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Advocis News
Chapter News
Chapter Awards Of Excellence
As part of the 2023 Chapter Leadership Conference, Advocis was pleased to recognize volunteers from coast to coast as Volunteers of the Year (2022) for outstanding contributions in service to our membership, communities, and professionalism.
Jayshri Patel-Amin
Volunteering is the very fabric that connects us, breathes a sense of belonging, a community of like-minded individuals that creates a movement for future generations. Advocis is not only advocating for our profession as independent advisors, but is a place where advisors come together as professionals with camaraderie and community. The recognition not only validates the efforts but encourages me to motivate future generations to do the same.”
Krista Hynes
“Advocis membership is a huge part of my professional identity, and aligning myself with an association that is striving for the very best in helping our industry to grow and thrive means so much to me. I’m very proud to be recognized among my peers as the Atlantic Volunteer of the Year, and thank you to my fellow award winners — you are an inspiration!”
British Columbia
Patrick Cziolek
“I was thrilled to receive the recognition by my fellow board members for Volunteer of the Year! Joining the board has provided me with the opportunity to become a part of the bigger picture in our industry, as well as the chance to grow as a leader by creating the Financial Planning Summit, with an excellent committee, and as president of the chapter.”
Central Ontario
Stacy Brooks
“I was humbly surprised by this recognition and award. As a volunteer, I don’t think about getting recognized for my efforts, and it is an honour to be able to give back to this industry and association that is about elevating the knowledge of financial professionals and empowering Canadians through financial literacy. For me, it is a blessing to be in this role.”
Northeastern Ontario
Kris Birchard
“As a volunteer who has been focused on national positions for the past three decades, I was humbled to be included among our chapter volunteers to receive this recognition. Chapter volunteers are the backbone of Advocis, and I would like to dedicate my award to the many volunteers in our association who are equally if not more deserving.”
Rick Chase
“I was filled with pride that I could share this award with such a deserving volunteer, Kris. So much energy and effort happen behind the scenes by volunteers working to protect our industry and protect our clients. Kris has spent decades defending ‘advice,’ and I couldn’t be happier to see him recognized.”
Southwestern Ontario
Wendy Adams
“Advocis is about creating relationships with other advisors and sharing information that is of value — no matter what company you work for. As a volunteer, I’ve enjoyed seeing and creating the different presentations that our chapter advisors have been able to participate in, and it continues to amaze me how even many longtime advisors still like to get back to basics through our programming to help them with their businesses.”
Kacie Linn
“I was happy to be recognized as Volunteer of the Year. It’s been very rewarding to work with our Saugeen board members to create value through the educational programs we help to administer. I have learned so much working with other advisors over the years sitting on the board, and value the friendships that have been made and the advice we all share.”
Curtis Kimpton
“I was humbled and proud to receive the Volunteer of the Year award for the Prairie region of Advocis — it is not lost on me how many people have helped and led the way to make this organization far greater each and every day. I am only one of many that work hard in this endeavour, and I thank everyone from my local chapter and all of those across the association for what they do. I consider this award a symbol not of my own contributions, but of how each of us can work together to achieve fantastic results!”
Erin Meisner
“Winning Chapter of the Year is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering excellence of our entire team. We took a lot of risks, tried many new approaches, listened to our members, and made a lot of adjustments without the certainty that they would pay off. This is why it has been so rewarding to witness how our carefully crafted plans and courage to take calculated risks have resulted in success. It serves as a reminder that great accomplishments often require stepping outside the boundaries of the ordinary!”