7 minute read
Alresford Town Council News
New Alresford Town Council
Fireworks & Bonfire at Arlebury Park
On Friday 4 November 2022 there will be a torchlight procession from the top of Broad Street at 7pm and the bonfire and fireworks will commence at 7.45pm at Arlebury Park. Please note that the car park at Alresford recreation centre will be closed from 3pm. For all other information contact ALRESFORD-ROTARY.ORG
Alresford Recreation Centre - Roof
Scaffolding has been erected around the building to install a completely new roof due to water ingress. If you visit Arlebury Park or use the car park, please be aware of the ongoing works at Alresford Recreation Centre.
The roof works are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
A new wooden gate has been fitted to the entrance of Arlebury Park with side pedestrian access making it easier for visitors with buggies, prams, and wheeled aids. A welcome improvement.
A huge thank-you to Positive Difference Life Coach
Who held a successful outdoor gym session at Arlebury Park on Friday 7th October 2022. This was a free session to instruct on how best to use the new outdoor gym equipment. If you are interested to join a session, let the town council office know and we will put you in touch with this Alresford based personal trainer.
Town Clerk
The town council said goodbye to the Town Clerk - Marcia Phillibert at the end of October, who is moving on. She had been Town Clerk since 2018 and we wish her a happy and successful future.
Councillor Vacancy at New Alresford Town Council
Are you passionate about your community? There is one vacancy for a councillor. If you think you would like to take on this role, please contact the deputy clerk for further details. deputyclerk@ newalresford-tc.gov.uk
*We Need Your Help* Neighbourhood Plan
One of the key themes of the plan is ‘Employment’ and ‘Economic Development.’ It is of the upmost importance that we hear from you if you are employed in Alresford (including homeworking) or own/run a shop or business, so please spare a few minutes to complete the online form on the New Alresford Town Council home website page. We really would appreciate your response to gain a better understanding of local strengths and opportunities. Further information and documents are available on the website under Neighbourhood Plan.
Youth Engagement Survey
A big thank you to all the young people that took the time to attend Dave’s Fish and Chip Shop on Friday 14 October 2022 to complete the Youth Engagement survey, about facilities in Alresford’s parks. Over a hundred surveys were completed. We look forward to analysing the findings which we will share at a later date. The survey will be available on the website and on social media in the near future.
A grant of £1000 has been awarded to the Alresford Society, towards the cost of restoring information boards along the River Arle. A worthwhile project which together with the repair work to the path scheduled for next year will make a welcome improvement to this popular trail.
What is fly tipping?
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. It is a crime that damages the environment, risks public health and costs taxpayers to clean up. Fly-tipping includes: • dumping waste on land where there is no waste management licence, including public highways • giving your waste to someone else to fly-tip • leaving rubbish or waste outside household waste recycling centres If you spot any fly-tipping, please report it via Hampshire County Council website or call 0300 300 0013.
Alresford Town Council Alresford Recreation Centre, The Avenue, SO24 9EP Call us: 01962 732079 E-mail us: townclerk@ newalresford-tc.gov.uk
The New Alresford Town Council office is open to the public: Monday - Friday 11am - 1pm
Winchester City Council Report
Voting takes place on another £1.2M for Winchester City Pavilion whilst visitors to Alresford just want to spend a penny! I raised this issue on behalf of the residents of Alresford. When voting takes place to allow an extra £1.2M from CIL funding for Winchester Pavilion, the total funds will increase to £3.3m! I felt it important to stress that Alresford locals and visitors just
Great News! The National Lottery Heritage Fund has awarded Hampshire Cultural Trust (HCT) an initial grant for the re-design and development of the Allen Gallery and Garden. The Gallery holds a nationally significant collection of ceramics. HCT will apply for a full grant of £1 million at a later date, which will be used to enhance the visitor experience in the Gallery and boost Alton as a place to live, work and visit.
The Gallery is one of the local community’s focal points. As well as the permanent display of ceramics, it hosts a wide range of exhibitions on a variety of mainly local subjects, and activities for many age groups. There is also an important annual display of works by the artist W H Allen, from whom it gets its name. The new project aims to enhance these features.
Planning will take until December 2023, physical redevelopment thereafter, and the whole project will hopefully be completed in 2025. Closure of the Gallery will be kept to a minimum. Watch this space. Allen Gallery Events
Exhibition - Echoes of Iceland
In 2019 a group of professional textile artists spent the month of May at the Icelandic Textile centre in Blönduós on the northern coast of Iceland.They were there to explore the landscape, the culture, its textile heritage, local materials and the current production and use of textiles. In using the facilities available at the centre they were able to make a wide-ranging, extraordinary body of work in response to their findings.This exhibition is about that trip. It includes work made whilst in Iceland and pieces that have been constructed since. The work includes felting, weaving, knitting, stitching and basketry techniques, much of it using found and local materials. The group are; Delia Salter, Tara Kennedy, Annette Mills and Jennifer Jones. 5th November – 15th January 2023 FREE entry
Curtis Museum & Allen Gallery
want to spend a penny. This refers to the toilets that have been closed for months. I am pleased to report that after raising my concerns at the full Council, works for the refurbishment of Alresford Station Road toilets are now taking place with an 8 week program underway. I have also asked WCC to update their website on toilet opening and cleaning times so that it is accurate.
A motion passed so many more can be … Bishop’s Sutton Foot Path Never one to give up on things, I continue fighting to get meetings set up to move this issue on. I was delighted to be joined by officers from Hampshire Highways to discuss the feasibility study and costings. I then took Leanne, Portfolio holder for Hampshire Highways out with me to discuss several other issues in our ward. The footpath is one of them. We now begin the final costings to establish a new path for the residents.
2022 Halloween Charity Event Once again my Husband and I set forth with hammer and paintbrush to provide our annual Halloween event in Alresford. This will be on October 31st, for one night only. 100% of all donations will go to charity. Our two charities will be The Diana Award - whose Anti-Bullying work encourages change in attitudes and behaviours for young people by young people and The Alresford Pigs.
Council House Residents - Repair issues I have been dealing with many issues recently, one in particular involved a disabled lady who would have been left without a shower for a month unless I had assisted her. Thankfully all issues that were raised with the council are now being dealt with. But I have raised my concerns about the delays and poor delivery. Please get in touch if you have any issues that need resolving.
Councillor Fiona Isaacs fisaacs@winchester.gov.uk 01962 808072
Talk The History and Development of Southampton City Art Gallery and its Permanent Collection A Talk by Tim Craven, Senior Curator at the Art Gallery, and an artist himself. 10th November, 7.30 FREE, donations welcome.
MUSEUM & GALLERY OPENING TIMES Tuesday to Sunday Curtis Museum 10am – 4.30pm. Allen Gallery 10.30 – 4pm www.hampshireculture.org.uk The Curtis Museum & Allen Gallery High Street, Alton, GU34 1BA Tel: 01420 82802