Fort Worth Weekly // March 5-11, 2025

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Ladies Flying High All Night and All Day. Every Day.

From acrobats, gymnasts, and hoopsters soaring to musical mavens singing their songs, the ladies have it going on this spring.


A local soldier had no idea her grandmother served in the Six Triple Eight — until now.


Embracing the trans community is in everyone’s best interest, especially cis women.


Four local impresarios share their experiences in a male-dominated industry.


Amplify 817 wouldn’t be what it is without its leader, Rita Alfaro.

Keep Fort Worth Beautiful is hosting its 40th Annual Cowtown Great American Cleanup! This is the City’s largest cleanup event of the year, averaging approximately 4,500 volunteers each year. The first 4,000 volunteers to register will receive a free t-shirt. All volunteers receive litter cleanup supplies.

After the cleanup, celebrate Earth Party at Rockwood Park from 11 am - 1 pm to show appreciation for all the hard work done to keep our city clean and green.

Let’s not forget about the Trashion Fashion Show! Reduce, reuse, and refashion is the foundation for this event. Deadline for submissions by Thursday, March 27.

March 29, 2025 8 - 11 am

For details about the Cleanup, Earth Party, and Trashion Fashion Show, visit


Love and Basketball

At all levels, local women’s roundball is having its moment.

Welcome to Weekly Women

It’s our second annual special issue devoted to the better sex, and it comes at a much-needed time. Women are under attack by conservative politicians at every level but especially federally. We’re here to tell all the ladies, “We’ve got your back.” In our pages, we will continue calling out our hateful, backward, power-hungry legislators while celebrating all things woman — not just once a year but every day. For this issue, there’s a lot to unpack, including an interview with four local women stalwarts in the food/drink

industry (pg. 17), an interview with five Texas women horror writers (pg. 9), a list of fun fem-centric things to do throughout the month (pg. 13), a closeup of Rooftop Cinema Club’s monthlong celebration of women from film and TV (pg. 21), a profile of the woman behind the local music catalog/promotional office Amplify 817 (pg. 24), and so much more. We hope you enjoy Weekly Women and share it wide. The more of us working toward toppling the patriarchy, the sooner true equality will come.


Mail Female

With the spotlight on the Six Triple Eight, this local legacy connection shines.

Different for Girls

These women feel right at home doing their own thing in local food/drink.


As Amplify 817 celebrates five years, head Rita Alfaro has no plans on stopping anytime soon.

Anthony Mariani, Editor

Lee Newquist, Publisher

Bob Niehoff, General Manager

Michael Newquist, Regional Director

Ryan Burger, Art Director

Jennifer Bovee, Marketing Director

Clint “Ironman” Newquist, Brand Ambassador

Emmy Smith, Proofreader

Julie Strehl, Account Executive

Sarah Niehoff, Account Executive

Stacey Hammons, Senior Account Executive

Tony Diaz, District Manager

Wyatt Newquist, Account Executive


Christina Berger, E.R. Bills, Jason Brimmer, Buck D. Elliott, Juan R. Govea, Patrick Higgins, Laurie James, Kristian Lin, Cody Neathery, Wyatt Newquist, Steve Steward, Teri Webster, Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue, Elaine Wilder, Cole Williams


Laurie James, Anthony Mariani, Emmy Smith, Steve Steward


Cover photo courtesy Garden Bros. Nuclear Circus.


Army Legacy

Three generations of Black women have made Army history, including by serving in the legendary Six Triple Eight.

Fort Worthian Moni Washington enlisted in and attended the U.S. Military Prep school in 1986 as a private, and the next year, she was accepted into the United States Military Academy in West Point. She graduated in June 1991 as a second lieutenant, “the bottom-of-the-ladder starting rank for officers,” she said. Washington was one of 16 Black women to be admitted to West Point in 1987. Of those 16, only seven graduated in 1991. Washington thought she was the second generation in her family to serve in the Army. “It’s the family business,” she said. Both her parents served in the Army immediately before and during the Vietnam era, which officially clocks from 1954 through 1975, although U.S. forces were in the region far earlier. But it wasn’t until after her grandmother’s death in 1999 that she realized Lois M. Washington, her father’s mother, also served in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) during World War II.

Two years after Lois’ death, Washington, the executor of her grandmother’s estate, received a steamer trunk with her grandmother’s belongings. Inside were uniforms and a DD-214 –– the document from the U.S. Department of Defense that formally indicates time of military service, including the where and when. The DD-214 showed that Lois Washington was part of the legendary WAC 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, which served in a combat theater as an integral part of morale and welfare.

Tyler Perry’s World War II historical drama The Six Triple Eight (currently showing on Netflix) dramatizes events around the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the only Black battalion of the Women›s Army Corps that served overseas in World War II. The 6888th served during combat in England and France, where they sorted thousands of letters neglected and piled up in warehouses because white male soldiers could not be freed up to attend to the sorting and delivery. In addition

to overt racism and sexism, the battalion was faced with a seemingly insurmountable pile of years’ worth of both incoming and outgoing mail, much of which did not have proper addresses or even recipient or addressee full names. The group was given six months, and they finished in just 90 days.

Washington’s father, Ralph Washington, enlisted in the Army around 1948 “to get out of Chicago,” Washington said. Ralph was a medic, a licensed practical nurse (LPN) in the Nurse Corps, which was a potentially career-making opportunity for a Black soldier in those days. He served one tour of duty stationed in Korea and two tours in Vietnam before returning stateside.

Washington’s mother, Shirline “Shirley” Fox, was initially stationed at Fort McLellan, Alabama, and she was also an LPN –– the third Black female Nurse in the WAC in the late 1950s. She met Ralph when they were both working at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. Both

parents went on to continue their nursing careers outside of the Army. Shirline left the Army around 1962 due to her newly married status. Ralph remained on active duty and retired in 1981 after more than 35 years of service. Washington joined the Army “out of respect” for her parents.

“They were my biggest cheerleaders,” she said. “I was amazed at their service. I loved watching them put their uniforms on — starched nursing whites. Nursing and the military was the family business.”

Women have volunteered for military service probably since the American Revolutionary War in 1775, although formal documentation of women’s military service dates to the American Civil War. But it was only in the last century that the WAC gave credence, purpose, and organization to their service. Six months before women received formal military status, the first contingents of female soldiers arrived in North Africa and England. After official

incorporation, three WAC units joined the British Southeast Asia Command in New Delhi, India, in October 1943. That year, WAC platoons arrived in Italy and Cairo, Egypt. In January 1944, WAC units arrived in New Caledonia and Sydney, Australia. Of course, these were only white women.

The WAC wasn’t even considered an official branch of the U.S. Armed Services until after World War II. The Women’s Armed Services Integration Act in 1948 enabled women to serve as permanent members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the newly founded Air Force. However, the Act limited the number of women who could serve to 2% of the forces in each branch. The WAC was eventually folded into all units of the U.S. Army (with the exception of combat forces) in 1972, just after Shirley’s forced retirement from the WAC.

In her mother’s WAC, they had different uniforms because “they weren’t really in the Army,” Washington said. At the time Shirley served, very few women served in the Army, much less Black women.

Washington’s grandmother Lois (Ralph’s mother) was, as far as she knew, a civil servant with a respectable job in a Chicago post office. Washington was born in 1968, and Grandma Lois crocheted a lot of her clothes. Washington remembers taking Lois to the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center in Chicago for medical and hospital services but assumed that Lois was connected to care there because she was the widow of a veteran.

As the executor of Lois’ will, Washington has some family heirlooms, including pottery her grandmother made and an armoire that houses some of Lois’ fancy gold-rimmed China. But it wasn’t until two years after her grandmother’s death that she realized Lois served two tours of duty as a private in the WAC during World War II.

“She never told us anything” about her time in the Army, Washington said. “My brother is 13 years older than me –– someone had to know something.”

Washington recently spoke to her brother, and he had no information about her service, either.

“He said she did not entertain questions at all,” Washington said.

As it turns out, Lois’ story is part of Perry’s The Six Triple Eight, although many of the supporting cast of actresses play amalgamations of different real-life women for brevity and also for continuity and interest in the storyline.

Grandma Lois was a bit of a mystery. Her race was in dispute –– she called herself Black, but her death certificate lists an Irishnamed parent. She was also allegedly part continued on page 5

Pvt. Lois Washington served in the U.S. Women’s Army Corps from 1944 to 1946 in the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

Cherokee, but she didn’t like to talk about that, either.

