Medics rugby 2009 web

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Programme £2

3 November 2009

Contents Welcome Surgeon Commander Anthony Lambert RN ...................................................................


Brigade Commander Brigadier Gordon Messenger DSO OBE ........................................................


Foreward Ross Kemp, Patron Help for Heroes .................................................................................


Herrick 9 Roll of Honour ........................................................................................................................


Frontline Soldier Lance Corporal Colin Spooner MC ....................................................................... 13 Team Medic Marine Dan Casey ........................................................................................................... 14 Medical Assistant Corporal Rich Hull .................................................................................................. 16 Medical Emergency Response Team Surgeon Captain Andy Burgess ........................................... 18 Camp Bastion Hospital Surgeon Commander Steve Bree ............................................................... 20 Royal Marines Squad ............................................................................................................................. 23 Medics Rugby Challenge ....................................................................................................................... 24 Peninsula Medical School Squad ......................................................................................................... 25 Devonport Services Under 16 Squad ................................................................................................... 26 The Youth Match ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Ivybridge Under 16 Squad ..................................................................................................................... 28 Critical Care Air Support Team Wing Commander Robin Berry ...................................................... 30 Royal Centre of Defence Medicine Group Captain Ian Sargeant ..................................................... 31 Headley Court Lieutenant Colonel Jon Houghton ............................................................................. 32 The Life of a Sniper Marine Andrew Grant .......................................................................................... 33 A Parent’s Perspective Andy Grant ..................................................................................................... 34 A Girlfriend’s perspective Steph Kennedy .......................................................................................... 36 The Military Cross ................................................................................................................................... 38 Supported Charities ............................................................................................................................... 39 Major Sponsors ....................................................................................................................................... 42 Sponsors .................................................................................................................................................. 43 Medics Rugby Challenge Supporters ................................................................................................... 45


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Welcome! It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome you to the Medics Rugby Challenge; sponsored by Watercooled, hosted by Plymouth Albion RFC and supported by all of you! We are here to support those Servicemen and Servicewomen injured in conflict. The care of our service personnel injured on operational deployments involves the ‘ultimate team’; self or buddy-buddy at the point of wounding, the Team Medics, Medical Assistants, the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT), the Hospital at Camp Bastion, Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST), Selly Oak Hospital, Headley Court and then the individual’s Unit, Family and Friends. Some members of that team have put their thoughts and experiences on paper and that is ‘The Story’ that runs through this programme.

and friends, which helps them come to terms with all that has happened. Beyond this, they must explore other options now available to them. Help for Heroes and the other charities enable a rugby player to experience sailing or skiing, a boxer to try their hand at archery or climbing, a mountaineer to try athletics. Often these are sports and challenges that before their injury they may never have even considered. Your support for them and their families is so important. Before I close I must thank all those who have helped make this event the success that I hope it will be. Please visit the website and support those who have supported it. In particular, I must say a huge ‘thank you’ to Ana and my four children, as I am very aware that my last deployment has continued long after I returned from Afghanistan.

Help for Heroes provides practical direct support to those wounded in the line of duty. There is also support from a number of other charities and initiatives, including SSAFA, Combat Stress, BLESMA, Op Fortitude, RM Benevolent Fund and The Royal British Legion, which are dedicated to the wellbeing of our injured. When our Servicemen and Servicewomen deploy, they do so at the peak of physical fitness - a level of fitness that many of us can only dream of. In an instant, all that can change and they may be left with severe and disabling injuries. We talk of their ‘return to normality’ but they must first reset their lives. The normality they return to may be so very different to that they had before the incident that so changed their lives. We must help them adapt to their new life. In the short term it is ‘the system’ that is in place, with the love and dedication of their families

Surgeon Commander Anthony Lambert MSc MS FRCS (Gen Surg) Royal Navy Event Organiser


Brigade Commander Herrick 9 It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Plymouth Albion RFC, for what promises to be a showcase game of rugby and a superb evening of fun and fund-raising. As the Commander of Task Force Helmand on the most recent 3 Commando Brigade deployment to Southern Afghanistan, I am extremely grateful for the drive and determination of all those that have made this event happen, particularly Surgeon Commander Anthony Lambert, whose brainchild this is. The cause could hardly be more worthwhile. The casualty rate on our tour was a sobering reminder of the daily dangers faced by our men and women on the front line, and the experience of our successors in Helmand has been no less difficult. The sad consequence of such operations is our growing number of wounded and bereaved, each of whom deserve our utmost support as they overcome enormous challenges and come to terms with a life very different to that they envisaged only a few months ago.

trying of circumstances, the skill, bravery and dedication of our medical personnel have directly saved the lives and limbs of our people. As we meet to raise money to support our injured, I pay tribute to such professionalism and courage. Lastly, I would like to express my thanks to Scott Quinnell, Will Greenwood, Emma Pierson and Wayne Barnes for donating their time and energy to such a worthwhile cause and to the various match sponsors for their commitment and generous support. Such selflessness is very much appreciated by us all, not least by our wounded colleagues who will benefit directly from tonight’s fund-raising.

The work of Help for Heroes, and similar Service charities, is a vital component of such support and your contributions, large or small, will go directly towards improving the lives of these men and women who themselves gave so much. The medical theme provided by this evening’s competition is entirely fitting. The superb support provided in theatre and at home by the medical services is a major contributor to campaign progress and to the maintenance of morale in the front line. On countless occasions, in the most


Brigadier Gordon Messenger DSO OBE

On the Ground


Foreword by Ross Kemp In my travels and deployments with the Armed Forces I am always struck by a Service ethos vested in those qualities of leadership, courage, selflessness and cheerfulness. Wherever I have been, whether on Operations in Afghanistan or searching for pirates in the Somali Basin, these qualities are the hallmark of your organisations and for many within the UK, are those elements vital to the true definition of heroism.

As a Patron I am enormously proud of this privileged viewpoint from which I frequently witness good people going to the most extraordinary lengths to make their contribution. I am also delighted to have been asked to write the foreword to such a momentous occasion as today’s match. Not so very long ago I would have been asking for a team shirt with my number on the back.

Help for Heroes raises money to support members of the Armed Forces who have been wounded in the service of their country. We ask our supporters simply to “do their bit” to show these extraordinary young men and women that they are cared for by all of us. Over a million people have responded to date and millions of pounds have been raised to buy much needed services that will aid their recovery, but we need more! So far we have allocated almost all of the money we have raised in order to fund direct projects and support other service charities.


