with you... because you are special. You have chosen to focus your time, intellect, and energy on public policy... the process of making our communities, families, and country better. We need you now more than ever.” U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Delivering the Charge to the Classes of 2015

From the faculty


mma, Katie, Sam, Laurel, Jessie, Emily, and Garrett are amazing; they ask all the right questions, they are thoughtful, and they are willing to deeply engage in controversial and difficult policy dilemmas. The policy world will be a much better place with all of them in the mix!”

Kathryn Dominguez (LEFT) taught a section of PubPol 496 (Senior Colloquium) during Winter 2015

Kathryn Dominguez Professor of Public Policy


had the pleasure of teaching 19 undergraduates last fall in the BA level Pathways to Professional Success course. I was impressed with the high level of engagement and insight demonstrated by the students as we explored their professional and personal visions and how to achieve them. I was especially impressed with their willingness to be on time (mostly) for an 8:30 a.m. start! These students already demonstrate many key leadership attributes, and I wish them all the best as they continue along their own professional development paths.” Surry Scheerer Lecturer in Public Policy


always enjoy PubPol 422 during the fall semester. It’s fun to discuss the “real world” of legislative politics and to end each session with some great political trivia. Wishing success and happiness to the Class of 2015. You are an outstanding group.” John J.H. “Joe” Schwarz, M.D. Lecturer in Public Policy


In the spotlight In the fall, Craig Kaplan (BA ’15) spoke at a rally encouraging President Schlissel to replace then-AD Dave Brandon following mismanagement of a studentathlete injury and ongoing concerns regarding unrelated sexual assault investigations. Kaplan’s involvement was noted in reports by ESPN, the Detroit Free Press, Michigan Daily, Yahoo Sports, The Detroit News, Bleacher Report, and more.

Graduating seniors Ray Spencer Batra Olivia Blanchette Robert Brandon James Martin Brennan, III Emma Bunin Kathleen Burke Alexandra Corwin Chelsea Alexandra Davis Sam Dickstein Robert William Dishell Eric Ferguson Ethan Robert Fitzgerald Tracey Fu Matthew Gold Kimberly Goldman Courtney Livingston Green

Molly Harris Armani Minasian Hawes Suzanne Midori Hunter Hirasuna Mackenzie Humble Craig Thomas Kaplan Maria Keller Maxwell C. Kepes Garrett Kessler Raeesa Khan Gabriel Klausner Katie Koziara Blake Alexander LaFuente Cameron Rose Maisch Wajdi Mallat Meghan Kelly Maloney

Carly Manes Maya Menlo Daniel Alejandro Morales Patrick O’Connor Jake Offenhartz Kyle O’Meara Abigail Kaitlin McKinney Orrick Edwin Peart Hannah Poulson Michael Puskar Julie Ramus Abbey Roggenbuck Laurel Ruza Jessie Sahakian Joia Sanders

Andrew Saturno Daniel Schwaber Paul Adam Sherman Patrick Sier Marissa Solomon Martha Sorenson Michael Stein Richard Swoope Kayla Ulrich Tess Van Gorder Emily Viola Jon Vreede Madeline Wheatley Madeline McClain Wills Garrett Wood John Yim

January 21 was Squirrel Day, and a loving Ford School staff member captured this candid (RIGHT) of one of our furry friends right outside Weill Hall

Gerald “Rusty” Hills (LEFT), the director of public affairs for Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, is a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and a lecturer in public policy at the Ford School. He teaches PubPol 423: Political Campaign Strategies and Tactics

From the faculty


he class of 2015 brought energy, passion, and brainpower to public policy from the first day we sat down together for 320. Whether we were talking about the Cuban missile crisis, Obamacare, or immigration law, this group was constantly engaged. That made our lecture discussions and simulations on issues like international development and climate change lively, thoughtful, and fun. This class has really left its mark on the Ford School and will soon do great things in the world outside.” John Ciorciari Assistant Professor of Public Policy


o paraphrase President Reagan, ‘Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world…’ Ford School graduates don’t have that problem. The students in 423 were consistently engaged in our discussions on politics; several have already earned a place on campaigns. My hope and prayer is that all of you run for office or work in elections. Public service is a noble calling. Just remember: Be Bold.” Gerald “Rusty” Hills Lecturer in Public Policy

