Training Brochure for Police Forces

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@ FORENSIC ACCESS �Forensics® 'Alecto Forensics

Training Courses

Blood Pattern Analysis Awareness for Clothing

Blood Pattern Analysis Awareness for Scenes

Cell Site Analysis Awareness

Court Awareness & Expert Witness

Crime Scene Investigation - Level 1

Crime Scene Investigation - Level 2

Digital Media Investigation

Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)

Ecology: Human Skeletal Anatomy & Comparative Anatomy

Ecology: Recognising, Excavating & Recording Clandestine Graves

Ecology: Searching for Human Remains

Ecology: Surface Dispersal of Human Remains

Fire Scene Investigation

Footwear Mark, Tyre Mark and Tool Mark Awareness

Open-Source & Social Media Intelligence

Sexual Assault Investigation Awareness

We also offer Proficiency Testing for UK police forces.

Our Training Team

Michelle Tayla Davies Training Manager CSI

Bespoke training courses

At Forensic Access Group, we work closely with a range of police forces across the UK and worldwide to support the continued development of police officers, investigators and managers.

Book a meeting with our training team to discuss your requirements and skill areas that need to be developed, and they can create a bespoke timetable.

An example of our courses and inputs available to build your besopke timetable can include:

• Blood Pattern Analysis

• Chemical Enhancement

• Crime Scene Investigation Refresher

• Digital Disclosure

• DNA Refresher

• Expert Witness in specialist areas

• Low-light Photography

• Footwear Marks

Upcoming training courses

30th May - Surface Dispersal of Human Remains (1 Day)

31st May - Recognising & Recording Clandestine Graves (1 Day)

6th June - Bespoke CSI Refresher (3 days)

12th June - Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 (6 weeks)

20th June - Footwear Marks (1 Day)

26th June - Searching for Human Remains (1 Day)

27th June - Surface Dispersal of Human Remains (1 Day)

28th June - Recognising & Recording Clandestine Graves (1 Day)

29th June - Human Skeletal Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy (1 Day)


us to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Crime Scene Investigation

Level One


This six-week CSI Level 1 course is designed to provide foundation learning and skills development for CSIs appointed into VCSI/Level 1 positions.

It is appropriate for new appointees with no prior experience in the role.

Course Aims

The aims of the course are to provide:

1. Full training in digital photography, based around the personal issue camera equipment and Force Protocols of each student

2. Training in scene approach, examination order, evidential collection, fingerprint recognition and recovery, exhibit packaging & storage

3. Best practice approaches to evidence recording and recovery, linking in where possible with specific force protocols


This course is designed for those in your force who have been appointed into Crime Scene Investigator Level 1/VCSI positions.

Our experienced team will provide an introduction to the role of the CSI and working as a deployable civilian.

Who is this Course for? Course Modules

• Understand the role of the CSI and its relation to other key police roles

• Derive a suitable assessment of risk, both personally and to identified evidence types, and make appropriate adjustments and mitigations

• Demonstrate clear capability in identifying, seizing, packaging and storing core evidence types (powder and elimination fingerprints, DNA, footprints, trace material)

• Demonstrate the ability to take photographic images suitable for record and evidential photography

• Understand the National Intelligence Model, appreciate the critical importance of intelligence gathering and assessment and demonstrate interpersonal skills

• Develop a basic understanding of a range of niche evidence types (trace evidence types, DNA, bone identification) and to understand the role of the CSI at scenes

• Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the CSI in court with regard to volume crime scenes

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists.

Michelle Tanner CSI Trainer Lisa Warwick CSI Trainer

Crime Scene Investigation

Level Two


This three-week Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Level 2 course is designed to build upon the formal training gained by CSIs during VCSI or Level 1 initial training course, and to utilise the professional experience they have gained in related roles.

Who is this Course for?

This course is designed for your Crime Scene Investigators who are looking to enhance their skills and knowledge to the standard of an experienced Level 2 CSI.

Course Aims


To develop skills in intelligence gathering, assessment and dissemination

2. Improve competences in videography, specialist imaging techniques and niche evidence recovery


Assess new and existing practical skills with a final courtroom exercise


Course Learning Outcome

The course will provide a rapid refreshment on best practice approaches to evidence recovery, before addressing more advanced issues of wider scene logistics and management.

