resume: inf ormat ion C h r i s to p h e r T. F o r ti n 1 7 2 0 Ki r k w o o d D r. Ap t M3 3 Fo rt C o l l i n s : C o l o r a d o : 8 0 5 2 5 fo r ti n c t@ g ma i l .c o m 3 0 3 :9 8 1 :2 6 4 1
educat ion
2010-2015 Colorado State University: Fort Collins: Colorado Bachelor of Science in Landscape Ar chit ect ur e
2 0 1 5 Ame ri c a n S o c i ety of Landscape A rchi tects S tudent H onor and Merit Awar d Nom inee
Senior Capstone 2015: Castle Rock, Colorado
R ecreati onal trai l design along Plum Creek corridor
work experience
So u th e rn Exp o su re Lands c ape I nt er n
Lead Lan dscape Designer c o mmu n i c a ti o n , dealing with clients and companies in all aspect of account managem ent and design Produced d i g i ta l g ra p h i c s including trai l desi gn for Mountain Range Shadows and company banner design
Assisted in
Assistant spray technician: weed control/ insect control/ fertilizing plants Landscape Laborer: mowed residential/ commercial lots, pruned landscape plants 2014
iDes ign
Created graphi cs for X Games A usti n's 2014 festival map Participated in several conference calls with iDesign personnel brainstorming ideas 2013-Present
4- 10 des igns
Residential designs for clients Provided master plans, planting plans, Googl e S ket chUp perspectives Personal knowledge of site cnditions and suitable plants
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe In-Design, Adobe Illustrator, and Auto-CAD, Googl e S ketchU p , R hi n o 3D, Dynascape Studio background with hand drawn sections, elevations, plans, and on site sketches Several full site designs, including extensive designs for clients Excellent communication skills, proven interpersonal skills
ref erences Dy lan Wa l k e r : Manager of Landscape Management : S outhern Exposure l ands c ape Management
745 Jackson C t. : Wi n ds or, C ol orado 80550 dyl an@southernexposurel andscape.c om : (970).305.7259
A m y K a s p e r : Ow ner/ Operator : i des i gn 236 Juni per C ourt : Bas al t, C ol orado 81621 i desi gn.amy@gmai l.c om : (303).995.1760