“When I asked about my heritage in 1984, she said in the 1900s it was worse to be Irish and Cherokee than Black,” Washington said. Lois “spent 50 years changing” her race, and it stuck.

“I am mulatto,” Washington remembers Lois saying. And there was no information superhighway back then to put us on a technological leash. “We can’t doctor anything these days,” Washington said with a laugh.

In the 1940s, she passed for a very light-skinned Black woman. According to Washington, Lois “marked out everything on her birth certificate and wrote ‘Negro.’ ”

Washington’s father Ralph was born in 1930 –– his sister Wanda was born around 1928 At the time, Lois lived in Chicago with the two kids and her itinerant, allegedly abusive longshoreman husband, who travelled for work for months at a time. Around 1942, Lois made a decision to drop Ralph and Wanda with a family named the Butlers in Coffeyville, Kansas. Coffeyville was home to remnants of one of the Osage tribes, but nobody knows if the Butlers were relatives. That part of the family’s history remains shadowy.

“She didn’t talk about that much,” Washington said. “Think about what women had to go through back then and even now. She had so few resources. Her best bet was to leave the kids and join the WAC.”

Lois enlisted circa 1943 out of Chicago. She was sent on a train to bootcamp in Georgia, and after graduation, she was placed in the 6888th Postal Battalion — “we think that was the only place that accepted Black women,” Washington said.

All this tracks with the storyline of Perry’s movie. The 850-member regiment received basic combat and gas mask training at Fort Oglethorpe in Georgia.

Per historical records, the women were transported to Birmingham, England, via

Glasgow, Scotland, in 1945. The segregation from Georgia and the American South followed them to Europe –– the American Red Cross allegedly refused hotel rooms to the Black WAC and tried to house these soldiers separately. Then-Major Charity Adams, the first Black woman officer in the WAC, a preacher’s kid, and a well-educated woman, led the 6888th in a boycott of the separate accommodations, and her troops stood behind her –– this is not included in Perry’s movie, although there’s plenty of other historical info there.

After clearing the warehouses in Birmingham, the 6888th transferred to Rouen, France, to sort additional mail and cleared a three-year pile of correspondence in five months. In France, the 6888th were hailed as heroes and took part in parades. By the end of the war in 1946, the unit returned to Fort Dix, New Jersey, where they were disbanded.

And there the story would have ended, except for Perry’s movie and an awards ceremony 80 years later. In 2022, President Joe Biden awarded the 6888th Postal Battalion the Congressional Medal of Honor.

“You know, I found this stuff out four years after she died,” Washington said. “She never volunteered any of it. She came to everything –– when I enlisted, when I was commissioned, and she came to my duty stations, and she never said anything to me.”

Because Lois served two tours of duty in a combat theater, she would be classified

as a combat veteran in today’s parlance. Modern-day honorably discharged combat veterans receive honor, recognition, and, more importantly, health care. As it was, the WAC received little appreciation and no medical care after their service as they weren’t formally recognized as Army.

Upon her return stateside in 1946, Lois went to Kansas to retrieve the kids from the Butlers and returned to Chicago. continued on page 6

Moni Washington was ultimately promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, continuing what she calls “the family business.”
When Moni Washington knew her grandmother Lois (pictured here in her old Chicago Transit pass), she had no idea the older woman served in the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion.

Possibly because of her experience in WAC, she qualified to work at the post office. She eventually remarried.

There’s also a question about Lois’ name: Was it Lois or Delores? “Her death certificate says ‘Lois,’ ” Washington said. “Everyone called her Lois.” It’s possible that when she left her husband and her kids, in addition to changing her race, she changed her name. In The Six Triple Eight, a light-skinned woman who identifies herself as Delores Washington declines to leave the Black women with whom she’d been chatting when the train they’re on crosses into the segregated South and the white women are moved to a different train car. It’s likely that that character is based on Lois Washington.

Washington says that she learned much later that the myth of the Black WAC was that they sent them to the European theater to be concubines for the Black soldiers who could not possibly date the white European ladies.

“They were made to host those Black soldiers,” Washington said.

Perry’s movie shows this, although in his version, the WACs are hosting a dance.

Military sexual trauma is something that the Department of Defense and the Veteran’s Administration started talking about only in the 2010s. “It’s something we just tolerated,” Washington said.

Also, at the time Lois returned, Black

soldiers were discouraged from wearing their uniforms on American soil. “I wonder what she thought,” Washington said. Lois was part of the “silent generation.”

Washington’s dad Ralph “never told me [Lois’] stories, only his,” she said. Ralph came back with serious post-traumatic memories from his service, what we now call PTSD. He was reluctant to talk about any of his experiences Washington remembers a time when she was very young when she slammed a door –– not on purpose –– and the noise sent her dad under the furniture

in the kitchen. She called her uncle, who told her to go to her room and lock the door until he could get there to calm her dad and convince him he wasn’t still in Vietnam.

After her commission as a second lieutenant out of West Point, Washington was stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia, and Fort Benning, Georgia, “where I jumped out of planes,” she said. Her uniform has a parachute badge on it. Her terminal rank was lieutenant colonel (LTC). She spent a total of 25 years in the Army, both active duty and in the reserves, then went on to nursing school, continuing in her parents’ footsteps.

There’s a scene in The Six Triple Eight when the women finally arrive in the north of England to find the building they were to be housed in is uninhabitable –– between the elements and the rodents, it probably should have been condemned. The first thing the women of the 6888th had to do was clean the place.


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Major Charity Adams’ character, played by Kerry Washington, tells her soldiers, “Your mothers have done worse,” likely referring to the fact that her mother was the great-grandchild or great-great grandchild of an enslaved woman, as well as to the working conditions widely available for American Black women at the time.

“I am so proud of my grandmother,” Washington said. “It was amazing to see this part of her life.”

While she was watching The Six Triple Eight this year, she said, “I lost my voice from screaming and cheering for those ladies. I resonated with the challenges faced by Charity Adams as I recalled my own experiences. I am a legacy!” l

Lois Washington did not talk much about her military service, even to her family.
Moni Washington
Lois Washington’s estate included a powder compact, because women in the Women’s Army Corps had to wear makeup. Moni Washington
Lois Washington received a credit in Tyler Perry’s The Six Triple Eight
Moni Washington

Stronger Together Cisgender women should join the fight for transgender liberation.

“You think if you’ve got no uterus and no breasts, you’re still technically a woman?”

Gender-policing conservatives may think that this quote is describing a transgender person, but they would be wrong. This line comes from one of my favorite movies of all time, Erin Brockovich. A cisgender woman, who has just been diagnosed with a serious illness presumably caused by contaminated water, asks the poignant question to Erin as she thinks about medical treatments she will have to endure. Erin tries to comfort the woman with a joke about missing out on maxi pads and underwire bras, but she still breaks into sobs.

I think about this scene often as conservative politicians try to legislate who can and can’t be a woman. Only a heartless jerk would tell the character in Erin Brockovich that being female requires a person to have breasts and a uterus, but that’s the message the right is sending to all women in the country.

When he returned to the Oval Office, Donald Trump spent his taxpayer-funded


time signing multiple executive orders to oppress transgender and nonbinary people. With his authority over federal institutions and resources, Trump’s orders are aimed at preventing trans folks from serving in the military, starting medical transition as minors or as 18-year-olds, modifying their name and pronouns as school students, and competing in sports.

Some of the executive orders are framed as protecting and defending cisgender women and girls whose gender identity matches the label they were assigned at birth. Make no mistake — attacking trans people won’t uplift cis women. In fact, cis women will find it harder to exist outside the bounds of the right’s idea of perfect femininity.

Consider the controversy that surrounded Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who won a gold medal in women’s boxing at the 2024 Olympics. Khelif is a cisgender woman, but that didn’t protect her from being harassed online. Her gender was scrutinized after she won a match against an Italian boxer, who quit the fight in under a minute and cried when Khelif competed in the sport by the rules. Infamous transphobes J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk made things worse by platforming the lie that Khelif was a man participating in women’s sports. Look up Khelif’s photo and ask yourself what made her a target of scrutiny. Was it her skin color? Her body type and facial features? Her hair in cornrows? Are women only considered women if they look like Barbie?

