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February 2022 JBLM MWR e-Focus
By Scott Schissel, ODR mountaineering expert
One domineering scene at JBLM is majestic Mount Rainier (when the weather isn’t hiding the view). Some of you have asked, “What it would take to stand atop that mountain?” — arguably one of the most beautiful, iconic mountains in the continental United States.
Sure, you can sign up and pay one of the many outdoor guide and service companies for a two- or three-day climb of Mount Rainier; however, most people who are led on a guided trip to the summit return home wanting more adventures.
Why keep paying for someone else to guide you on your next mountain adventure when you can get the training and do it yourself? That’s the question we can answer for those of you wanting to join other trained mountaineering partners and climb many more mountains over the course of your lifetime.
A lifetime of climbing
Mountaineering is pure adventure! Alpine climbing and mountaineering encompass the full range of mountain climbing disciplines, including rock climbing, ice climbing and snow climbing in an “alpine” or high-mountain environment.
JBLM’s Outdoor Recreation Program prepares you for a lifetime of climbing with its basic alpine climbing course that begins with classroom instruction Monday, Feb. 28, 6– 9 p.m.
The course combines classroom lecture, field instruction and climbing experience designed to provide the basic skills necessary to safely climb rock, snow and the glaciated peaks of the Pacific Northwest.
The course runs approximately two months with seven evening clinics with lectures, a two-day winter overnight trip and a one-day rock-climbing trip.
Attendance at all lectures and field trips is required for graduation. Training covers selection and care of equipment, wilderness travel and camping, glacier travel, belaying, rappelling, rock climbing, crevasse rescue and many other topics.
During field trips and actual climbs, each student will put their skills to practical use with experienced mountaineers. Previous experience in off-trail hiking and camping is helpful but not mandatory.
Are you ready for mountaineering?
Participants in the basic alpine climbing course should come with a desire to learn technical mountaineering skills and a commitment that requires a significant investment in time and energy.
Solid overall physical conditioning, good cardiovascular strength and psychological stamina are needed — students will experience travel in difficult terrain with vertical exposure while carrying a heavy pack.
We provide transportation to and from field trips, up-to-date climbing techniques, use of a mountaineering guidebook and most of your climbing equipment (no requirement to purchase expensive mountaineering boots and tents during the course!). Although the course is demanding, the rewards are great. The acquisition of these skills opens the door to a lifetime of outdoor enjoyment. Are you willing and ready?
How to sign up
Drop by Adventures Unlimited or call 253-982-2206/2303 for sign-up information. Adventures Unlimited is at 739 Battery Rd., McChord Field.