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What does MWR do for you?
MWR staff members who serve you in meaningful ways
Meet Ray Daniels, JBLM Auto Center
Ray is the Auto Center manager and longtime MWR employee. He explains how MWR impacts the lives of Service members, family members and civilians at JBLM.
“I first started with MWR way back in 1987 in MWR Marketing at McChord. I moved up to a managerial position in 1997 and worked my way around MWR, including at the Arts & Crafts Center, Russell Landing Marina and now at the Auto Center.
“My customer service philosophy is simple: Treat customers like I want to be treated. Since I come from a retail background, I’ve had a lot of experience listening to what customers want and need. I treat them fairly, listen to their concerns and advise them how to best get what will make them happy.
“A lot of Service members use the Auto Center. The bays and lifts are packed on Saturdays, and we’re all here to help them complete their projects. Sometimes, they’ll bring in a project that’s too ambitious or unrealistic even for us, but that’s how they learn what they can or can’t do to a car or truck!
“To me, working in MWR is exciting and challenging. I see every day how MWR impacts our customers. If we can help and they leave with a smile on their faces, we know we’ve made a difference.
“Most of our customers are Service members and retirees, but many don’t realize we also can help spouses whose Service member is deployed. If they need their oil changed, all a spouse needs to do is call us and set up an appointment. They’ll need to bring in their own supplies, and any auto store can help them find what type of oil and filter they should buy for their vehicle. We’ll teach them how to perform their oil change, free of charge.
“We get most of our customers from word of mouth. The customers who are car guys will tell others they know, and then those guys will be back. That’s what it’s all about.”
For more information about McChord Auto Center, visit https://jblm.armymwr.com/categories/auto.