Unfortunately, this kind of treatment is not only reserved for Olympic boxers. In the past few years, a woman in a Las Vegas bathroom, a girl competing in a Canadian track

meet, a teenaged Utah basketball player, and a female powerlifter have all reported being harassed by people accusing them of being men or transgender. Even former First Lady Michelle Obama isn’t safe from “transvestigating” as Elon Musk’s father came out of nowhere to misgender her in a recent podcast interview. These stories of gender policing are a warning to women to stay inside the lines of traditional femininity by not cutting our hair short, by not having muscles, and by not being a race other than white.

The oppression of transgender and nonbinary people was never about protecting cisgender women and girls. The goal has always been control. Conservatives want us women — trans and cis — under their rule to mandate how we can express ourselves and what choices we make for our bodies and health.

The way we can stop this oppression is through cisgender women uniting with

transgender women to demand gender liberation. Leaders on the right want to divide us by spreading disinformation about trans women being a threat to cis women. Cisgender women fall into this trap when we fail to find common ground, but the truth is trans and cis women are more alike than different. We all feel the pressure to meet the impossible expectations of performing womanhood perfectly and the inevitable failure when we fall short. Nobody can be Barbie, and there is freedom in being able to express gender in an unlimited number of ways.

What defines a woman? We can’t let Donald Trump decide that for us. l

This column reflects the opinions of the editorial board and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a column, please email Editor Anthony Mariani at He will gently edit it for clarity and concision.

March 2–September 7

Alex Da Corte: The Whale is made possible through major support from the Texas Commission
the Arts, with additional contributions from the Fort Worth Tourism Public Improvement District, Matthew Marks Gallery, Fort Worth Promotion and Development Fund, Henrik Persson, Gió Marconi Gallery, and Sadie Coles HQ.
The Pied Piper, 2019. Neoprene, EPS foam, upholstery foam, staples, thread, polyester fiber, epoxy clay, MDF, plywood. 120 × 120 × 6.5 inches. Courtesy Sadie Coles HQ, London. © Alex Da Corte. Image: Karma


Shining a Light

Wanna read something really scary?

You discover a sink full of teeth and realize the truth bites back.

You find yourself having to choose between safety alone or succumbing to a terrifying plague with your children.

You have a recurring nightmare about being mounted and raped by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Have you read any Texas horror lately? Have you read any horror by Texas women like that above?

Sometimes it’s hard to breathe, but they know they don’t have a choice.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe, but they have real problems with the established plotline.

There are a lot of frightening things going on in Texas and America today, and we’ve been passive and meek. It’s hardly news anymore. But not everyone is quietly acquiescing or remaining docile and submissive. Some Americans are not going gently into this dark night, and some Texans are using darkness to shine a light. I sat down with a few recently.

“I am the scary thing,” said Jacklyn Baker, a Texas writer and filmmaker, “and once I acknowledged that, I gave myself permission to start delving into really scary stuff.”

“Folks outside of the South seem to view Southern women as strong to a minimal extent,” said Black storyteller and editor R.J. Joseph. “I’m not sure that’s accurate, but it’s certainly helpful when we decide to tell monster stories or become the monster. No one sees it coming.”

Magnolia-based writer, editor, and horror content creator Madison Estes concurs. “Horror gives us the ability to expose and explore our deepest fears in a safe way. It also creates an opportunity to push boundaries and reflect reality through a warped lens to expose hidden truths about our communities and our society.”

“Texas rivers are murky and low,” added Joseph. “The sun is a fearsome beast, and the humidity smothers. Texas critters are more ferocious, and the soil whispers eerily. But the trees still dance to songs sung throughout history. The blood of our ancestors thrums through everything we see and feel. Here, horror is everywhere, especially in spaces where the whispers, screams, and wails come together to give voice to the fears

and monsters we don’t always hear about.”

“The Lone Star state has a dark side,” agreed Austin writer/filmmaker Patrice Sarath. “It’s a land of great beauty but also conquest and violence. It seeps into my work, sometimes in obvious ways and sometimes in secret code. There’s more than one Texas.”

Scary things? Hidden truths? A dark side? More than one Texas?

Speaking very generally — and acknowledging the obvious exception of Mary Shelley and Frankenstein — horror and horror writing was largely the purview of men until the mid 20th century. Even then, it remained mostly male, but women like Shirley Jackson tested that, eclipsed that, with works like “The Lottery” (1948), and Flannery O’Connor followed suit with the existential horrors inherent in Southern asininity. Then, by the 1980s, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale was presciently depicting a ghoulish, patriarchal-minded “lottery,” where men could treat their pick of women as little more than indentured sex objects — which conservative males around the country still seem to prefer more than an Equal Rights Amendment.

Scary, right?

Is it any wonder that Texas women writers would begin to challenge societal mores?

“It’s the modern day that makes Texas a prime topic of horror for women,” observed Baker, who now lives in Minnesota. “You can experience a sense of dread by simply watching the news.”

“A very traditional, conservative outlook permeates many aspects of this state,”

If folks aren’t trying to harm us through legislation, they’re trying to harm us physically, financially, or mentally.

has to tell the stories we don’t always want to hear. Someone has to anchor these stories in factual history and academic rigor. We would be doing our audience and ourselves a huge disservice by not writing about social and political issues from marginalized perspectives. And critically examining these issues requires a multitude of viewpoints, not just the same ones over and over again. I feel compelled to write. Unapologetically. Unequivocally. Being a woman is political. Being a Black woman means my sheer existence is political.”

said San Antonio-based writer L.H. Phillips. “Women have to navigate this attitude, and it provides tons of material.”

Baker, Estes, Joseph, Phillips, and Sarath have all contributed to the state’s annual horror anthology — Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers — and their works reflect the reality we inhabit today.

“Horror is one of the best genres for tackling real-world fears without being preachy,” said Estes, who edited Vol. 6 of the series. “I don’t always set out to write political horror stories, but when you’re writing about fear, surviving evil, or thwarting injustice, those themes often naturally arise.”

“Texas is a place where a lot of different groups of people have collided due to the course of history,” Baker added. “It’s made it what it is today, and that should be celebrated, not stifled.”

Joseph, also a Shirley Jackson and Bram Stoker Award nominee, may have put it best. “As a Southern woman and, specifically, a Southern Black woman, I know where the monsters are, and I know how to move around them. Since I can’t always beat them, I like to shine a light on them to let them know they’re seen. I also like to reflect the horror their victims’ experience, so the perpetrators can consider what it would be like to be on the receiving end of atrocities. Frankly, being a woman can be pretty frightening, anyway. If folks aren’t trying to harm us through legislation, they’re trying to harm us physically, financially, or mentally — through every method at their disposal. If anyone is expert at moving subversively, it’s people from marginalized groups. Someone

“Horror is richer when it comes from different perspectives,” Estes agreed. “Texas is a mix of different cultures and experiences. The more diverse voices we have in horror, the more layered and impactful the stories become. The contrast between traditional expectations and the reality of our contemporary experiences makes for powerful horror stories, whether it’s about bodily autonomy, societal roles, or the dangers of being underestimated.”

“Women still have a hard time being recognized as horror creators across the board,” Baker said. “I can’t tell you how many times I have had a conversation with someone who was completely baffled that I, a woman, was writing horror.”

But now you know.

We know.

So, there’s no excuse.

Baker is working on a series of independent films and a related comic book series. Estes is focused on her writing and more short story contributions. Joseph has a new novella coming out in a Pandi Pack (Pandi Press) this November. Sarath is focusing on writing and future film projects.

All four women have advice for female writers, but Baker’s encapsulates that of her fellow female wordsmiths. “Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you should write. If we don’t face our fears, then we will always be afraid, so dig deep. It’s not easy, and it’s not for everyone. Stories that are just for fun are equally valuable. We all need a break from reality sometimes, but if you’re feeling that itch to explore the dark side of things, then do so with a level head and a sympathetic heart. Walk through the darkness, but don’t succumb to it. Instead, use your art to illuminate the darkest parts of our world. Shining a light on horrors is the first step to banishing them.” l

Texas horror writers (clockwise from left) R.J. Joseph, Jacklyn Baker, Patrice Sarath, and Madison Estes (L.H. Phillips not pictured) agree that the first step toward banishing horrors is to shine a light on them.


Writing Herstory

Women’s basketball is hopping in North Texas, and four teams have made or are hoping to cement their legacies.

As we begin Women’s History Month, it’s appropriate enough that female athletes in Fort Worth, as well as across North Texas, are cementing their own places on hallowed hardwood floors, hoisting trophies and cutting nets at all levels of the sport.

