FORM - Design for the PLANET - May/June 2010

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through JANUS et Cie in the US and Me xIco - 800.24.JANUS A~ailable

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The Architect's Choice for ... A

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SHOWROOM From rainwater to fresh air


10 IN 20 The future of industrial design


WORKBOOK Sustainable landscapes


BEYOND THE GRID Professor An d rew Hargadon guides the next Generation Green



MOBILES The greening of transpo rta tion BY KEITH LORIA


TOUR DE PARIS A portfolio of women a nd their bicycles BY GIL GARCETTI


REBORN IDENTITY Innovative adaptive re-use BY MIC HAEL WEBB



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Editor in Chief

Alexi Drosu

Associate PubUsh er

A r t Oirection + Desi gn Publication Coordinator

Contributing Writers

Joe Cloninger

Karin Rose Ina Drosu John Gendall Jack Skelley Michael Webb


Navigator Cross-media


Peter Shamray Navigator Cross-media 626.2225646

Advertising Inqui r i es


512 E.Wilson Avenue, Suite 213, Glendale, California 91206 818.956.5313 I Fax818.956.5904 FORMma t FORM (lSSN 0885-7377) is published bimonthly by Balcony Media, Inc. Pr incipal Office: Sal cony Media, Inc., 512 E. Wilson Avenue, Suite 213, Glendale,California 91206. f:l Balcony Media,lnc. 2010.AII rights reserved. ~productiOfl in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. FORM and the FORM logotype design are protected through trademark regist ration in the United States. Printed in Korea. SUBSCRI,.-rION:The basic rate for a one路year subscription to FORM is $35 (AIAlLA, USGSC-L A, ASID/L A and IIDA So Cal members subscription inclu ded in membership).Single copy price $6.9S.Subscribers: If the Postal Service alerts us that your maga~ine is undeliverable, we hiM! no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within six months. Postmaster: Send address changes to FORM,SI2 EastWilson Avenue,Suite 213,Glendale,California 91206. We make a portion of our mailing list available to reputable third parties. For customer service and subscriptions or to request that your name be removed from our mailinglisl, please visit our website or contact our office in Glendale, CA. SUBMI SSIONS: Unsolicited editorial material, manuscripts, photographs, transparencies and artwork are sent at owner's risk and wil l be returned on ly when accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.



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& deMeuron, photo by Roland Halbe

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Entire glazed walls disappearing instantly into the ground at the touch of a button. Contact us about the silent and speedy retracting experience that never fails to impress.


GOLDBRECHT-SYSTEMS I nnovative Fenestration Solutions

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FORM celebrates AlA/LA Design Award winners at CalArts' Th e Wild Beast FORM


and AIA/SFV Design Awards winners at the new music pavilion d u bbed The Wild Beast at the California Institute of the Arts. Designed by Hodgetts+Fung,Craig Hodgetts was on hand to discuss the space's creative journey along with Tom Hinerfeld of Hinerfeld-Ward Construction. A jau trio performed in the background as patrons nibbled on hors d'oeuvresand sipped wine poured by Hope Family Wines. Additional sponsors incl uded Hinerfeld-Ward Construction, Green Polishing So lutions, Repurpose Compostables, and Honest Tea.

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Visit WoodWorks online for resources that can help you design and build non-residential structures more easily and at less cost. • Professional development - Stream webinars for free or pay a nominal fee and earn AlA credits at your desk, any t ime • Web-based tools - CAD/REVIT details, calculators, span tables, product and design guides • Technical support - Access to WoodWorks experts and information from wood associations nationwide • Event calendar - Wood Solutions Fairs, workshops, in-house presentations Visit us at woodworks.o!'r}

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Being awarded gold, silver or platinum is indeed an achievement but, at times, it is important to strip away the labels and reevaluate the state of eco-friendly design. We often focus on unearthing solutionsespecially in transportation-that will revolutionize the industry. But while we are searching for that breakthrough technology, The speCIrum of how we can all be more we need to simplify our tactics and continue to incorporate mu ltiple green measures into our designs. The sum of these parts can create a sustainable whole.

"green" is broad, and part of a designer's job


to educa te their clients on ways they can incorporate sustainable technologies (big or small) in to their homes or businesses. In this month's Showroom (p.12},FORM features several practical and beautiful solutions- from installing a Nedlaw Living Wa ll to placing a $4 rain collector in the backyard. Of course, products are the icing on the cake. How we build, incorporating alternative energies and reusing materials, can make a substantial difference in our collective carbon footprint. Michael Webb's essay on adaptive reuse (p. 38}- the ultimate eco-friendly solution - explores how working within the constraints of an established building can lead to innovative design. Our transportation roundup (p. 30) addresses a key i55ue to our globe, how can we continue our current lifestyle and reduce our carbon emissions simultaneously. Paris offers one solution - making cities more bicyde-friendly- and as evidenced in our photo essay (p.34) you can cycle and look chic simultaneously.