Course Modules

• Understand basic forensic strategy formulation and the role of the CSI at serious and major crime

• Prioritise welfare requirements and action dynamic risk assessments on developing crime scenes

• Demonstrate a clearly established capability in identifying, seizing, packaging and storing core evidence types (powder and elimination fingerprints, DNA, trace material)

• Demonstrate the ability to select and safely operate appropriate alternative light sources for a range of evidence search procedures, and the ability to capture these lit scenes photographically

• Understand the National Intelligence Model and appreciate the critical importance of intelligence gathering and assessment

• Demonstrate interpersonal skills as part of an intelligence gathering exercise

• Demonstrate the ability to produce clear, well-lit and well composed crime scene videos with a well-developed narrative of coverage

• Demonstrate the ability to supplement these videos with live narrative feedback in a major incident briefing scenario.

• Develop a basic understanding of a range of niche evidence types (trace evidence types, DNA, bone identification) and to understand the role of the CSI at scenes

• Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the CSI in court with regard to volume crime scenes

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Michelle Tanner CSI Trainer Lisa Warwick CSI Trainer

Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)


This five-day Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Applied Science and Practice course is designed to provide theory and practical skills for DVI Specialist investigations.

Who is this Course for?

This course is ideal for any professional involved in DVI operations.

This includes:

• Senior Investigators

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Specialist Search Personnel

It is suitable for both military and civilian personnel, and no prior knowledge or experience of DVI procedures is required.

Applied Science and Practice TRAINING COURSE 5 DAY

Course Aims Course Aims

The aims of the course are to provide:

1. An awareness of the processes involved in Disaster Victim Identification

2. Practical experience of recovering remains from a mass disaster scene, examining remains in the mortuary, and completing the Interpol DVI forms


Instruction on best practice for recording, recovering and identifying fragmented, commingled and burnt remains from mass fatality incidents

4. Advice on selection and collection of DNA samples from highly disrupted and burnt remains

Course Modules

• Mass fatalities management and DVI

• Antemortem investigation

• Human skeletal anatomy

• Disaster scene coordination

• Mapping the scene, specialist recording techniques

• Recognition, Identification, and recovery of burnt remains

• Completion of Interpol DVI antemortem and post-mortem forms

• DVI scene and mortuary exercises

• Specialist advice on collection of DNA samples from fragmented remains

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Dr Julie Roberts Howard Way OBE

Human Skeletal Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy


This one-day course is designed to provide an awareness and overview of the techniques used by Forensic Anthropologists in Human Skeletal Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy and the role they play in an investigation.

This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists.

Who is this Course for?

This course is designed for those seeking to continue their professional development.

This includes:

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Police Search Advisors

• Licensed Search Officers

• Major Crime Investigation Team

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers


Upon completion of this course, 8 Continual Professional Development (CPD) credits will be awarded.


Course Aims

The aims of these courses are:


To provide an introduction and overview of the techniques used by Forensic Anthropologists to identify human vs non-human skeletal remains


To assist police personnel and forensic practitioners in making an initial on scene assessment as to whether or not skeletal remains may be human or non-human before seeking professional advice

3. Understand how our bones develop and change appearance as we age.

Course Modules

• Understand the role of a Forensic Anthropologist

• Introduction to human skeletal identification –including adult vs juvenile human remains

• Introduction to identifying human vs non-human skeletal remains

• Practical sessions which put theory into practice with access to an extensive non-human and archaeological human skeletal collection.

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists

Dr Micol Zuppello PhD, MSc, BSc, FRAI, cert-FAII Forensic Anthropologist

Recognising, Excavating & Recording Clandestine Graves


This one-day course is designed to provide an understanding of the role of Forensic Archaeologists and Anthropologists at the crime scene and the techniques used in the excavation of clandestine graves as part of an investigation.

This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists.

Who is this Course for?

This course is designed for:

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Police Search Advisors

• Licensed Search Officers

• Major Crime Investigation Team Members

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers


Upon completion of this course, 8 Continual Professional Development (CPD) credits will be awarded.


