Annual Review 2022

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exclusive preliminary version

Alpbach Moments Annual Report of the European Forum Alpbach

Cover: A scholarship holder at the Alpbach Seminar Hoagaschtn: Tyrol Improvisation that focused on the perception of biodiversity, the question of land use and the related question of nature-based solutions.


When the European Forum Alpbach was founded in 1945, it was created with a dream – a dream about the future of Europe. The Forum’s initiators agreed wholeheartedly on the foundations of their dream: the fight against Nazism and Communism, and the dream of democracy, freedom, peace and prosperity, as well as the nurturing of science and education. They agreed to meet in Alpbach for a couple of weeks each year to discuss the content of their dreams and to convert this content – if they found an agreement – into reality. As is always the case, the founders of Alpbach discovered that in the pursuit of a common dream, opinions diverged about how to make it come true, with respect to both content and procedure. Out of these discussions however grew a platform with a think tank populated by European intellectuals and doers, who had a profound influence on the shaping of Europe in the decades to come. Left or right was not the criterion; instead it was liberal or antiliberal. The following decades brought about an astonishing development


of the European integration project — politically and economically – and much more profoundly than the Forum Alpbach’s founders could have ever dreamed of. In 1958, several years after the first Forum Alpbach meeting, six countries founded the European Economic Communities with the goal of creating a common European market. When this task was completed, in 1992 a new treaty set the stage for the European Economic and Monetary Union, characterised by a deepening political integration. By 2013, the European Union had expanded to 28 states including 11 members of the former communist bloc. Such an achievement was probably far beyond the dreams of any Alpbach founder. Europe’s role in world history was by no means flawless; it ranged from aggressive to destructive, from very brutal to just brutal. Rare were the times when Europe assumed a role that brought peace and prosperity to other parts of the world. Also because of its history, the European Union had never attempted to achieve military power, however the rapid development of its


economic strength gave it a chance to defend its values of democracy, rule of law and a socially-oriented market economy on the world stage. During the past 75 years, Europe has demonstrated to the world that the pursuit of peace, democracy, and the creation of a strong civil society, in combination with strong economic and scientific performance, can create something very valuable, not only for Europe but for the entire world. Still today we ought to be worried about Europe’s future. Twenty years ago, the European Union was growing and so was Europe’s economic position in the world. Today, the EU is shrinking and so is Europe’s economic power. For the first time our Union has lost a member, our economic strength seems to be fading away, our defence systems appear weak, and political tensions are rapidly on the rise. In short, Europe’s position as a strong influencer in the world is at risk. Europe is about to lose its global scientific and economic edge in a rapid manner, while the values of its societal strengths diminish. In this new context, the Forum Alpbach is as important for Europe today as it was in 1945. The Forum Alpbach’s purpose for today and beyond is therefore quite simple:

➊ The European Forum Alpbach

is a space and place for the emergence of reflection and action. It brings together the most innovative minds


from politics, business, civil society, culture, and science to drive ideas for a strong and democratic Europe. With this diverse, intergenerational and interdisciplinary community, the Forum influences key actors throughout the European continent to facilitate their learning and decisions.

➋ The Forum Alpbach offers

transformational encounters between unlikely actors to create action that allows Europe to strengthen its global role as a responsible force for good — a leading role that not only benefits our continent but also the world and its joint prosperity and peace; a leading role that creates an environment allowing science and business to thrive and reassume equal footing with other geopolitical actors while also promoting and protecting civil society and the values we stand for.

➌ This requires a major boost

and changes in Europe’s education system, scientific environments as well as its financial and capital markets. Europe is required to further align its legal frameworks, rules and regulations as well as its political institutions to preserve the promise of open borders, cooperation and a good life for all.

Today the EU is shrinking and so is Europe‘s economic power. Europe‘s position as a strong influencer in the world is at risk.


»With a diverse, intergenerational and interdisciplinary community, the Forum influences key actors throughout the European continent to facilitate their learning and decisions.«


Today, a dialogue to strengthen Europe is more important than ever. The European Forum Alpbach is the proper place for it. The year 2022 brought on major changes. Hardly any of us would have thought that just a few days into the new year, Europe would become the scene of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine. Yet the 24 February was a day that would drastically change the course of history. Europeans were suddenly confronted with war. Europe experienced a rude awakening from its false sense of economic, political and social stability. With this year’s annual theme “New Europe” we, the European Forum Alpbach, described how profoundly our continent has changed since 24 February – and that we now have to get together and work out what we all want this New Europe to look like. A dialogue to strengthen Europe is today more important than ever. The European Forum Alpbach is the proper place for it – a place for young and committed people from all over Europe and the world to discuss and exchange ideas on a par with decision-makers from the areas of politics, business, science and culture. This year around 3,800 participants did just that and worked on new ideas and projects that would effectively strengthen Europe.

This year’s programme was centred around the major challenges for Europe’s future. The thematic tracks “The Climate Opportunity”, “Securing


Europe’s Future in a Globalised World”, “The Financing of Europe’s Future” and, new this year, “The Future of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe” provided the framework for it. New formats – such as chats, hikes and workshop sessions, our multi-day retreats and even new event venues for our formats in Alpbach – are just a few of the new features implemented in 2022. This is intended to make the Forum Alpbach more inspiring than ever, an experience that sparks ideas and action. Our striking new external image fits the concept perfectly: strong, confident and bold.

This year’s many innovations for the Forum and the organisation were nurtured and implemented – under the strategic leadership of the Board of Directors – by our new Secretary General Feri Thierry together with the organisation team. And there is one thing we can already promise you at this point: That’s not all by a long shot! We have a lot planned for the years ahead, and we are confident that the path we have taken is the right one: for the European Forum Alpbach and the future of Europe. We hope to see you in Alpbach in 2023!

EFA president Andreas Treichl with vice presidents at the European Forum Alpbach 2022 Katja Gentinetta, Marie Ringler, Florence Gaub, Michaela Fritz, Katarzyna Pisarska (f.l.t.r.)


The Opening of the EFA22 In his opening speech on 22 August 2022, Andreas Treichl forges links between the past, the present and the future and expresses his wishes for a proud and strong European Union.