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--------------------------------WH AT'S NEW I N A FFORDA BLE FAMI LY







Willi AFI'OMI)ABI.I!. H~LiSIN(.j SOLI.'TIOl'\S UKIi UM DoMIl\(,Ul:L., MOltl.l' l ' Bl.'lI.l)lK.' Ill.MONSl KATt..' '!Ht Joi.I..... O 0" STRl:J'.iGTH lOU CAN nUlLO ON.




60 VItAli.

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Inspired Growth Turning rainwater into fresh air Quirky, Petal Drops Taking its cue from Mother Nature, Petal Drops is designed to elegantly capture rainwater in any reusable bottle.The funnel ($4.50) is constructed out of loa-percent recycled HDPE and screws directly on to any standard threaded water or soda bottle. Petal Drops fits into small spaces, and pebbles or pennies can anchor the bottle in case of a windy day. The simplicity and price of this product allows everyone to start living more sustainably. more information: 866.545.4623 or

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... • •

Nedlaw Living Walls, Indoor Air Biofilters

Gordon Tait for Viteo Outdoors, Gardenwall

Hero, RC-1

Nedlaw Living Walls has developed the only

Australian designer Gordon Tait creates a

sustainable modern necessities is th e mission

LEEO recognized system that utilizes plants to filter out contaminants in an indoor environ-

room divider that merges indoor and outdoor areas. The modular system consists of stackable

of Hero; and its stylish rain collec tor ($550)

ment. Air is actively forced through the wall

planters made of lightfast plastics that can

debris from entering the collapsible phthalate

of p lants, as biological components degrade

attach up to three rows in height. Supplied

free bladder. Panels and legs are made of UV

almost 90 percent of chemicals into water

with plants that b lossom through the various

resistant polyester powder coated steel,

and carbon dioxide; the equipment then

openings, the Gardenwall combines green

available in white or brown.

redistributes clean air. Prices range between

functionality with natural aesthetics. The

more information: 416.902.S309 or

S150-S400/square foot.

price is $160 per piece (2 4"xS"x22").

more information: 519.64S.97790r

more information: 312.664.9582 or

The reinvention of everyday objects into

can hold 45 gallons of water. A filter prevents

- Karin Rose

I Le Laboratoire, Andrea

Waterwall Designs, Fatboy Inspired by ongoing drought and the increased need for rainwater harvesting in metropolitan areas, the Fatboy was designed as a space saving rainwater tank for urban homes. The 650-gatton tank is made of


stabilized high-density polyethylene and LUlll"'~



UIUWIl, briLl<, r",d, ur d"''''f1

green. Prices start at $11 so. more information: SOO.549.551 4 or

Invented by French designer Mathieu Lehanneur wi t h Harvard professor David Edwards, Andrea ($199) is a 'living air filter' that purifies air by enhancing the metabolic properties of plants. It works 40 times more efficiently than a carbon filter, as a near silent fan draws polluted air into its system then circulates the oxygenated air back into the room. more information: 011.33.17S.09.49.63 or

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10 IN 20

Verena C. Kloos



A discussion on future, functionality and designing for different cultures You started in Colors 8. Trim s. Is interior

How do you approach your design from a

design a spedallove?

global perspective?

your coffee. A designer has to experience how cold it can be to drive in Finland or

When I f irst came to DesignworksUSA I had

We look at how people use things.We go on

Canada. You have to wear thick gloves and

run an interior design studio in Italy.1 wanted

immersion trips to other places and integrate

controls have to be larger, the steering wheel

to bring that flair enriching, complementing,

ou r research into the design. For our 7-series,

thicker to accommodate them.The culture and

and adding a style consciousness to the work

we went deeply into China to study. China is

climate are very important. if you design out

instead of just producing good products.

a large market for premium cars. In the US,

of one spot you don't understand these things.

When you work for Deere and other hard goods manufacturers it's different than

cars are still being driven by their owners. In Asia, the 7 is a chauffer's car. You have to make

How do these insights relate to other

working for Landscape Forms, for example. The user experience is different. The good

the back seat appealing and comfortable for the owner. We had some surprising findings

projects you are working on? Landsape Forms wanted a line of transit fur-

t hing about having worked at BMW

studying Asia. They view wellbeing, health

nitu re that cou ld be used globally. In Europe,

Designworks is that, occasionally, we can

rituals, time and space [d ifferently]; and Feng

people rely on mass transit. The cities have a

choose our projects and we can steer our work

Shu i plays a significant role. You cannot get

different density and there is less vandalism

toward environmental [design], hospitality

all of your research out of reading. You have

so things can look more beautifu l. It is

and sustainability. Now we can really furnish

to experience the smell, the heat, the climate.

important to u nderstand the fu ll picture.

an entire house or office we have so many products- lighting, carpet, fu rnit u re.

(an you give us another cultural difference?

When yo u have more people on the street you reduce crime.