Course Aims

The aims of these courses are:


To provide an awareness and overview of the techniques used by Forensic Archaeologists and Anthropologists to find, excavate and record clandestine graves


To give those in the police who deal with clandestine graves and other crime scenes the ability to understand the role forensic archaeologists and anthropologists at a crime scene and how to use this to its full potential.

Course Topics

• Narrowing the search area: use of aerial photographs, maps and intelligence

• Landscape Interpretation: recognising clandestine graves in the landscape, using changes in the vegetation and topography of the terrain to identify them

• Techniques used in the excavation of clandestine graves: use of mechanical excavators, hand excavation and excavation strategies

• Digital and manual recording of clandestine graves: GPS Survey, drawing plans, profiles and sections, establishing a baseline etc

• Awareness of soil sampling and entomology

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Ben Moore MCIfA Forensic Archaeologist
This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists.

Surface Dispersal of Human Remains

This one-day course is designed to provide an understanding of the role of a Forensic Archaeologist and Anthropologist in an investigation, including the techniques used in the recovery of dispersed surface remains.

This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists.

Who is this Course for?

This course is designed for those seeking to continue their professional development.

This includes:

•Crime Scene Managers

•Crime Scene Investigators

•Forensic Investigators

•Police Search Advisors

•Licensed Search Officers

•Major Crime Investigation Team

•Scientific Support Managers

•Forensic Service Managers


Upon completion of this course, 8 Continual Professional Development (CPD) credits will be awarded.


Course Aims

The aims of these courses are to:


Provide an overview of the techniques used by Forensic Archaeologists and Anthropologists to record and recover dispersed surface remains.

2. Gain an understanding into the roles of Forensic Archaeologists and Anthropologists at a crime scene and how to use these forensic practitioners to their full potential.

Course Modules

•An overview of the role of a Forensic Archaeologist and Anthropologist at a crime scene

•Introduction into human vs non-human bone identification

•Bone ID service session to explain how to photograph bones when submitting a request

•Manual recording of dispersed surface remains

•Recovery techniques, including exhibiting and packaging evidence

•Introduction into taphonomy and methods of dispersal

•Practical mock scenario of dispersed surface remains –including locating dispersed remains, and recording techniques

•Awareness of other ecology evidence types involved within a surface dispersal of human remains investigation

•Case Studies

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

This course is approved for CPD certification by The Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists.

Madeleine Stephens MSc PCIfA FRAI (FA-III) Forensic Archaeologist

Fire Scene Investigation

Delivered in Collaboration with EFI Global


This five-day course has been designed by Forensic Fire Scene experts to provide people who have a Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) background with the relevant knowledge and practical skills required to manage and undertake a fire scene investigation.

Who is this Course for?

This course is ideal for people with a CSI, Forensic or Fire Service background with limited knowledge of Fire Scenes and their investigation. The course involves, desk top exercises, real world case studies and practical fire scene excavation all taught by a Forensic Fire Scene expert. They are great for continuing professional development and useful for building professional portfolios. This includes:

• Senior Investigating Officers

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers


Course Aims

The aims of the course are to provide:


The knowledge and skills required for CSI’s, Investigation personnel and Forensic or Fire Practitioners to manage and undertake the logistics of fire scene investigations


To assist with the recovery of evidence and knowledge of arson investigations


To build awareness of ignition sources, the scientific method and to avoid the pitfalls of fire investigation.

Course Modules

• Basic Fire Science

• Fire Scene Safety

• Fire Ignition Sources

• Practical aspects of Fire Scene Investigation

• Fire Scene Photography/Plan Drawing and Note Taking

• Fire Interpretation/Burn and Smoke Pattern Interpretation

• Ignition Sources

• Arson evidence and special considerations

• Suspect/Victim considerations in Fire Scene investigation

• Recovery of Fire Scene Evidence and Analysis Awareness

• Myths of Fire Scene Investigation

• Other tools for the Fire investigator (K9, Electronic, Digital)

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Mike Moulden Senior Forensic Investigator (Fire/CSI)

Blood Pattern Analysis Awareness for Clothing


This one-day introduction to Blood Pattern Analysis (BPA) on clothing covers a broad idea of what to expect when an incident involves violence and a bleeding injury and how blood can be deposited onto clothing as well as the types of stain or pattern which can be observed.

