Studio Fire: final journal

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Studio 4 fire: journal

Continuous form to achieve incontinuous view Zhenghong Pan (Forest) 380089 Tutor: Mikel Roman

Co ntent Site Analysis


Neon Sign Design


Ciculation Test




Lecture Notes


Mini Golf Design


Building Design:


Form Development Plan Development Skin Development Mimic Part of the Design

22 26 36 40

Final Diagrams


FInal Photos


FInal Poster

50 2


Site Analysis

Final Site Plan



Neon Sign



Neon Sign Zhenghong Pan (Forest) 380089

Concept of Neon Sign Design:

Logo of Benz

Concept Brief:

Day View

Logo of Mercedes

After reconsidering the development of the logo of Mercedes Benz and the history of Barlow. The combination of both text and logo seems to be more effective. The modern car shape graph represents the spirit of future cars ------fast and elegant. The wheel shape symbol is generally the twisted version of classic Mercedes symbol. it represents the motion of moving forwards even after experiencing difficulties on the way. The text writen is demonstrating a sense of brand new version of Mercedes Cars sold by Barlow.

Neon Sign Proposal

Night View Neon Sign Night View Proposal

Logo of Mercedes Benz





6. 3.

Color Representings


1. Blue: Oceania, elegant; 2. Black: classic; 3. Yellow: warm, modern;

4. Red: Passion, fast, motion; 5. Cyan: fashion, athestic; 7. White and green: pure, sustainable;



Circulation Test

Here are 9 tests of different circulation types in this page and after plenty of analysis and comparison. The composite system with ramp, lifts and spiral staircases are applied to make the place more interesting and more efficient than the old system. 10


Finally, the circulation system gonna consist of 2 major parts. One is the spiral up circulation ramp for cars and people. The onter one is the direct transition systems such as elevators and spiral staircase. The outline of the two system also symbolized the two main concept streams. The spiral line represents the tough spiral getting up way that Barlow has been through as a business man. The horizontal lines on each level illustrates the breakthroughs in both Barlow's business and Benz Cars's history. Therefore, the word "Breakthroughs" turned out to be my conclusion towards the concept of my design.





Lecture Notes 16


Mini Golf Design 18


Mini Golf Design Zhenghong Pan (Forest) 380089

Concept Diagram The electronic circuit gave me the essential concept of my mini golf hazard design. It not only provides a perfect path for golf play but also can be well combined with the concept of whole building design. Those outlines emphasize the beauty of advanced technology which contributes a lot to the future car design. Additionally, many techniques gonna appear in the small course. After combining with the other 8 holes, the whole floor for mini golf play will represent a final outline of an eletronic panel which fitted in my future car shape building.

Night Perspective View


The end part


Most difficult curve path for challengers

Spiral Trail for the drop of ball to the final hole.

Path seletion box works like CPU in this case

Normal metal tracks also form the logo of my neon sign.

Two starting place for two players to compete with each other

Alternative Lighting

A mini pump is required here to lift balls up


Final hole

Daylight Perspective


Night Plan

Form Development The Form development is the most interesting part of the this design. Lots of elements should be taken into consideration. Such as the view for people both inside and outside, the free circulation system for walking people and meanwhile the form should be suitable for either the initial concept or the construction requirements.



As the general form of my building gonna meet the requirement of those design intents on the left side diagram, several types of future car shape have given me many asethic attractor curves so that I can loft in the future digital model. As shown on the left is the Biome 2012 Mercedes-Benz Concept Car. many elements from it can be borrowed in my building design in order to reflect my design intents.