“W Susan Waltz led the PubPol 495 policy seminar on Human Rights in fall 2014 BACK: Daniel Morales (BA ’15), Danny Schwaber (BA ’15), Emily Rosenthal (BA ’16), Ashley Connelly

(BA ’16); FRONT: Carly Manes (BA ’15), Hannah Lee (BA ’16), and Jacob Kornfeld (BA ’16)

Alex Ralph (LEFT), Beth Chimera (CENTER), and David Morse (RIGHT) lead the Ford School Writing Center, offer writing tutorial appointments, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses centered on policy and expository writing

e can’t believe we’ve known you all since 6th grade, but only become close these last two years. Who’d have thunk a school could feel so small and big at the same time? The 2015-ers are a class special to each of us. Beth began her Ford School career at the same time as you all. David has enjoyed disillusioning you of your belief in Utopia even as you affirm his own belief in the promise of today’s youth. And Alex has been delighted to get to know such compelling students involved with DiSC. Many thanks to the entire Class of 2015 for sharing with us your memos, applications and good cheer. All the best in your future endeavors. Do come back and visit us with news of all you’ve done.” Beth Chimera, David Morse, and Alex Ralph Writing Center Instructors (A.K.A. Your Writing Center BFFs)

From your GSIs

Engagement abroad...


or me, study abroad has been a whirlwind through the countries of Vietnam and Morocco, and, beginning this Saturday, through Bolivia too. My program, Climate Change: The Politics of Food, Water & Energy through the School for International Training, is an experiential study abroad and, therefore, much of my coursework relies on site visits and local faculty guest lecturers. Additionally, I get lectures from a traveling faculty member on political economy, international theory and research methods. On Saturday, I head to Bolivia, where I spend the month of May and wrap up the program, as well as my independent study project, which focuses on international funding and foreign motives in decentralized energy system implementation in Vietnam and Morocco.”


ongratulations to the Class of 2015! Your accomplishments in the classroom are rivaled only by your contributions to the university and its community. I am continuously impressed by the breadth of your interests and your abilities to convey your concerns and passions without losing your respect for those who might disagree. While you have already done so much, I know each of you has so much more you will accomplish and I look forward to learning about your great achievements in the years ahead. I will forever appreciate the opportunity to have been your GSI and to learn from your diverse experiences and contributions. Good luck and Go Blue!”

Andrea Paine (BA ’16) (LEFT)

Jon Tap (MPP ’15) Graduate Student Instructor PubPol 422 & PubPol 481


’ve been extremely fortunate to teach the class of 2015 as a GSI for Campaign Management and Strategy. Every week, I’m inspired by my students’ critical thinking, leadership, open-mindedness, curiosity, and passion to improve the world. They are unafraid of a challenge. They pursue new and exciting leadership opportunities in the Ford School and across campus. I hope each of my students considers running for public office because each would be a strong city, state, or national leader. I wish the class of 2015 the best of luck in their future endeavors and look forward to seeing their names on my ballot someday! Go Blue!” Noelle Polaski (MPP ’15) Graduate Student Instructor PubPol 423

Isa Gaillard (BA ’16) (BELOW) on top of the Museo de la Revolucion in Leon. Nicaragua

“I While in Paris, Paul Sherman (BA ’15) (BELOW) snapped this photo of the Luxbembourg Gardens

’m studying abroad in Bariloche, Argentina right now. I’ve been in South America for 3 months now, have another 4 to go, and I’m loving it! I’ve had some great experiences so far, but one of the strangest and most interesting has been the last 24 hours. Yesterday, Volcano Calbuco erupted 100 km to the West of us, and I watched the sun set behind its mushroom cloud over lake Nahuel Huapi (photo attached). This morning, I woke up to find that classes had been canceled due to volcanic ash falling on the city. It feels and looks like a snow-day, except we’re supposed to stay inside as to not inhale the toxic ash. Nothing like sitting by the window with a good book and a cup of tea watching the ash fall!” Jake Kornfeld (BA ’16), who also captured the photo above while studying abroad in Argentina