»Just seven weeks after World War II ended in Europe, a group of resistance fighters, Otto and Fritz Molden, scholars and scientists – got together with young people from the region to discuss the future of Europe. It happened here in the beautiful village of Alpbach. Thus, the foundation of our Forum was laid. It was not easy to get there; roads and railways had largely been destroyed. It was not easy to organise; money and food were in short supply, but the farmers of the village were willing to exchange food and lodging for cigarettes and other goodies, supplied by the allied forces. At that time, nobody in his wildest dreams would have expected that less than a half century later Europe would have turned into one of the most prosperous regions and one of the best places to live on this planet. It was indeed a remarkable achievement made possible through a combination of a strong drive for political and economic integration, a hungry and hard-working population, excellence in science and entrepreneurship, the willingness to forgive, the readiness to help, the drive to create a socially just

society and a growing respect for the benefits of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. The process was gradual. In the beginning, the reestablishment of trust between the rogue state of Germany and the allied forces took its time. In 1955, a few weeks after the 11th European Forum Alpbach took place, the last soldiers of the allied forces left Austria, which declared its everlasting neutrality under pressure from the Soviet Union. In Germany, the status of occupation was lifted, but it remained divided and allied forces continued to stay. We all know what happened from 1955 on until 1989: the integration of Europe, the German “Miracle on the Rhine” in the west, and of course East Germany in the tight grip of the Soviet Union. We must remember that Europe’s integration would have not been possible without the incredibly consequential manner in which German politics started to eradicate its Nazi history by admitting its guilt, showing remorse, and providing redress. The pacifist politics of Germany rested on two pillars, firstly, the fear of the


Andreas Treichl draws attention to two of Europe‘s big mistakes in history: defense and energy.

allied forces of a militarily strengthened Germany. Still in 1989, 44 years after the end of World War II, many European and US-American politicians regarded German’s reunification as a potential threat to the balance of power in Europe and conveyed concern about a repetition of history. The second pillar was and still is Germany’s fear of itself, of its own past, of a presumed genetic evil that needed to be contained. Another 33 years have gone by since 1989 and Germany has transformed from a rogue state into one of the strongest democratic and rule of law-abiding countries in this world. The world, however, has changed. Autocratic forces are on the rise these days. Hopefully this can be changed again in the future, but the world will very likely

never be totally democratic. Nonetheless, if we want to secure world peace, we better ensure that the combined forces of democracy are as strong as those of autocracies. Let us be honest enough to admit that part of our prosperity is based on decades of our military underspending, and another part of our prosperity has resulted in our high dependency on Russian energy resources. Let me phrase it differently: For decades, we have trusted Russia to be our main supplier of energy, but we have not trusted Germany in playing an important role in our defence. Again differently: Did greed beat trust? I guess the answer to that is simply yes. With very few exceptions, such as the fact that Germany did not touch the fortunes of some families who amassed immense wealth during the Nazi period, it did a remarkable job in eradicating its past. It became the driving force of


The Moldovian president Maia Sandu took part in the opening ceremony of EFA22. She met Othmar Karas, First Vice-President European Parliament, Andreas Treichl, EFA-President, Karl Nehammer, Federal Chancellor of Austria and Günther Platter, Governor of Tyrol (f.l.t.r.).

industrialisation in Europe and turned into an almost exemplary democracy. It has done so for 77 years now. It is about time that we start trusting each other enough to build a European defence system that matches our economic might. For over 77 years, we have consistently increased our energy dependency on a country that built an iron curtain, killed citizens who tried

to escape it, drove tanks into Budapest and Prague, occupied and destroyed its territories, neglected human rights and the rule of law all-round and so on. In my view, Europe did not make one mistake, it made two big mistakes: one on defence and one on energy. It is also absolutely not relevant if a mistake is justifiable. If you make a mistake, you pay; if you make two mistakes, you pay more. And we are and


will be paying for it – and with us other parts of the world and not only due to the shortage of food supplies.

Europe did not make one mistake, it made two big mistakes: one on defence and one on energy. Since yesterday, we have 600 carefully selected scholarship holders between the age of 20 and 30 from Europe including Ukraine, Russia, Africa, Asia, and the Americas in Alpbach for two weeks to discuss the potentially best solutions for Europe and our planet as well as to develop proposals and solutions together with outstanding people from science, politics, business, media, and the arts. The first step to solve a problem is to admit that you have a problem. Europe has a problem. In 1945, Europe was at the bottom; 50 years later, Europe was the largest exporter in the world and the largest consumer market; it had global leaders in almost all industries. At the same time, Europe developed the socially most balanced society on the planet. After 1995, Europe’s economic performance started to deteriorate vis-à-vis China and the US as both countries created giants in the new technologies, whereas Europe has so far failed to do so. The reasons for that are manyfold and will be discussed here in Alpbach. This development is not only bad for Europe but the world, as it adds to the risk of bipolarity. I am strongly convinced that in the long run science and technology beat natural resources. Europe is weak in natural resources; we therefore need to be strong in technology.

Politically, Europe was still on a good track for more than ten years after 1995, and now in 2022, most of Europe is still a great place to live. We have to acknowledge, however, that we lost strength and clout long before the Russian attack on Ukraine, which has only just made us suddenly and brutally aware of our weaknesses. This needs to be changed, and it needs to be changed fast. Speed of action is not Europe’s most prominent feature. However, some surprisingly tough decisions have been taken that now need to be followed by equally and surprisingly unified and robust actions. Tough action is not the announcement to increase military spending sometime in the future. Tough action needs a clear narrative and a clear goal. One of our four tracks here in Alpbach is “The Climate Opportunity”, for which Europe has a narrative and a clear goal: climate neutrality by 2050. This is definitely the overriding goal for us, but due to the mistakes we made it will be a lot more difficult to achieve. Another of our tracks is “Securing Our Future”. For this, Europe has obviously no clear goal; we actually do not even have a clear definition of what we mean by saying “Europe”. Just to let you know, how I think about it: for me, the UK is part of Europe, before and after Brexit, and so are Ukraine and Moldova, Bosnia, and so on.

The first step to solve a problem is to admit that you have a problem. Europe has a problem.


Europe requires a clear definition and a clear set of rules:

Within the European Union we only accept democracy, a commitment to human rights and the rule of law.

Our goal is that the whole European continent establishes those rules, but we must accept that some states are not yet ready and willing to do so. Therefore and this is my third point

➌ European Institutions will offer

economic and institutional support to these countries.

➍ We will not accept any state attacking another state, neither in Europe nor elsewhere in the world. 5. We will defend any European state being attacked by another.