Good luck to all and may the best team win. Ross Kemp

Why the Button Cup? As the major sponsor of the Medics Rugby Challenge and firm supporters of the Help for Heroes charity, Watercooled is proud to present the BUTTON CUP for this event. The cup is dedicated to a passionate rugby man, Malcolm Button, who worked for our group but sadly died this summer after a short, but painful, illness. Malcolm, a proud Scott, played rugby from his early years in Glasgow and then, until his mid fifties, in London. His proudest moment was when he turned out for the same London Scottish team as his son. He would have loved to be here today and by presenting this cup in his memory, he is.

Peter Adams


HERRICK 9: September 2008 – April 2009


HERRICK 9: Roll of Honour




42 Commando Royal Marines




42 Commando Royal Marines




Household Cavalry Regiment




2nd Batt The Royal Gurkha Rifles

Lance Corporal

Neil David


United Kingdom Landing Force Command Support Group RM


Robert Joseph


United Kingdom Landing Force Command Support Group RM

Colour Sergeant



2nd Batt The Royal Gurkha Rifles




45 Commando Royal Marines




42 Commando Royal Marines




42 Commando Royal Marines


Damian Jonathan


Commando Logistic Regt


John Henry


45 Commando Royal Marines


HERRICK 9: Roll of Honour




45 Commando Royal Marines

Lance Corporal

Steven Jamie


45 Commando Royal Marines


Aaron Leslie


29 Command Regiment Royal Artillery


Stuart Winston


1st Battalion The Rifles


Robert Christopher


Commando Logistic Regt

Lance Corporal



42 Commando Royal Marines




45 Commando Royal Marines




6th Battalion The Rifles




United Kingdom Landing Force Command Support Group RM


Tom Herbert John


29 Command Regiment Royal Artillery




45 Commando Royal Marines

Acting Corporal



1st Battalion The Rifles




1st Battalion The Rifles


HERRICK 9: Roll of Honour


Darren James


45 Commando Royal Marines

Lance Corporal

Stephen Michael


1st Battalion The Rifles




45 Commando Royal Marines




1st Battalion The Rifles

Lance Corporal



1st Battalion The Rifles




1st Battalion The Rifles

Lance Corporal



2nd Battalion Royal Welsh


Dean Thomas


Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards




Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards




Armoured Support Group Royal Marines

Lance Corporal

Robert Martin


Armoured Support Group Royal Marines


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Frontline The Frontline Soldier Soldier On the 15th of August 2008 my company deployed to Helmand Province with the Second Battalion, the Princess of Wales Royal Regiment. We took over from 2300 US Marines. My platoon was the most southern platoon in Helmand. Our job was to hold the ground already under coalition control and stop the enemy forces from going north. My job as section commander was to lead my section on a variety of patrols to disrupt any enemy movements. We all called ourselves names from Top Gun and I was Iceman! For the first two months things were very quiet but then one night we got an early wake up call of heavy small arms and rocked propelled grenade (RPG) fire onto our patrol base (PB). From that morning, we were sure the fight had begun. Every day we were in contact with the enemy. As a section commander it was my job to control my men, keep them alive and win the fire fights on a daily basis. No matter what happened, my men came first - until the 20th October. Early that morning my section, with a few attachments including the platoon commander, went out on a routine patrol. We met up with another call sign 3 km away from our PB and very soon after we were engaged in another fire fight. We were out numbered by the Taliban and I remember saying to my

platoon commander ‘We need to get out of here soon!’ We were pinned down and could not move. The Boss said ‘It’s your fight. Do what you can while I get a fire mission called in’. During the fight, I was running across the compound when the Taliban started to put down indirect fire (IDF). An 82 mm mortar landed one meter behind me. In that split second I had gone from being a section commander to a casualty! Even with multiple fragmentation wounds to my legs, backside and bits I just got up and carried on screaming orders. Then one of my men ran out and pulled me to safety. I still thought I was in control of the fire fight, and did so for a long time, but looking back it was clear that my men were looking after me, not me looking after them. When I was on the MERT and even in hospital, I can remember saying ‘Where is my section? Get me back to them now!’ It was only when I met my surgeon who said to me ‘Iceman – you’re in hospital now. All your section are safe back in their PB’ that I felt able to calm down and think about what had happened to me. Lance Corporal Colin Spooner


The Team Medic During Herrick 9 I was serving with the Brigade Reconnaissance Force as a Recce Operator. During my OP TAG (pre-deployment) training I received extra training as a Team Medic. With this limited knowledge, I found I was to act as first ‘contact’ between any casualty and the trained Medical Assistance. Let me tell you a little bit about what I was taught on OP TAG. First thing when dealing with a casualty is ‘CUF’ (care under fire). We have to make sure we are doing our primary task which is to defeat the enemy and gain control of the situation. After this we are taught to triage. This is working out what casualties we have and what order to treat them in. There are simple stages to follow as to who comes first. Then, once we have a casualty, you break down into simple stages again. This is easily remembered as CABCDE (catastrophic haemorrhage, airway, breathing, circulation, disability, environment). This will prioritise lifethreatening injuries that without fast treatment will mean death. From there I was taught how to keep the casualty stable and then how to handover to more experienced medics. All the drills taught are simple and key to keeping a casualty alive on the battlefield. It was in November when we set out on patrol in our jackals (road vehicles), our 2nd or 3rd time on the ground. As we were based out of Camp


Bastion, we had a lot of ground to cover to our different OPS BOXES (working areas). We all knew that the major threat to us was from the Taliban laying IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). This was found on a previous patrol during which we went over a legacy mine! Earlier in the day we had been told that that evening we were to move south through the western desert. Late in the afternoon, at roughly 1600, our lead vehicle was caught in a massive explosion. ‘STOP! STOP! STOP!’ came over the net (radio). The explosion was huge! It was like time just froze for a moment. As the black cloud started to clear I could already see other members of the troop clearing a safe route to the scene. I was in the 4th jackal and heard the scream for ‘MEDIC!’. We were spread out over about 800m so the Medic had to clear from further back. I was closer so I grabbed a stretcher and a first aid kit and made my way forward. Straight away I could see the crew of the 2nd jackal dragging people out of the lead vehicle as it was burning. I could see that we needed to get the lads back a safe distance to avoid the burning jackal as the ammo onboard was starting to cook off (explode). As I got closer, I could see the lads had already started to triage the four casualties; two were dead, one was dying (T1), one seemed OK-ish. With this in mind I