...and at home


Megan Tompkins-Stange Assistant Professor of Public Policy


Tracey Fu (BA ’15), Meghan Maloney (BA ’15), Mackenzie Humble (BA ’15), and Michael Spaeth (BA, PoliSci) (ABOVE), presenting at the 2015 Gramlich Showcase, helped launch the Michigan Partners Fund, a student philanthropy project, as part of PubPol 475, taught by Assistant Professor Megan Tompkins-Stange

y favorite memories of the BA program stem from my 475 class on philanthropy. In 2014 and 2015, I was privileged to be a part of a transformative experience - for both the students and for me - in giving away a total of $100,000 to charities as part of this course, and in the process, exploring values, engaging in deliberative dialogue, challenging beliefs and reaching consensus through some contentious and difficult conversations. In both classes, these experiences have shaped me as an educator and brought me relationships with students that I’m sure I’ll have for a long time. Thank you for letting me be part of your undergraduate journey and for teaching me so much - I won’t soon forget any of you.”

JAM ES B. ANGE LL SCHOLARS Angell Scholars are undergraduate students who earn all A’s for two or more consecutive terms in a calendar year. Robert Walter Brandon II, Emma Caslyn Bunin, Kathleen Gaughan Burke, Ashley, Lynne Connelly, Chelsea A. Davis, Sam Dickstein, Jill Lilyan Epstein, Eli Matthew Gerber, Kimberly Michelle Goldman, Samuel Harrison Gringlas, Mark Reinier Haidar, Thomas Doyle Hoyt, Armani Minasian Hawes, Marc Edward Jacome, Harry Quinn Kammerman, Grace Elizabeth Lutfy, Hannah Corinne Makowske, Cameron Rose Maisch, Meghan Kelly Maloney, Marjory Anne Henderson Marquardt, Lindsey Rose Martin, Maya Suzanne Menlo, Austin M. Raymond, Laurel Meredith Ruza, Joia Nattamon Sander, Julie Rachel Sarne, Andrew Edward Saturno, Kayla Lynn Ulrich, and Emily Julia Viola

PHI BETA KA P PA INDUCTEES Phi Beta Kappa, founded in 1776, is the oldest scholastic honorary society in America.


n more than one occasion [Ray] suggested that we become a stand-up comedy duo and another time he said something like, ‘if this public policy thing doesn’t work out, you should just open your own food truck and only serve your nachos.’ He was always full of ‘helpful’ career advice.”

Honors & Awards

Fall 2014 Michigan in Washington participants

Emma Bunin, Chelsea Davis, Sam Dickstein, Eric Ferguson, Kimberly Goldman, Armani Hawes, Cameron Maisch , Marjory Marquardt, Maya Menlo, Laurel Ruza, and Jessie Sahakian


Hannah Poulson (BA ’15), reflecting on the Aziz Ansari show that she and Ray Batra (BA ’15) (BOTH ABOVE) attended during their time in DC with the Michigan in Washington program

The US Naval Academy Leadership Conference invites more than 200 participants annually to address leadership topics relevant to government, business, academia, and military. Micah Nelson (BA ’16) (ABOVE, CENTER) participated in the CIEE Arts and Sciences Program at the University of Hyderbaad

Meghan Maloney (BA ’15), Tommy Hoyt (BA ’16), Ray Batra (BA ’15), Craig Kaplan (BA ’15), Courtney Green (BA ’15), and James Brennan (BA ’15) volunteering for Food Gatherers

Richard Swoope (BA ’15) and Garrett Wood (BA ’15) (BOTH PICTURED BELOW)

Student reps


+ Peer Advisors Emily Viola (BA ’15) and Sam Dickstein (BA ’15)

+ International Policy Student Association Reps Courtney Green (BA ’15), Marc Cho (BA ’16), and Hannah Makowske (BA ’16)

+ Alumni Board Edwin Peart (BA ’15)

Gamma Rho Phi members Courtney Green (BA ’15), Emma Bunin (BA ’15), Laurel Ruza (BA ’15), Craig Kaplan (BA ’15), Wajdi Mallat (BA ’15), Chelsea Davis (BA ’15), Ali Corwin (BA ’15), Katie Koziara (BA ’15), Julie Ramus (BA ’15), and Ethan Fitzgerald (BA ’15) at Dominick’s

+ Central Student Government Bobby Dishell, President (BA ’15) and Laurel Ruza, Vice Speaker (BA ’15)