Europe has the economic means to do so and therefore will develop a military force strong enough to implement these policies. Europe’s peace dividend has been paid out in full. Now we will reinvest it in securing our future. We appreciate NATO, but we must be able to defend our borders on our own. If Europe had given a security guarantee to Ukraine, the war would probably not have happened. We will discuss the Russian attack on Ukraine thoroughly during the next weeks. We do not know how and when this war will end. What we know is that it has already inflicted immense pain

and suffering on the people of Ukraine, a European country with no certain future, but a hope for a better one . This hope has for the moment been totally destroyed. It remains to be seen, whether we are strong enough and willing to take some pain to help reinstate that hope. In the meantime, many of our citizens are annoyed, that Ukrainian SUV’s are occupying our parking lots, and they fear that we might have to turn down the temperature to 19 degrees this winter. Some business leaders in Europe complain about the sanctions, they say: We have been doing great business with Russia and Ukraine, they are both said to be pretty corrupt, but business was great and European politics is screwing it up for us. To all of you who consider these thoughts, think about the stamina of those Europeans who rebuilt our continent after World War II. We made our mistakes, but Europe and Europeans have so often done such a wonderful job during the past decades. This is why I am totally convinced that the Europeans of 2022 can be as strong as the Europeans of 1945. In nearly all of Europe there is no need to rebuild – all we need to do is to improve. On 23 February, Ukraine was a country that required a lot of improvement. Since 24 February, it is a country that needs to be rebuilt. No matter what happens, I would love Europe to play a strong role in giving Ukraine a chance to improve again. I would like to live in a Europe that says: Yes, we do have a European Union. Some countries are in, and some are not. Some


countries that are in do not stick to the rules, and some countries that are out do things that we don’t like at all. Some rules set by the Union are very good and some are pretty useless, but all that ist not really relevant for the moment. What is relevant, is that an economically, environmentally and militarily strong, peaceful, innovative, caring and united Europe of more than 40 nation states would be a great thing for our planet and the next generations – a Europe in which young people from all over the

world have a chance to live, to study, and to work. So just let us get it done!«

We made our mistakes, but Europe and Europeans have so often done such a wonderful job during the past decades. This is why I am totally convinced that the Europeans of 2022 can be as strong as the Europeans of 1945. In nearly all of Europe there is no need to rebuild – all we need to do is to improve.

More than 600 participants were attentively listening to Andreas Treichl‘s opening speech.


































Instead of Symposia, the structure of the EFA22 offered interdisciplinary sessions and innovative formats like Hikes, Works, Networks, Socials, Stages, Chats and Retreats. Under the annual theme The New Europe, this year’s event took place from 21 August to 2 September 2022 to take Europe to the next level. The EFA22 programme addressed the following four tracks: • Securing Europe’s Future in a Globalised World • The Climate Opportunity • The Financing of Europe’s Future • The Future of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe






















The EFA22 was a great success and featured a diverse range of international participants from all generations.



Cleanse your mind. Enjoy spiritual peace and partake in physical exercise.

Let the world’s greatest thinkers and doers trigger your curiosity and develop your ideas.

Join the crowd to relax and share your insights of the day with new and old companions. Participate in interactive, outcome-oriented sessions and dive deep into specific topics.

Engage with world-class speakers and meet your fellow participants. Enjoy the interplay of scientific, creative and skill-oriented seminars. Explore ideas on the go. Walk, listen, and debate in an inspirational surrounding. Celebrate unique events and special occasions with us.

Come together over a period of three days and work on specific questions. Generate concrete ideas and build new communities.

Get to know your fellow participants and become inspired.


Securing Europe‘s Future in a Globalised World Russia‘s war of aggression against Ukraine was one of the major topics discussed on Stages, in Chats and during Hikes.



The increasingly complex geopolitical situation in which Europe has to position itself requires the development of a European response that can effectively address current challenges and anticipate future threats while preserving its inherent values and principles. We looked at challenges for Europe’s security situation, examined the answers presented by key actors, and created a framework for the development of innovative ideas.

The war in Ukraine was of course a main focus of our debates. We discussed its implications for European security and enlargement policy as well as for the transatlantic alliance and the future of Russia. A high-level panel including Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and four Foreign Ministers from Central Europe (Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria) debated whether the war in Ukraine has led to a geopolitical awakening of the EU.


Securing the future by exchanging different perspectives.

At the Stage The EU’s Geopolitical Awakening? Matthew Helmut Karnitschnig, Chief Europe Correspondent Politico, talked to Alexander Schallenberg, Austrian Minister for European and International Affairs, Tanja Fajon, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania.



EFA participants exchanged views on opportunities that allow for systemic change, transformative solutions, and innovation.



The Retreat 10x100 - A 1000-Day Action Alliance aimed to move the dial on a planetary just transition together with people who provoke and influence the policy mainstream across the world.


We reflected on how to accelerate the transition towards a net-zero world through new economic thinking, leadership transformation, the empowerment and engagement of everyone as well as strategic climate finance. Against the backdrop of current geopolitical realities in Europe, we brought together scientists, activists, thinkers, policymakers and industry to debate the challenge of reconciling both our need for energy security and the absolute necessity of sourcing this energy from renewables. As one of the highlights, the

chat session “Coordinating Alignment for Systemic Change” brought together almost more participants than the room could hold, indicating extreme interest for the question of systemic change which our speaker-turned retreat participants tried to illuminate. In many further sessions, speakers and participants focussed on finding solutions through impactful climate communication, decentralised citizen energy, or the multiple benefits of regenerative agriculture.


The panellists of the Stage Failing to See the Long-Term Wood for the Short-Term Trees?: Joshua Polchar, Florence Gaub, Josep Borrell Fontelles, Viviane Ogou Corbi and Alexandra Brzozowski (f.l.t.r.)

The Work Climate Action Game: Co-Creating the Future addressed questions like "How do we initiate effective climate action?" and "What are the systemic levers and how can they be used for transformative solutions?"

The Future of the Rule of La Connecting all parts of the democracy ecosystem:    representatives and everyday citizens.

Democracy and w in Europe policymakers, key actors, activists, youth

The Chat The Next Generation of Actors of Change provided an exchange of perspectives on what a New Europe should look like and how youth participation can be strengthened in the future.


In this track, we tackled urgent issues: the rise of populism and authoritarian politics, the failure to deliver on the promise of social advancement, the citizens’ loss of trust in representative democracy and - reinforced by the corona pandemic – a deep distrust in established media, institutional science and information channels. We connected all parts of the democracy ecosystem to face these challenges: policymakers, thought leaders, civic activists, youth representatives, everyday citizens. We brought onto the stage prodemocracy activists from Belarus, Hong Kong and Turkey, who shared their


first-hand experiences being part of grassroots movements that have proven that citizens can substantively challenge autocratic government structures from below. Their accounts created very emotional moments between speakers and scholarship holders. We also provided opportunities for civic actors to exchange, both in closed three-day retreats and open sessions. These events brought together activists, innovators and unlikely allies, finding opportunities for future involvement in reimaging politics in Europe and jointly building a European civic space.

Stage: Street-Level Challenges to Authoritarian Rule with Bruno Stagno Ugarte, Chief Advocacy Officer Human Rights Watch, Selime Büyükgöze, Associate Professor and feminist activist Topkapi University and Women Against Violence Europe Network, Timothy Lee, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist and former district councillor, and Taciana Niadbaj, President of PEN Belarus, poet, author and human rights activist.