Most proximally, and recently, TCU women’s basketball secured the first Big 12 regular season women’s championship in program history and the first conference title in 20 years on Sunday night in the final game of the regular season against Baylor in Waco. It was the first time ever the conference’s title has been decided in such a game, and the contest didn’t disappoint. Sedona Prince, who I’ve previously written is the difference between a good team and a title contender, added yet another double-double with 16 points and a staggering 19 rebounds. TCU shot 35% from both the field and beyond the three-point line on their way to a 51-48 victory. These Frogs have lost only three games on the season and were ranked 10th in the AP poll going into Sunday’s de facto championship game. They’ll be the top seed in the conference tournament and are

a projected 3 seed as of now, which means they’ll turn their home court — which they’ve faltered on only once this season — into an opening-round host site for a group of four. An aggressive transfer acquisition strategy from Head Coach Mark Campbell has morphed these Frogs from a below-average group into a title contender in one offseason, and fans are loving it. Northbound on I-35 is home to another group of ballers — the Pioneers from Texas Woman’s University — who are top-ranked nationally in both the media and coaches’ polls for Division II. TWU’s athletics are most commonly recognized for their outstanding gymnastics team, who have won a record 11 championships in the USA Gymnastics collegiate division since 1993. Pioneer athletics have never captured an NCAA championship (they have several from different associations before those women’s sports were incorporated into the NCAA), but their basketballers fell just short last season during their championship game against Minnesota State. Texas Woman’s won a school record 34 games during their title run last year but had lost four games by the end of their regular season. This year’s evolution is currently 28-1 as they prepare

for the Lone Star Conference Championship that begins on Thursday in Frisco. The team’s only blemish came at UT-Tyler, and the squad bounced back by winning 22 consecutive games to date. As fantastically as our hometown team is playing, the

Dentonites have the most legitimate chance to hoist an NCAA hoops championship of any team in DFW, women or men.

Speaking of Pioneers, the UIL girls basketball state championships concluded this past weekend in San Antonio, and another trailblazing group — the Boswell Pioneers — secured the school’s first girls basketball state championship by defeating Fort Bend Hightower 51-42. Boswell, who was second-ranked, defeated three other ranked squads during their playoff run and brought home the 6A Division II state title. W.E. Boswell opened in 1962 and is part of the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District, but the title represents the first girls hoops win at that level for a Fort Worth-based school since Dunbar captured the title in 2007.

In an even stranger sequence of events, we’re discussing Denton again, as the Raiders from Billy Ryan High School captured the 5A Division I title this past weekend as well. Denton-Ryan is accustomed to athletic accomplishments — their football team has won three state titles this century — but the weird part is that this group went from district contender all the way to state champion and never received a state ranking. The Raiders’ seven regular-season losses came either against larger 6A schools (including an 8-point loss to fellow state champion Boswell) or other squads with state rankings. The underdog Raiders dashed their playoff competition by an average margin of 16 points per game, including an 11-point championship-game win against top-ranked San Antonio Wagner.

Head Coach Monesha Allen is responsible for leading the first girls basketball squad in Denton ISD history to even win a regional championship (the ISD began in 1882, and Denton-Ryan — the second high school in the district — opened in 1998), let alone a state title. Allen was the coach of the Denton High School Broncos for six years before moving over to coach the Raiders in 2002-2003 and has led the program since.

A hotbed for, well, everything, DFW is also becoming an epicenter of women’s basketball at all levels. As the already-popular sport grows, we’ll be lucky to claim we knew them before many of these high school and collegiate players join the professional and Olympic ranks, continuing to lay claim to new firsts as they dominate on courts nation- and worldwide. l

Denton Ryan Coach Monesha Allen celebrates with her team after winning the 5A Division I state title, Denton’s first girls basketball championship in the long history of the district.
TWU Coach Beth Jillson took over the program in 2007 and is hoping to lead her team back to the DII title game and win it this season.

No talking. No food and drinks. No Bubbles.

Come break the rules and say “yes!” to new art experiences at the Carter’s Second Thursdays! Every Second Thursday is different than the last — mingle with fellow art lovers, make art, and meet visiting artists, sometimes with live music and always with themed cocktails. You’ll never think of museums in the same way again.


THURSDAY MAR 13 | 5–8 P.M.


Meet artist Jean Shin and unravel the Carter connections in our immersive installation, Jean Shin: The Museum Body.

Look Again

Happy Hour in the Kimbell Café EVERY FRIDAY, 5–7 pm

Live music | Beer | Wine | Food

Admission to the permanent collection is always free. View the full schedule of exhibitions, events, and programs at

Support for the Kimbell is provided in part by Arts Fort Worth and the Texas Commission on the Arts.
Head, possibly a King (detail), Ife, 12th–14th century, terracotta with residue of red pigment and traces of mica. Kimbell Art Museum, AP 1994.04
Second Thursdays at the Carter is generously supported by: DON’T MISS OUT!


Ladies Flying High All Night and All Day. Every Day.

From acrobats, gymnasts, and hoopsters soaring to musical mavens singing their songs, the ladies have it going on this spring.


While it might have “brothers” in the name, women take center stage at Garden Bros. Nuclear Circus Garden Bros.’ Chad Ridge says their graceful aerialists and strongwomen onstage, as well as the choreographers and logistics ladies behind the scenes, are the backbone of the entire operation. “Women hold the majority of pivotal leadership roles,” he said. “This isn’t just a show. It’s a living testament to equality, a place where ‘the show must go on’ mentality means that everyone, regardless of gender, works hand in hand.” See for yourself now thru Sunday at Panther Island Pavilion (395 Purcey St, Fort Worth) with two shows Thu-Fri and three shows Sat-Sun Weekly readers are eligible for a 30% discount by using code FWWeekly at

Don’t miss out on a chance to be amazed at this year’s NCAA Women’s Gymnastics Tournament this April. Sessions run Thu, Apr 17, thru Sat, Apr 19, at Dickies Arena (1911

Montgomery St, Fort Worth, 817-402-9000). Tickets start at $90 on

This is the final season the Dallas Wings will play hoops in Arlington before they leave us for, well, Dallas. Catch the season home opener at 6:30pm on Fri, May 16, when they face off against the Minnesota Lynx at College Park Center (600 S Center St, UTA, Arlington, 817-272-5584). Single game tickets are not on sale for the 2025 Dallas Wings season quite yet. Keep an eye on for updates.

For more basketball goodness, read this week’s Stuff story.

Like these ladies from Medical City Las Colinas, remember to help Don’t Forget to Feed Me with an easy drop-off donation at Arts 5th Avenue through the end of March.


This Saturday, the Tarrant County Democratic Party invites you to attend the International Women’s Day Unite & Resist Protest in front of the courthouse (100 W Weatherford St, Fort Worth) 3pm-5pm to defend women’s rights, bodies, and futures. For safety purposes, please RSVP at TCDems. org/2025InternationalWomensDay.

The women of Arts 5th Avenue and the nonprofit animal food pantry Don’t Forget to Feed Me ( are joining forces to help animals in need. Cat food is at a critical low. You can help by dropping off any size or brand of cat and/or dog food, wet or dry, or gallon-sized snap seal (not the slider kind) storage bags (for repackaging food) at Arts 5th Avenue (1628 5th Av, Fort Worth, 817-923-9500) noon-6pm any Mon-Thu thru Mon, Mar 31.

continued Calendar on

Women are both front and center and behind the scenes at Garden Bros. Nuclear Circus.
Every flip, twist, and tumble will leave you in awe at the NCAA Women’s Gymnastics Tournament in April.

Take an ART Break during spring break, March 17–21. Even though you can’t touch the art (!), we have fun, hands-on gallery stations designed for the whole family to enjoy together—every day, 11 am–3 pm.

Get your creative energy flowing as you work on your own projects while spending time with art in Modern’s galleries.

EATS & drinks

ATE DAY8 is here with eight woman-led food and booze events.

While you don’t need a special occasion to visit these woman-owned (or co-owned) businesses, some must-attend events are happening soon at several of them. Save the date(s)!

Fool’s Kava House (200 N Mesquite St, Ste 119, Arlington), a tarot-themed nonalcoholic bar where a beverage made from the roots of the kava plant reigns supreme, is celebrating its first anniversary and recent sale with a grand reopening event. New owners Mary Elaine and Ashley B. Benton make Fool’s Kava House the first woman- and queer-owned kava bar in Texas. From 11am to 2am, there will be raffles, free food, and all-day happy hour drink prices.