Also, wi t h interior design we really think

Cupholders in the '90s were always a topic In

about con text and the environment it is

the U.S. you have no autobahn, you have

You speak so much of the senses-smell,

being placed in. We are looking into the

strict speed limits, you spend a long time in

touch, sound. Other designers are not so

the car. In Germany, at 200 kilometers per

articulate about the senses.

hour you would not consider taking a sip of

Maybe I'm very sensitive! The role of the

whole experience.

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Jules Seltzer Associates and Herman Miller are proud to bring you


A Jules Seltzer / Herman Miller" collaboration to combat the economic pressure! 53 makes sense for your busin ess well beyond the reasonable prices. We give you service that goes from the time you order to after the furniture is instal led - very Quick turnaround! 53 is easy for you as well. We come to you and model what you want on a laptop so you see what you'll get before you buy. The product choices you have are as high quality as they are straightfOlward. There's nothing to get you bogged down or ovelWhelm you. We brought scientific comfort to the office . That means the fit between our furniture and your people is a healthy one . And with us, you know you're being good to the earth. Others may say their furniture is sustainable and " green .~ We prove It . And we back all of our products with a full 12-year, 3-shift warranty.

• Jules Seltzer Associates

Representing Simple, Quick and Affordable Furniture 8833 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90048 310.274.7243

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"The role of the design er is to consider the holistic exper ienc e human being s have and th en apply de sign to it. designer is to consider the holistic experience human beings have and then apply design to it.ln America, you have so many over-scented retail environments. If I walk into the design studio here and it doesn't seem fresh I will ask the designers if it is fresh enough. Good surroundings are required for wellbeing, energy. and creativity. What other role s does a designer play? We also assign ourselves the role of cleaning things. cleaning space. Not in a radical way


bu t in the sense of paring down. I was once


speaking at a university and one of the


professors made the comment, "The best


design is to avoid products." I don't agree tOO percent but there is truth in it. Is every project a problem sol ving exercise or are some ofthemjustto make something look cooler? We always try to bring problem solving to it. We are not stylists. I don't want to disrespect stylists; they are important. That is a very soft side of our business. A good designer does both. look at the iPod or these [Aradl chairs. They look simple, have a good price point, and are comfortable. It is not so simple to achieve that. Th ere is a trend in architecture to make smaller living spaces. Do you think those could






car/boat/plane design? A major purpose of Designworks is to cross-

PREVlQUS,LEFT:The GINA light Visionary Model; RIGHT:The twisted profile of Landscape Form's bench sym bolizes energy a nd motion. THIS PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Emeco's popular alu m inu m cha ir reborn; Th e Dyna mic Metro40 design reinterprets a bus shelter ra il; The interior cabin of th e new Falcon 7X business jet for Dassault Aviation.

fertilize from boat to car to plane to lobby to kitchen. There is always a crossover. We can come up quickly with new ideas because we

transferred. We can provide a lot of value to this new sector. I think what is missing in

design for so many purposes. It is not a direct

mass transit is the sense of personal space.

Designers do all of these furniture exercises

trans fer but a new solution in a different

It's very different tha n being in a public space

just for their own pleasu re, not considering

situation. The ships galley, an airplane toilet

where you have a choice about where to be

where it will go. In our strategy research

are very constrained spaces. It is a challenge

and you can get away f rom people that

phase we look at the conseq uences of our

to make it nice. clean and appealing not cramped with only functional design.

might annoy you. Design can make a big difference in improving the experience and

design in one year, in five years. and over its life. We look at the possibilities of life-<ycle

making it comforting. Stu d ies have shown

management for the manufacturer. How the

What does the future hold for design at BMW

that clean spaces stay cleaner and there is

piece can be freshened u p in the futu re

We are looking to get into mass transit. We

less vandalism.

have a lot to offer. What we have learned


experience. I will be very interested to see what the tipping point is at Salone di Mobile.

without having to throwaway the structure. We always deeply and steeply look at th e

si tting in the back seat of a car, for example, is

And the future of design?

consequences.We want to make life easier, to

applicable to the experience of sitting on

The role of design is to look beyond what

train. There is a lot in common that is easily

you are designing for. to loo k at the whole

improve it. I hate cl utter. We don't design it. - Ann Gray

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The right light


Luxo introduces the Ovelo at NeoCon The right light since 1935. www.LuxoUS.comI800.222.5896

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Wills Residence Location : Los Oso s, Cali forn ia Designer: JeHrey Gordon Smith Landscape Arc hitecture Website: www_jgsdesi gns_com After purchasing the adjacent lot to their home, the clients sought to expand their picturesque landscape instead of developing on the land. The designer wanted to express the regionality of the property into the project, reflecting the winding estuaries at the properties edge in th e curved shape of the stone paths while the sheen on the concrete bench mirrors the still waters of the bay. The deck, reminiscent of the interior of an old ship, harks back to the nautical history of the coastal waters. Sustainability was at the heart of the design, incorporating IPE decking sourced from FSC certified lumber, recycled glass in the fire pits, natura l stone and permeable paving including Mexican pebbles to keep water from running offsite. A t imed drip system was installed to prevent excess water consumption and steel was used for the rai lings. 路 Steel was chosen for its tendency to weather naturally and its ties to the strong nautical influence of the area," says project managerTom Hessel, LEED AP. 路 We integrated the native plants already growing on site with native and native-like plants to give the project a seamless Quality,路 says Hessell. The plant palette includes coyote bush,ju ncu s, pickle weed, yarrow and artemsias.