Talk and work during the EFA22 Chat: A Good Life for All: What Does it Mean and How Do We Get There?

Examining opportunities to revive the European success story within the digital economy of the 21st century.

The Crumbling Dream of European Homeownership. A Chat with Boris Vujčić, Governor Croatian National Bank


Europe’s impressive post-worldwar II success story has stalled over the last 20 years. In addition, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic led to a re-orientation of economic interlinkages. In this track, we addressed the serious economic and financial consequences of this development, reflected in increasing social imbalances and declining competitiveness of European companies. In the activist spirit of Alpbach, we also examined opportunities to revive the European success story within the digital economy of the 21st century. High inflation and low interest rates are regarded as costly because they erode people's savings. The cost-of-living crisis was discussed with top-notch speakers Joseph E. Stiglitz, Alexander Barkawi and Johanna Nyman in ”Are Financial Policies Socially Inclusive?”. The panel debated the consequences for wealth distribution and emphasised the important role of financial regulators in advancing financial inclusion. Digital developments, from Bitcoin to decentralised finance, could change our traditional financial system for good. How can we ensure they change for the better? In the chat “2022: A Turning Point for Cryptocurrency?” high-level speakers Jeff Booth, Izabella Kaminska and Chris Tyrer reflected on the role and future of cryptocurrencies and whether they serve as a tool of hope, or as a tool to elude sanctions. When inflation reaches new heights, monetary policy faces a range

of challenges. These challenges were addressed during the stage ”Inflation: Can Central Banks Cope?” when four young scholarship holders took the chance and discussed their individual questions, opinions and ideas with five European central bank governors: Robert Holzmann, Governor of Oesterreichische Nationalbank - OeNB, Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece, Madis Müller, Governer of Eesti Pank, Pierre Wunsch, Governor of Banque Nationale de Belgique and Stefan Ingves, Governor Sveriges Riksbank.


Reviving the European success story.

EFA Vice President Katja Getinetta (r.) with Joseph E. Stiglitz and Johanna Nyman (l.) during the Chat Are Financial Policies Socially Inclusive?


This year‘s EFA22 event featured installations, sound collages, concerts and a photo exhibition all over Alpbach.


Elisabeth Schack (centre of the picture), EFA Arts & Culture Curator, invited designer and artist Theresa Hattinger, and Austrian musician Clemens Wenger to contribute their art to the European Forum Alpbach 2022.



A long table invited participants, Alpbach visitors and inhabitants to taste variations of Bread & Butter.

Arts and culture have always played a significant role at the European Forum Alpbach, ever since it was founded. Projects conceived for the event address the most challenging European questions. This year, many participants were impressed by the art installation by designer and artist Theresa Hattinger or by the sound installation “Start by Listening” by musician Clemens Wenger. The music piece "The World in the Village" was composed by Maria Craffonara especially for the EFA and performed by singers of various local Alpbach choirs in the centre of the village. While listening, the audience enjoyed

variations of Bread & Butter at a long table. This was followed by two concerts: the performance of master accordionist Mario Batkovic, and a concert with the two internationally successful musicians, composers, songwriters and performers Rina Kaçinari (cello, vocals) and Maria Craffonara (violin, vocals). A further highlight this year was the photo exhibition /SPALENA/, in which Yana Barinova presented dreadful images that emphasise the contrast between the breath-taking landscape of Alpbach and those of present-day Ukraine, which are just as picturesque, yet no longer peaceful.


Photo exhibition /SPALENA/ by Yana Barinova



The new initiative of the EFA was born from a vision to encourage action beyond the Forum’s two-week framework. Up until now, the Forum has focused on the event during summer; with Alpbach Ideas, we want to create an innovative format allowing us and our EFA network to continue working on ideas which blossomed during the Forum. Alpbach Ideas wants unlikely allies across EFA’s global network to come together and continue working collaboratively on those ideas. It is a space for joint sense-making and co-creative problem solving, calling for systemic perspectives and transformative approaches. The aim is to generate visible value and positive long-term effects through emerging projects. The format had its kick-off during this year’s Forum, which was followed by the “Ideas Camp”, a four-day workshop where participants had the opportunity to discuss important topics with likeminded people and talk with a group of experts about change-making and

transformative approaches. After the Forum, we started an application process calling for ideas to be selected to receive financial funding and additional support, and to be introduced during next year’s Forum.

To get regular updated visit:

The Democracy Track of the Alpbach Ideas is funded by the European Union.


Indy Johar, Founder of Dark Matter Lab with participants of the European Forum Alpbach at the Ideas Camp.


The multi-day summit of young executives and entrepreneurs took place from 27 to 30 August 2022 in Alpbach.



More than 30 AIM-participants exchanged their experiences of their everyday professional life.


Connecting the next generation of decision-makers.



Networking among emerging leaders.

It requires a new kind of leadership to shape a New Europe, leadership that actively prepares for major systemic changes, while ensuring that the old system does not uncontrollably crash. As an accelerator for a new kind of leadership, Alpbach in Motion 2022 devoted itself to the theme “Systemic Leadership for the New Europe”. The programme mentors Charly Kleissner, co-founder, Toniic & KL Felicitas Foundation, and

Katharina Norden, serial entrepreneur and community builder, led a cohort of 37 young leaders through varied and unanticipated hours - from intense group work sessions over decelerating hikes to networking sessions and debates over dinners. The 2022 cohort consisted of European leaders between the age of 30 and 40, coming from corporate institutions, start-ups, NGOs, social ventures and academia.

The Scholarship Programme Every year, the European Forum Alpbach awards scholarships to hundreds of outstanding young talents from all over the world.

The scholarship programme offered 28 scientific, competence-based and artistic seminars for the next generation.


Our scholarship programme enables students, young professionals and changemakers to attend a unique programme consisting of scientific, competence-based and artistic seminars, a high-level conference programme and a variety of social and cultural activities. The EFA successfully relaunched the call for applications for scholarships for the event, after a pandemic-related one-year break. Students of all disciplines, recent graduates and young changemakers were invited to apply in March 2022 and pass a competitive selection procedure. More than 4,000 candidates from 120 nations applied for a scholarship, including several hundred applications through Alpbach Clubs from the Forum Alpbach Network. In total, EFA and Forum Alpbach Network (FAN) awarded 450 firsttime scholarships. With our returner programme, which gives FAN-members the possibility to return to the EFA with


a fee waiver and/or partial scholarship, around 600 young people were able to attend the Forum this year. Scholarship holders attended the entire programme of EFA22 (21 August – 2 September), including Alpbach Seminars in the mornings, the conference programme in the afternoons, as well as a variety of social and cultural activities. With the official Welcome Ceremony for scholarship holders on 20 August, the scholarship programme started one day earlier than the rest of the EFA programme. After welcoming words by EFA President Andreas Treichl and SecretaryGeneral Feri Thierry as well as general introductions by the team, an artistic intervention by Clemens Wenger invited the audience to take part in a co-creative and multilingual performance. In the evening, scholarship holders were invited to participate in a Pub Quiz organised by the FAN Committee, the FAN’s main organising body for social activities.