In creating Delucca Gaucho Pizza & Wine (six area locations), co-founder Vanderleia Mallman married the pizzeria and Brazilian steakhouse concepts to serve wood-fired pizzas rodizio-style, in which servers bring slices to diners’ tables. #BroadsWhoBrunch (yeah, I just made that up) may want to give Delucca a try on Sundays. For $25.95 per person, Sunday Brunch includes endless brunch pizzas, craftcore pizza selections, Wagyu beef meatballs with San Marzano tomato sauce, lobster bisque, arugula salad with lemon-honey vinaigrette, and dessert pizzas. During this month’s Mimosa Madness promotion, each full-price brunch purchased will include a complimentary mimosa or mocktail noon3pm today and Sundays Mar 16, 23, and 30. Make your reservation at

Get crafty with bar owner Tyler Stevens at The Cicada (1002 S Main St, Fort Worth, @The_Cicada_FTW) at another one of her arts-and-crafts nights. At 8pm, create your own prism-bead hanging succulent plant — a stunning mix of beads that catch the light beautifully, wire, and a tiny pot. Tickets are $40 on and include all materials as well as one drink ticket to imbibe while you craft.

During the pandemic, we almost lost From Across the Pond (1101 Cheek-Sparger Rd, Ste 110, Colleyville,

The sale of Fool’s Kava House to Mary Elaine and Ashley B. Benton makes the spot the first woman- and queer-owned kava bar in Texas.

469-884-2987), but the upgrades and notoriety of being on an episode of Restaurant Impossible brought new life to the place. Check out the gastropub for yourself at the St. Patrick’s Day Party, 3pm-6pm, featuring live music by Irish “fiddlin’ folk rockers” River Driver. (For more St. Paddy’s Day events, see next week’s column.)

Fort Worth’s first woman-owned and -operated coffee producer, Ostara Coffee Roasters (208 E Broadway Av, @OstaraCoffeeFW) is celebrating the new season at Spring Equinox at Ostara from 10am to 2pm. This free event will feature food and drink specials and a vendor market.

It’s moving day. Dreamboat Vegan Donuts & Scoops is moving in with neighboring/sister business Spiral Diner & Bakery (1314 W Magnolia Av, Fort Worth, 817-332-8834). This change means that all your favorite treats will be under one roof. Donuts will be available 7am-1pm Tue-Sun. Sweet!

Wines From a Broad (317 Houston St, Fort Worth, 682-224-0056) is more than just a clever play on words. Chef Dena Shaskan’s wine bar in Sundance Square literally features female-made wines specifically. Their hours are 1pm-7pm Sun, 5pm-10pm Wed-Thu, and 4pm-11pm FriSat. If you’re not sure what you like, come on Sundays and take advantage of the $5 specials to try some new wines.

Erika Ramos and husband Patrick Lai built their concept on the belief that everyone should be able to enjoy board game night all year long. Along with providing customers with a curated game library, Game Theory Restaurant + Bar (804 South Main St, Fort Worth, 817-717-6443) serves craft beverages and scratch-kitchen food seven days a week. For those with a competitive streak, assemble a team of four and test your problem-solving skills as you compete against other puzzle enthusiasts at the next monthly Puzzle Race Competition 5pm-7pm Sun, Mar 16. Tables are $30 on and include a 500-piece puzzle to take home, appetizers, and soft drinks or tea for all team members.

EATS & drinks

Raising the Bar

The horrors persist, but so do these business owners, to the benefit of all.

As daily news headlines increasingly mimic the plot of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, it’s inarguably a rough time to be a woman in this country. But if you zoom in to the local level, it actually is a pretty great time to be a female patron of the Fort Worth bar scene.

More and more bars, it seems, now offer a full slate of events that get people in the

doors for reasons other than to just sit and drink. And while these events might not be solely aimed at the “girlies” (that’s me trying my hand at modern parlance) and all their friends, events like book swaps, Taylor Swift nights, and craft nights do typically draw in more women. (That’s not to say everyone else on the gender spectrum isn’t welcome at these events too, of course.) In a world of distrust and uncertainty, it’s nice, as a woman, to have a list of “safe” spaces to let loose. So, I reached out to four local businesswomen whose bars have earned their reputation for being a safe and inviting environment for single gals and girl gangs alike to gather.

Dena Shaskan has spent the better part of two decades introducing us to interesting food and wines, including as head chef of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth’s in-house restaurant from 2004 to 2015. She now owns and operates Wines From a Broad, 2024’s Best Of “Place To Buy Wine” winner, in Sundance Square, where she offers wines from primarily women-owned or women-directed wineries. Deanna Stuart is the third woman to own Near Southside favorite and past Best Wine Bar winner WineHaus, having purchased it from the previous owner Robyn Davis late last year. Tyler Stevens, along with her husband John Stevens, owns the music venue The Cicada, a multiple Best Of award winner, including Best Entertainment Spot. And Autumn Brackeen is something of an elder stateswoman in the Funkytown bar scene, having operated 2024 Best Bar Bar winner (and perennial favorite) The Boiled Owl Tavern for over a decade along with 2024

a strong sense of resilience and a different approach to leadership. I also think women bring a different sensibility to hospitality. We create spaces with warmth, inclusivity, and an attention to detail that goes beyond just what’s on the plate or in the glass. I did want to create a place where a woman can walk in alone, sit at the bar, and enjoy a glass of wine without feeling uncomfortable or out of place. That was a huge factor in how we designed the space — intimate but not isolating, welcoming but not overwhelming. It’s about creating an environment where everyone, regardless of gender, feels valued and at ease.

Deanna Stuart: Because WineHaus had two previous female owners, I haven’t really thought of the bar industry as being male-dominated, but it probably is. I think the unique perspective that I bring as a woman is the want to nurture and provide a “home” to our WineHaus customers for relaxation and renewal while building community.

Best Host winner Tarantula Tiki Lounge. All four took the time to share some of their experiences, unique perspectives, and words of wisdom for ladies who share their entrepreneurial spirit.

Is there anything about your experience in a traditionally male-dominated industry that’s given you a perspective that may differ from that of your male peers?

Dena Shaskan: Coming up in the restaurant industry as a chef, I had to fight for my space in kitchens where women weren’t always taken seriously. That experience gave me

Autumn Brackeen: I do think I have a different perspective as a woman, but that applies to every aspect of life, not just bars. Women inherently have safety in the back of our minds in almost any situation. I’m someone who has always enjoyed going out for dinner or a cocktail by myself. There are bars you immediately walk into and get kind of an icky vibe, like you know you’re going to have to be on alert. That made me very conscious of exactly what I wanted to provide as far as a space that’s social and fun but also safe. Being able to get out of an awkward or intimidating situation by making eye contact with a bartender you trust,

continued on page 19

Deanna Stuart (left) took over ownership of Near Southside neighborhood haunt WineHaus from Robyn Davis in September.
Troy Sonefeld

Eats & Drinks

from page 17

or seeing friends just a few tables away, is so important to people and not just women. Everyone deserves to be able to go out and put the shit show of reality away for a few hours and just enjoy themselves.

Tyler Stevens: I think being a woman in this industry naturally makes me more aware of the details that create a safe and comfortable atmosphere, especially for women coming in alone or in small groups. It’s something I think about constantly, everything from the way the space is laid out to how my staff interacts with customers. The goal is to have an environment where no one feels on edge, where people can relax and enjoy themselves without worrying about whether they’ll be harassed or ignored. I also think women in this industry have to work harder to be taken seriously, which just means we get really good at what we do.

Deanna and Tyler, you both offer a lot of events that seem targeted toward groups of women specifically. What’s driving your decision to have these types of events, and have you seen them grow in popularity the longer you’ve offered them?

Stuart: I am a big fan of women supporting women, and if we can provide a comfortable space for them to gather, I am thrilled by that.

Stevens: I love hosting events that give people a reason to come out that isn’t just

The Cicada’s Tyler Stevens: “I don’t necessarily plan [special events] just for women, but it makes sense that a lot of women gravitate toward them because they’re fun, low pressure, and social in a way that doesn’t revolve around a typical bar scene.”

about drinking. Craft nights, our new spoken word evenings, and BYOC (bring your own craft) all create an atmosphere where people can show up, engage with something creative, and leave with an experience they actually remember. I don’t necessarily plan them just for women, but it makes sense that a lot of women gravitate toward them because they’re fun, low pressure, and social in a way that doesn’t revolve around a typical bar scene. I’ve watched a few new

friendships form over crafting, and it’s exactly why we do what we do.

