5 minute read
New Hampshire History Trust reveals exciting plans for the future
The organisers of Winchester’s successful Heritage Open Days programme announce the formation of Hampshire History Trust, a brand new Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
The primary role of the new Trust will be to run Winchester Heritage Open Days, to develop a Winchester History Festival and to run other community projects such as a Blue Plaque Scheme and Hampshire HistBites, Hampshire’s very own history podcast channel. Nicky Gottlieb and Becky Brown, two of the three founding Trustees, said they were delighted that the new charity had been approved by the Charity Commission, especially as they got the news on the close of last year’s Heritage Open Days.
“This is the start of an exciting journey for us,” Nicky said. “Five years ago when I first re-launched Heritage Open Days here in Winchester I always dreamed that it would develop into a wider history festival to celebrate Winchester’s incredibly rich history and heritage. Becoming a CIO in our own right is a crucial and exciting first step in realising our ambitions to bring Hampshire's rich history and heritage to a wider audience. ”
Becky paid tribute to the City of Winchester Trust and Bruce Winton at Community First and all the organisations, sponsors and volunteers who have been involved in Winchester Heritage Open Days since 2016. “We wouldn't be here without their support and encouragement ', she said.” And we hope our partnerships with the City of Winchester Trust, Hampshire Cultural Trust, Winchester College, Hampshire County Council, Winchester BID, and the University of Winchester will continue to grow as we build on the success of Winchester Heritage Open Days to develop a Winchester History Festival and hold more outreach activities and events for schools .”
The proposal is for the Winchester History Festival to take place in late September, immediately following on from Heritage Open Days to ensure that the Trust continues to offer a diverse range of events that are accessible to the whole community.
The general public can discover more about the Trust and its plans by visiting the website www.hampshirehistorytrust. com , or by listening to Episode One of Season Three of Hampshire HistBites released on Wednesday 3rd March and available via Spotify, Apple Tunes and Google Podcasts.
Godolphin’s Spring Term 2021
Godolphin Spring Term
Godolphin has come alive again this month as students were welcomed back into School after lockdown. Head Emma Hattersley said “it’s so good to be back. During the first few weeks, the emphasis has been on reintegrating the students into School and allowing them to spend time with their friends. It’s been wonderful to see the whole school community reunited and together again.“
Action-packed days in the Spring sunshine have really helped to lift our spirits and students have embraced all the activities on offer. From team building sessions, lacrosse and netball, fitness and tennis, football and Combined Cadet Force, there’s been so much going on. Students have adapted well to wearing face masks in class and Godolphin’s dedicated parents have joined the medical team to provide regular Covid testing across the School. The boarding houses have been full of laughter while the girls have been reunited with their friends. Now more than ever Godolphin’s flexible boarding offering is really popular and is helping to meet the demands of family life during this time.
Godolphin’s strong pastoral focus continues with the health and wellbeing of its students being a priority. Last month the School launched a telephone helpline talk@ godolphin.org and last week an invitation to join a new Wellbeing hub was extended to the whole school community.
If you would like to find out more about Godolphin, please get in touch with our Head of Admissions, Corinna Florence admissions@godolphin.org
Jackie’s County Corner for April
Hopefully, some of you will have received notice of vaccination by the time you read this. But that doesn’t mean that everyone’s problems will be over. You can ask for advice on Hampshire’s Coronavirus Support & Helpline 0333 370 4000. Maybe you have time to be a telephone buddy to a lonely resident? For info : https://www. butterfliesfriendship.com/telephonefriends
The Winchester District Local Plan consultation is open until the 12th April. Go to www.localplan.winchester.gov.uk to see the strategic Issues and give your views on the options posed. Questions include Carbon Neutrality, Homes for all, the Natural Environment, and the Vibrant Economy. If you need a paper copy, please call WCC on 01962 848508 Other consultations are coming this Summer after the May elections. Hampshire Hospitals consultation on hospital provision see more at www. HampshireTogether.nhs.uk Highways England M3Jn9: go to https:// highwaysengland.co.uk/our-work/southeast/m3-junction-9-improvements/ for details, and to register for updates. Extensive Flooding Alleviation Work is continuing across the division. This has been a major focus for me in the last year. Several sites have been listed but frustratingly, some of the work isn’t being done until the next financial year due to budgetary constraints or the effects of Covid 19 on work teams.
A pilot of School streets is looking at removing traffic from streets in front of school gates, to improve opportunities for active travel (cycling and walking) into school. We’ll hear the results in the Autumn term.
Residents are seeking non-motorised access to Recycling Centres (HWRC’s) but the promised pilot of ‘’walk in/cycle in/ buggy in/wheelbarrow in’ hasn’t started yet. Hopefully the HWRC’s will be fully open by the Summer, and the pilot will start then.
Additional special school places are being created in Andover at Icknield and Samuel Cody school, due by 2022, and opening in September 21, the Austen Academy at Basingstoke for children on the Autism spectrum. This provision adds to the growing need for special school places for children with SEMH and neurological conditions as well as for those with physical disabilities.
The 20/21 HCC Gigabit scheme being carried out in conjunction with BDUK and Openreach is very popular after a slower start and as a result, the resident/organisers are finding the process challenging!
Of the 26 schemes registered so far in the county, at least 7 are in the Itchen Valley Division! I have appealed to the County to renew their fund of £1m to ensure their top-up support continues. We asked to scrutinise the process because it is resulting in frustration in failure to deliver by Openreach. It was very useful- you can see extracts of the you-tube of the meeting on my website: search ‘broadband’.
My website includes news throughout the month too, but please email me directly if you have any queries. Jackie.porter@hants. gov.uk 07973 696 085 , @JackieLibDem or see my website www.jackieporter.co.uk