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Quincy Cou r t location: Chicago, Illinois Designer: Rios Clementi Hale Studios Website: www.rchstud u.s. General Services Administration pu rchased the service alley adjacent to the Mies van der Rohe路 designed Federal Center to create added security and develop an appealing space for public use as a part o f the nationwide First Impressions Program. The design team, one of two landscape architecture firms selected by the GSA, sought to incorporate elements of the site's heritage and current urban needs with special attention to color, shape and amenities. "The site improvements provide a progression from t he monu mental architecture of the Federal Cen ter to the pedestrian scale of State Street,adding to the secu rity while creating spaces for people to gather, relax, and


amid Chicago's animated

centra l business district" says principal Mark Rios, FAIA, FASLA. The design evolved around three concept themes: canopy, urban oasis and light. In order to achieve a success ful p ublic space, the design team sought to incorporate these ideas into a space where pedestrians could sit, relax and engage civically. "The canopy elements and hardscape details tell the story of the site by alluding to the unique elements that form its character: the honey locust trees that create vibrant seasonal interest; the white terra-cotta detailing of historic Chicago buildings; the Miesian grid of the modernist pla~a; the reflected light pi.ltterns of the su rrounding facades: says Rios. During winter th e bold, graphic trees become scu lptural elements, at night they provide ambient lighting and increase safety and during summer they provide shade.

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Mali bu Lum ber Ya rd Location : Malibu. California Designer: ValleyCrest De sign Group. RTK Arc hitecture Website: www~alleycres'-com Preserving the historical significance and community spirit of the iconic lumberyard was a key element in creating the 32,OOO-square-foot eco-friendly, outdoor lifestyle retail center.The designers wanted to resurrect the initial character of the site through a modern interpretation, incorporating lumber materials once produced on site. Choosing a palette of natural shades derived from Corten steel, corruga ted metal. galvan i~ed steel, polished concrete, sustainable Bra~ilian

hardwood, and reclaimed wood siding from

a l00-year-old barn reinforced this goal of marrying the past with the present. Three vertical saltwater aquariums create compelling focal points while also reminding visitors of the nearby ocean. Historic preservation and environmental sensitivity were equally important components of the design. The project replaced 75 percent of the sites impervioos surface with pervious materials such as decomposed granite and incorporated cutting edge water and energy conservation techniques including drip irrigation, recycled water, low-flow faucet and toilets, and waterless urinals. Moreover, the onsite waste-water treatment center can treat up to 17,000 gallons of waste water daily. Vertical and sky gardens were designed to mitigate heat and promote eco-friendly solutions.The designers focused on plants that thrived in a coastal environment of salt exposure and wind, featuring sustainable plantings such as Kentia Palms, philodendroms, exotk succulents,a 60-year-old aloe tree,and California native plants .


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This is not a fluorescent tube. This is the future of environmental lighting.

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Will the relight T.LED replace the fluorescent tube?

It already has.

818.988.9028 tel




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Fontana Park location: Fontana. California Designer: 8MLA landscape Architecture Website:

The 38-acre park was born from the need to unify the sprawling community of Fontana through a public space."Early in the process of programming and conceptualizing the park. comm u nity leaders and citizens brought to the planning table the idea of bringing to life a culture of comm u nity health through activity: says Ba x ter Miller, president of SM LA. The design team approached the project from a multi-generational standpoint. incorporating a 43,OOO-square-foot community center, a play area includ ing a 2-acre tot lot with rubberized hills, a forma l promenade and open playflelds. The original site of the park featured angled trees shaped by the strong winds from the Cajon Pass, so in response the design team created a whimsical play space with kinetic sculptures and wind-driven art. "One of the interesting parts of developing play spaces is the creative input that you get from the artisans who sculpt and fabricate the feature that you design,"says Miller.Two themes- Shipwreck and Bug Garden-e merged for the play area and the design team tumed to Cemrock to fabricate the sculptures ou t of foam and glass fiber reinforced concrete. Paths link the skate park to the comm unity center and pool and offer breathtaking views of the San Gabriel Mountains to the North. "We planned the grading to eliminate import and export of soil and specified plant material that was grown by local nurseries and exclusively California friendly: says Miller. The promenade is lined with London Plane Trees and 117 palms. including two Ponytail Palms and seven Mediterranean Fan Palms, accent the Aqua ti cCenter

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LAPD Police Admi nistration Bui ldin g t orrll ioo: LosAngl! ll!s, CA

