3 minute read

Recipe of the Month

The Natural Medicine of Human Connection

I don’t know about you but from where I stand, the experience of having my days interrupted by ‘restrictions’ has brought with it a wondering about the importance of Connection. Have you noticed how incidental interactions these days can bring with them a deeper willingness to stay longer in the moment of exchange, and with that a generosity of listening that brings with it a warmth and curiosity for how you are doing?


It appears to me the situation we find ourselves in now is revealing the nobler aspects of our human capacity to connect to others and more importantly, to ourselves. Connection lies at the heart of our well being, without it we flounder. Human to human connection is as fundamental to health as our need for good food, water, clean air, exercise and rest. Have we become more aware of the value of that connection by the imposition of its absence?

Connection is the place where we discover our similarities and differences; it’s where we stumble upon things that surprise us about others and ourselves, where we get to share and exchange our Wisdoms. Here the threads that create the fabric of our lives come to be seen and heard.

Through our connection with each other, we are witnessed. Above all else, my twenty years of practice as a trauma trained, somatic cranial osteopath has taught me much about the multifaceted aspects of listening that we all have the innate potential to access. Listening goes beyond the voice and our capacity to hear.

When we connect in a space where time is available to us, and where we won’t be interrupted, we can slow down, connect to ourselves and listen for what wants to be seen and heard. This quality of listening connects us to our heart and our body’s wisdom of how it wants release and let go. Would it be that the next person you encounter calls you to pause and offer them the deepest listening you could summon, for who knows what gifts your connection may bring to their lives.

Clinic remains Open Bronwyn Jones - Alresford Osteopath 07870 23 88 99 www.alresford-osteopath.co.uk

New Alresford Town Trust

New Alresford Town Trustees wish to announce the Following : 1. A memorial bench for Pam Stevens has been ordered and will be delivered in June. It will be placed on The Avenue(which

Pam loved). 2. There will be a plaque attached : " Pamela Stevens (1939-2020) A remarkable lady,trustee and friend to the community " 3. It has been financed by NATT,The Pigs ,Rotary and Peter

Bridges (who will collect and assemble the bench ) 4. The Ceremony of unveiling the bench will be done by Mr Steve

Brine MP (a good friend of Pam ) at 14.30 on the Avenue on

Sunday 27th June. 5. NATT minibus fund has received £215 from donors to Pam's wishes,including £100 from Town Council.Thanks. 6. Trustee Penny McClelland will organise the event with help from minibus committee. 7. The minibus committee will have 2 minibuses on show together with Pam's minibus anniversary booklet(priced at £1.50) together with details of trips available to passengers and becoming a volunteer driver etc 8. Penny will organise a selection of local stalls and WI cafe showing details of local activities.

Fuller details will follow. - The object is to have an enjoyable day whilst remembering Pam's great input to the local community as well as the minibus contribution over 51 years.

Regards -Robin Atkins NATT,chair

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