Who is this Course for?

This course is ideal for those who wish to obtain a greater awareness of blood pattern analysis on clothing and how it can be used in forensic investigations.

This includes:

• Senior Investigating Officers

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers

• Evidence Recovery Unit Scientists


Course Learning Outcomes

The course will be delivered by our own highly experienced blood pattern analysis scientists, who will provide an awareness of blood pattern analysis on clothing and an understanding of its strengths and limitations in forensic investigations.

The Blood Pattern Awareness Clothing course will include the following:

Overall awareness of blood pattern analysisincluding its uses and limitations

Principles and theory

Different pattern types, including different surface types and their effect on blood pattern

Blood enhancement

Strengths and limitations of blood pattern analysis on clothing and other items

Alteration of blood patterns post incident

Practical exercises in blood dynamics, reconstruction and clothing/weapon items

Mixture of lectures and practical

Documentation and reporting

DNA sampling

Case studies


For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

your place.
Training & Events team to book
Clare Jarman Senior Forensic Scientist: Biology Caroline Crawford Senior Forensic Scientist: Biology

Blood Pattern Analysis Awareness for Scenes


This one-day introduction to blood pattern analysis covers a broad idea of what to expect at a scene involving the presence of blood, including the types of stains and patterns which can be observed.

Who is this Course for?

This course is ideal for those who wish to obtain a greater awareness of blood pattern analysis at scenes and how it can be used in forensic investigations.

This includes:

• Senior Investigating Officers

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers

• Evidence Recovery Unit Scientists


Course Learning Outcomes

The course will be delivered by our own highly experienced blood pattern analysis scientists, who will provide an awareness of blood pattern analysis and an understanding of its strengths and limitations in forensic investigations.

The Blood Pattern Awareness Scenes course will include the following:


Overall awareness of blood pattern analysisincluding its uses and limitations

Principles and theory

Different pattern types

Blood enhancement

Blood patterns at scenes - including the different surface types and their effects on blood patterns, reconstruction and alteration post-incident

Practical exercises in blood dynamics, reconstruction and target boards

Mixture of lectures and practical

Documentation and reporting

DNA sampling

Case studies


For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

our Training & Events team to book your place.
Clare Jarman Senior Forensic Scientist: Biology Caroline Crawford Senior Forensic Scientist: Biology

Court Awareness


This two-day introduction to Court Awareness covers the duties and practicalities of giving evidence as an expert or professional witness in court and provides information about the court systems and processes.

Who are these Courses for?

This course is ideal for any expert and professional witnesses who may have to give evidence in court,

This includes:

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers

Course Learning Outcomes

The course will be delivered by our own experts who have many years of experience in presenting evidence to court.


Course Modules

The Court Awareness course will include:

Attendance at court

Tips and advice for court presentation

Methods of examination and cross examination and coping strategies

Part lecture based and part practical giving opportunity to practice giving evidence

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Footwear Mark, Tyre Mark and Tool Mark

Evidence Awareness


This one-day awareness course on footwear mark, tyre mark and tool mark evidence will provide an overview of marks which can be found a scene of crime.

Who is this Course for?

This course is suitable for those working in law enforcement who require a general knowledge of marks evidence. It is perfect for those with time or budgetary constraints, or those who prefer to learn in a modular fashion.

This includes:

•Senior Investigating Officers

•Police Officers

• Crime Scene Managers,

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

•Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers


Course Learning Outcomes

The course will be delivered by our own highly experienced marks expert scientist, who will provide an understanding of marks evidence, what marks are included and an understanding of the strengths and limitations in forensic investigations.

Course Modules

The Footwear Mark, Tyre Mark and Tool Mark Evidence Awareness course will include:

• Techniques for mark recovery for footwear, tyre and tool marks

• Methods of test mark production including static and dynamic marks

• Comparison of items with crime scene marks

• Interpretation of evidence including consideration of background populations

• Marks on bodies and clothing in assault and murder cases and road traffic accidents

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch

Sexual Assault Case Investigation Awareness


This one-day awareness course in sexual assault case investigations provides an understanding into how forensic biology can assist in such cases and how it can be used at the scene and in the laboratory.

Who is this Course for?