21 August 2022: Welcome of EFA22 scholarship holders at Herz-Kremenak Saal.

»EFA22 is absolutely an outstanding opportunity for young minds to interact, discuss, build friendships and collaborations, learn about our diversity, deepen understanding of our close and far neighbours, find inspiration and network connections to promote positive changes in the future.« Anton Dubenko, scholarship holder from Ukraine

Welcome of Scholarship Holders. Almost 600 young people from all over the world joined the EFA22.


Selection process More than 4.000 candidates applied for a scholarship through the EFA application portal and through FAN Clubs in March 2022. After an initial screening of formal criteria, a selection committee consisting of 80 members read every application received via the EFA application portal and ranked the candidates based on a ranking scheme provided by the EFA. All applications were anonymised and read and ranked by two members of the selection committee to ensure an objective selection procedure. Based on these initial rankings, the jury of the EFA, consisting of Klaus Poier and Peter Husslein, finalised the selection of candidates, aiming for a fair regional and academic distribution. Our aim was to create a mix of talented people from all regions of the world and from all disciplines.

of the Ukrainian FAN community. Next to these full scholarships, in cooperation with our alumni group Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach we awarded up to 15 partial scholarships for Ukrainians or members of the Ukrainian community to participate in the Lab Week of the EFA22.

➊ Region of origin of scholarship holders Scholarship holders are the most diverse group of Forum participants, who are mostly Europeans. Participants of the scholarship programme came from four continents and dozens of different nations.

Focus regions: Western Balkans 6, Croatia, Ukraine In 2022, we defined a regional focus on the Western Balkans and a larger number of first-time scholarship holders and club members from Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia. This focus was part of a broader strategy to revitalise alumni clubs and activities in the region. In addition, our Croatian alumni club received special support. Furthermore, we implemented a special scholarship programme for Ukrainians at the EFA22 and awarded 37 scholarships to Ukrainians or members



the Caribbean

Latin America and


North America



➋ Gender of scholarship holders





➌ Age of scholarship holders

Scientific, competence-based and artistic seminars are the academic centrepiece of the EFA: A life-changing experience!

One of the scientific seminars: Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability and Climate Change.



The International Evening of the European Forum Alpbach 2022 took place under the theme From Diversity to Dialogue.

For the first time this year, the Alpbach Seminars spanned over the entire duration of the EFA and were integrated into the main conference programme: Divided into two weeks à 6 days, they created a space for immersive learning in smaller groups in the mornings. In the afternoons, scholarship holders attended the regular conference programme and could thereby put their learnings into context and practice. From a wide variety of Seminars – 28 in total –, every scholarship holder could choose one scientific and one artistic or competence-based seminar in each week. Embedded in the four tracks of the EFA22, the Alpbach Seminars covered a large array of topics and dealt with some of the most pressing issues of our times.

While the scientific Seminars offered academic and theoretical approaches to tackle these issues, the artistic and competence-based seminars offered spaces to explore and reflect on them from a more interpersonal and bodily perspective.

»The seminar “Creating Our Future” was truly an inspiration for me to say to myself: “I need to start exploring my inner being and the surrounding world by writing”. “You have an idea, sit down and write it”. By the end of the seminar, I came to understand myself much better than I used to do before.« Aziz Sulejmani, scholarship holder from North Macedonia


FAN programme at the EFA22

More than 20 sessions were organised by the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN) and its various bodies. Here are some examples:

The programme of the Forum Alpbach Network united scholarship holders from around the world.

22 August Strangers on a Gondola All participants of the EFA were invited to hop in a gondola and take a short (20-minute) ride up Alpbach’s local mountain Wiedersbergerhorn. The catch: The participants had to be in a gondola with participants they had never seen before.

23 August The Crumbling Dream of European Homeownership The chat with Boris Vujčić was hosted by Club Alpbach Croatia and discussed the increasing house prices and rents in Europe over the past years. They also renewed questions about affordability in an environment of rising interest rates. Although housing is a fundamental right, affordable housing is more and more difficult to attain for many across Europe.


23 August Inclusion Revolution

Lively discussion during the Chat Inclusion Revolution.

The chat was hosted by Club Alpbach Salzburg, IG Wien, Club Alpbach Tirol, myAbility & Frauendomäne and posed the metaquestion whether the current system we live in is even fit to provide the utopia of a good life for all and what radical structural or revolutionary overthrows might have to precede this realisation.

23 August FAN Social #StandWithUkraine The social was hosted by the Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach (KIGA), which celebrated its 10-year anniversary within the Forum Alpbach Network and shared Ukrainian culture with the audience.

The Sunrise Hike – United with Ukraine was an EFA22 highlight, especially for young Ukrainians.

24 August Brave New World of Work The discussion was hosted by Initiative Group Sarajevo and focussed on the rapidly changing world of work. The constant changes demand companies to (re-)act faster to pressing requests and to adapt flexibly to challenges ahead. New technologies provide flexible opportunities for workers, suggesting that they can work at any time, from anywhere. What are the (legal) solutions to reconcile flexibility demands of both companies and (healthy, engaging) workers? How can we shape the new world of work?


International exchange. The Chat The War in Ukraine and a World Humanitarian Crisis addressed the question: How can we eliminate the consequences of war and the risk of the global food (humanitarian) crisis?

24 August 2022 The War in Ukraine and a World Humanitarian Crisis The discussion was hosted by Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach, Africa Alpbach Network and Club Alpbach Iraq. The topic of this panel discussion was the Russian war in Ukraine and its impact on African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries: additionally, climate change, poor agricultural policy, and dependence on Russian gas make the crisis worse. How can we eliminate the consequences of war and the risk of the global food (humanitarian) crisis? The Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach also organised a series of other events in order to raise awareness about the war in Ukraine. Among others: aWAReness – Ukraine and the Price of Independence Radial Waves: War in a Calm Pond Sunrise Hike - United with Ukraine Rewriting the present: Action we can take to counter propaganda and disinformation in the Russian war in Ukraine

»This year I was leading our Ukrainian KIGA delegation at the EFA22, which was represented by our amazing powerful Ukrainian women team: KIGA alumni and scholarship holders, human rights defenders, young reformers, civil society activists, young politicians, specialists in energy and environment sectors, lawyers, representatives of the health sector, etc. Our male KIGA team stayed in Ukraine to defend the country.« Olena Drost, Board member KIGA (Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach)


Fridays for Future activists promoted their claims and urged for action to combat climate change.