What are some of the aspects of your business that you’re most proud of?

Shaskan: First and foremost, I’m proud of the wine list. Every bottle has been thoughtfully researched and selected to highlight women doing incredible things in the industry. I love seeing customers discover new favorites and knowing they’re supporting female winemakers with every pour.

Stuart: I am most proud that this is really a family-owned and -operated business. We are all learning and growing, plus there’s collaboration with other local businesses: JuJu Knits (Sip & Stitch, the first Tuesday of every month) and Urban Yoga (Wine Down Wednesday, the second Wednesday of every month).

Brackeen: I’m really proud of the fact that I have a staff that puts safety at the top of their priorities. They know what to look out for, they know when to step in to intervene, and they know when someone needs to be walked to their car or called an Uber. I’m also proud of the fact that the women of Fort Worth stick together and have created different avenues to communicate if there’s an issue with a member of our community.

Stevens: I’m proud that The Cicada has become a space where people genuinely feel comfortable and welcome. It’s not just a bar. It’s a place where people connect, create, and feel a sense of community. Winning Best Music Venue [in the 2023 Weekly Music Awards] was a huge honor, but even more than that, I love seeing regulars who’ve made this

The Boiled Owl Tavern (909 W Magnolia Av, Fort Worth, 817-920-9616), Tarantula Tiki Lounge (117 S Main St, Fort Worth, 817-920-9616) • The Cicada (1002 S Main St, Fort Worth, 817-882-9504) • WineHaus (1628 Park Place Av, Fort Worth, 817-887-9101) • Wines From a Broad (317 Houston St, Fort Worth, 682-224-0056)

their go-to spot, new friendships forming over a drink, and people getting excited about the weird and wonderful events we put on.

Do you have any advice for female entrepreneurs who may be interested in this line of work?

Shaskan: Trust your vision, but be flexible. The path to owning a business is never linear, and you have to be willing to pivot when needed. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Stuart: Dream big. Trust your instincts. Be an advocate for yourself and your vision. Also — know your numbers!

Brackeen: Surround yourself with the right people. When the inevitable problems come, you know that you have people that will get your back and help you through the tough times as a team.

Stevens: Be ready to work harder than you ever have in your life. It’s rewarding, but there’s no shortcut. Also, don’t wait until you feel like you have it all figured out. Start where you are, adapt as you go, and trust your gut. Most importantly, build a space that you would want to spend time in. If you wouldn’t want to be a regular at your own bar, why would anyone else? l


Save the Date (and the Fort) for Mother Earth!

Join the Cowtown

Great American Cleanup on Sat, Mar 29

While Earth Month isn’t until April, Keep Fort Worth Beautiful (KFWB) is starting early! KFWB is hosting its 40th annual Cowtown Great American Cleanup, its largest yearly litter cleanup and beautification event of the year, on Sat, Mar 29. In 2024, Cowtown Cleanup volunteers removed over 134,000 pounds of litter from our city!

Register Early and Get a FREE T-Shirt!

Registration is now open! All volunteers will be provided litter cleanup supplies, including trash bags and gloves. The first 4,000 volunteers to register will receive a free, event t-shirt. Sign up as

an individual or a group at one of our pre-selected cleanup hubs, or choose a public area of your own.

Let’s Celebrate!

Following the morning cleanup, all volunteers are invited to join KFWB at Rockwood Park for Earth Party. This celebration is to recognize all the hard work and cleanup efforts performed by the KFWB volunteers, not only during Cowtown Cleanup, but all year long. Volunteers will be treated to food and drinks, live music and entertainment, exhibitor promotions, animal adoptions, and the annual Trashion Fashion Show.

Reduce, Reuse, Refashion! Create runway-ready looks for the Trashion Fashion Show! All submissions must be made from at least 50% trash or recyclable items. All participants will be invited to show off their works on stage at the Earth Party Celebration. Prizes will be awarded to selected winners. For full Trashion Fashion rules, visit www.

Become an Earth Party Exhibitor. If you are an organization with environmental interests that would like to be an exhibitor at the Earth Party Celebration, email

For the latest promotional information about Cowtown Great American Cleanup and Earth Party Celebration, visit www.

Trashion Fashion Show winners Natalie Jaecks, Jimena Villagomez,

Dinner & Dames Downtown


Cinema Club celebrates influential women in TV and film.

Atop the Worthington Renaissance Hotel downtown (235 Throckmorton St, Fort Worth, 817-870-1000), Rooftop Cinema Club celebrates Women’s History Month by screening movies and shows with a female-tastic bent. If it does get chilly, there are loveseats for snuggling, personal heaters, and warm drinks, including hot chocolate, cider, coffee, and tea. You can also order food and drinks at the box office or from the hotel — or do what we we’ve done and enjoy a nice meal beforehand at nearby Toro Toro (200 Main St, Fort Worth, 817-975-9895).

Ladies, grab your favorite female co-workers and head to the roof to celebrate one of TV’s most beloved characters, The Office’s Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer). Starting at 7:30pm, Rooftop Cinema will screen four of her most memorable episodes, including “The Dundies” (chaos, karaoke, questionable awards, and Chili’s drama with Pam getting banned for life); “Beach Games” (in which Pam walks on coals, finds her voice, and becomes the hero of the day); “The Dinner Party” (the cringiest dinner party ever, hosted by Jan and Michael, where all Pam wants is to eat); and “Dream Team” (in which Pam and Michael chase paper dreams, but will their business soar like a paper plane or melt faster than

Jan’s candles?). This celebration is guaranteed to sell out faster than a Dunder Mifflin clearance sale on card stock, so don’t wait!

In honor of International Women’s Day, Rooftop Cinema Club is honoring the pioneering women both in front of and behind the camera by featuring films by influential female directors, producers, writers, and actors. Disney’s Moana 2 (PG) is playing at 12:45pm. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana journeys alongside Maui and a new crew to the far seas of Oceania and into dangerous, long-lost waters for an adventure unlike anything she’s ever faced.

At 6:30pm is Love & Basketball (PG13), director and screenwriter Gina PrinceBythewood’s directorial feature debut. Monica (Sanaa Lathan) and Quincy (Omar Epps) play basketball together through many life challenges, from childhood to adulthood, in this American romantic sports drama. “The Spanish coach’s speech proves that locker-room pep talks are the same in every language,” says our award-winning film critic Kristian Lin.

In The Substance (R), a fading celebrity (Demi Moore) turns to a black-market drug for help, and this cell-replicating substance creates a younger, better version of herself but only temporarily. The film screens at 9:15pm and is 13 and up.

Pick me. Choose me. Love me. Get ready for a night of heartbreak, drama, and iconic one-liners from Grey’s Anatomy at the Anatomy of a Love Triangle: Mini Marathon featuring three iconic episodes: “Who’s Zoomin’ Who?” (a dramatic first encounter with Dr. Addison Shepherd), “Bring the Pain” (Meredith’s ultimatum to Derek with one of the most quoted lines in Grey’s history — bring tissues); and “The Time Has Come Today” (the fallout from Meredith and Derek’s hookup at the hospital prom meeting its match in Izzie’s grief over her lover’s death). Get your tickets STAT — they’ll sell out faster than an ER fills up during a flu outbreak. As the current season is back on network TV with new episodes Mar 6-20, this will give hardcore fans such as myself a little something to do on rerun night.

Starting at 7pm, Rooftop Cinema will screen three classic episodes of Stars Hollow goodness as part of Gilmore Girls: Spring Fling Mini Marathon. There’s “A-Tisket, A-Tasket,” with boys bidding on picnic baskets and some Dean vs. Jess drama; “Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing the Twist” in which spring break gets wild in South Beach, Rory leaves that notorious voicemail to Dean, and The Shins make a cameo appearance; and “I Get

a Sidekick Out of You” in which Lane and Zack get married — not once, but twice!

There’s popcorn, sure, but Rooftop Cinema’s options extend to meatier fare as well. The meat and cheese board ($18) comes with aged white cheddar, brie, ham, turkey, and salami, plus berries, crackers, grapes, and fruit preserves, and the smoked pulled-pork sliders ($16) are served on Hawaiian rolls with coleslaw, roasted peppers, and pickles and include a side of potato chips.