Designer : Melend rez Design Par tne rs Website: www_melendrez _com Landscaping in an urban environment often is challenging;many urban projects do not have enoug h space to create interactive green environments. As a result, landscape architects must be efficien t in their design. In this case, the client wan ted to express their connection with the community through inviting public spaces where residents can live, play and interact with one another and the police department while also following security criteria associated with institutional facilities. In order to maintain a sense of openness, the designer addressed security concerns in less obtrusive ways to avoid a feeling of forbidden en try. Instead of creating impenetrable edges around the building, the design team built planters, ris ing slowly from street level to the entry of the bUilding. Bollards are substituted with an elegant water feature, a double row of sycamore trees and elevation changes create subtle barriers and alluring elements. The design team viewed the landscaping as a quiet response to the building's elegant and contemporary architecture. The plants selected reflect a lush, vibran t and verdant landscape, incorporating both native and


vegetation. Mexican palo verde trees

create a veil of green along Spring Street, and Brisbane box trees in the First Street


complement the

magnolias by City Hall. New Zealand flax, rosemary, red yuccas, agaves and succulents add dimension to the design. Pi>oo:og,. phs: Jo<k Coy .... Pw ogroP"y

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LOS ANGELES The U.S. Green Building Council Los Angeles Chapter (USGBC-LA) We are a high-performing nonprofit organization incorporated in 2002 by a motivated and diverse group of individuals with a common interest in environmental conservation. USGBC-LA expresses a commitment to promote sustainability in LA County's built environment by delivering access to knowledge, resources, recognition and networking.

USGBC-LA would like to thank our Platinum Founding Sponsors for their continued support. NECA ISEW LOS ANGELES


BENTLEY U. S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles Chapter 444 S. Flower Street, Suite 525, Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.689.9707

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PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES Turning transportation into environmentally-friendly design BY KEITH LORIA

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LEFT: The interior stairwell of the Qantas A380 RIGHT: A simulation rendering of the Solar Impulse

In a quest to make the world more environmentally fr iendly, green products and sustainab l e solutions have been Incorporated Into many of today's transportation designs, as planes , trains and automobiles are becoming more fuel efficient and eco- fnendly. The p,oneenng splnt that enabled man to conquer space In the 20th century is fueling our desires to fmd solutions to reduce our dependence on oil in the cen t ury ahead , not by reducing mobility and personal comfort but by expenmenting with renewable energy and innovative deslgn.The answer does not exist In one magic pill, Instead a combination of solutions build upon each other to crea t e a sustainable picture stronger than its individual strokes.

u nit and electronically-controlled dual layer window shades. In 2007, Boeing unveiled an eco-friend ly plane model called the "787 Dreamliner," which Boeing claims uses 20 percent less fuel, produces 20 percent lower emissions and also decreases maintenance costs by 30 percent from typical aircraft such as the 747. The 787 abu prumis~~ a mur~ (umrurtaul~ fly iuy ~)(pe­ rience for passengers. Its innovations include a new interior environment with improvements in air filtration, higher cabin pressurization resulting in reduced physical fatigue, larger windows, more stowage space, improved lighting and other passenger·pre ferred conveniences. Runways of the future may accommodate the Solar Impu lse HB-SIA, the first airplane

Up in the Air

on take-off as its competitor and cons u mes

designed to fly without fuel, whic h left the

In 2005, Airbus unveiled plans for its environ -

less than three liters of fuel per passengerover

ground at Switzerland's OUbendorf Airfield for the first time in December 2009, and pro-

mentally friendly j u mbo jet, the Al80, and

100 km of travel, a rate comparable to that of

Qantas quickly jumped on board as its first

an economical family car.

customer, integrating six in their fleet in 2010.

Onboard the aircraft boasts cuning edge

ceeded to fly 350 meters at an altitude of one meter. "For over ten years now, I have dreamt

"The A3SO sets the standards for the 21 st cen -

design led by Qantas Creative Director Marc

of a solar aircraft capable of flying and promoting

tury," said Tom Enders, Airbus President and Chief Executive Officer. "More than :l1::IU

Newson, who created the cabin of the double-

renewable energy," says Bertrand Piccard, who

decker jumbo pillne, working on everything

along with Andre 60rschberg. designed Solar

patents onboard u nderline the aircraft's lead-

from the seating to the lighting to even the

Impulse with the wingspan of a Boeing 747-

ership in ecc-efficiency and innovation and

cutlery. The award-winning design includes 14

400 and the weight of an average family car.

will allow Qantas to contin ue to grow whilst

first-class suites that incorporate a fully flat

Over 12,000 solar cells mounted onto the

reducing its impact on the environment: With its greater capacity and unprece-

bed outfitted with a foam mattress, sheepskin

wing supply renewable energy to t he four

overlay and cotton sheeting. The Edelman

electric motors with a

dented environmental friendliness, the AlSO's

leather seats face a dining table designed for

HP each. Lithium-polymer ba tt eries permit

design allows it to produce half as much noise

two;the space also features a personal dresser

the HB-SIA to fly through the night.

ma~imu m

power of 10


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On Track Many of today's green-inspired trains are powered by magnet technology, which enables increased propulsion chain efficiency via a permanent magnet motor. This type of motor res ults in lesser operating costs as well as far red uced environmental impact. In 2009, $10.5 billion was set aside for highspeed rail lines in the U.s. in hopes of spurring high-speed rail transportation. "We've always known that electric high-speed trains represent a tremendous opportunity to meet greenhouse gas reduction goals by removing cars from the road and by slowing demand for additiona l air travel: says Judge Quentin l. Kopp, Chairman of the High-Speed Rail Authority. "We welcome the news that this train is even greener, in that it can be powered with none of the emissions that cause global




Port land is making great strides in marrying


high-speed rail with sustainable and exciting design. The TriMet Portland Mall Light Rail


South Terminus designed by Hennebery Eddy


Arch itec ts will serve as a gateway to downtown, incorporating photovoltaics and wind turbin es


sourc es of renewllbl e e nergy.

