3 vital components to effective fitness workout routines

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3 vital components to effective fitness workout routines In creating an effective fitness workout routine I began by asking myself what the key characteristics of an ideal fitness program would be. I decided on a set of three key criteria. 1. The program should be flexible, simple and easy to implement. 2. The program should give maximum results in strength, power, muscle mass and fat loss. 3. The program should d stimulate, NOT destroy the body. Gain without pain. Let’s take a closer look at each of these criteria and why I chose them.

Vital component #1 to an effective fitness workout routine: The program should be flexible, simple and easy to implement… For many years, my training was the focus of my life. My daily schedule was centered on my training. An example of a typicall week for me looked like this:

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On Monday I trained my chest and biceps. On Tuesday I trained my legs. On Thursday I trained my shoulders lders and triceps. On Friday I trained my back and abs Then the cycle started over…


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As I have gotten older, new responsibilities have put pressure on my time, but I still love training as much as I ever have. This forced me to come up with a simple, flexible system that didn’t tie me down like the one above. I didn’t want to live in the gym and if I was prevented from going to the gym, I wanted to be able to push the training to the next day without hurting my overall progress. Some of the things I asked myself when creating such a program to address these desires were: • • •

What happens if I get sick? Where do I start when returning to training if I missed the first half of my program? Should I wait until Monday so all body parts gets equal attention? What if I am prevented from going to the gym? Should I then train the body parts I missed on my next day together with the scheduled days training?

I studied my training logs to find answers. Amongst other things, I found out that if I missed a training session I actually came back even stronger. I got better results when I trained the whole body more often than once a week. I started experimenting and asking more questions. I challenged my preconceptions and the status quo and I finally ended up with the program presented in my advanced training eBook. http://fortiusfitness.com/advancedtraining/ My program is simple and easily implemented into your daily routine. It’s flexible. You don’t have to base your life around your training. Best of all, it delivers better results than the programs I was a slave to in my younger years.

Vital component #2 to an effective fitness workout routine: The program should give maximum results in strength, power, muscle mass and fat loss… Even though a program is simple it shouldn’t compromise on results. I want my body to reflect what I stand for. I am dedicated. You can count on me. I am meticulous, thorough, organized. I don’t let things just happen to me, I PLAN them. To achieve and maintain a strong, powerful and lean body takes intelligence, strategic planning and conviction. A lean, ripped strong body is created and maintained by a sharp mind. I took the best strategies I have ever used to accomplish these goals, and combined them into a system that can be adjusted to help you meet any goals that you might have. I’m a big observer of sports and how the body reacts to different environments. I analyzed how and why athletes of various disciplines look the way they do. • • •

Why do gymnasts have massive upper bodies even though they try and avoid this to keep their weight low? Why are powerlifters and weightlifters so massive when they don’t train for hypertrophy the traditional way? Many are larger than most serious bodybuilders: why? Why are sprinters so cut and defined when they don’t do the steady state cardiovascular training everybody recommends for fat loss?

Things weren’t adding up when I applied conventional wisdom to what I saw around me.


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One of the best ways to increase your chances for success is to understand the reasons why some people around you succeed and others don’t succeed. By learning from the mistakes of others, you can save yourself time and reduce your learning curve by weeks, months, or even years and reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible. This is called “modeling” success, and it’s the only real type of “short cut” there is. Let’s take a look at the third and final principle an effective fitness workout routine should be built upon…

Vital component #3 to an effective fitness workout routine: The program should stimulate, NOT destroy the body. Gain without pain… I have made every mistake in the book on my road to success. One of the most common pitfalls is to equate pain and failure in your workouts with effectiveness. “The more it hurts, the better it has to be” was my way of thinking for a number of years. I see the same flawed logic every day in gyms. With this philosophy, I was constantly tired and made no progress. I was training my ego. Training to failure and pushing the body even though it was clearly telling me that it needed to rest or wasn’t ready for maximum performance on any given day. I didn’t listen to my body. To achieve success, you should aim to stimulate yourself, not destroy yourself. Work smart and hard: pain doesn’t necessarily mean gain. Introducing Auto Regulation…the solution to the standard, flawed mentality described above.

About the Author: Kasper V. Christensen - Owner of FortiusFitness, is a trainer who specializes in rapid body transformations. Download His FREE 26 page eye-opener and controversial eBook…Aerobics – The big “fat” lie! Discover why ineffective cardio workouts and aerobics are sabotaging your fat loss effort. Click here to Download the FREE eBook —-> http://FortiusFitness.com/aerobics


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