The Team Medic went to the T1 casualty (in need of immediate attention). I could see straight away that there was no major haemorrhaging, so I went onto my next check off. The airway was obstructed with blood and other bits and the tongue was also on the verge of been swallowed. I cleared the blood up, as best as possible, and dug in with some forceps to remove the tongue from the back of the throat. With that in mind I put on a jaw thrust to maintain the airway along with an OPA (oro-pharyngeal airway). To free myself up to be able to carry on with things, I had someone maintain the jaw thrust. Then I went into checking the breathing and a little more in depth on the chest. His breathing was below normal so out came the oxygen to help with that problem. A quick cursory look told me that there were no obvious signs of problems with the rest of the torso. I took down the breathing rate in my notepad, ready for information to hand on. Then came checking the circulation. I took the pulse and jotted that down on my pad. From there came a full check of the body. Looking into the pupils there was an obvious sign of head injury with each being a different size and the fact that part of his skull was flat. From there on I conducted a secondary survey and then went into the process of observation.

I can’t really remember how long I was maintaining the casualty but I do remember that on numerous occasions of clearing out the blood from the airway I found it harder each time. As the call came that the MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) was inbound, we made our way over to the landing site. I prepared to deliver my MIST report, our way of telling others what had happened, what had been done and how the casualty had responded. As the dust built up on landing we just sheltered the casualties ready for hand over to the MERT team. We ran straight on with the stretchers and handed over the MIST reports. As the helicopter took off, it still seemed a little surreal as to what had just happened. One minute you’re talking to the lads and then the next they could be dead or seriously injured. I noticed in dealing with them that I just switched into a kind of drill mode. It was only a few days later that I realised it was all real. Marine Dan Casey Team Medic


The Medical Assistant Two weeks before we deployed to Afghanistan with BRF (Brigade Reconnaissance Force) I was traveling down the M5 on my way home when, two vehicles in front of mine, a motorbike was hit by another vehicle and crashed into the middle barrier. Everybody seemed too stunned to do anything, so I got out and took control of the scene, asking people to phone the emergency services, turn the motorbike engine off and slow traffic down, whilst sorting out the casualty. After the incident I remember thinking that this was my first casualty since passing out as a Medical Assistant and I dealt with it correctly. I was ready to deploy. I also remember feeling sorry for the chap on the bike, but also sort of detached from him. I had never shared a beer with him, or even ever seen him before. He was just some bloke in the wrong place at the wrong time. We arrived at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan in late September and got straight to work on the package everybody has to go through before deploying on the ground. Once the two day package was complete we started our training with the Army’s Pathfinders, who we were taking over from. After almost a year and half of medical and pre-deployment training I was deployed


as the primary Medic for 1 Troop, Brigade Reconnaissance Force. On one patrol, two jackal vehicles had already driven over the mine that blew up the troop commander’s vehicle, one in front of me. At first I just watched the massive dust cloud not really understanding what had happened, as we were traveling through a benign part of the desert. I quickly snapped out of my trance, grabbed my medical kit and ran to the scene. The two top gunners were still in one piece and the driver was walking around in a daze, but at least he was walking - although not such a good idea in a mine field! The troop commander, however, was lying surrounded in wreckage and looking pretty worse for wear. Having done my primary and secondary surveys, the only injuries he had sustained were a badly fractured ankle and a few bruises. The jackal vehicle had done its job. On another patrol a couple of weeks later, the same thing happened. I was in about the sixth vehicle back and it was the front call sign that had driven over the IED. This time I jumped straight down, grabbed my kit and started running towards the scene. At this stage I remember thinking ‘here we go again’ and how, just like the last one,

The Medical Assistant everybody would be in one piece with just minor injuries. It wasn’t until I reached the scene that it really hit home. The vehicle was upside down and burnning. There was debris everywhere, making it very difficult to detect any other little surprises that were hidden beneath us. There were four people in the lead vehicle and at this point, one was still trapped under the wreckage with the other three lying scattered around the vehicle. In a situation like this, time is of the essence, so while I am dealing with the casualties other people are securing the scene and sending for the MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team), which would take 30 - 40 minutes to arrive on scene. After assessing the situation, I went over to my first casualty who was trapped in the vehicle. I looked straight into the eyes of one of my mates. Then it hit me - he’s dead! I hadn’t even checked him but I could tell. I dragged him clear and gave him a quick look over. I had to leave him as there were three others needing my help. The second casualty, also a mate I had spent the last year and a half of training with, was also dead. The third and fourth casualties, both T1 (life threatening injuries) needed my full attention. Not just mine but also that of the other two team

medics, who had had limited training trying to keep casualties alive. Having stabilized the two seriously ill casualties and carried them to the HLS (helicopter landing site) it wasn’t long before the MERT landed and the doctor came running down the ramp. I gave my MIST handover (which stands for Mechanism of injury, Injuries sustained, Symptoms and Treatment given) while the casualties and the dead were loaded onto the helicopter. Now it was the turn of the MERT crew to get them back to Bastion. Go back to the motorbike incident and that feeling of being detached from the casualty. It certainly was not the same this time. You know it is your mates lying there but you still have to make the same decisions and leave them to move on to the next casualty. They are not easy decisions to make but are ones that have to be made so you can concentrate your efforts on the ones that can be saved. Corporal Rich Hull Royal Marines, Medical Assistant


Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) ‘MERT to the MERT Room!’ …With these words punched out over the loudspeakers of the UK Med Group Hospital at Camp Bastion, members of the MERT rush to collect kit and take the dusty blue-light drive to the flight line where the armed Chinook helicopter is already starting up The helicopter borne MERT was introduced to improve outcome in severe trauma by taking high quality pre-hospital care to the front line. It consists of a senior RAF flight nurse and up to two paramedics, enhanced with a pre-hospital trained doctor – normally a senior anaesthetist or emergency department specialist. The MERT joins members of the aircrew, bomb disposal team and the Quick Reaction Force (QRF), all of whom embark for the task, before being briefed on casualty numbers, types and priorities of injuries. In addition and importantly, the local threats and flying conditions are briefed by the Operations Team.