"Infrastructure projeas a re born out of necessity usually with little regard to the associated impacts or opportunities," says project associate David Byrne. " For the South Terminus the design team sought to engage and elevate the form follows fu nction mantra by enhancing the program elements on the site:

TOP ANoaon OM: Renderings of solar inspiredTriMet Portland Mall Light Rail SouthTerminus.

The initial concept of t he design aims to

Reclaimed aggregate and granite blocks

captu re and express the kinetic energy of

salvaged from the former Transit Mall wi ll

trains moving through the site. A large sculptural framework skinned with the

serve as building materials and terraced edges will prevent storm water from running

photovoltaic panels and (oil drapery will

off into the city's sewer system.

revolve around a large ovoid public space.

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Behind the Wheel

"Within the past five years, it's been a grow-

the end of 2010, will be the world's only sus-

In the age of the Priu s and the Volt, car

ing segment o f t he industry. Any parking

manufactu rers are increasingly focused on

garage that we're involved in from a design

tainable racetrack in the world. "Ou r world class facility is being created

designing smart cars but where will we house

standpoint balances constraints of a budget

with the'green'objective of reducing our carbon

all of these eco-friendly vehicles?

with the desire and philosophy of a green

footprint, " says Jeremy Porter, CEO of Atlanta Motorsports Park. "Just because I like to drive

Parking designers are embracing practices

building: says Dave Rich, director of business

such as using recycled materials, solar panels

development for the company. "In the past,

cars fast, does not mean I like to pollute." The

and energy-saving lighting to turn concrete

there wasn't much consideration for the con-

rooftops into green su rfaces to red uce storm-water runoff.

text of the architecture, it was only for a func-

plans include a sustainable building design, waterless urinals, tank-less wa ter heaters,

tional purpose. Now, we are very cognizant of

reclaimed water for the irrigati on system,

Rich & Associates, a parking consultant

how the facades integrate in the urban fabric

recycling of garbage and oil. the maximum

of where they are being placed."

efficiency HVAC available today, thermal

based in Southfield, Mich., designed the Blue Cross Blue Shield garage in downtown

On a more recreational note, Tilke Engineers

resistant windows, supplementary insu lation,

Detroit, one of the first parking garages to

& Architects is finishing up designs for Atlanta

and the use of high-efficient lighting and

meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental


Design standards set by the U.s. Green Building Council.

P,:nk, UII it) t:x iJt:l-lt:U



flUft:)Lt:!lluuIU) . •

BELOW: The roof of the parking garage at the Bl u e Cross Blue Shield of M ichigan headquarters utilizes greenery and a track made of recycled t ires.


,, J "

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Adaptive re-use takes an environmentally conscious approach to building but how can landmarks be transformed innovatively? LE


a disused power plant into a showcase for a

on, were as determined to sweep away the

contemporary arts foundation, much as they turned london's 8ankside Power Station into


past and construct a brave new world as were Lenin and Mao in the political sphere.

the Tate Modern. Here, they were working on a

They encountered fierce resistance, for most

more intimate scale, across a busy highway

people cling to what they know and reject

from the Prado Museum, and the challenge

the u nfamiliar. In architecture, as in politics,

was to open up t he historic quarter in back to

every revolution inspires a reaction, and the

the street and ma ke the area more pedestrian

allure of progressive ideas lost its luster in the

friendly.To do th is, they removed the stone

1960s. Wholesale urban clearance and the

base and propped the brick cube on three

proliferation of banal modernist bu ildings

massive su pports, adding faceted planes of

spurred a preservation movement that strives

stainless steel to the underside and creating a

to protect every fragment of the past.


Architects are increasingly active in the


Patrick Blanc added one of his

vertical gardens to a blank wall and the brick

middle ground between these two extreme

cube was extended upwards by a carapace of

positions, creating a dialogue of old and

Cor-ten steel. The interior was gutted and a

OPPOSITE: The sculptural addition to the Caixa

new. Across America and, still more in Europe,

Forum in Madrid reflects the surrounding

disused factories, banks, ch u rches, water

sculptural staircase links the basement auditorium to the top-floor restaurant.There

towers, castles, warehouses, power stations,

the Cor-ten wrappe r is pierced to throw a

Cor- ten wrapper.

and even a submarine base and an air raid shelter have been meticu lou sly restored

dappled pattern of light and shade across the room, evoki ng the Moorish tradition in

America in the 1930s and titled his account of

and inventively transformed to play new

Spanish architectu re.

that trip, 路 Voyage to the land of t he Timid."

roofsc ape. INSET: A detail of the p ierced

roles. Those pu rposes include museums and

Radical yet respectful of the surrou ndings

It was an unkind thrust,given the deep conser-

creative workplaces, hotels and cultural

and fabric of the old building, Herlog & de

vatism of European countries in tha t era, but

centers, residential and recreational spaces.