This course is ideal for those who wish to obtain a greater awareness of the use of forensic biology in sexual assault case investigation both at the scene and in the lab.

This includes:

• Senior Investigating Officers

• Crime Scene Managers

• Crime Scene Investigators

• Forensic Investigators

• Scientific Support Managers

• Forensic Service Managers

• Evidence Recovery Unit Scientists


Course Learning Outcomes

The course will be delivered by our own highly experienced forensic biology scientists, who will provide an awareness of forensic biology and an understanding of its strengths and limitations in relevant forensic investigations.

Course Modules

The Sexual Assault Case Investigation Awareness course will include the following:

Mixture of lecture and mock scenes

Overall awareness of forensic biology

Principles and theory

Detection of different body fluids in the lab and at scenes

Strengths and limitations

Case examples

DNA sampling

How to approach a sexual assault scene

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Clare Jarman Senior Forensic Scientist: Biology Caroline Crawford Senior Forensic Scientist: Biology

Cell Site Analysis Awareness


This half-day awareness course on the Introduction to Cell Site Analysis provides a basic overview and awareness of the processes used and methods applied in conducting Cell Site Analysis.


Who is this course for?

This course is designed for anyone in the criminal justice system who conducts investigations including:

• Senior Investigating Officers

• Detectives

• Officers in charge of investigations

• Police Constables

This course can also be useful to barristers and analysts for learning about the basics of Cell Site Analysis and RF Surveys.


Course Aims


To provide a greater understanding of how Cell Site Analysis works.


Give clarity on what Cell Site Analysis can achieve, the benefits and limitations of using it in an investigation.


Help investigators or legal professionals understand the process and evidence produced in this area.

Example Modules

Cell Density

Call Data Records (CDR)

Cell Site Location Information

Mapping CDR

Radio Frequency Propogation Survey (RFPS) - Radio Frequency (RF) Surveys

Equipment Used

Serving & Neighbouring Cell Information

Evidential Considerations

General Packet Radio Services (GPRS)

Colocation analysis

Network issues and contingencies


For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

our Training & Events team to book your place.
Rick Yeomans Senior Cell Site Analyst Carl Osborne Head of Digital Investigation Unit

Digital Media Investigation


This one-day awareness course explores the capabilities of a Digital Media Investigator (DMI) and how they can support other departments in all lines of investigation.

Who is this Course for?

This awareness course is designed for those who wish to understand what Digital Media Investigators can offer an investigation.

This includes:

• Senior Investigating Officers

• Investigators

No technical knowledge is requred, however an element on investigation knowledge would be preferred.

Complimentary Courses

• Open Source & Social Media Intelligence (OSINT & SOCMINT)

• Digital Forensic Crime Scenes



Course Aims


To provide an overview and explanation around the role of a Digital Media Investigator (DMI)


How a DMI can improve the investigation and critical timings around evidential data loss

3. Provides an overview of digital investigative strategies and how this can lead to traditional investigative enquiries

Example Modules

What is a DMI

The Role of a DMI

Crime Scene Attendance

Wi-Fi Investigations

Open Source & Social Media Intelligence

Digital Crime Scene

Internet of Things (IOT)

Communications data in investigations

The Digital Footprint

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Carl Osborne Head of Digital Investigation Unit

Open-Source & Social Media Intelligence (OSINT & SOCMINT)


This two-day introduction to Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) course provides fundamental awareness of how to conduct an OSINT investigation and the risks involved and measures of protection required.

Our course instructors will teach and inform delegates about OSINT investigations using their vast experience and extensive knowledge in the subject field.


Who is this course for?

The course is designed for anyone conducting open source and social media intelligence investigations including:

• Investigators


• Researchers

•HR & Vetting Operatives

This course requires little technical knowledge, but they must have some basic skills with MS office or similar products.


Course Aims


To provide the delegates the fundamental knowledge on how to conduct online investigations.


Allow the delegates to understand the risks in conducting the investigation and how to protect themselves.


To be able to present their findings and produce technical reports in a simplistic manner.

Example Modules

What is Open Source & Social Media Intelligence?

OSINT Infrastructure

Key legislation to consider when Conducting Research Challenges Conducting UK OSINT Investigations Research Techniques (manual & automated)

Software Requirements

Evidential Capture

Documentation and Reporting

Contact our Training & Events team to book your place.