Take off follows shortly after donning body armour, helmet and, at night, warm clothing. The Chinook skims low over the sands around Bastion, weaving about to reduce risk of attack, before climbing to transit height. The time to pick-up varies depending on the distance to be covered. During the flight, members of the team busy themselves running through intravenous drips and drawing up painkilling, anaesthetic and emergency drugs. It is reassuring to see the powerful Apache attack helicopter ahead acting as the escort; invaluable when the pick up is from a high threat area. A final check of equipment and an update on the state of the casualties and we all strap ourselves into our seats as the Chinook drops rapidly, weaving and manoeuvring under expert pilot control, to very low level as it fast approaches the helicopter landing site, now indicated by coloured smoke. Tension mounts as touchdown approaches, particularly at night when the automatic release of decoy flares suddenly lights up the scene, that until then has been pitch black.

Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) On the ground, dust is everywhere. Time is of the essence as the patient(s) may be critical and the helicopter is a big and valuable target for the Taliban. The QRF are first off the ramp to secure the landing site. Then the paramedic gets the MIST handovers of the patients, who are rapidly loaded on board. Soon the MERT is airbourne again and the sterling work started by ground medics continues. Injuries can be anything from very severe to relatively minor. UK Servicemen and women, NATO and Afghan Forces, civilian Afghans of all ages and the Taliban may be the casualties. The maximum number picked up in one lift during Herrick 9 was nine civilians following a suicide bombing. Triage determines the treatment priorities. The most serious injuries receive lifesaving interventions in the cramped, dusty and noisy atmosphere of the Chinook whilst still in flight. All the seriously injured receive oxygen, powerful analgesics (painkillers) and intravenous fluids. Those

most critically injured may require other interventions, blood transfusion, resuscitation or placement on a ventilator prior to landing in Camp Bastion. Stabilising the most serious patients is the main aim during the rapid flight to Bastion. Once on the ground in Bastion the casualties are transferred, in order of clinical priority, the short distance from the Chinook to the Emergency Dept by ambulance. A full handover is given to the receiving team. After a quick review of the patients that have just been delivered, the drugs and equipment are replenished as quickly as possible as retasking could occur at any moment.

Andy Burgess Surgeon Captain, Royal Navy Consultant Anaesthetist


Camp Bastion Hospital Before the casualties arrive at the Hospital in Camp Bastion, the staff muster in the Emergency Department to be allocated to the trauma bays. Each trauma team will comprise an anaesthetist, nurses and medics. An additional doctor (surgeon or emergency medicine specialist) will carry out the initial assessments and treatments. Each trauma bay within the hospital is manned by a full trauma team and briefed up on what to expect. X-Ray staff are poised and the floor is controlled by one roving doctor whose role it is to ensure the right treatment happens to the right patient, by the right team, in the right order. Blood ‘shock packs’ are brought through to the department and all drugs and equipment are re-checked. Individual teams are totally prepared for each casualty. These teams are as experienced as it is possible to get in trauma management. In the few minutes prior to the arrival of the MERT and the casualties, there is always an air of calm and quiet anticipation. Team members prepare themselves to do the best they can, in what can often be demanding and urgent situations. The MERT team brings in the casualties, the most serious of which arrive first. Everything is totally quiet as the MERT members deliver their MIST report on each casualty. Once completed, they cut away and prepare for the next mission. Meanwhile a rapid, methodical assessment of each casualty takes place along a well rehearsed framework. At this point, the patient may be anaesthetised prior to transfer directly to the Operating Theatre or the CT scanner. Casualties can be in the operating theatre undergoing surgery and receiving


blood products within a few minutes of arriving at the hospital, a situation not encountered, and often not possible, in civilian hospitals. Numbers may vary from a single to multiple casualties. The triage of these casualties and the allocation of resources are of paramount importance. If the patient is stable and further investigation is warranted, the CT scanner is the next port of call. In these cases, within a few minutes, a whole body CT trauma series can be carried out to aid the surgical decision making. New concepts in resuscitation, borne out of recent military experience, have improved outcomes amongst our casualties. These include early use of blood products and the concept of rapid Damage Control Surgery, where the initial time spent on the operating table is restricted. The most severely injured patients are then transferred to the Intensive Care Unit and kept in an induced coma, while being prepared for transfer back to the UK. Intensive care teams will monitor the casualty’s vital signs and continue the resuscitation process, while the Royal Air Force swings into action, launching the CCAST, a mobile intensive care team.

Steve Bree Surgeon Commander, Royal Navy Consultant Anaesthetist

The Operating Theatre


The Hospital at Work


Royal Marines Squad Mne Joshua Terry 45 CDO RM Known as: Josh DOB: 01/12/89 Height: 1.85m Weight: 105kg Home: Ascot MGB Signalling

Simon Hicklin Team Manager Coach

Cpl Gareth Davies CTCRM Known as: Boxhead DOB: 14/10/79 Height: 1.68m Weight: 98kg Home: Pontypridd Surgery South West

Steve Melbourne Head Coach

Paul Clark Physio

L/Cpl Mark Owen 42 CDO RM Known as: Mongo DOB: 13/05/82 Height: 1.75m Weight: 108kg Home: Porth

Cpl Domonic O’Connor HMS Nelson Known as: Dom DOB: 19/04/74 Height: 1.94m Weight: 105kg Home: Sheffield

Capt Stuart M’Claren RMR Bristol Known as: Stu DOB: 01/03/80 Height: 1.94m Weight: 110kg Home: Bristol Enotria World Wine

Mne Emosi Tauribau 42 CDO RM Known as: Emi DOB: 05/05/84 Height: 1.70m Weight: 76kg Home: Fiji Formedia

Mne Michael Egglestone 45 CDO RM Known as: Eggy DOB: 07/08/87 Height: 1.88m Weight: 95kg Home: Macclesfield PDS Print

Cpl Gareth Evans 3 CDO BDE RM Known as: Gaz DOB: 18/03/82 Height: 1.82m Weight: 102kg Home: Slough KCI Medical

Mne John Stephens CTCRM Known as: Jonny DOB: 17/07/87 Height: 1.68m Weight: 75kg Home: Hinkley Lina Medical

Mne Robert Lloyd 42 CDO RM Known as: Lloydy DOB: 18/12/81 Height: 1.82m Weight: 91kg Home: Bulith Wells Peninsula Plastic Surgery

Mne Laisiasa Daku CDO LOG REGT RM Known as: Daks DOB: 25/06/78 Height: 1.86m Weight: 95kg Home: Fiji Atlantic Inertial Systems

Mne Scott Llewellyn CDO LOG REGT Known as: Scotty DOB: 30/09/79 Height: 1.85m Weight: 94kg Home: Abercam Medics on the Move

Mne Andrew Dowell 45 CDO RM Known as: Andy DOB: 10/01/86 Height: 1.72m Weight: 90kg Home: St Helens