Meuron achieved an equilibrium of past and

he anticipated the shift that occurred fifty years

Adaptive re-use can be as creative as

present. Norman Foster has demonstrated a

on. Once a hub of innovation in architecture

ground-up bUilding. Airy structures of wood,

similar mix of sensitivity and boldness, starting

and design, the u.s. now lags behind, and

neel, and glass are juxtaposed to startling

with london's Royal Academy, where he

its best talents enjoy greater opportunities

effect with massive shells of stone, brick,

inserted a steel and glass structure that links

abroad than they do at home. European cities

and concrete. Roofs are opened u p to infuse interiors with natural light. Ruins are framed

two historic b Uildings, revealing a classic fa~ade that was previously concealed. The

cherish their legacy but welcome originality, beside and within historic buildings. When

and the patina of old walls enriches the

glass canopy over the co urtyard of the British

Berlin was reunified, a reactionary planner

experience of users and visitors. Preserving

Museum and the dome over the Reichstag

demanded that every centrally located

these elements reinforces the continuity of

do similar things on a heroic scale, but his

structure conform to traditional models, and

history and the spirit of place. landmarks fare

most provocative intervention to date is the

a great opportunity to reinvigora te the city

best when their vitality and economic potential

Hearst tower in mid-Manhattan. Joseph

was squandered. But Gehry and others have

is renewed, and fresh patterns of use enrich the neighboring community. It's also a green strat-

Urban designed a fanciful podiu m in 1929, but the tower he intended was never realiled.

accomplished wonders behind t he staid facades. Elsewhere in Germany, and even in

e9Y, minimi<:ing the disruption and expense of

Foster's tower is an independent structu re

Paris and Amsterdam, there are cons tant jolts

new construction and combining the best of

that employs the old shell as a lofty, light-

of invention to remind us that we afe enjoying

trad itional and innovative technologies.

filled atrium, and its faceted facades playoff

a dynamic work of art. It's time for America

The Caixa Forum in Madrid is a model of

Urban's artdeco geometries.

how to infuse an inert landmark with utility

The audacity of that juxtaposition is rarer in

and delight. Her~og & de Meuron transformed

the US than in Europe, le Corbusier toured

to abandon its nostalgia for a

rom a ntici~ed

past, reject the deceit of contex tualism, and embrace the best of the new. _



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CREDITS Fontana Park

Malibu Lumber Yard

LANC!;CAPE ARCHITECT" PROJECT TEAM LEACER, B~X!er Miller,President, BMlA hndsc~pc- Architecture GOVERN ING AGENCY, City of Font~n~ CIVIL ENGINEER, M~dole & Allod~tes ARCHITECT, John Bates Associales IRRIGATIOH ENG INEER, Scalilcr Irrigation Engineering UGHTING ENG INEER, Rcedcorp Engineering WAYF INOER, Hunt and Associates AOUATIC OESIGNER, Aqu~lic Design Group SKATE PARK OESIGNER, Site Design Group KI NETIC SCULTURE, Corncrmark Fine Art GENERAL CONTRACTOR, Douglas E Barnhart Inc_ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, C~ltrop PHOTOGRAPHER, Jack Coyier

OESIGN TEAM, VaileyCreSI Design Group, RTK Architecture LANOSCAPE CONTRAC TOR, ValleyCrest landscapc- Devciopment CEVElOPMEN T MANAGER, TOG Corporalion CONTRACTOR, Matt Construction CLIENT, Malibu lumber LlC PHOTOGRAPHY, Wiliiamson Images

LAPD Headquarters CltENT {O WNER, Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles MELENOREZ TEAM, Scott Bake" Principal路in路Charge Malson Walter, Projl'Ct Manager Dt.tane Border, Lead Designer TUllY ChdwIl,ldrKl><'dl'" Ard ,it,... l uf Rcwr<.l ARCHITECT, AECOM AECOM OES IGN TEAM, Susan Bartley, Paul Dann~,Jonalhon H~yn~I, ~le< lalley, John Martin, F'edrik Nilsson, Jose P~lados.Drew ~d,ick STRUCTURAL ENG INEER, Nabih Youssef Associates MEP ENG IN EER, TMAD CONTRACTOR, Tutor路 Saliba Corpo'alion PHOTOGRAPHY, Jack Coyier Photography

