4 minute read
Consuming Matter
I’ m reading a fascinating working paper from the Bank of Canada called The Covid 19 Consumption Game Changer: Evidence from a Large-Scale Multi Country Survey. It looks at consumption trends in five European countries once pandemic restrictions were lifted — and how these trends may shape structural changes going forward.
According to the survey that took place in July 2020, a number of households consumed less than before — or not at all — especially in the hospitality, public transportation, and retail sectors.
What’ s particularly compelling is many households report not missing the consumption they did previously. In France, 23% don ’t miss going to hairdressers and in Germany, 21% don ’t miss restaurants. Of note, “these households are mainly middle-aged, high-income households and are the least likely to have had a personal COVID-19 infection experience, ” the study says. This fact may “ reinforce the magnitude of the change in consumption habits. ”
In Spain and Italy, for example, the study found that saving more money was a substantial motivator, while “ savings ” was the third reason for less consumption in Germany, France, and the Netherlands, after infection risk and preference shift.
People tend to save more during times of unrest and uncertainty — even when the circumstances may not directly affect them. We only have to look at the Great Depression as an example. The generation born during that time — regardless of socioeconomic background — truly learned the importance of putting away for another day.
Today, between the pandemic, horrific climate changes on the West Coast, and rising inflation nationwide, higher-income consumers are not only saving more but want to make sure their money is working for them.
Solid professional advice can only win in this regard. Clients already know your value. But some investors, previously content with robo-advisors and other selfdirected pursuits, now desire a sounding board. And they are willing to pay for the advice. This year, I’ ve interviewed many advisors who report that business has increased significantly, and they are bringing on more clients than ever before. They attribute the success not just to the complexity of client needs but technology.
They invested more in technology to prospect for clients and manage their client bases, but also greatly benefited from the industry ’ s relenting on the use of, say, electronic signatures. As Sun Life ’ s Susan Silma told delegates at the Advocis Symposium on November 16, there ’ s an “ exciting opportunity to leverage technology to drive efficiencies and an improved client and advisor journey and at the same time, to make the role of advice and advisors even more clear and relevant. ” For more of Silma ’ s comments and other Symposium speakers, check out Susan Yellin ’ s coverage starting on page 20.
Have some downtime during the holidays? I believe MAID on Netflix is required viewing for every financial advisor. It gives an authentic depiction of the working poor ’ s plight and the obstacles of climbing to the next income level. Check out the running calculator showing income earned and then all the deductions, expenses, and liabilities. If you watch, let me know your thoughts.
Big congratulations to FORUM columnist Erin Bury on the birth of her daughter on November 3.
PUBLISHER: Peter Wilmshurst advocisforum@gmail.com EDITOR: Deanne Gage dgageforum@gmail.com COPY EDITOR AND PROOFREADER: Alex Mlynek ART DIRECTOR: Giselle Sabatini gisellesabatini@rogers.com ADVERTISING: Peter Wilmshurst advocisforum@gmail.com Tel: 416-766-4273 Fax: 416-760-8797
Rob Eby, CFP, RRC
Catherine Wood, CFP, CLU, CHS
Abe Toews CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., CHS, ICD.D
Eric Lidemark, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., CHS
Stephen MacEachern, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., CHS
John W. Hamilton, CLU, FEA, CPCA
Will Britton, CFP
Wendy Playfair, CFP, CLU, CHS
Arun Channan, BASc, MASc, CSP, CFP
Geoffrey Creighton, BA, LLB, C.DIR., CIC.C
Sara Gelgor, LLB, LLM, MBA, ICD.D
Greg Pollock, CFP
FORUM is published four times annually by The Advocis Publishing Group, 10 Lower Spadina Avenue, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z2 TEL: 416-444-5251 or 1-800-563-5822 FAX: 416-444-8031 FORUM is mailed to all Association members, the subscription price being included in the annual membership fee. Address changes can be made through info@advocis.ca or by calling member services at 1-877-773-6765. The opinions expressed in articles and advertising are those of the authors/advertisers and not necessarily those of FORUM or the Association. Material of a technical or semi-technical nature may become invalid because of later changes in law or interpretation. The Association is not responsible for obsolescence of FORUM articles whose content should be checked by the reader before implementation. Requests for permission to reprint articles are to be addressed in writing to the editor of FORUM. ™ Trademark of The Financial Advisors Association of Canada carrying on business as Advocis.
MICHAEL BERTON, CFP, RFP, CLU, CHS Assante Financial Management Ltd. LEONY DEGRAAF HASTINGS, CFP, EPC deGraaf Financial Strategies NICHOLAS LANDRY, CEBS, CHS, RCIS BFL Canada - CSI ROBERT MCEACHERN, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C. McEachern Financial IZUMI MIKI-MCGRUER, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., CHS Freedom 55 Financial