What I’d really love to try is the elotestyle hot dog ($14). A grilled beef sausage is served on a potato bun with roasted corn, queso fresco, lime sour cream, jalapenos, and cilantro with a side of potato chips.

With its movie-themed name, the Nacho Libre ($12) is your standard plate of nachos with green chile queso, guacamole, pico de gallo, and jalapenos on house tortilla chips. For $4 more, you can add some pulled pork. The other, $12 option is a large salted pretzel served with green chile queso and stone-ground mustard on the side.

Shareable options include chips and salsas ($16) (guacamole, green chile salsa, spicy tomato salsa) and chips and green chile queso ($14) (Cholula, cilantro, guacamole, jalapenos, queso fresco). Each is served with house tortilla chips.

Tickets are $11-40 at RooftopCinemaClub. com/fort-worth, where you can also find info about future events in the series.

Refreshing cocktails, scrumptious snacks, and delicious entrees await along with films honoring the women we love on the big and small screens.
All the best episodes from your favorite women of The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, and Gilmore Girls are screening on Thursdays at Rooftop Cinema.
The Worthington Renaissance Hotel offers a full bar on the rooftop with beer, premixed cocktails, and wine, plus a food menu featuring meat boards, nachos, and more on movie nights.
Gina Prince-Bythewood’s first feature film, Love & Basketball, will screen at Rooftop Cinema Club on International Women’s Day.

The launch of the Unrivaled League in January 2025 represents a significant shift in professional women’s basketball. It offers a player-driven alternative to traditional overseas off-season commitments. Cofounded by WNBA stars Breanna Stewart and Napheesa Collier, this 3-on-3 league has already redefined financial standards, competitive formats, and athlete welfare in the sport. By prioritizing high salaries, innovative gameplay, and holistic player support, Unrivaled is challenging long-standing norms and amplifying the visibility of women’s basketball during an essential era of growth.

Redefining Financial Expectations in Women’s Sports

Unrivaled’s most immediate impact lies in its unprecedented compensation model. With an average player salary of $220,000 for its eight-week season, the league surpasses the WNBA’s maximum base salary and sets a new benchmark for professional women’s sports. This financial leap addresses a critical pain point: over 80% of WNBA players historically supplemented their incomes by playing overseas, often in challenging conditions.

Unrivaled’s investor group—which includes Toronto Raptors president Masai Ujiri—recognizes Canada’s untapped potential. Basketball participation surged 33% after the Raptors’ 2019 NBA title, with 40% of Canadians regularly watching women’s elite sports. Unrivaled’s Max streaming availability positions well to capitalize on markets like Toronto. The fact that the WNBA is preparing to launch its Toronto expansion team in 2026 and with the availability of different platforms like sports interaction Ontario, a surge in the fanbase is more than expected.

By offering six-figure domestic earnings, Unrivaled retains top talent like Brittney Griner and Angel Reese while attracting sponsorships from major brands such as Ally, Under Armour, and TNT Sports. The league’s $35 million initial funding round—backed by icons like Dawn Staley and Coco Gauff—underscores investor confidence in its potential to reshape the economics of women’s athletics.

Increasing Player Experience and Welfare

Beyond salaries, Unrivaled distinguishes itself through athlete-centric amenities previously unheard of in women’s leagues. Rose BC’s Angel Reese highlighted access to daily chef-prepared meals, massage therapy, and facials—services that address the physical and mental toll of year-round competition.

These provisions reflect a broader philosophy articulated by Collier: “We’re trying to change what it means to be a woman athlete.” The league’s “relief player” system, exemplified by Natisha Hiedeman replacing the injured Marina Mabrey, further demonstrates institutional flexibility in prioritizing player health.

Innovating Gameplay and Fan Interaction

The league’s 3-on-3 format, played on a condensed 70x50-foot court with an 18-second shot clock, prioritizes fastpaced, high-scoring action. This structure does not differentiate Unrivaled from traditional leagues. It also aligns with modern viewing preferences for dynamic, shorter-form content.

The recent 1v1 tournament exemplified this innovation, awarding $200,000 to Napheesa Collier for her dominant 8-0 victory over Aaliyah Edwards—a spectacle that blended individual artistry with financial stakes rarely seen in women’s sports. By televising games on TNT and streaming via Max, Unrivaled uses mainstream platforms to reach audiences beyond core basketball fans.

Challenges and Long-Term Sustainability

Despite its promising start, questions linger about Unrivaled’s viability. The league’s reliance on investor funding and sponsorship deals—rather than ticket sales from its 850seat Miami venue—raises concerns about scalability. Economists like Johns Hopkins’ Christi Bartman warn that maintaining six-figure salaries without revenue streams could strain financial models.

However, early partnerships with 11 major brands and a media rights deal suggest growing commercial interest. The true test will come in 2026, when Cameron Brink and other injured stars join expanded rosters, potentially attracting larger audiences.

This piece reflects the opinions and fact-gathering of the guest contributor only and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit guest content for our consideration, email

Living Local Guest Contributor Piece


Dear Neighbor,

investors, and making sure city budgets reflected the needs of the people, not just the powerful.

who wake up early, put in the work, and want a city that works for them, too.

This race won’t be decided on May 3. It’ll be decided by what we do today By how many doors we knock, how many voters we reach, and how much momentum we build in the next 60 days.

Grassroots support can win this race.

In the fight,

Jason Ballmann Candidate for Fort Worth City Council, D3

Fort Worth is a working-class city. Built by people who put in the hours, who keep our neighborhoods strong, who make this city what it is. But right now, too many of our leaders are more interested in serving developers and big-money interests than the people who actually live here. That needs to change.

I’m running for Fort Worth City Council because I believe in a city that puts families before special interests, neighborhoods before reckless development, and working people before political games. I believe we can have a city where economic growth doesn’t mean pricing people out of their own homes, where public safety is about investment in first responders and in the communities they serve, and where local government does the hard work of listening to the people, not just the loudest voices or the deepest pockets in the room.

Service isn’t a talking point for me. It’s who I am. My father spent 25 years in city law enforcement. My mother has spent nearly two decades shaping young minds in our public schools. They taught me that leadership is about showing up, fighting for people, and never backing down.

I put that belief into action when I stepped up to serve on the Marfa City Council. I fought for real tangible solutions, securing critical funding for the fire department, strengthening protections for homeowners against predatory real estate

Now, I’m ready to bring that fight to Fort Worth. But I can’t do this alone. This campaign is about fighting for the people

Political Ad Paid for by Jason Ballmann for Fort Worth City Council, 5204 Lovell Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107


CardCarrying Boss

Rita Alfaro reflects on five years of Amplify 817.

In 2022, my band Goisagi was trying to figure out how to get past the pandemic slump with our music family intact. Taiko drumming is meant to be an in-person dynamic experience. Strangely, that period brought a vibrant new spark to us, forcing us to loudly innovate our way to the other side. That year, we played SXSW for the first time and released our first EP, Alight

Soon after, we discovered Amplify 817, a Fort Worth Public Library program that boasts a lengthy roster of Fort Worth talent, artists whose music is part of the library catalog open to the public. We inhaled deeply and hit “submit.”

In 2023, we joined the coveted Amplify 817 program, playing at the annual showcase and being promoted around Fort Worth. It was just the boost we needed, especially in a niche category like taiko. I instantly gained an immense respect for the head of the program, Music Librarian Rita Alfaro. As a fellow librarian and musician, I saw all the upsides. Librarians have the keys to access the written word, tools, and art and share that access. Shedding the old impression of what a library is, Amplify 817 brings in today’s music and musicians for today’s Fort Worth.

Rita Alfaro grew up with music. She performed in ensembles and earned an undergraduate degree in music education, studying ethnomusicology with a focus on music communities and border music before eventually becoming a librarian. So, it should not be much of a surprise that she

chose to bridge her two passions and form Amplify 817, a program that supports local music and musicians and that’s marking its five-year anniversary this year.

“Aside from academia, I’ve always been a music fan,” she said, “and I love local shows and music history, and there is so much of that in Fort Worth. Most people don’t see that importance of local music on history and how music can shape a community and in a fascinating way. Amplify 817 is helping to record some of that current history.”

