Mattia Fornara Architectural portfolio

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M A T T I A FORNARA architecturalportfolio

T +3 9 3 4 0 4 0 4 3 3 4 6


fo r n a ra . m tt@g m a il . com

W i s s uu . c om /f orn a ra _ m tt

M A T T I A FORNARA architecturalportfolio

M a t t i a F o r n a ra - Bas e l c o n v e n t i o n c e n t e r - 2 0 1 3

CONTENTS ABOUT ME Who am I? Curriculum Vitae

ARCHITECTURE Costruire il Margine P a r i s M a r k e t La b B a r c e l o n a V e r t i c a l La n d s c a p e S e r l a k i u s M u s eu m Ex s t e n t i o n White House Impact New York

EDUCATION Master of Scienze degree 2009 - 2012

POLITECNICO DI MILANO thesis Costruire il margine - un nuovo approdo all'Isola di Manhattan

Bachelor of Scienze degree 2005 - 2009

POLITECNICO DI MILANO theses Gianni Mantero engineer

Diploma di maturita' 2000 - 2005

LICEO SCIENTIFICO 'GALILEO GLAILEI' thesis I can't get no satisfaction


Priory Green Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2DW Architect and Lighting Designer


Corso Italia, 68 Milan Assistant in an architecture studio [interior design, drawings]


Via Piccinni, 3 Milan Assistant in an architecture studio [architectural landscape, design]

ARS - ROLLA ARCHITECTS Jan 2011 - Apr 2011

Viale Giovanni Da Cermenate, 5 Milan Assistent to architect for partecipation in a International competition

IDEA SRL Sept 2009 - Dec 2010

Corso Liberazione, 18 Arona [NO] Italy Architectural collaboration [render, drawings]

ARCDESIGN SRL Jun 2008 - Aug 2008

Corso Di Porta Romana, 100 Milan Internship in an architecture studio [drawings]

Graduated at the University, Politecnico of Milano, obteining a master degree in April 2012 as Architect and Urban planner. I continued to collaborate with the university as tutor for 'Waterscape Architecture', an Internatonal workshop directed by Arch. Bertelli and as assistant during a thematic course at the

Politecnico of Milano. After having obteining the achievement of the State exam in Italy, I worked for 'Federico Delrosso Architects' an architecture and design firm based in Milano specialized in residenzial and commercial design. In this period I was involved in a few projects and competitions.

In September 2013 I started to work for 'Aether & Hemera' [United Kingdom], a multi-disciplinary art and design studio specialized in interactive lighting installation, as Architect and lighting designer.

-Mattia Fornara-

COSTRUIRE IL MARGINE un nuovo approdo all’isola di Manhattan


un nuovo approdo all’Isola di Manhattan

Costruire il margine, is the final work of thesis for obteining my Master degree in Architecture, designed in collaboration with Architect Paolo Nordi. Afterwords it obteined the 2° prize at the Politecnico di Milano for the competition “Michele Silvers”, Italian architecture projects in International contests. The project area is located in New York close to the Penn Station in front of the Hudson river, characterized by presence of the High Line, an old industrialtrain track reconverted recently in urban park. The request was to create a new theatre complex able to reconnect the city with the waterfront. The complex is an interscale system, a structure organized round the theatres on different levels creating new public spaces in a perfect balance between nature and built.



Paris market lab

The creation of a new restaurant concept is developed from the idea of food as an art of original balanced union between different elements. Similarly, PMKTL project, has been interpreted as a bracket of taste, able to connect and relate different instances: the traditional Parisian existing building, its new symbolic expansion, and finally, the St Germain market and generally the entire city. Among these instances, has particular importance the kitchen space, conceived as declared volume on the facade, visible from both inside and, in a fleeting glimpse of passage, outside. The main route is developed around the kitchen, still visible from the restaurant rooms that stretches, however, to the market, in a dialogue that involves open outdoor space and trace.



Barcelona vertical landscape

Barcelona Vertical Landscape is a project designed during a university thematic laboratory. It participated at the International student exhibition for landscape projects for the “6° Bienal Europea de Paisatge” in October 2010. The redevelopment of the entire area was designed as a succession of elements placed as fragments to interfere with the territory, creating vertical connections. The public space designed between these elements represents a place of relationship, through a succession of paths reminiscent the old rail tracks and lead us to the main building of the intervention. This is realized by the interference of two volumes that play one inside each other creating a succession of the fluid outdoor space. The main inclined volume, the museum, penetrates into the ground, creating a sequence of internal and external spaces on different levels.



Serlakius museum exstention

Serlakius Museum extension is an international competition designed in collaboration with ARS Sandro Rolla Architect based in Milan. The concept idea is to create a continuity between the existent building, the park and the lake involving in this process also the island in front of the project area without alter the natural landscape.



project sustainability design

White house is an experimental project sited in Arona on the banks of the Lake Maggiore, the concept refers to modern architecture in style, shape and composition. The house is thought as a single villa able to host also professionals functions, designed following the basic rules of energy conservation and sustainability seeking an essential shape which exalt the beauty of the natural landscape.



impact New York

The project aims at standing as a breaking element compared to the current condition, defining a rich and dynamic new space. The idea of this project comes out through the introduction of a new piece of furniture that, thanks to its shape and personality, is able to lay out and organize spaces meeting all the required functions and showing a simple and intuitive design. This new dynamic and welcoming disposal offers a wide range of use. The large sliding panel in the north connects and divides spaces, on the one hand defining two screening rooms and on the other hand offering the opportunity to run different activities. The big window, becomes now the most crucial element for the illumination of the whole space. The seats can be combined to create bookcases or desks and used for exhibitions or events.


M attia F ornara T +3 9 3 4 0 4 0 4 3 3 4 6


fo r n a ra . m tt@g m a il . com

W i s s uu . c om /f orn a ra _ m tt

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