Activism at the Forum The Fridays for Future demonstration has become a regular event in the annual conference over the past years. Furthermore, in 2022 a group of around 30 participants founded the movement “Plant-based EFA”, which opposes the mass consumption of meat and dairy products. It demands that the Forum go fully plant-based from 2023 onwards. Against the backdrop of antiLGBTIQA+ policies in several EU member states, IG Vienna and the Forum Alpbach Network called for a #QueeropeanForumAlpbach.

Alpbach Pride and #QueeropeanForumAlpbach


How was your experience? We asked various groups of participants to share their thoughts on the EFA22. As you can see from the following charts, scholarship holders have particularly enjoyed their time at the Forum. The results are presented below. Surveys answered (total): 395

How likely is it that you will recommend the European Forum Alpbach to a friend or colleague? Participants

Scholarship holders



9 8








4 3





5.43% 2.33%



14.01% 8.56%

7 6




















Average = 7.32

Average = 9.20

»The European Forum Alpbach 2022 was a life-changing experience. I felt as if I was transported to a different reality for two weeks in a small village with remarkable human beings that are now considered family. Alpbach will be forever remembered as the place where extraordinary people from different nationalities and backgrounds met to share their ideas and discuss strategic topics for the sustainable social development of Europe and the world.« Marcella Germano, scholarship holder from Brazil


Which statement describes the Forum best? (Multiple answers, no ranking!)

Scholarship holders


An incubator of joint action and initiatives for a better Europe A platform to develop ideas together A learning and knowledge exchange platform A place that you live inspired A platform that allows you to actively exchange with various people from different backgrounds (age, nationality, expertise...)

A platform to meet bright minds and decision makers A social networking event or platform


Looking back on your experience in Alpbach: What was the most particular added value of the Forum for you? (Maximum 3 answers, no ranking!)

Scholarship holders


I was able to develop ideas together with others I saw where I can contribute to a better Europe I felt heard and was able to share my perspective I got a better understanding of the idea of Europe/the EU I learned something new I listened to extraordinary speakers I got a better understanding of other people‘s perspective To meet amazing people and learn from them



Forum Alpbach Network (FAN)

Ever since the EFA’s foundation in 1945, young inspiring people have been an integral part of the Alpbach community. In 1997, the young people at the European Forum Alpbach proclaimed a “Declaration of Love for the Intellectual Republic Alpbach” and asked for more. More courage, critical discussions, creativity, authenticity. This was the birth of a network of volunteers. In 2022, the Forum Alpbach Network counts more than 30 Alpbach Clubs and Initiative Groups, the Africa Alpbach Network, many Ambassadors, and spans across more than 20

countries and four continents. The FAN members fund scholarships, host events at the European Forum Alpbach and beyond and spread the Alpbach spirit globally. The Forum Alpbach Network stands for diversity, youth, original ideas, international friendships, and cooperation – all revolving around a love for Alpbach.  The magnificence of the Forum Alpbach Network lies also in its ability to organise great events. Once more, this was proven during the EFA22 through a diverse range of club activities.

New FAN Board elected at EFA22: Philipp Mendoza, Dorotea Neuberg, Klaudie Mrkusová, Jennifer Zeller, Andreas Meierhofer, Florian Boschek (f.l.t.r.)


At the FAN Conference in Rust, members from all clubs discussed the future strategy of their network.

Another highlight was the FAN General Assembly, in which a new FAN Board was elected. Its role is to coordinate the activities of the FAN and to represent the young Alpbach community. Jennifer Zeller, Klaudie Mrkusová, Andreas Maierhofer, Dorotea Neuberg, Philipp Mendoza, and Florian Boschek represent the interests of the network in all EFA bodies and closely work together with the EFA for the next three years.  At this point a huge thanks goes to the former board members Valerie Hengl, Flora Böwing, Tobias Neugebauer, Johannes Stangl, and Flora Böwing who chaired the Forum Alpbach Network from 2019 to 2022. FAN members meet twice a year in addition to the General Assembly in Alpbach. In 2022, approximately 70 participants from 20 clubs gathered in

Skopje in May, hosted by Club Alpbach Northern Macedonia, to discuss the future development of the network in the areas of FAN involvement at EFA, the scholarship and buddy programmes, youth accommodations in Alpbach, and more. The FAN fall conference took place in Rust between 25 and 27 November. It was hosted by Club Alpbach Burgenland to discuss the strategy of the incoming FAN Board and issues such as a joint scholarship programme of EFA and FAN clubs and the implementation of the Baseline Agreement, a joint handbook of reciprocal rights and responsibilities between EFA and FAN.   The FAN is motivated to shape the Forum and to get involved; the EFA is eager to collaborate and give young voices a stage and place to network, discuss and come up with new ideas.


»It was more than a network meeting; it was a family reunited for incremental prosperity. It became clear that the spirit of Alpbach was agnostic to location and the spirit had long been birthed in Africa. All participants left this meeting with the spirit of Alpbach invigorated with the spirit of Africa.« Anna Suberu and Ifeanyi Omah, AAN members



The Africa Alpbach Network (AAN) In November 2022 a strategy meeting took place in Accra, Ghana. Participants made plans for the growth of the group and better integration into the FAN and the EFA. The AAN is an alumni network of former scholarship holders who have attended the annual European Forum Alpbach since 2018. It is a recognised alumni network of our organisation since 2021. AAN also joined the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN) in 2022. The AAN was founded by a group of young Africans who attended the European Forum Alpbach and desired to keep the “spirit of Alpbach” alive through an alumni network that reflects on the needs and aspirations of the African continent. The network is primarily driven by innovative thinkers, scholars, and major stakeholders to inspire, challenge and share ideas about contemporary challenges in Africa, Europe, and the world at large. Over the years, the network has kept its intra-member cooperation alive through a series of virtual events like the AAN thrive sessions and the innovative Africa Alpbach Virtual Summit. At the EFA22, AAN members coorganised the session “The War in Ukraine and a World Humanitarian Crisis” with Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach and Club Alpbach Iraq members. In addition, AAN hosted an African networking and dance event.

