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Long Lake
Lisa Jasken 218-841-8211 lisajasken@arvig.net
Sandy Level Swimming On Long Lake In Detroit Lakes
Welcome to Lakecrest Estates. This common interest community offers over 10 acres of green space with shared tennis court, pickle ball court, basketball court, fish cleaning house, laundry, community space, 300+’ of sandy shoreline, dock & boat slip. A variety of seasonal and year round cabins available. Cabin options from a 1 bedroom, 1 bath and built-in Murphy bed to a Cottage that offers 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms or in between with a 3 bedroom, 2bath. Lake home comes fully equipped with furnishings, dishes, small and large appliances & exterior furniture. HOA fees $2400/ annually and includes: mowing, snow removal, docks, common ground and beach maintenance. Excellent location. Storage units will be built on premise (30x40) at an additional cost-first come first serve. City water/sewer--no special assessments. A great option to get on the lake!
County: Becker
Near: Detroit Lakes
ID: 03038300
Border Water: No
Sentinel Lake: No
Size and Depth
Area: 414.52 acres
Littoral Area: 152 acres
Shore Length: 6.36 miles
Maximum Depth: 61 feet
Fish Species: black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rock bass, smallmouth bass, sunfish, tullibee (cisco), walleye, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, bowfin (dogfish), common carp, shorthead redhorse, white sucker, banded killifish, blackchin shiner, blacknose shiner, bluntnose minnow, brook stickleback, central mudminnow, fathead minnow, golden shiner, hornyhead chub, Iowa darter, Johnny darter, least darter, mimic shiner, pugnose shiner, spottail shiner, tadpole madtom