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FORMA Design Partners - Commericial Projects






MEMORABLE. HARMONIOUS. UNEXPECTED.Every landscape architecture firm will tell you they offer solutions, they provide sustainable design, theyprovide a sense of place. While it’s fair to say we do the same, it’s also true that we take it one stepfurther. We look for the less obvious solution, the one that surprises, delights and draws every personwho enters the space into an experience that touches all senses.

It’s about design that interacts with the natural environment, the architecture, and the way in which lightplays across the land. It’s vistas, small or large, at every turn, and a seamless merging of interior andexterior elements.

At Forma Design Partners, there is no signature style, only a deep respect for our clients, their projects,and the culture, climate and resources of their site. We are committed to providing artistic, creativeoutdoor spaces that linger in the minds of visitors long after they’ve left.


LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE We offer a wide range of design services for a variety of project types, from small-scale intimate gardens to major site development projects. Our services include concept and schematic design through construction documents and construction observation.

HOSPITALITY DESIGN Our team specializes in designing a variety of hospitality environments, from boutique hotels to large scale destination properties. We place a strong emphasis on the communication of ideas in order to establish a collaborative design process and build a productive relationship with the project team.

RESORT MASTER PLANNING Our master planning services will examine multiple land use opportunities for resort properties in a variety of destinations to help the Client best understand the site’s full potential.

SITE PLANNING We engage with the design team at the start of a project to assist in siting the buildings and amenities. We provide a wide variety of environmental assessments to understand how to best utilize the site and minimize the impact of the development on its natural features and systems.

RENOVATION & RESTORATION Our team is experienced in the renovation and restoration of resort and hotel properties that often coincides with new ownership or the repositioning of an existing property. We can provide landscape assessments and phasing plans to assist the client in understanding the level of investment that will work within their capital budget.

DESIGN CHARRETTE The design charrette is a high-intensity collaborative process set within the context of the site, where conceptual ideas are rapidly exchanged by the project team with the goal of establishing a shared vision for the project.

PROJECT VISIONING Our team will assist the client in creating visual material that captures the essence of the project for the purpose of presenting their vision to stake holders, potential investors, or prospective buyers.




Design and construction services for a transit oriented commercialredevelopment located in the Culver City, California. The conceptdesign of the exterior is loosely based and derived from the notionof ‘perfectly imperfect’ and the idea of randomly arranged andmismatched elements working in harmony. In reality we wantedto create a place familiar to all. Mismatched furnishings, over sizedelements, and a comfortable setting that is both classic in styling andpleasing to the senses.Using elements commonly perceived as partof the typical landscape, and utilize them in perhaps a different waygiving the end user a different experience at every turn. Visual cluesfrom the landscape, site furnishings, and paving help guide site visitorsinto and around the various individual spaces and retail locations, whilerespecting both the architecture and the site context, including therecently finished Light Rail line.

OWNER/CLIENT The Runyon Group

ARCHITECT Abramson Teiger Architects

SCOPE Adaptive Reuse Design Low-Water Native Planting Decorative Concrete Bold Paving Patterns Rooftop Dining Garden

SERVICES Entitlements Landscape Architecture Irrigation Design Construction Administration

+ Nathan Starck completed thisproject as Partner at Artifex10.




Design and construction services for a 2 acre Lumber Yardredevelopment located in the heart of Malibu shopping district.Preserving the historical significance and spirit of the site, the designteam resurrected the sites original character by using materials onceproduced at the Malibu Lumber Yard in a modern interpretation. Usinga green sustainable overlay to the design the team replaced 75% of thesites impervious surface with pervious material such as decomposedgranite, and reclaimed wood decking. In addition to softening thisonce harsh site, verticle gardens (living walls) and Sky Gardens (roofgardens) were strategically incorporated to mitigate the effects of heaton materials, control energy, harvest precipitation, and promote greensolutions to the environment.

Awards & Honors: + ASLA California Merit Award, 2010,ASLA Colorado Merit Award, 2008, + Selected as Case Stuty for The Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES)


SCOPE 2 Acres Outdoor Retail Environment Aquarium Design Pervious Paving Bio-Swales Drainage Recycled Wood (Reuse) 75% Decrease of Impervious Surface

SERVICES Masterplanning Entitlements Landscape Architecture Construction Administration

+ Nathan Starck completed this project as Partner at VCDG.

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