Between 14 and 18 November 2022, EFA alumni held an on site meeting outside of Europe for the first time since the foundations of the Forum. The members of the AAN, representatives of the Forum Alpbach Network Board and representatives the EFA team gathered in Accra, Ghana. The strategy meeting was organised to revitalise the AAN’s activities and make plans for the growth of the group and better integration into the FAN and the European Forum Alpbach. Coming from locations all over the continent (Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia), seven members contributed their ideas and expertise to a renewed vision, business model, and future events of the AAN, among them the plan to host a week-long event on the African continent inspired by the annual European Forum Alpbach and to contribute African expertise to EFA23. Additionally, meetings with local stakeholders from the vibrant start-up scene in Ghana, as well as meetings with private companies, representatives of the public sector, philanthropy, and NGOs made this strategy retreat even more special.


The Alumni Club exchanges regularly on how to facilitate change in their industries, networks and in a broader social context. Alpbach in Motion provides a platform for committed executives between the age of 30 and 40 from various backgrounds to rethink leadership in the 21st century while connecting the next generation of decision-makers. With close to 400 alumni in the past ten years, the Alpbach in Motion Alumni Club is an independent association of former AIM participants who organise events and meet regularly for continuous peer-to-peer exchange on how leaders can facilitate change in their industries, networks, and in a broader social context.

Fruitful discussions during and after EFA.

Alpbach in Motion Alumni Club Executive Board and Financial Auditors

Providing the basis for long-term friendships.

Christoph Wenna (President) Kelsey Beltz (since 10/22) Jordan Georgiev Harald Kollmann Janet Kuschert (since 10/22) Anca Malavasic (until 10/22) Bettina Nahajowski Charlotte Steenbergen (until 10/22) Slaven Stekovic Paul Varga (since 10/22) Johannes Asel (Financial Auditor) Clemens Schwaiger (Financial Auditor)


The AIM-Alumni club enables AIM participants to stay connected even after the event in Alpbach.

AIM Alumni Club Activities 2022 20 January 2022 4th AlpbachEmotion event Topic: Leadership with Courage Guest: Markus Reisner (AIM Alumni), Austrian Armed Forces Venue: digital 1 June 2022 Book Presentation “Lebensmotor Bewegung“ Guest: Slaven Stekovic, AIM18 Venue: Buschenschank Fuhrgassl-Huber, Neustift am Walde 30 June 2022 AIM Alumni Walk & Talk Topic: Preview of the European Forum

Alpbach and Alpbach in Motion 2022 Guests: Andreas Treichl, EFA President, and Feri Thierry, EFA General Secretary Venue: Hike and Buschenschank Wieninger, Vienna 25 August to 1 September 2022 Various AIM Alumni events at the European Forum Alpbach 2022 event 14 October 2022 General Assembly 2022 of the AIM Alumni Club in Vienna and digitally 1 December 2022 AIM Alumni Christmas Market Gettogether in Vienna



Further EFA365 Activities

The EFA community not only meets throughout the year but also organises events and activities all year round. Community Calls This format aims to strengthen the network of the Alpbach community. The EFA together with its partner ERSTE Group offers a monthly reunion in which young, outstanding Europeans and gamechangers with the courage to change Europe present their initiatives and challenge their perspectives. Community Calls are centered around the EFA’s four tracks. Among this year’s highlights were discussions on Tackling Climate Change through AI, The Important Role of Financial Literacy and How Disinformation Threatens Democracy. We #believeineurope. ANSTOSS DEMOKRATIE The initiative aimed at incubating the call for a “Hub for democratic culture” in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. The co-creative incubation included a series of workshops and joint thematic explorations involving over 150 stakeholders in 2021 and 2022. 21 applicants – individual organisations as well as consortia from all three countries – submitted proposals to take over the implementation of the planned hub. The winning consortium – Initiative Offene Gesellschaft (D), Demokratie21 (A),

and Campus Demokratie (CH) – will start working in early 2023 with a total budget of EUR 1.95 million for the next three years. ANSTOSS DEMOKRATIE is an initiative of the European Forum Alpbach Foundation, Mercator Foundation Switzerland and ERSTE Foundation, supported by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education and led by the International Alumni Center (iac Berlin). #standwithukraine Besides the EFA22 on site thematic focus on Ukraine and the implementation of a special programme for Ukrainian scholarship holders, the Alpbach Community organised related events throughout the year. Just four days after 24 February 2022 a Community Call was held to analyse the situation in Ukraine, give firsthand reports and inform about how to support Ukrainians best. The hybrid event series “a War eness” was created by Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach together with FAN members and took place in several different Austrian locations, focussing on Ukrainian culture, media, history, and culinary traditions.

Creative working approches were used during the Retreat 10x100 - A 1000-Day Action Alliance.


The new visual world of the European Forum Alpbach presents itself in a progressive, modern, expansive and visionary way.


Alpbach is a place where ideas, solutions and thoughts, are meant to thrive. A place where people search for innovative solutions to strengthen Europe’s future. It’s precisely these considerations, which the new design/ logo follows; the look is confident and bold. The whole new visual world of EFA presents itself in a progressive, modern, expansive and visionary way. Its new visual appearance supports the development of the brand towards a stronger positioning as a pioneer and trailblazer. In addition to the new black-and-white EFA design, there’ll also be a special colour design for each yearly theme. Our annual theme for 2022 “The New Europe” was rendered in blue and turquoise. Also new: our web presence. At you’ll now find a

website with fewer design elements, efficient menu navigation, compact information and a service-oriented user interface. Visitors of the website will now find it easier to navigate their way around the website and get the information they need more quickly. Those taking part in the event in August were already able to use the new EFA app this year. Apart from the programme overview for each module and the most important information on site, the participants could also use the app to get in touch with us directly. More than 30,000 interactions via the new European Forum Alpbach app were recorded only this year. Our new design, the website and the app are all new features with one goal in mind: to strengthen the European Forum Alpbach brand.


Association and Foundation

The EFA is supported by many committed people. Except of the full-time organising team, most of them are volunteers. Executive Board The boards of the European Forum Alpbach Association and the European Forum Alpbach Foundation consist of 17 dedicated people with one goal: to positively contribute to the future of Europe. The Foundation and Association are chaired by Andreas Treichl, who is elected president since 2020. Together with a team of international experts, he is responsible for the orientation and strategy of the European Forum Alpbach. President Association and Foundation Andreas Treichl

Klaudie Mrkusová (FAN) (as of 08/22) Tobias Neugebauer (FAN) (until 08/22) Thomas Wieser Werner Wutscher (as of 01/22) Jennifer Zeller (FAN) (until 08/22) Executive Board Foundation Caroline Hornstein-Tomić Winfried Kneip Boris Marte Karl Sevelda Howard Williamson

Board of Trustees*

Vice Presidents Association Michaela Fritz Florence Gaub Katja Gentinetta Katarzyna Pisarska Marie Ringler Executive Board Association Andreas Bierwirth, Treasurer Irene Giner-Reichl Valerie Hengl (until 08/22) Antonella Mei-Pochtler (as of 12/22)

The Board of Trustees follows the activities of the association and supports the compliance with its aims. It sets the principal guidelines for the functions of the association’s bodies and the preparation of the programme. It is composed of people who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment towards the association. Martin Bernhofer Jürgen Busch Verena Ehold


Winfried Kneip, Karl Sevelda, Irene Giner-Reichl, Thomas Wieser, Florence Gaub, Caroline Hornstein-Tomić, Andreas Treichl, Katja Gentinetta, Marie Ringler, Boris Marte, Katarzyna Pisarska, Werner Wutscher, Howard Williamson, Michaela Fritz, Feri Thierry (f.l.t.r.)