On the right hand side is another brand of future car shape. As far as we can see, these future car shapes share something in common but also vary in different fields. The aerodynamic form with aesthetic curves seem presenting my design concepts really well, so those curves gonna be extracted from their plan and applied in my digital plan for Rhino to loft. 24


Plan Development

The Ground Floor is the most significant level in my design. Not only because the main function area car showroom is located on this floor, but also the main circulation system should be proved to work. After the remind of tutor, the number 8 staircase is changed to be the fire escape staircase. However, the lack of concerns towards the fire escape system still brought many drawbacks which need to be improved later. The atrium should be presented well under this plan. Nevetheless, the lack of a final render for this fascinating part became a pity of my work. Number 11 and 12 as backup toilets initially changed into staff lockerroom so that they won't need to get up to the top floor in every morning.



After the remind of Guest tutor in midterm presentation, the modification of the test drive floor (1st Flr) is also necessary to mention. As shown in the diagram on the left hand side, peope from the showroom on Ground Floor are easy to access the most of test cars on first floor. In the meantime, they are easy to drive out to both Victoria St. and Latrobe St. The void on this floor not only enhance the natural light for the car showroom but also makes clients on testing floor to choose cars easily by looking down to the showroom



As one of the most important functional area, 5 floors of car park (with one service centre on 2nd floor) should be carefully design to make it work effectively and also meet the initial design intents. As shown on the diagram on the right handside, the circulation is carefully designed to make enough space for cars to pass through, parking and backing. In order to meet the requirement of car park space and the aesthetic form of the building, floor differences are increased to 3.5m to make the double floor car shelves (shown above) work. In this way, 288 cars can be parked on these 5 floors excluding the test driving level car parking space.



As the floor are is absolutely enough for the 9 holes mini golf hazards, two toilets can be made on this floor so it would be convenient for both staff and visitors of this floor. It's also worth to mention that the glass floor with Barlow Benz neon sign is also located on the plan. So when people from the Atrium looking up, the big sign of the building can impress them when sun light get through from the top. Above the big sign on the glass floor is intended to install a kinetic sculpture made of golf balls, which would greatly fascinate the visitors for this floor.



The main goal of the apartment floor can be the clearance of public and private area. Barlow's apartment is defintely separated from Staff showerroom and lunchroom. On the north part of this floor, the huge area is designed as the living room for Barlow so he won't miss the best view of this building to overlook the whole northern part of Melbourne.



Skin Development 36


Tile panel Zaha Used in Chanel Mobile Art Centre

The Final Skin of my building is mainly divided by 3 parts as explained on the last page. To achieve such a skin in real life construction, the steeal frame interior structure is highly reommended for this building just like what Zaha Hardid did in Channel Mobile Art Centre. Those white solid part representing element earth in my outer skin can mainly be constructed like the Art Centre.



Mimic Part of the design 40


West Elevation

South Elevation

West Section

South Section As can seen from the elevation on the left hand side, the mimic of parts of car in my building is acceptable and kind of meet the design intents. Especially the bumper and front light part. Interms of the west elevation, the outline of the building is also satisfying the aesthetic curves I extracted from the Benz future car shape.



Final Diagrams



Final Photos





Antoine Picon (2010), ‘Digital Culture in Architecture: DIAGRAMMING COMPLEXITY’ Echelman J (2011), ‘1.26: Denver Art Museum’ , accessed on 10th April 2012, from Kolarevic (2003), ‘Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing’, New York; London: Spon Press, 2003 New Scientist, ‘Olympic Sculpture’, accessed on 14th April 2012, from http:// Neil Leach (2009), ‘Digital Morphogenesis’, Architectural Design Patrik Schumacher (2009), ‘Parametricism’, Architectural Design Yehuda E. Kalay (2004), ‘Architecture’s New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design’, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press



Barlow's Apartment Mini Golf Level Car Park Service centre Test Drive Level Car Showroom

Visitors In Central Sair Case Cars In Cars Out

Circulation & Function

1. FInal Render Perspective view 2. View from Latrobe St. 3. View from Victoria St. 4. View from Russell St. 5. Atrium and Reception 6. Car Park (test drive floor) 7. Showroom 8. Golf floor 9. Apartment (living room)

1 2


5 6

4 9






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