Mne Aron Humpphries 45 CDO RM Known as: Taff DOB: 23/09/87 Height: 1.77m Weight: 82kg Home: Cefn Fforest

Lt Thomas Glover 45 CDO RM Known as: Tom DOB: 06/12/84 Height: 1.72m Weight: 86kg Home: Falmouth

Capt Tom Evans Jones CDO RM Known as: TEJ DOB: 01/10/80 Height: 1.70m Weight: 92kg Home: Colchester

Mne Joshua Taubale 42 CDO RM Known as: Josh DOB: 07/06/77 Height: 1.82m Weight: 109kg Home: Fuji

Mne Matthew Warwick 42 CDO RM Known as: Matt DOB: 07/12/85 Height: 1.90m Weight: 105kg Home: Ashford

Mne Veresa Valemei CDO LOG REGT RM Known as: Val DOB: 08/08/77 Height: 1.85m Weight: 90kg Home: Fiji

Mne Daniel Scott Known as: Dan/Scotty DOB: 18/10/91 Height: 1.75m Weight: 85kg Home: Stevenage

Cpl Laurance Blackburn 42 CDO RM Known as: Loz DOB: 27/07/85 Height: 1.70m Weight: 88kg Home: Portsmouth

Mne Karl Barton 45 CDO RM Known as: Bart DOB: 20/10/86 Height: 1.81m Weight: 85kg Home: Poole


Medics Rugby Challenge

Peninsula Medical School

Royal Marines 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lt Thomas Glover 45 CDO RM FULL BACK Peter Foley Mne Aron Humphries 45 CDO RM James Signy WING Mne Andrew Dowell 45 CDO RM Sam Herbert CENTRE Mne Scott Llewellyn CDO LOG REGT Dan Evans CENTRE Mne Laisiasa Daku CDO LOG REGT RM Peter Rimmer WING Mne Robert Lloyd 42 CDO RM Daniel Urriza Rodrigues FLY HALF Mne John Stephens CTCRM SCRUM HALF Robin Johnson Mne Joshua Terry 45 CDO RM Neil Garrett PROP Cpl Gareth Davies CTCRM Oliver Prescott HOOKER L/Cpl Mark Owen 42 CDO RM Daniel Weston PROP Cpl Domonic O’Connor HMS Nelson Alex Dryden LOCK Capt Stuart M’Claren RMR Bristol Daniel Higgs LOCK Mne Emosi Tauribau 42 CDO RM Emmanuel Egbase FLANKER Mne Michael Egglestone 45 CDO RM William Gallagher FLANKER Cpl Gareth Evans 3 CDO BDE RM Josh Nowak No. 8

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Capt Tom Evans Jones 42 CDO RM Mne Joshua Taubale 42 CDO RM Mne Matthew Warwick 42 CDO RM Mne Veresa Valemei CDO LOG REGT RM Mne Daniel Scott Cpl Laurence Blackburn 42 CDO RM Mne Karl Barton 45 CDO RM

Referee Wayne Barnes



Assistant Ref 1 Nigel Higginson

George Graham Declan Mac Donnell Marco Duarte Lister Metcalfe Jonathan Bird John Hudson Daire Mc Gee

Assistant Ref 2 Andy Kemp

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Match Medical Staff Dr Penny Atkinson Alison Morton Andy Massocchi

PMS Squad Neil Garrett Position: Prop DOB: 19/10/88 Height:1.80m Weight: 95kg Home: Bangor Rule Financial

Anthony Lambert President

Oliver Prescott Position: Hooker DOB: 19/04/85 Height:1.78m Weight: 82 kgs Home: Nottingham Q Medical

Daniel Higgs Position: Lock DOB: 07/5/86 Height: 1.93m Weight: 97 kg Home: Braunton Q Medical

Emmanuel Egbase Position: Flanker DOB: 12/05/87 Height: 1.70m Weight: 80kg Home: Bishop Storford

Robin Johnson Position: Scrum Half DOB: 09/01/87 Height: 1.95m Weight: 75kg Home: York Lina Medical

Daniel Urriza Rodrigues Position: Flyhalf DOB: 04/11/80 Height: 1.74 m Weight: 82 kg Home: Gran Canaria DFP Solutions

Sam Herbert Position: Centre DOB: 12/10/85 Height: 1.72m Weight: 75kg Home: Salisbury

Declan Mac Donnell Position: Back Row DOB: 19/06/83 Height: 2.00m Weight: 100kg Home: Dublin

James Signy Position: Wing DOB: 12/06/87 Height: 1.70m Weight: 82kg Home: Worthing

Oz Hunt Vice President Secretary

Daniel Weston Position: Prop DOB: 12/05/90 Height:1.88m Weight: 133kg Home: Market Harborough

Alex Dryden Position: Lock DOB: 02/05/88 Height:1.85m Weight: 97 kg Home: Andover Q Medical

William Gallagher Position: Openside flanker DOB: 10/03/81 Height: 1.80m Weight: 80kg Home: London Oggy Oggy Pasties

Josh Nowak Position: flanker DOB: 19/12/85 Height: 1.85m Weight: 95kg Home: Swansea KCI Medical

Peter Rimmer Position: Wing DOB: 05/04/89 Height: 1.83m Weight: 81kg Home: Cheltenham DFP Solutions

Dan Evans Position: Centre DOB: 07/5/86 Height: 1.93m Weight: 90kg Home: Braunton

Paul Stewart Landscapes

Peter Foley Position: Full Back DOB: 22/11/86 Height: 1.79M Weight: 83kg Home: Leighlinbridge Cattewater Habour Commission

Marco Duarte Position: Scrumhalf DOB: 28/01/86 Height: 1.77m Weight: 97 kg Home: Luanda, Angola

Lister Metcalfe Position: Back Row DOB: 10/10/80 Height: 1.75m Weight: 85kg Home: Liskeard

John Henry Erskine “Beans” Hudson Position: Wing DOB: 21/04/85 Height: 1.7m Weight: 70kg Home: Wimbledon

Daire McGee Position: Full Back DOB: 04/10/85 Height: 1.8 m Weight: 75kg Home: Dublin

Peninsula Medic George Graham Position: Loose Head Prop DOB: 23/01/87 Height:1.85m Weight: 89kg Home: Tiverton

Jonathan Bird Position: Lock DOB: 05/02/84 Height: 2.00m Weight:105kg Home: London