Quincy Court OWNER, US Gene,al Se,vices Administr~tion ARCHITECT, Rios Clementi Hale StudioS PROJECT TEAM, Mark Rios, FAIA,FASLA,pfindpal in ch~rge Frank Clementi, AlA, pfindp;ll .le<>nife< Cosgrove, AlA. p'oject a"hitect Randy Walker, director of environ menIal graphics Therese Kelly. designer Siobhan Bu,ke, designe' CONSTRUCTllIN MANAGER, Hillintefnational ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, MDC Engineers STRUCTURAl/CIVIL ENGINEER, KPFF Consulting Engineers liGHTING CONSULTANTS, Kaplan Gehring McCarroll GENERAL CONTRACTOR, FH P~schen PHOTOGRAPHER, Scott Shigley

Wills Residence ARCHITECTdGS lIIndscapc- Architecture OESIGN TEAM, Jeff Gordon Smith. Rob Chang. Danielle Cegelski CONTRACTOR, Casey JohnSlon Consnuction. 5.Jge landscapes PHOTOGRAPHER, ChriS Le~hin5ky Read Post Comment Discuss



Cross-media, Inc.


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SOURCE Classic Design

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LA based free-lance illustrator, Ernie Marjoram offefS a blend oftrad~ional and digital technique. to create concept .ketche•. lini.hed perspectives as well as rendered plans and elevations for arcnite<:ts and interior designersWith a«:hite<:1ural training and more than 10 years e xperience as an ilIumator. Ernie'. drawing. can help get your design ideas approved by clients,government agencies and public review boards.

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3/19/10 10:07 PM Page 44



GREEN Professor Andrew Hargadon lights the path for emerging designers and a founding director of the nation's first

infrastructure so years ago today's regulatory environment needs to be revised so com-


Energy Efficiency Center (EEC) and the Center

panies can emerge to solve real-world

for Entrepreneurship at the University of

problems. The barriers of the bureaucracy lie

California at Davis, Andrew Hargadon is

in the standard answer to invest more into basic research. In order for us to advance,"we

committed to helping researchers and stu-

, VI"

dents move their ideas OUt of the lab and

must fundamentally change the way in

into the market.

which the old industry, the o ld regulatory

diant nooring for a community center at

"Most people think of innovation as

regime, the public utility commissions and

something new but innovation is not about

the general regulatory agencies interact and

UC Davis Domes; RIGHT: Dr. Kurt Kombluth o f the EEC demonstrates solar panels t o neighborhood children in Ghana.

inventi on. The operating mechanism behind

respond to emerging opportunities because

a powerful idea is ideas that aren't new but

right now we're living under a system that

are already in existence and already at work

hasn't effectively changed for over 100 years, "

somewhere else,"says Hargadon.The profound

says Hargadon. He believes that the fund s

LEFT: Student Jake Lorber constructs ra-

be all electric:says Hargadon. Whether it is the government or a business

impact that Thomas Edison had on light orthat

should be shifted to areas where innovations

model, energy efficiency must be applied to

Henry Ford had on the automobile happened

are most likely to originate, in the mix of people

an effective infrastructure before it can expand

not because they invented new technology,

and ideas that already exist across industries.

and beadopted.TheCalifomia Parking Garage

but because they created new combinations of old ideas. Edison did not invent the light

UC Davis recently started construction on West Village, a "living laboratory" mixed-use

affiliates, used "smart lighting" to achieve

bulb nor did he invent the generator or the

development that wi ll stretch 220 acres to

over 50 percent energy savings in standard

wiring but he was ableto link these seemingly

the west of the main campus. Over the next

parking garage lighting applications. With EK's

Lighting Project, launched by EEC and its

disparate elements to bring electric power to

10 years, 500 single family homes, 1200

efforts, multiple vendors now manufacture

the general population. In today's market,

student rentals, and 30,000 square feet of

"smart lighting" products. The innovation wil l

Apple did not invent the MP3 Player or the

commercial space will be built. West Village

soon be put into California code for all outdoor

cell phone. Instead, the company combined

will allow researchers to test energy efficient

hi-tech,contemporary design with progressive

technologies, low energy transportation,and

lighting. Another project called "Lighting the Way" aims to distribute an ultra-low cost,

marketing to make these technologies more

sustainable building design. The EEC is in

modular LED lighting sYStem to reduce fuel-

valuab le to the public.

collaboration with the development team

based lighting in Zambia, Africa. Out of the

By understanding the needs and wants

to amalgamate the latest energy efficient

10 million in population, only 20 percent of

of the public innovators can transform the landscape of technology. The Energy [fflciency

innovations and reach a net-zero greenhouse

Zambia households have grid connection.

gas foot print goal. A biogas digest er will

"Lighting the Way " distributes a renewab le

Center is committed to analyzing and advising

consume community green and agricultural

source lighting alternative so these households

different policy options that will advance

wastes to produce a biogas, not sufficient

can have better light for less money with

energy efficiency. Green technology is one of

enough for pipeline quality but capable of

lower environmental consequences . •

the most regulated industries, and although

running a fuel cell for baseload power.

these constraints worked for the energy

"Homes will not have natural gas but instead

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