Alfaro makes a good point. Music builds, changes, and connects communities. And supporting musicians is essential to supporting culture. Amplify 817 not only adds music to the library catalog but also creates paid opportunities for musicians and artists through shows, workshops, and entrepreneurship opportunities. The winter round of submissions has just wrapped up, so Amplify 817 will be welcoming new artists to the roster of 118 soon.

Getting to know Rita and see her enthusiasm for local music and promoting the art firsthand inspired me to branch out from pushing only my group to also moshing my way into uplifting others as well, which is why I joined the Amplify 817 panel to help curate new inductees. Made up of musicians, music writers, and fans, together we evaluate

“I’m a huge fan of everyone on the platform, and every single one of our female musicians is so unique and a powerhouse in their own realm.”

musical quality, localness, and presence as well as filling out the program with a variety of genres. Through working with Alfaro on the panel, getting to know her at library events, and watching her in action giving music and musicians her effort and applause, it was thrilling to see what a difference the seed of an idea from one person can make. Today’s music doesn’t make exceptions for keeping your music to yourself and waiting for the fans to come to you. Musicians today must be multifaceted, not only polishing their lyrics and melodies but also being active in the community. They must push themselves to promote, network, and build new listeners and followers outside their personal network. They need open ears to their message, their music, and their purpose. They need programs and proponents like Amplify 817.

Women’s History Month brings women to the spotlight in March, including in music. Amplify 817 pushes artists to feel comfortable with the platform and community so that they can feel seen and appreciated as professionals. Alfaro makes sure to book, refer, and promote Amplify 817 artists in events, venues, and collaborations.

“The city has such a wide range of featured musicians, genres, and music supporters,” she said, “and there is no shortage of amazing women in the field. We’ve been able to work with women who work in the entertainment management side of things, women who are venue owners or bookers, those who are preserving the music in their preferred genre through teaching and performance, and more! We’ve been able to tap into all of that and feature these leaders and collaborate on events and programs with them.

“I’m a huge fan of everyone on the platform,” she continued, “and every single one of our female musicians is so unique and a powerhouse in their own realm. We have strong songwriters, composers, singers, dancers, actors, multi-instrumentalists, teachers — you name it.”

Looking forward to the next five years, Alfaro said the program will continue adding talent to the mix, showcasing new artists with online write-ups and reaching out in the community and beyond to find them more opportunities to thrive through their art. Alfaro also hopes to add some historic music content to the mix to further highlight local influences.

Alfaro is booking their Amped-Up Concert Tour and Amplify 817 Showcase for the summer, along with a few “small house shows” and “of course working with folks in the community to offer some outside and collaborative programming.”

To support Amplify 817 and the music community, the Fort Worth Public Library Foundation does take donations that go toward paying the local participating artists, but social media support like hearts and shares and spreading the word are valuable, too. Serving for the second time on the Amplify 817 panel, I am now a fan of several new artists and hope to see them keep shining. Amplify 817 is currently looking for contemporary music fans to serve on the panel for the next round of submissions, so reach out, listen, support, and help make new Fort Worth music available to all. l

Rita Alfaro: “The city has such a wide range of featured musicians, genres, and music supporters, and there is no shortage of amazing women in the field.”


Processing ‘Feelings’

Gabby Minton’s first single, the acoustic-based “New Old Day,” hit music streaming platforms four years ago. Now, with her new EP, the Fort Worth rock singer-songwriter is embracing experimentation. Photosynthesis for Feelings is a collection of four Radiohead-inspired songs hinging on resonating synth-forward soundscapes and warm woodwinds, which makes sense — the record was produced by Yokyo, the local EDM/DJ duo of Hannah Witkowski and Samuel Culp.

“I had to rebuild my life from the ground up in 2020,” Minton said, referring to moving with her child to her mother’s place after breaking up with the father. “It was a huge transition, and I just started pouring out with my writing and putting it into music.”

The recording process at Culp’s home studio was “really nice,” Minton continued, stressing that Photosynthesis for Feelings is “very different from the older stuff.”

Going through emotions and processing feelings relate to Minton’s idea of photosynthesizing. The deep synthesizer tones and only a few reverbed vocals along with violin, ukulele, and tambourine come together pleasantly. Bags of quarters, handheld clackers and shakers, keys, and

xylophone were also involved in the musicmaking process.

Minton said the technical aspect of laying down tracks with Culp was “wild” and that “everything worked out.” The album was recorded nearly a year ago, but due to crazy schedules, Culp and Minton had to wait. After tweaking and rerecording vocals, the masters were completed in October.

“The response has been so good,”

Minton said. “It’s exciting when people pick out songs and tell me what they think. We were mysterious about it, and I’ve been dying to show people, and I was over the moon when it was released” last Friday.

Minton has a few plans for her performances, including drawing backing from Big Heaven’s Amanda Hand and guitarist/ instructor Austin Lee Kroll. There will be a listening party at Low Doubt Bar Friday. Minton really feels that since her music is so personal, it’s relatable to the human condition, and since her 2022 debut album, It’s OK, and several singles, she’s convinced “everything is going to be OK.”

Juan R. Govea


Gabby Minton listening party 6pm-8pm Fri at Low Doubt Bar, 120 St. Louis Av, Fort Worth. Free. 817-367-9798.
Gabby Minton: “The response has been so good. It’s exciting when people pick out songs and tell me what they think.”

nonprofit dedicated to making nutritious, delicious food readily available to people combating disease, has a fundraising event coming up. Dinner Party for Life will be at River Crest Country Club (1501 Western Av, Fort Worth) 6pm Thu, Mar 27. This one-ofa-kind intimate dinner party will feature five local celebrity chefs, each preparing a different course, with Chef Jon Bonnell as the MC and Dr. Kimberly Latoya Washington as the keynote speaker. Tickets start at $140 at

Get ready for the ultimate gals night out with Brooke and Danielle from the Gals on the Go Podcast ( at Texas Theatre (231 W Jefferson Blvd, Dallas) 7pm Fri. The gals are ready to dish on untold stories and dive into your favorite topics — girl talk, unpopular opinions, raw moments, and more. The evening will be interactive, filled with games and audience participation. As one naturally does with their best friend, Brooke and Danielle will playfully roast each other, too. Tickets start at $25 on

When I have a hot time planned on Saturday nights, I stream SNL on Sunday mornings. When I don’t, I never miss an episode in real time. I think this week is one of those times. In honor of International

Women’s Day, the incomparable Lady Gaga is doing double duty as the host and musical guest. After her epic rendition of “Dick in a Box” on the Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary Special, this should be good.

In my spare time, I have two new books I’d like to read. Join me, won’t you, then report back. First, I’ll be digging into the new memoir of the legendary frontwoman of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, Kathleen Hanna’s Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk. Besides being a badass, Hanna has battled Lyme disease and married a Beastie Boy. Next, I’ll be checking out Chelsea Handler’s new I’ll Have What She’s Having, in which the comedian shares the story of becoming the woman she always wanted to be and embracing her life as it is at age 50.

I’m from Dallas. My apologies. I got here as soon as I could. Inexplicably, I was turned on to former

Dallasite and musical genius St. Vincent only a few years back, long after she’d left North Texas. I could kick myself that I never went to a local show. I’ve never even seen her on tour. She’s playing at The Factory in Deep Ellum (2713 Canton St, Dallas, 214-749-5757) 8pm Sun, Apr 5, with special guest Glass Beams, so I’ll rectify the situation then. My husband bought me tickets for Christmas, so I’m good (thanks for asking), but for those on the hunt, you can still get them starting at $54.50 on

As part of its ongoing International Women’s Day programming, Rooftop Cinema Club presents Disco for the Dolls: Charli, Chappell, Carpenter featuring the music of Charli XCX, Chappell Roan, and

Sabrina Carpenter on Thu, Apr 17. This will be a “silent disco” party using wireless headphones instead of loudspeakers. Tickets are $15 at For more on what Rooftop is up to this month and next, see the Screen article a few pages back in this very issue.

Several local women musicians have upcoming gigs you should know about. Read about what Gabby Minton is up to in this week’s HearSay, and while you’re back there, take a look at Crosstown Sounds to see what many of the ladies (and gentlemen) have going on in March.

The Tarrant County Democratic Party invites you to the International Women’s Day Unite & Resist Protest in front of the courthouse Saturday.
She’s got this. Lady Gaga takes over SNL this weekend.
Gals on the Go Podcast is doing a live show this Friday at the Texas Theatre.


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