Devonport Services Under 16 Squad Harry Gentry Position: Prop DOB: 23/7/94 Height:1.80m Weight: 84kg

Nathan Barnes Position: Hooker DOB: 12/9/93 Height: 1.75m Weight: 68kg

John Mason Position: Lock DOB: 29/10/93 Height: 1.85m Weight: 84kg

Zac Collicott Position: Flanker DOB: 15/2/94 Height: 1.8m Weight: 79kg

Ellery Jones Position: Scrum Half DOB: 05/1/94 Height: 1.75 Weight: 59kg ROK

Charles Attis Position: Flyhalf DOB: 12/01/94 Height: 1.84m Weight: 73kg Ady Jones Plumbing & Heating

Callum Perkin Position: Centre DOB: 12/03/94 Height: 1.75m Weight: 71kg Twofour Media

Andrew Walker Position: No 17 DOB: 12/02/94 Height: 1.85m Weight: 89kg


Tom Booth Position: Wing DOB: 27/02/94 Height: 1.70m Weight: 65kg

Guy Wright Position: Prop DOB: 12/07/94 Height: 1.80m Weight: 133kg

Luke Parry Position: Flanker DOB: 14/11/93 Height: 1.85m Weight: 71kg Babcock Marine

Will Steinhausen Position: Wing DOB: 10/09/93 Height: 1.78m Weight: 76kg

Reuben Bateman Position: Lock DOB: 08/11/93 Height: 1.85m Weight: 76kg

Andy Jones Position: No 8 DOB: 2/10/93 Height: 1.85m Weight: 84kg Fugro Discovery

Jack Evans Position: Centre DOB: 12/10/93 Height: 1.8m Weight: 71kg Air South West

Jack Arnott (Capt) Position: Full Back DOB: 2/09/93 Height: 1.78m Weight: 70kg

Jack Horsbrugh Position: No 16 DOB: 01/12/93 Height: 1.80m Weight: 80kg

Dominic Sumner Position: No 18 DOB: 26/10/93 Height: 1.68m Weight: 56kg

Evan Hughes Position: No 19 DOB: 25/09/93 Height: 1.78m Weight: 84kg

Tom Richards Position: No 20 DOB: 13/04/94 Height: 1.80m Weight: 71kg

Keian Mullane Position: No 21 DOB: 18/09/93 Height: 1.68m Weight: 60kg

Dan Olsen Position: No 21 DOB: 25/12/93 Height: 1.84m Weight: 85kg Redmoor

The Youth Match

Devonport Services RFC u16’s

Ivybridge RFC u16’s 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Charlie Briant Adam Jones Ben Clements Sam Kingscott Ryan Currie Liam Kelly Ben Watts Will Hurst Thomas Bennett Lewis Cook Ben Pullen George Wilson Alex Beaumont Tom Oates Callum Oldfield

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Tom Weston Ryan Vallance Jon Morgan Charile Mann Kyle Andrews Jack Phillips Olly Wilson

Referee Steve Woolley


Assistant Ref 1 Bob Morrison

Jack Arnott (Capt) Tom Booth Callum Perkin Jack Evans Will Steinhausen Charles Attis Ellery Jones Harry Gentry Nathan Barnes Guy Wright Reuben Bateman John Mason Zac Collicott Luke Parry Andy Jones

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jack Horsbrugh Andrew Walker Dominic Sumner Evan Hughes Tom Richards Keian Mullane Dan Olsen

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Assistant Ref 2 Charlie Osborn

Match Medical Staff Dr Penny Atkinson Andy Massocchi Alison Morton


Ivybridge Under 16 Squad Will Hurst Position: Prop DOB: 17/12/93 Height:1.72m Weight: 82kg Burts Potato Chips

George Wilson Position: 2nd Row DOB: 9/2/94 Height: 1.89m Weight: 80 kg

Ben Watts Position: Scrum Half DOB: 30/5/94 Height: 1.70m Weight: 65kg Lyneham Estate

Thomas Bennett Position: Hooker DOB: 20/11/93 Height:1.71m Weight: 57 kgs

Lewis Cook Position: Prop DOB: 9/5/94 Height:1.76m Weight: 89kg

Alex Beaumont Position: Flanker DOB: 20/10/93 Height: 1.7m Weight: 65kg

Tom Oates Position: Openside Flanker DOB: 16/3/94 Height: 1.77m Weight: 65kg

Callum Oldfield Position: No.8 DOB: 1/9/93 Height: 1.85m Weight: 80kg

Ryan Currie Position: Wing DOB: 6/10/93 Height: 1.70m Weight: 62kg

Sam Kingscott Position: Centre DOB: 24/11/93 Height: 1.8m Weight: 82kg

Liam Kelly Position: Flyhalf DOB: 12/1/94 Height: 1.80m Weight: 70kg

Ben Pullen Position: 2nd Row DOB: 29/4/94 Height:1.86m Weight: 87 kg

iMASS Group

Ben Clements Position: Centre DOB: 11/11/93 Height: 1.76m Weight: 65kg

Adam Jones Position: Wing DOB: 30/8/94 Height: 1.80m Weight: 66kg

Charlie Briant Position: Full Back DOB: 9/8/94 Height: 1.78M Weight: 70kg

Tom Weston Position: 2nd Row DOB: 24/4/94 Height:1.84m Weight: 87kg

Ryan Vallance Position: wing DOB: 7/12/93 Height: 1.76cm Weight: 12st

Jon Morgan Position: prop DOB: 25/4/94 Height: 1.68cm Weight: 15st

Charile Mann Position: Fly Half DOB: 21/10/93 Height: 1.74m Weight: 71kg

Kyle Andrews Position: Wing DOB: 5/9/93 Height: 1.84m Weight: 76kg

Jack Phillips Position: 2nd Row DOB: 25/7/94 Height: 1.89m Weight: 71kg


Olly Wilson Position: Prop DOB: 6/10/93 Height: 1.76 m Weight: 90kg

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The Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST) The Critical Care Air Support Team provides the link between the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Camp Bastion and that in the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham. On call 24/7, 365 days a year and at 6 hours notice to fly, the CCAST provides cover for seriously injured British Servicemen and entitled others. Each team comprises four core members; consultant anaesthetist, intensive care nurse, nursing assistant and a medical technician. The average mission length to Afghanistan and back is 36 hours and consequently the ‘basic’ CCAST is supplemented with an additional anaesthetist and another intensive care nurse. The CCAST provides a mobile intensive care unit, completely independent of the aircraft or ambulance systems. It has sufficient oxygen, drugs and equipment to support our patients for up to 48 hours, way in excess of the return flight times. Our aim is to provide safe and timely transfers, whilst continuing on going


treatments. To this end, the team are able to perform blood tests in flight and adjust therapies accordingly. During the flight back to the UK our patients receive the same level of care afforded by any general intensive care unit on the ground. This includes ventilation, sedation, analgesia (pain relief) and intravenous fluids, each being tailored to the individual’s needs. On arrival in the UK, the team accompanies their patients to Selly Oak Hospital ICU. They do not relinquish care until they have handed them over to the receiving medical and nursing teams and ensured that the patients are safely established on their equipment and drugs. Robin Berry Wing Commander, Royal Air Force Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist

Royal Centre of Defence Medicine (RCDM) Selly Oak Hospital The nature of military operations and war fighting unfortunately means that there will be casualties. The numerous tasks performed by our service men and women in varied environments leads to a wide range of potential illnesses and injuries. The majority of patients requiring inpatient treatment in the UK are first delivered to the RCDM for ongoing care.

Treatment can be prolonged and frustrating for the patient. It is not uncommon for patients to require several trips to the operating theatre. This requires considerable planning and effort and relies on the unfailing efforts and willingness of all staff to work at short notice. The hospital gets several hours’ notice of incoming wounded and during this time the operating theatres are prepared. The standard of care given to casualties from point of wounding has saved many lives that would have been lost in previous conflicts. As a direct consequence of this, the treatment and subsequent rehabilitation faced by the patient and their family can be prolonged and very challenging. There is no doubt that the determination, focus and dedication shown by our military patients is inspiring, often humbling, and helps them to achieve a level of function that often surprises us.

Where possible, all military patients are admitted to the same ward, although patients can be treated in many areas of the hospital depending on the nature of their injuries or illnesses. Frequently the skills of many experts from different specialty teams are required for one casualty; surgeons, anaesthetists, intensive care physicians, physiotherapists, pain management experts, physicians, liaison officers, Defence Medical Welfare Service, Red Cross. All these teams help to keep the patient and their family as comfortable and informed as possible.

Ian Sargeant Group Captain Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon


Headley Court When casualties are discharged from Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham, many will need a prolonged period of rehabilitation at one of the military rehabilitation centres. Those most severely injured will come to the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court. The aim of Headley Court is to rehabilitate those military personnel who have been injured, to their maximal physical and psychological fitness in the shortest possible time. Behind the beautiful façade lies a huge amount of physical, emotional and psychological hard work undertaken by patients and staff alike. Most battle casualties will be under the care of either the Complex Trauma or the Neurological Rehabilitation Teams. These multidisciplinary teams are led by Consultants in Rehabilitation Medicine and will involve Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Vocational Occupational Therapists and Exercise Rehabilitation Instructors, as well as Speech and Language Therapists, Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapists and Psychologists. Some casualties will also access other key workers including Podiatrists and Mental Health Nurses, in addition to visiting specialists in Pain Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Orthopaedics, Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Psychiatry. Unfortunately the current conflict


has seen a steep rise in casualties suffering amputation. Headley Court now has its own Rehabilitation Squadron Workshops capable of making, fitting and maintaining high quality prosthetics (artificial limbs). Another key member of the rehabilitation team is the Social Worker who helps casualties with a wide range of issues such as housing, welfare and retraining. Interaction and liaison with the families has been helped by the provision of Norton House, a 6 bed house purchased by SSAFA. Norton House provides a ‘home from home’ for families visiting their loved ones undergoing treatment at Headley Court. Most casualties will initially spend around 4 weeks at Headley Court undergoing initial assessment and intensive rehabilitation. This is normally followed by a period of recuperation at home before further planned admissions. This cycle will continue with the vast majority of patients progressing to the Musculoskeletal Teams at Headley Court or to one of the fourteen Regional Rehabilitation Units in the UK and Germany. Jon Houghton Lieutenant Colonel Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine

The Life of a Sniper I lay, sweat dripping from summer heat. Yet I wait and watch them, while they eat. The wait is over, their meal is done. I watch their movement, the wind, the sun. Slow steady pressure, I aim, I squeeze. Pause for a moment, a passing breeze.

My crosshairs steady, my trigger cold, I feel the recoil and watch him fold. They begin to scream and open fire, Bodies twist in razor wire. The mission accomplished, I grab my gear. I’ll clean my rifle in the rear ‌ Andrew Grant, Royal Marine


A Parent’s Perspective On the 3rd of February 2009 I received the news every parent dreads. My son, who is in the Royal Marines, had been seriously injured following an IED incident in Afghanistan. I had just started my day shift when two Royal Marines came to the fire station where I’m based. To be honest, I though the worst. My mind was quickly put at rest when I was told he was still alive. He had a badly broken leg but he was still alive! The following couple of days were horrendous to say the least. I was taken to Selly Oak Hospital to see my son. What greeted me was my son bandaged head to toe, on a ventilator and being prepared for his 3rd visit to surgery. My head was spinning at this point. All the staff who met me there were absolutely fantastic, explaining what was going to happen. After what seemed a lifetime of surgery, his consultant explained what had happened and that despite serious injuries to all four limbs, my son would be ok. The worst scenario was that he may lose his right leg. I was now feeling pretty numb, to say the least but so many people in the critical care unit made sure I knew at all time how he was doing and what would be happening next. I then met the surgeon who was going to try and save my son’s leg. It was touch and go but thanks to that surgery his leg was saved, although it would be a long road ahead for my son who now had a metal frame on his leg to hold it together. It was amazing what was happening. Nearly two weeks later my son was taken off the ventilator. To say that this


was an emotional moment would be an understatement. I knew then that I had my son back! I write this six months after the incident. My son is walking again and attending Headly Court. His progress has been nothing short of miraculous. So many people helped my son reach this stage and without their skill and dedication he would probably have died. From the medics on the ground, the MERT crew, Camp Bastion staff, the RAF crew who flew him home, all at Selly Oak Hospital, Headly Court, Welfare and Medical staff, I owe you all a debt of gratitude. On a personal level, the care and support I received, along with my family, has been fantastic. The welfare staff are always there with advice and support. I can’t thank you all enough. My son still has a long way to go, but knowing that he’s made such great progress is down to the dedication of all the people who have cared for him. Thank you! Andy Grant Liverpool

The Injured


A Girlfriend’s Perspective My boyfriend is a Royal Marine who was blown up by an IED. He had a few injuries but his major one was to his right leg. He tore his femoral artery, shattered his shinbone and lost 6 cms of the bone. As a result of this he has a metal cage around the calf of his leg. He had more injuries but this is the one that has made the biggest effect on his life, as he probably won’t be able to run or play football again.

didn’t know what to think, believe or feel. It was surreal. As soon as it had sunk into my head, I phoned my mum and sister to let them know. After that it was just a waiting game, waiting for his Dad to phone me with news on how he was. There were a lot of unanswered questions, the main one being whether he was going to lose his leg or they could save it. Thank God they saved it!