BA orgs + Diversity Student Coalition DiSC is an undergraduate-led org committed to creating a more inclusive community

Raeesa Khan (BA ’15) presents to Professor John Chamberlin at the 2015 Gramlich Showcase

Wajdi Mallat (BA ’15) and Eric Riley (BA ’16) at the 2015 Gramlich Showcase

UGC coordinated therapy dogs during final exams and Blake LaFuente (BA ’15) and Eric Ferguson (BA ’15) were not about to miss out on some adorable pups

... and neither was Eli Gerber (BA ’16)

+ Undergraduate Council (UGC) UGC organizes different academic and social events for the BA community. Initiatives have included puppies at Ford, study engagement events, study snacks, memo review nights, mentorship, and student org funding.

+ Gamma Rho Phi Named in honor of Gerald R. Ford, GRPhi works to increase opportunities for undergrads outside of class in the areas of social bonding, professional development, athletics, and community service.


Events @ the Ford School

Policy seminars FALL 2014 Dangerous Peacemaking Yazier Henry History of Policy Joy Rohde

Human Rights Susan Waltz

WINTER 2015 Uses and Abuses of International Trade Policy Alan Deardorff Health and Environmental Policy Shobita Parthasarathy

Through Policy Talks @ the Ford School, related luncheons, and other events, students are connected with policymakers and thought leaders like Melody Barnes, Harold Ford Jr., Steven Levitt, and Janet Napolitano

Mark Haidar (BA ’16) at Hybrid Justice: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia to celebrate the launch of John Ciorciari’s new book of the same name

Megan Tompkins-Stange, Ambassador Mel Levitsky (ret.), Joy Rohde, Joe Schwarz, and Emad Ansari (JD/MPP ‘15) delivered talks for The Last Lecture, hosted by Gamma Rho Phi


’m teaching a 495 Policy Seminar for the first time this year (the Associate Dean pressured me to do it), and I’m enjoying it greatly. It is totally different from any classroom teaching that I’ve ever done in my longish career: based almost totally on discussion and on writing, and getting to know the students as I never have before. As I’d been led to expect by colleagues who have taught these seminars previously, the students have really good ideas and are eager to express them. It’s been more work than I’ve done in years for a course, but it has been very gratifying. “ Alan Deardorff Associate Dean


y PubPol 495 students were ready for anything! From the social construction of “the poor” in the New Deal to CIA interventions in the Soviet-Afghan War, they always brought important insights to our discussions of policy and history.”

Carly Manes (BA ’15) at Beyond civil rights: The Moynihan Report and its legacy, featuring author Daniel Geary

Courtney Green (BA ’15) at The Refugee Crisis: Who makes it to safety?, featuring 2013 Livingston Award Winner Luke Mogelson

Click on the photos above to view the complete Ford School Flickr albums. To tune-in for future live webstreams, visit the event listing at an hour before its start time.

Joy Rohde Assistant Professor

Homecoming 2015 FR IDAY, OCTOBER 9. 2- 4 P.M . Ford School Open House Refreshments and student-led tours of Joan and Sanford Weill Hall

S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. TIM E TBA Wolverines v. Wildcats at the Big House Check in the coming months for ticket and RSVP instructions

Stay connected CONNECTED+INFORMED Complete your graduation survey with your preferred email address. Join the Ford School’s LinkedIn and Facebook groups, and follow us on social media.

NEW JOB? PROMOTION? Update your information at

BE AN ALUM-IN-RESIDENCE If you will be visiting Ann Arbor, consider making a stop at the Ford School to share your post-graduation experiences with current students through a career conversation and/ or office hours. Virtual sessions can also be coordinated if you can’t make it to Ann Arbor.

Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan Joan and Sanford Weill Hall 735 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091 734 764 3490

In 2014-2015, 20 scholarships were offered for study abroad and internship opportunities. Fordies support the Ford School! We rely on your support to provide scholarships and enhance programming. Make a gift online or by calling 734-615-3892.

Wordwide Ford School Spirit Day JULY 9, 2015 U.S. and international locations TBA Plan to attend the 5th annual Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, a series of alumni-led festivities, in cities near and far, that let you meet and mingle with Ford School friends.

If you are interested in hosting a Spirit Day in your city, contact Elisabeth Johnston ( for more information.

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