Erich Gornik Wolfgang Habermayer Michael Haider Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger Günter Hillebrand Bruno Hofbauer Herwig Hösele Michael Ikrath Beatrix Karl Wolfgang Knoll Georg Kopetz Elisabeth Krainer-SengerWeiss Kathryn List Ulrike Lunacek Christian Macek Bernhard Marckhgott Sophie Martinetz Beate Meinl-Reisinger

Patricia Mussi-Mailer Dieter Natlacen Ewald Nowotny Klaus Poier Filip Radunović Reingard Rauch Wolfgang Renner Verena Ringler Sabine Schindler Christoph Schneider Rainer Schrems Mariella Schurz (†) Matthias Strolz Alexandra Terzić-Auer Hedwig Wölfl Chair of the International Advisory Board: Thomas Mayr-Harting

Members representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Florian Boschek Andreas Maierhofer Jennifer Zeller Honorary President of the EFA: Erhard Busek (†) Franz Fischler Heinrich PfusterschmidHardtenstein Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board: Irene Giner-Reichl Winfried Kneip All persons involved in 2022.



Scientific Advisory Board* The Scientific Advisory Board is one of the central bodies of the European Forum Alpbach with regards to content programming: It proposes the general themes for the annual main event, prepares the Alpbach Seminars and provides the Board with advice and recommendations regarding the programme content. The Scientific Advisory Board consists of 30 renowned scientists and eminent representatives of the cultural sector, who choose one chairperson from among themselves.

Brigitte Bach Matthias Beck Anna Durnová Martin H. Gerzabek Irene Giner-Reichl Markus Hengstschläger Barbara Horejs Maximilian Jösch Sylvia Knapp Winfried Kneip Katja Mayer Josef Mitterer Hanns-Christoph Nägerl

Manfred Nowak Elisabeth Oberzaucher Daniela Pollak Barbara Prainsack Peter Purgathofer Margit SchratzenstallerAltzinger Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff Saskia Stachowitsch Alma Steger Harald Stelzer Kristina Stöckl Ulrike Tappeiner

Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein Miriam Unterlass Michael Wagner Andreas Wimmer Rudolf Zechner

Jury of the EFA Foundation

Corresponding Members of the Scientific Advisory Board*

Dominik Markl Thomas Mayr-Harting Gero Miesenböck Jürgen Mlynek Berthold Molden Friedrich B. Prinz Michael Reiterer Dirk Rupnow Anya Schiffrin Tobias Schumacher Nona Sheppard Otmar D. Wiestler Howard Williamson Ruth Wodak

Peter Husslein Klaus Poier Auditors Max Kothbauer Günther Schrems Arbitration Board Michael Neider Katharina Scherke Matthias Strolz Franz Zöchbauer

Jeremias Adams-Prassl Nadia Al-Bagdadi Petar Bojanić Johann Frank Maja Göpel Hermann Hauser Michael Ignatieff Sabine Junginger Hedwig Josefine Kaiser Lisa Kaltenegger Wilhelm Krull Peter G. Kirchschläger

Members Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Andreas Maierhofer Dorotea Neuberg Jennifer Zeller


International Advisory Board* The International Advisory Board unites outstanding international personalities who know Alpbach and have already prominently participated in its activities. Central tasks of the board are consultations regarding the selection of topics and speakers, but also the support of the Forum in expanding its international network. The board, founded in 2019, is chaired by Thomas Mayr-Harting.

Catherine Ashton Franz Fischler Kristalina Georgieva Eamon Gilmore Arancha González Laya Jean-Claude Hollerich Miroslav Lajcák

Pascal Lamy Thomas Mayr-Harting (Chair) Philippe Narval Geneviève Pons Jeffrey Sachs Karel Schwarzenberg Martin Selmayr

Bruno Stagno-Ugarte Cédric Villani Hereditary Prince Alois von Liechtenstein Margot Wallström Thomas Wieser

Organisational Team* The team of the European Forum Alpbach is located in Vienna and manages the overall organisation of the main conference and the further events during the year. It ensures that all events are adequately financed, professionally coordinated, and appropriately covered in the media. In addition, the team is in charge of coordinating the annual scholarship programme. Secretary General & Managing Director Feri Thierry Elnara Maria Abdalla Alexander Al Khafaji Martin Anderl Philipp Dessl Gerlinde Ehrentraut Caroline Gossler Markus Hafner-Auinger Silvia Hanschur Carla Hartwig Dagmar Hengl Péter Hunya Kevin Kaiser

Hannah Kickert Sarah Kiparski Bianca Kraft Thomas Lackner Bibimaya Larice Elke Lerch Christine Maaß Nikolaus Matejka Judith Mehofer Bettina Nahajowski Ankica Nikolić Benedikt Osl Johannes Piller Alfred Reznik Clara Rindler-Schantl Manuel Saliger

Stefan Sandauer Elisabeth Schack Leopold Schmertzing Johannes Schneeberger Christiane Schwaiger Bogdan Scintea Leonie Sommer Floria Springer Clara-Maria Stonawski Mirta Surlina Annamária Tóth Nicoll Ullrich-Stockert Katia Wissinger Bernadette Zimmermann All persons involved in 2022.



The European Forum Alpbach Thanks You! Thank you for remaining loyal to the European Forum Alpbach and for being flexible in a period full of changes and challenges. Together we will continue to build on the very fundaments of democracy, European unity, solidarity and dialogue. Let us stay strong together, help those in need, and show the world what the Village of Thinkers is made of. The European Forum Alpbach is not “just” a conference: Alpbach is wherever you are and wherever you act in the spirit of a united Europe and a solidary world.

Alpbach Circle In order to ensure the long-term existence of the European Forum Alpbach and to enable the expansion of its network, the Alpbach Circle was founded under the leadership of Karl Sevelda. The Circle is an exclusive group of people who support the Forum out of personal conviction.

EFA22 Partner Summary


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