I found out about the accident the day it happened. I was in work and got a phone call from his Dad. As soon as I saw his Dad’s name on my phone my stomach turned; I just had a horrible feeling! He told me that he had just been told Andrew had been in an accident and was getting taken to Birmingham Hospital - but his injuries were not serious, just a broken leg, he said! His Dad didn’t know any more information than that and told me he would let me know as soon as he knew anymore.

After two weeks he left the intensive care unit and then I was able to go and see him. I had to travel from Liverpool to the hospital he was in which was Selly Oak in Birmingham. I tried to get there as often as I could and would stay in a house that SAFFA provided for families, which was a huge help. Hospital visits where hard. He wasn’t allowed a lot of visitors at one time so his Dad and I had to alternate when we would see him. His Dad got a lot of time off work so he would usually be at the hospital in the week and I would go at weekends, so his Dad could go home and be with Andrew’s two younger sisters.

I put the phone down and just stood there. I


A Girlfriend’s Perspective When I first saw him it was like a dream. It just didn’t seem real. He was so pale and had lost a lot of weight. He just didn’t look like Andrew. I stayed at the hospital all weekend and realised that this accident might have made him look different but he was definitely still the same person, making jokes, having a laugh (even though he had been through so much). Going out is fine but we just can’t do all the things we used to. With Andrew being on crutches he finds it hard walking around for a long period of time. It’s quite tiring and sometimes difficult, especially if there are crowds of people. People staring really gets to me. I understand when people have a look because it’s a metal

cage around his leg, which you won’t see very often, but it’s when people stare that annoys me. It is mostly adults that stare as well, which make me quite angry. I know Andrew gets upset with people looking at him all the time, but who wouldn’t? Andrew and I have been through so much together but I would just like to thank all of the people in Selly Oak and Headley Court because of all the help they offered Andrew and me. The charities such as Help For Heroes and SAFFA are a huge help too, as they seemed to be there with help and support whenever it was needed. Thanks again to everyone involved! Steph Kennedy, Liverpool


The Military Cross The Military Cross (MC) is awarded for gallantry during combat operations against the enemy on land. The MC was instituted in 1914 as an award for officers and warrant officers, while other ranks were eligible for the Military Medal (MM). Since 1993, the MM has been discontinued and all ranks are now eligible for the MC. Medical Assistant Kate Nesbitt, who works on the Surgical Assessment Unit in Derriford Hospital, was awarded the Military Cross in recognition of her `exemplary performance’ on operations in Afghanistan, `for gallantry during active operations against the enemy’. A section of her citation reads: “Nesbitt’s actions throughout a series of offensive operations were exemplary; under fire and under pressure her commitment and courage were inspirational and made the difference between life and death. She performed in the highest traditions of her service.”


Since writing his bit for our programme, Lance Corporal Colin Spooner has been awarded the Military Cross. His citation states: “Lance Corporal Spooner’s decisive action, exemplary leadership and courage whilst under extraordinarily dangerous circumstances, and pain, contributed enormously to the successful outcome of the situation. His actions in the face of the enemy were well beyond that expected of a Lance Corporal. Given his junior rank and the effect that he personally had on the situation formal national recognition is without doubt warranted”.

Supported Charities Combat Stress “The £3.5 million grant Help for Heroes has given Combat Stress has enabled us to forge ahead with a new build project urgently needed to increase our capacity and capability – we are hugely grateful and congratulate Help for Heroes for what it has been able to achieve in such a short space of time. We wish this great organisation every success in meeting its new fundraising target.” Toby Elliot OBE DL Chief Executive Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association SSAFA’s two new ‘Norton Homes’ are already making an immeasurable difference to the lives of many wounded servicemen and women and their families. The support of Help for Heroes to our ‘Homes from Home’ Appeal, means that SSAFA can continue to make a real difference to many lives and at a time when they need us most. We were delighted to receive their generous donation and are extremely grateful to everyone who worked so hard to raise money for Help for Heroes. Athol Hendry Director, SSAFA The Royal Marines Benevolent Fund


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The Injured


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Medics Rugby Challenge Supporters I am pleased to be able to support the Medics Rugby Challenge and look forward to being there, in Plymouth, on the day. Help for Heroes is such a worthy cause. The benefits that our injured Servicemen and Servicewomen gain from it are fantastic. I wish them and their families all the very best. Scott Quinnell

Help for Heroes is a wonderful charity, one that very quickly and quite deservedly has become a well recognised and important body. I was delighted and proud to play alongside and against some fine and very brave servicemen in the Help for Heroes rugby challenge match at Twickenham. Before the first whistle an amazing £1.1 million had been raised. So again it’s great to be able to support another fantastic Heroes event, The Medics Rugby Challenge. Once again our brave servicemen and women will benefit from what will no doubt be a brilliant day down in Plymouth. Best of luck to all involved. Will Greenwood

I am honoured to be granted an opportunity to show my support for this charity that works so hard to improve the lives of those who have been wounded whilst gallantly serving our country. I was born in Plymouth and raised as part of a military family, three generations of which have seen active service, so I am fully aware of the bravery and sacrifices made by all those in our armed forces. Although we all hope for the safe return of our loved ones, it is sadly inevitable that there are some who will suffer wounds, both physical and mental. The work done by H4H to raise funds for their care and rehabilitation is simply wonderful and I would suggest that supporting this charity is the perfect way to show our respect and gratitude to these men and women who truly are heroes. Emma Pierson


Medics Rugby Challenge Supporters

Emma Pierson, The Medics Rugby Challenge Sweetheart

Wayne Barnes, International Referee


Medics Rugby Challenge Supporters

Scott Quinnell, Sponsor of The Royal Marines Squad

Will Greenwood, Sponsor of The Peninsula Medical Squad


Proud to be a sponsor of the Medics Rugby Challenge in support of Help for Heroes

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