For more information including course costs, please get in touch:

Carl Osborne Head of Digital Investigation Unit Hayley Marron Digital Investigator

The new Proficiency Testing service from

Alecto Forensics

Bespoke丨Fast丨Cost e ective

Alecto Forensics has refreshed its Proficiency Testing services so you only choose and pay for the tests you need. Giving you rapid access to first-rate, independent Proficiency Testing carried out by highly experienced professionals. So your police force can quickly and cost-e ectively add confidence in the inspection bodies conduct and reports on examination at crime scenes.

Proficiency Testing designed by you

Choose what you need and when you need it with our end-to-end Proficiency Testing service.

Step 1

Select one to three evidence types you need to be tested on

• Fingerprints - lifting or 1:1

• DNA - blood, saliva or cellular

• Footwear - lifting, 1:1 or casting

• Packaging recovered property

• Photography - scene or low light

• Tool and tyre marks - casting or 1:1

• Trace evidence - paint, glass, fibres or soil

For each evidence type, you can choose whether to include Pre-Proficiency Testing which covers:

• Security, exhibits, facilities and IT

• Quality Management System

• Equipment and consumables

• Vehicle organisation and maintenance

• Scene attendance and duties

• Post-deployment, clean down and decontamination

Step 2

Select any additional testing services

• Footwear comparison

• Fingerprint comparison

• DNA evidence testing

Step 3

Take your in-person proficiency test

We set up and carry out the Proficiency Test(s) at your scene house or our site near Swindon. Our experts carefully watch each individual as they record and collect the evidence.

Step 4

Review your summary and interforce comparison report

Whether you choose one, two or three evidence types for testing, you'll receive a free summary report within 24 hours of completing the Proficiency Test. You will also receive an anonymised interforce comparison report, which is sent out at regular intervals.

Step 5

Choose additional feedback if needed

If your results aren't as strong as you'd like, you can commission a full report to explore them in more detail. Or ask us for a one-hour, verbal feedback session to explore a specific area.

Why Alecto Forensics?

To comply with ISO/IEC 17020, police forces must undertake Proficiency Testing with an organisation that's competent, impartial and consistent. Work with Alecto Forensics and you'll meet all three of these criteria.

A leader in the forensic evidence sector

As forensic evidence experts, we train police and CSIs from level one up to Crime Scene Management. All our Proficiency Tests are validated by our forensic experts to ensure high calibre testing.

A neutral party with no vested interest

Our team is fully independent from your police force, ensuring testing is unbiased. Giving you confidence that your results are accurate. And that the evidence your police force gathers is more likely to support prosecutions and stand up in court.

A provider of consistent, value-adding processes

Designed by our expert team, all our Proficiency Testers follow the same high-quality practices and apply the same standards. Ensuring dependable results that can be compared anonymously with other police forces so you can see where your force ranks.

Before moving to Alecto Forensics, John spent over three decades working in law enforcement, mainly with Scenes of Crime. Having managed major crime scenes and co-ordinated the police's forensic response to major crime, John brings significant real-world experience to his role at Alecto Forensics where he leads on the design of our modular testing service.

Service-enhancing feedback

Having tutored and mentored many CSIs over the course of her 21-year career, Lisa brings extensive Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) knowledge to her role. This enables her to design realistic Proficiency Tests which she then assesses and reports on. Giving participants the authentic scenarios and feedback needed to sharpen their skills.

Flexible select-what-you-need testing

"Alecto Forensic's reports have helped us shape our framework and achieve the required standards. The reports have helped us get our team on board with the introduction of new procedures, checks and records. They've also given our CSIs enormous confidence and helped us build a happy team."

Dyfed Powys Police

"We like the flexibility of Alecto Forensics' modular approach and the ability for our Forensic Investigators to complete the testing o site in a quality environment. The reports we receive have helped us improve our processes and provided external recognition of our Forensic Investigators' performance."

Anonymous police force

Get your quote
in touch for a bespoke Proficiency Test quote or to find out more about our services. +44 (0) 1235 426030
John Sharpley Proficiency Testing Lead Lisa Warwick Proficiency Tester & Trainer
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